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INSTITUTO SAN FRANCISCO “Un proyecto de vida para la calidad total” LEVELING WORKSHOP DOCENTE(S) RESPONSABLE(S) PERIODO: FIRST SEMESTER ESTUDIANTE: Yeinson Mora Paola Andrea Gil Matta ASIGNATURA: ENGLISH GRADO FECHA : 10______ ESTÁNDAR Responder a las diferentes situaciones dadas, teniendo en cuenta los temas vistos durante el primer semestre académico utilizando el lenguaje inglés como idioma extranjero. TEMA CENTRAL Adverbs of time Frequency adverbs Simple present tense Present continuous Present perfect Past simple tense Past continuous Past perfect SUBTEMAS Past, present and future Daily routine Regular and irregular verbs Auxiliaries do and does Verb to be in present and past Verbs in present with ING at the end Auxiliaries have / has Verbs in past Auxiliary did Auxiliary had Verbs in past participle LOGRO PROMOCIONAL Comprender los diferentes temas, teniendo en cuenta su función, su regla gramatical y su adaptación a las situaciones planteadas. INDICADOR DE LOGRO Realizar cada ejercicio a partir de lo que cada uno propone usando el idioma inglés como lenguaje extranjero. TIEMPO Fechas establecidas por la institución para la solución y presentación de la nivelación. FORMA DE EVALUAR El/La estudiante recibirá el taller por medio electrónico, una vez que se tenga el taller, se debe resolver en su totalidad y reenviar al correo del docente a cargo de la asignatura, para su respectiva evaluación. El/La estudiante deberá ser capaz de responder a cualquier pregunta o ejercicio que haga su docente de forma presencial y en forma hablada. TESIS 1. ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre los adverbs of time y frequency adverbs? 2. ¿Cuáles son los verbos que se usan como auxiliares y en qué tiempos gramaticales? 3. ¿Cuántos cambios generan los verbos regulares e irregulares? Plantea 10 verbos, ten en cuenta tus listas. 4. Describe cada uno de los tiempos gramaticales vistos. 5. Plantea ejemplos donde evidencies las diferencias de los tiempos gramaticales vistos. REAFIRMA TUS CONOCIMIENTOS ADVERBS OF TIME Los adverbios de tiempo son utilizados para mencionar momentos específicos en los cuales realizamos actividades, éstos son empleados en el pasado, en el presente y en el futuro ubicándose al final de la oración. Para el tiempo pasado, es necesario mantener los verbos en pasado. Ex: I travelled to Cartagena last week. Para el presente manejamos verbos en presente, Ex: She has a party today y para el futuro ubicamos al auxiliar will o going to para expresar evento a futuro, Ex: We will eat hamburger tomorrow, they are going to play baseball next week. FREQUENCY ADVERBS Los adverbios de frecuencia son usados para determinar la frecuencia con que realizamos actividades de rutina. Los adverbios de frecuencia son: Never, rarely seldom, sometimes, usually, frequently, often and always. 1. Sometimes es el único adverbio de frecuencia que se coloca al principio de la oración. EX: Sometimes she spends much money. 2. Never, rarery - seldom, often, usually and always se utilizan entre el pronombre personal o sujeto y el verbo que describe la acción. Ex: We never wear old clothes. 3. Frequently es el único adverbio de frecuencia que se coloca al final de la oración. Ex: They go to the gym frequently. 4. Often se utiliza para realizar preguntas que hacen referencia a la frecuencia con que realizamos diferentes actividades. Ex: How often do you play guitar? SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE Se usa para expresar y describir los eventos recientes. Hay 4 items importantes: 1. Para las oraciones afirmativas, no se usan los auxiliares do y does. 2. Para la 3ra persona (he, she, it), agregamos “S” “es” o “ies” al verbo acción. 3. Para oraciones y preguntas con el verbo to be no usamos ningún auxiliar. 4. Los auxiliares do y does solo se usan para negaciones y preguntas. En las oraciones afirmativas se usan cuando se da una respuesta corta. Ex. She Works so hard / I do not dance / do you agree? / What do you think about the competence? I think that the competence is strong. PRESENT CONTINUOUS (PROGRESSIVE) El presente continuo es utilizado cuando se describen acciones que se realizan en el momento actual. Las características de este tiempo son el verbo to be teniendo en cuenta cada uno de los pronombres personales (I, you, she, he, it, we, they) y la finalización ING en el verbo que describe la acción. El verbo que muestra la acción es tomado del presente o infinitivo del mismo y se le realiza el cambio correspondiente para agregar el ING al final. Ex: I am drawing a tree – They are walking so fast – we are studying mathematics – Are you reading a book? PRESENT PERFECT El Presente Perfecto en el idioma inglés