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RECYCLE80028_dosanddonts_V6_Spa_D.indd - 4C - 8.5''x11'' no bleed 1/8/09
Single Stream Recycling
[ Reciclaje de un solo flujo ]
Flattened Cardboard
[Cartón aplanado]
Office Paper
[Papel de oficina]
Brown Paper Bags
[Bolsas de papel]
Paper Cardboard, Dairy
and Juice Containers
[Envases de cartón
de lácteos y jugos]
SPECIAL NOTES: PMS 349, PMS 124. PMS 363, Black
RECYCLE90009 Master Dumpster Decal Mec.indd
Revision: 1 Created: 3/26/09 Printed @ 70%
Creative Director:
3/26/09 2:02:39 PM
PAGE: D-135
RECYCLE90009 MastrDumpstDecal Mec.indd 12
[No incluya residuos de alimentos; películas; bolsas o envolturas de plástico;
vasos o recipientes de unicel (poliestireno)]
Art Director: A. Babb
Do not include food waste, films, plastic bags, plastic wrap,
or foam cups and containers.
Bleed: none
[No incluya residuos de alimentos; películas; bolsas o envolturas de plástico; o unicel (poliestireno)]
Studio Artist: AFEREDAY
Do not include food waste, films, plastic bags, plastic wrap, or styrofoam.
Trim: 18 x 13
Tin or Steel Cans
[Latas de fierro u hojalata]
Proofreader: R Colston
Aluminum Cans
[Latas de aluminio]
Studio Supervisor: P Kelman
[Botellas y frascos
de vidrio]
Live: 17.25 x 12.25
[Botellas de plástico
y recipientes #1-7]
Glass Bottles and Jars
Production Manager: c. caposino
Plastic Bottles and
Containers #1-7
Colors: 4 PMS
Project Manager: m. izen
Phone Books
DPI: 300
Junk Mail
[Correo no deseado]
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