Download Formula #42 Joint Support / Artarique

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Formula #42
Joint Support / Artarique
Palo Guaco, Yucca, Devil's Claw, Bladderwrack, Arnica, Chaparral, White Willow Bark, Tlachichinole,
Thyme Leaves, Palo Azul, Yerba Mansa Root, Yarrow Flowers, Prodigiosa, Dandalion Root, Damiana,
Watercress, Rosemary Leaves, Alfalfa Seeds, Alfalfa Herb, Golden Seal Leaves, Scullcap, Angelica
Root, Tepozan, Horsetail, Burdock Root, Celery Seeds, Golden Rod, Fenugreek Seeds, Masterwort,
Anise Seeds, Juniper Berries, Yerba Santa, Hyssop Leaves, Black Walnut Leaves, Cocolmeca Bark,
Linden Leaves and Flowers, Flax Seed, Boldo Leaves, Safflower, Kelp, Spirulina, Wintergreen, Cramp
Bark, Rose Buds, Garlic, Hibiscus, Nettle, Borage, Gentian Root, Oregano Leaves, Marshmallow Root,
Comfrey Root, Parsley, Rose Hips, Gotu Kola, Poke Root, Mullein Flower, Sarsaparilla Root,
Spearmint Leaves, Pennyroyal
Product Description:
This formula contains over 60 herbs to support all aspects of musculoskeletal health and mobility. Unlike many joint health formulas, this one
is designed to support health of the body from the inside out.*
This formula should not replace the advice of a licensed medical practitioner. Consult a physician before use in the case of chronic health
conditions. Not for use in pregnant or nursing mothers. Caution is advised with individuals with hypersensitivity to plants in the Asteraceae
(sunflower) family or any other constituent. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These
products are not meant to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or medical condition.*
Palo Guaco, Yucca, Garra del Diablo, Fucus, Arnica, Gobernadora, Sause Blanco, Tlachichinole, Tomillo, Palo Azul, Raiz del Mansa, Milenrama,
Prodigiosa, Diente de Leon, Damiana, Berro, Romero, Alfalfa Semilla, Alfalfa, Sello de Oro, Esculetaria, Angelica, Tepozan, Cola de Caballo,
Bardana, Semillas de Apio, Vara de Oro, Fenogreko, Imperatoria, Anise, Enebro, Yerba Santa, Hisopo, Hojas de Nogal, Cocolmeca, Tila, Linaza,
Boldo, Asafran, Algas Marinas, Spirulina, Axocopaque, Cascara de Calambre, Rosa de Castilla, Ajo, Jamaica, Ortiga, Boraja, Genciana,
Oregano, Malva, Consuelda, Perejil, Cinarrondo, Gotu Kola, Yerba Carmin, Verbasco, Zarzaparilla, Yerba Buena, Poleo
Descripción de Producto:
Esta fórmula contiene más de 60 hierbas de apoyar todos los aspectos de salud del aparato locomotor y la movilidad. A diferencia
de muchas fórmulas de salud de las articulaciones, éste está diseñado para apoyar la salud del cuerpo desde adentro hacia afuera.*
Esta fórmula no debe sustituir el consejo de un médico con licencia. Consulte a un médico antes de usar en el caso de enfermedades
crónicas. No debe utilizarse en mujeres embarazadas o en lactancia. Se recomienda precaución en personas con hipersensibilidad a las
plantas en las Asteraceae (girasol) de la familia o cualquier otro componente. Estas declaraciones no han sido evaluadas por la Food and Drug
Administration (FDA). Estos productos no están destinados para diagnosticar, tratar o curar cualquier enfermedad o condición médica.*
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Not to be used during pregnancy or while nursing.*
(323) 261-2521 | (877) 670-3813
East Los Angeles:
3903 Whittier Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90023
17644 Valley Boulevard. Unit 11
Bloomington , CA 92316