es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para referirnos a acciones que suceden en un pasado reciente y que guardan alguna relación con el presente. Este tiempo gramatical utiliza el verbo to have como auxiliar en oraciones afirmativas, negativas y preguntas, hay que tener en cuenta que este cambia por has para hacer referencia a las terceras personas. Las formas negativas del auxiliar have son haven’t / hasn’t El verbo que muestra la acción debe ser un verbo en pasado participio. Ex. Written – escrito. Ex. I have sold my car / she hasn’t finished the work / have they talked with you? / What have you done? PAST SIMPLE TENSE El pasado simple es usado para referirse a eventos o experiencias vividas en el pasado. Para este tiempo gramatical utilizamos a Did como auxiliar para las negaciones y preguntas principalmente, sin embargo el auxiliar también puede ser usado para contestar preguntas afirmativamente de forma corta. Una oración afirmativa se construye con los verbos a pasado. Ex: Mario bought a flat. La oración negativa se construye con el auxiliar en forma negativa y en seguida se agrega un verbo en presente, se forma de esa manera porque el auxiliar reemplaza el pasado del verbo. Ex: They did not (didn’t) go to the party. Finalmente la pregunta arrancará por el auxiliar y en este caso también se ubicará el verbo en presente. Ex: Did John drive all night long? Yes, John did / No, John didn’t. PAST CONTINUOUS (PROGRESSIVE) El pasado continuo es utilizado cuando se describen acciones que se realizaron en el pasado y que suelen ser interrumpidas por otra acción. Las características de este tiempo son el verbo to be en pasado (was / were) teniendo en cuenta cada uno de los pronombres personales (I, you, she, he, it, we, they) y la finalización ING en el verbo que describe la acción. Was es utilizado para la primera y las terceras personas. Were es utilizado para las segundas personas. El verbo que muestra la acción es tomado del presente o infinitivo del mismo y se le realiza el cambio correspondiente para agregar el ING al final. Ex: I was drawing a tree – They were walking so fast – we were studying mathematics – Were you reading a book? PAST PERFECT El pasado perfecto es usado para hablar de eventos pasados que son interrumpidos por otra acción también en pasado. Este tiempo gramatical utiliza al auxiliar had, en afirmaciones, negaciones y preguntas y es utilizado para todos los pronombres personales o sujetos. Este tiempo también utiliza verbos en pasado participio. Ex: She had slept in the afternoon / We had not (hadn’t) washed the dishes. What had they spoken in the party last night? DOMINA Y APLICA 1. Write some adverbs of time taking into account if it is for the past, present and future. PAST PRESENT FUTURE 2. Write 5 sentences using the frequency adverbs you prefer ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 3. Create a daily routine according to the image ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 4. Put the following verb with ING form. RUN SEE EAT STUDY RIDE SELL SPEAK TELL 5. Identify the grammatical tense of the following sentences Lili has arrived to the concert __________________________ They are preparing a camping _________________________ We win the prize ___________________________________ You did not give a gift ________________________________ Peter and George had not written the story ____________________ NOS VAMOS A EVALUAR Reading the text and answer the following items. Hi Tony! Thank you very much for your letter, It is great to hear about you. You ask me about my school, well, my school is a mixed/single-sex school. It has about 500 students and a lot of teacher. My school is constructing a big stadium to develop the Olympic Games, I am thinking about the possibility to see you hear next week and show you my school. Unfortunately, my school is far from the city and I don’t know if it is a problem to you, I need that you call me, because I want to give you specific instructions to arrive. See you soon, Fiona. 1. Who is sending the letter? ____________________________________________________________ 2. What is the letter about? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 3. Write 3 sentences from the reading in simple present. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 4. Identify 10 verbs from the reading and write them in present, past and past participle. PRESENT PAST PAST PARTICIPLE 5. Choose the correct words to give the coherence. Pauline and her boyfriend lived / were living in China for three months. We got married while my wife did / was doing her degree at University. Dammon was looking out of the window when he saw / was seeing her. When Nicole heard / was hearing the news, she quickly phoned her mother. I worked / was working when I met my boyfriend. The weather was good so we walked / were walking home together. This time last year they went / were going on dates and now they’re married! You talked / were talking to someone, so I didn’t want to say anything. 