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SPANISH 1 FOR MEDICS VIA E-LEARNING Week by Week SEMESTER 1 Wk In class Español para médicos y profesionales de la salud. 1 Introduction to the course. Face to face or synchronous online session. Unidad 1. Datos personales. Greetings. Ask and give personal information: name, occupation, nationality. • Pronombres personales (yo – tú, él ) • El género gramatical de las profesiones. • Presente del indicativo singular: verbos: llamarse, ser y trabajar. • El alfabeto. • Números: 1 - 31 2 Unidad 1. Datos personales. Interactive Ask and give personal exercises unit 1 information: surname, marital status, nationality, address, date of birth. • El género gramatical adjetivos de nacionalidad. • Interrogativos: ¿Cómo? ¿Cuál? ¿Dónde? • Artículos indeterminados: un,una • Formal e informal. 3 Unidad 2. En el consultorio. Ask and answer questions about symptoms, physical conditions and states of mind. • Presente del indicativo:verbos: doler, tener, estar. • Las partes del cuerpo. • El sustantivo: género y número 1 Call (OLC), private study and extraactivities Interactive exercises unit 1 Interactive exercises unit 2 Homework to be done online or emailed Write about your name, occupation and nationality. Arrange to meet online with a partner in the chat area to post a role play: A Nurse asking personal details to a patient. You can follow the video as an example. Write about the symptoms of the physical condition of a patient. • 4 Articulo determinado singular y plural: el, la, los, las. Unidad 2. En el consultorio. Historia Clínica. Ask and give information for clinical history and vital signs. • Interrogativos: ¿Qué? ¿Cuántos? • Números 31 - 1000. Interactive exercises unit 2 5 Unidad 3. Servicios medicos. Interactive To ask and talk about what there exercises unit 3 is in a place. Buying things. • Hay • Artículos indeterminados plural 6 Reading week. 7 Unidad 3. Servicios médicos. En el hospital. To ask and talk about location and give directions. • Hay, tiene, está 8 Unidad 4. Tengo que ir al doctor. Interactive To express obligation in an (im) exercises unit 4 personal manner. • Hay + que + infinitivo • Tener +que + infinitivo 9 Unidad 4. Tengo que ir al doctor. Interactive exercises unit 4 To express preferences and likes. • Presente de indicativo, -Verbos irregulares: ir, querer y preferir. • Demostrativos 10 Unidad 5. Examen del paciente. Giving instructions and explaining procedures to follow. • Imperativo. Tercera persona • Futuro con el verbo ir - Ir + a + infinitivo Interactive exercises unit 5 11 Unidad 5. Examen del paciente. Interactive An opportunity to match up and revise. Interactive exercises unit 3 2 Write a clinical history of a patient. Write 100 words about a hospital you are familiar with. Write 100 words about your neighbourhood using hay, tiene and está Write 80 words describing a medical condition and express obligation in a personal manner using “el paciente tiene que” Write 50-80 words on all the things medical students have to do, and what in general they prefer to do. Start ‘Nosotros los estudiantes de Medicina …’ Write 100 words about what you are going to do next weekend. Write about your Giving information abut family history and describing physical traits. • • exercises unit 5 family. Adjetivos posesivos: mi, mis, tu, tus, sus, sus, nuestros nuestras, vuestros, vuestras. Verbo: llevar. SEMESTER 2 Wk In class Español para médicos y profesionales de la salud. Call (OLC) and private study Writing 1 Unidad 6. La dieta del paciente. Ask and give information about food and drink intake. • Frecuencia y cantidad: Siempre, a veces, casi nunca, mucho, bastante, poco… Interactive exercises unit 6 Write about your eating habits. 2 Unidad 7. La Rutina diaria. To talk about daily routine of colleagues and patients. • Presente indicativo: verbos, regulares e irregulares Interactive exercises unit 7 Talk about your daily routine. You have to record this online 3 Unidad 7. La Rutina diaria. Interactive To talk about likes and interests. exercises unit 7 • Verbos: gustar e interesar Write about your likes, dislikes and things your are interested in. 4 Unidad 8. ¿Cómo estuvo el paciente ayer? Reporting changes in patients. • Pretérito indefinido: verbos regulares: cenar, comer salir. • Verbos irregulares: estar,, tener, ir y ser. Write about what you did yesterday. 5 Time to work on the past paper as formative assessment. For more details check online announcements. Compulsory task 6 Reading week Time to work on the formative Compulsory task Interactive exercises unit 8 3 7 assessment. For more details check your syllabus. Unidad 8. ¿Cómo estuvo el paciente ayer? To talk about the past. • Verbos irregulares con cambio vocálico: poder, venir, pedir, dormir Interactive exercises unit 8 Write about what you and your friends did last week. 8 Unidad 9. El pasado es importante. Ask and give information about famous doctors. • Pretérito indefinido: verbos reflexivos y recíprocos: casarse, graduarse, jubilarse…. Interactive exercises unit 9 Write about important events in your life. 9 Unidad 9. El pasado es importante. Ask and give information about discoveries and inventions in the medical field. • Pretérito indefinido verbos: descubrir, proponer, inventar… Interactive exercises unit 9 Write about an important character you admire. 10 Unidad 10. Un caso clínico. Describe and summarize a clinical case. Revision. Interactive exercises unit 10 Write about a clinical case you have seen recently. 11 Unidad 10. Un caso clínico. Giving opinions, agreeing and disagreeing. Creo que/ me parece que… (No) estoy de acuerdo… Revision. Interactive exercises unit 10 4