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3.050 Las religiones iglesia church -------------------------------------------------------1-------------------------------------------------mezquita mosque sinagoga synagogue templo temple la catedral cathedral monasterio monastery capilla chapel convento convent creer to believe -------------------------------------------------------2-------------------------------------------------rabino rabbi ministro minister el sacerdote priest el cura priest el monje monk monja nun hermano brother hermana sister madre, hermana mother, sister [titles for nuns] el Papa Pope el cardinal cardinal obispo bishop laico lay person la el/la el el el el el fe creyente alma espíritu dios ángel diablo faith believer soul spirit god angel devil budismo cristianismo catolicismo Iglesia protestantismo hinduismo judaísmo Islam Buddhism Christianity Catholicism Catholic Church Protestantism Hinduism Judaism Islam la oración rito misa servicio prayer rite mass service Biblia Corán Tora Bible Koran Torah rezar orar alabar adorar venerar ayunar confesarse to pray to pray to praise to worship to venerate to fast to confess (to a priest) agnóstico ateísta pagano judío hebreo cristiano católico protestante luterano metodista bautista presbiteriano budista hindú musulmán agnostic atheist pagan Jewish Hebrew Christian Catholic Protestant Lutheran Methodist Baptist Presbyterian Buddhist Hindu Muslim sacramentos latinos bautismo confirmación confesión (primera) comunión matrimonio ordinación extremaunción Latin Sacraments baptism confirmation confession (first) communion matrimony ordination anointing (last rites) -------------------------------------------------------3--------------------------------------------------