6. Create a letters soup with the adverbs of time you want. 7. Write 8 sentences using the adverbs of time you put in the letters soup. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 8. Complete the following conversation using simple present and past simple. Lars: Excuse me, which movie are you waiting for? Tony: We (wait) for the new Stars Wars movie. In fact, we (wait) here Lars: Five for hours? Tony: We (get) more When five did hours. you arrive? here at 6:00 o'clock this morning. More than forty people (stand, already) we Lars: I than can't here waiting for tickets when arrived. believe that! Are you serious? Tony: Yeah, people (take) Star Wars movies seriously. In fact, this particular showing has been sold out for over a week. We (wait, just) in Lars: When Tony: I (know) (see) line to did (buy) them tickets would good seat buy last be in the your week hard to theater. tickets? by phone. I get because I a news interview with a group of people standing in line to the don't Tony: It's true. They (camp) Theater in Los Angeles (want) a you get tickets. They (wait) tickets for Lars: I get in line for almost a month to buy first showing. believe for that! out in front of Mann's Chinese about a month because they to be the first people to see the movie. 9. Describe the following activities using the present perfect tense. _______________________________________ ______________________________________ _____________________________________ 10. Describe activities you do in your daily routine using the frequency adverbs. ALWAYS OFTEN SELDOM SOMETIMES NEVER 11. Create 5 questions according to the activities you describe in the chart before. Use how often to do the questions. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 12. Use the following activities to do sentences in simple present and present continuous. Find a job ____________________________________________________ Go for an interview _____________________________________________ Write a curriculum vitae _________________________________________ Be unemployed _______________________________________________ 13. Use the following activities to do sentences in past simple and past continuous. Read the newspaper ___________________________________________ Fix your bedroom ______________________________________________ Prepare the breakfast ___________________________________________ Talk by phone _________________________________________________ 14. Use the following activities to do sentences in present perfect and past perfect. Be online ____________________________________________________ Have conversation _____________________________________________ Watch a movie ________________________________________________ Play the piano ________________________________________________ 15. Complete George’s email. Use the grammatical tense you consider is the best for each space. Hi Andrew! Guess what? I have got (have got) a new job! ______ you _______ (remember) that letter I wrote to the paper? Well, the manager of a local computer company read it and offered me a job! The company ________ (do) very well at the moment and they really ______ (need) people with experience. I ________ (not work) now – It’s my lunch break – so I _______ (write) a few emails to my friends to tell them my news. I’m a technical support engineer and I _______ (help) customers with their computer problems. It’s only my first week, so I _______ (still learn) about all the products, but I really ______ (like) it here. I _______ (work) quite long days, but I _______ (not work) at the weekends. Anyway, I have to go – the phone ________ (ring). 16. What is the email about? ____________________________________________________________ 17. What is the George’s new job? ____________________________________________________________ 18. How did he get it? ____________________________________________________________ 19. What is the name of the George’s friend? ____________________________________________________________ 20. Do a frieze of 10 face describing activities you do with all the topics you learned during the 1st and the 2nd academic periods. George GLOSARIO Was: Era Were: Eramos – Eran Is: Es – Está Are: Son – Están Am: Soy – Estoy Have (aux): Ha – Han Has (aux): Has Had (aux): Había BIBLIOGRAFÍA Redston, C. Cunningham, G. Face 2 face Pre - intermediate. 2005. Workbook. Cambridge university press, page 11 Redston, C. Cunningham, G. Face 2 face Pre - intermediate. 2005. Workbook. Cambridge university press, page 23