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PASSIVE VOICE: • STATEMENTS: -Se forma con el to BE del mismo tiempo que la activa, mas el participio del verbo. El sujeto ahora sera el objeto de la frase en activa. Quizás cambie de singular a plural. Pasos a seguir: 1- Mirar quien es el Sujeto y quien es el Objeto 2- Mirar tiempo verbal. 3- Poner To BE en el tiempo verbal de la activa. 4- El verbo de la activa ponerlo en perfect (3a columna si es verbo irregular) 5- Normalmente, el sujeto de la activa irá con "by". En Present Simple: Activa They clean the office. Pasiva The office IS (presente) cleaned (perfect, 3a columna) by them. En Past Simple: Activa They cleaned the office. Pasiva The office WAS (pasado) cleaned (perfect, 3a columna) by them. En Present Continuous: Activa: They ARE buildING (pres Cont) new houses. Pasiva New houses ARE BEING (to Be en pres cont) built (perfect, 3a columna) En Past Continuous: Activa They WERE building (past cont) new houses. Pasiva New houses WERE BEING (to Be en Past cont) built (perfect, 3a columna). En Present Perfect: Activa They have painted (present perfect) the door. Pasiva The door HAS BEEN (to Be en Present Perfect) painted (perfect, 3a columna) En Past Perfect: Activa They had painted (past perfect) the door. Pasiva The door HAD BEEN (to Be en Past Perfect) painted (perfect, 3a columna). -Verbos tipicos de la pasiva: to be born, to be built, to be invented. PASIVA CON REPORTING VERBS -Se usa para describir opiniones. -Los verbos tipicos son: believe, consider, expect, hope, know, say, suppose, think, understand, accept. -Se puede formar de dos maneras: Sujeto + pasiva del reporting verb + TO o NOT TO+ infinitivo Activa People say Paris is nice. (el verbo esta en present simple) Pasiva Paris is said (to be en present simple + perfect del verbo to say)+ TO + BE nice It + pasiva del reporting verb + that: Activa People say Paris is nice. (esta en present simple) Pasiva It + is said + THAT+ Paris is nice.