Huntington Park:
3006 East Florence Blvd. Unit 101
Huntington Park, CA 90255
Formula #42
Joint Support / Artarique
Botanical Name /
Nombre Botánico
English Name /
Nombre Ingles
Spanish Name /
Nombre Español
Botanical Name /
Nombre Botánico
English Name /
Nombre Ingles
Spanish Name /
Nombre Español
Mikania Guaco
Hempvine Root + Leaf
Palo Guaco
Juniperus communis
Juniper Berries Root + Leaf
Yucca filamentosa
Yucca Root + Leaf
Erdyction glutenosum
Holy Plant Root + Leaf
Yerba Santa
Devil's Claw Root + Leaf
Garra del Diablo
Hyssopus officinalis
Hyssop Leaves + Leaf
Fucus versiculosus
Bladderwrack Root + Leaf
Fuco vejigosa
Juglans nigra
Black Walnut Leaves + Root
Hojas de Nogal
Arnica montana
Arnica Root + Leaf
Phaseolus maculatus
Greenbrier Root + Leaf
Cocolmeca Bark
Larrea divaricate /
Chaparral Root + Leaf
Tilia europaea
Linden Leaves and Flowers
Root + Leaf
White Willow Bark Root +
Linum usitalissimum
Flax Seed
Lino semilla
Salix alba
Sauce blanco
Peumus boldus
Boldo Leaves + Root
Kohleria deppena
Tlachichinole Root + Leaf
Carthamus tinctorius
Safflower Root + Leaf
Thymus vulgaris
Thyme Leaves Root + Leaf
Ascophyllum nodosum
Kelp Root + Leaf
Algas marinas
Eysenhardtia polystachya
Kidneywood Root + Leaf
Palo Azul
Spirulina Platensis
Spirulina Root + Leaf
Anemopsis californicia
Swamp Root + Leaf
Raiz del Manso
Gaultheria procumbens
Wintergreen Root + Leaf
Achillea millefolium
Yarrow Flowers Root + Leaf
Viburnum opulus
Cramp Bark Root + Leaf
Cascara de Calambre
Brickellia canvanillesi
Dream Herb Root + Leaf
Amula, Prodigiosa
Rosa centifolia
Rose Buds Root + Leaf
Rosa de Castilla
Taraxicum officinale
Dandelion Root + Leaf
Diente de leon
Allium sativum
Garlic Root + Leaf
Turnera afrodisiaca
Damiana Root + Leaf
Yerba de la Pastora
Hibiscus sabdariffa
Hibiscus Root + Leaf
Flor de jamaica
Nasturtium officinalis
Watercress Root + Leaf
Rosemarinus officinalis
Rosemary Leaves Root + Leaf
Urtica dioica
Nettle Root + Leaf
Medicago sativa
Alfalfa Seeds Root + Leaf
Borago officinalis
Borage Root + Leaf
Medicago sativa
Alfalfa Herb Root + Leaf
Gentiana lutea
Gentian Root + Leaf
Hydrastis canadensis
Golden Seal Leaves + Root
Sello de Oro
Origanum vulgare
Oregano Leaves + Root
Sculletaria lateriflora
Scullcap Root + Leaf
Althea officinalis
Marshmallow Root + Leaf
Malva, Malvavisco
Angelica officinalis
Angelica Root + Leaf
Yerba del Espiritu Santo
Symphytum officinalis
Comfrey Root + Leaf
Buddleia americana
Butterfly bush Root + Leaf
Petroselinum sativum
Parsley Root + Leaf
Equisetum arvense
Horsetail Root + Leaf
Cola de caballo
Rosa canina
Rose Hips Root + Leaf
Arctium lappa
Burdock Root + Leaf
Lampazo, Bardana
Centella asiatica
Gotu Kola Root + Leaf
Gotu Kola
Apium graveolens
Celery Seeds Root + Leaf
Semillas de Apio
Phytolacca americana
Poke Root + Leaf
Yerba Carmin
Solidago virguarea
Golden Rod Root + Leaf
Vara de oro
Smilax officinalis
Sarsaparilla Root + Leaf
Trigonela foenum
Fenugreek Seeds
Mentha spicata
Spearmint Leaves + Root
Yerba buena
Imperatoria ostruthium
Masterwort Root + Leaf
Mentha pulegium
Pennyroyal Root + Leaf
Pimpinella anisum
Anise Seeds
Anis Semilla
Verbascum Thapsus
Glordo Lobo Root + Leaf
Flor Gordo Lobo
(323) 261-2521 | (877) 670-3813
East Los Angeles:
3903 Whittier Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90023
17644 Valley Boulevard. Unit 11
Bloomington , CA 92316
Huntington Park:
3006 East Florence Blvd. Unit 101
Huntington Park, CA 90255