Download Práctica Tiempos Verbales Inglés Zapandí
Práctica #2 Tiempos Verbales: Presente, Pasado y Futuro Simples Elaborada por Mariela Mata Resumen: Esta lección le ayudará a enternder los tiempos verbales presente, pasado y futuro, así como el poder identificarlos dentro de la oración. 1. Present tense: The verb shows action that happens regularly. The action is happening right now. Example: Brandon plays football with Lee. 2. Past tense: The verb shows action that happened. The action already happened. Example: I wrote a story about animals. 3. Future tense: The verb shows action that will happen. The action has not happened yet. Example: Lisa will read to us. Repaso: Lea cada una de las siguientes oraciones y escriba si el tiempo es presente, pasado o futuro. 1. María saw a black snake. ___________________________________ 2. Laura will go to school. _____________________________________ 3. Michael eats ice cream. _____________________________________ 4. Cindy will play basketball. _________________________________ 5. Ashley feeds her three cats. _______________________________ Práctica #1 A) Lea las siguientes oraciones. Circule el tiempo verbal correcto para cada una de ellas. 1. Sheryl played with her dog. present past future 2. Harry will go with Bob to the movies. present past future 3. Leslie sings in the choir. present past future 4. Anne writes stories for her friends. Present past future 5. Tom sold his baseball cards. present past future B) Escoja el verbo que corresponda correctamente al tiempo señalado entre paréntesis. 1. Mariana ________ at José to stop running. (tiempo pasado) a. yelled b. yells c. will yell 2. Cathy ________ cookies every week. (tiempo presente) a. baked b. bakes c. will bake 3. Carlos _______ the ball to Claudia. (tiempo futuro) a. threw b. throws c. will throw 4. Glenn ________ a picture of a dog (tiempo pasado) a. painted b. paints c. will paint 5. Marco ________ the baby to the car. (tiempo futuro) a. carried b. carries c. will carry C) Círcule los verbos que estén en tiempo presente, dibuje un cuadrado alrededor de lo que están en tiempo pasado y haga una X debajo de los tiempos futuros. played carry will sing write shouted hopped rode laugh chopped will try shared will paint throw save see washed cried will grow will bark ran danced will swing sneeze looked shopped like will play