Download Organisation der sozialen Sicherung
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Spain Organisation of social protection Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality 1/1/2012 Ministry of Employment and Social Security Autonomous regions Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social Comunidades Autónomas Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad Health Care Social Services Non-contributory benefits Long-term care Incapacity for work Maternity Paternity Caring for children affected by cancer or another serious illness Risk during pregnancy Risk during breastfeeding Invalidity Old-Age Death and surviving dependants Family benefits Accidents at work Occupational diseases National Institute for Health Management (Instituto Nacional de Gestión Sanitaria, INGESA) Enterprises: voluntary cooperation in the management of health care Institute for Elderly and Social Services (Instituto de Mayores y Servicios sociales, IMSERSO) Bodies of the autonomous regions (Comunidades autónomas) with transferred powers National Social Security Office (Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social, INSS) Firms: voluntary co-operation in dealing with temporary incapacity for work Mutual insurance companies for accidents at work and occupational diseases National Social Security Office (Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social, INSS) Mutual insurance companies for accidents at work and occupational diseases Unemployment State Public Employment Service Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal (SPEE) General Social Security Revenue Office (Tesoreria General de la Seguridad Social) = collection of all contributions, control of affiliation Minimum income for integration Bodies of the autonomous regions (Comunidades autónomas) and the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla Spain The Spanish Social Security System comprises a General Scheme (employees in industry and in the service sector) and special schemes for the workers of other sectors of production (agricultural workers, selfemployed workers, miners, sailors and fishermen). The following bodies run these schemes: The National Social Security Office (Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social, INSS), which manages the cash benefits, i.e. old-age pensions, permanent invalidity, widower's and widow's pensions, orphans' pensions, pensions for family members, cash benefits in the case of temporary incapacity for work, maternity, paternity, risk during pregnancy, risk during breastfeeding, caring for children affected by cancer or another serious illness, family benefits and other allowances and benefits. The National Institute for Health Management (Instituto Nacional de Gestión Sanitaria, INGESA), which is a body for cooperation among the State and the Autonomous Communities, dependent on the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality (Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad), whose purpose is promoting health care coherence within the National Health System, as competence on health care has been transferred to every Autonomous Community, except in the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla. The State Public Employment Service (Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal, SPEE) which manages the unemployment benefits. The Institute for Elderly and Social Services (Instituto de Mayores y Servicios Sociales, IMSERSO), which determines additional social services and administers at the same time social assistance allowances, noncontributory benefits and long-term care. The Social Institute for Sea-Workers (Instituto Social de la Marina, ISM) which is in charge of the social protection of the employees of the merchant navy, the fishermen and in general of the employees in marine shipping. The General Social Security Revenue Office (Tesorería General de la Seguridad Social, TGSS), which is the only fund within the whole system entitled to collect contributions, register employers, affiliate workers and manage the Social Security Reserve Fund, amongst the responsibilities assigned. The abovementioned bodies are institutions under public law and act as legal entities. They are subordinate to public administration: the Ministry of Employment and Social Security (Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social) is in charge of INSS, SPEE, ISM and TGSS; the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality (Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad) is in charge of INGESA and IMSERSO. The employers' associations and the employees' organisations (trade unions) participate in the supervision of the administration via the National Council and the Councils of the Regions, where employers, workers and the representatives of the public administration are equally represented in a tripartite structure. The public administration of the said bodies can cooperate with the employers' associations (Mutual insurance associations for accidents at work and occupational diseases) and the companies. For such cooperation to be possible, the insurance funds have to meet certain requirements: participation of at least 50 employers and 30,000 employees. The companies have to fulfil certain conditions as well. The cooperation can also be carried out with associations, foundations, public or private institutions, as soon as they have been authorised and registered in a public register. Important addresses Ministry of Employment and Social Security: MINISTERIO DE EMPLEO Y SEGURIDAD SOCIAL c/ Agustín de Bethencourt, 4 28003 MADRID Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality: MINISTERIO DE SANIDAD, SERVICIOS SOCIALES E IGUALDAD Paseo del Prado, 18 28014 MADRID National Social Security Office: INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE LA SEGURIDAD SOCIAL c/ Padre Damián, 4 28036 MADRID National Institute for Health Management: INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE GESTIÓN SANITARIA c/ Alcalá, 56 28014 MADRID Institute for Elderly and Social Services: INSTITUTO DE MAYORES Y DE SERVICIOS SOCIALES Avda. de la Ilustración s/n 28071 MADRID State Public Employment Service: SERVICIO PÚBLICO DE EMPLEO ESTATAL c/ Condesa de Venadito, 9 28027 MADRID General Social Security Revenue Office: TESORERÍA GENERAL DE LA SEGURIDAD SOCIAL Plaza de los Astros, 5 y 7 28007 MADRID