Download WIC Program Explanation - Texas Department of State Health
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Memorandum TO: WIC Regional Directors WIC Local Agency Directors #08-103 FROM: Linda Brumble, Unit Manager Nutrition Education/Clinic Services Unit Nutrition Services Section DATE: August 28, 2008 SUBJECT: Keep your Family healthy and Program Explanation Form (Original Signed) This is to further clarify Memos #08-060, WIC Program Explanation and Keep Your Family Healthy Form and #08-090, Policy Memo: Revised CR:01, CS:10, CS:14, CS:20, CS:22, CS:23; Deleted CS:29, and Revised Forms WIC-35, WIC 35-1, and WIC 5 with reference to Policy CS: 22.0. We have received several questions about the form Keep your Family Healthy and Program Explanation, stock number 13-06-12894 for English and 13-06-12894a for Spanish. The form, WIC Program Explanation/Keep Your Family Healthy satisfies two USDA policies. The form, WIC Program Explanation contains information about the WIC Program’s purpose, procedures and benefits. Keep your Family Healthy highlights important messages for participants before they exit the program. This form should be given to all applicants or parents or guardians or caregivers during the initial certification process only. Please note the following changes: • That the revised Supplemental Information Form 35-1 (SIF) will not have a checked box to indicate receiving the form. By signing the SIF, the participant is confirming that they have received a copy. • The LA has the option to provide the form at sub-certifications. Attached is a copy of the Keep your Family Healthy and Program Explanation Forms, in English and Spanish for you to make copies until you receive your orders from the warehouse. Additional copies may be ordered using the Texas WIC Materials Order Form and fax it to the Publications Coordinator at (512) 341-4473. If you have questions or require additional information, please contact Ponna Sambasivan, Nutrition Education Consultant at (512) 341-4517 or An Equal Employment Opportunity Employer and Provider Keep your Family Healthy WIC wants you to know: • Take small steps to a healthier you and use • Choose a variety of foods to get a balanced diet and obtain all the different nutrients your body needs. • Maintain an adequate intake of folic acid during child bearing years to help prevent birth defects in your baby by: taking a B-vitamin supplement containing 400 micrograms of folic acid eating foods such as WIC cereals that are fortified with synthetic folic acid eating nutritious foods such as dried beans, chicken, beef, pork, greens, brussels sprouts, broccoli and orange juice • Talk to the WIC staff about any nutrition concerns you have. Immunization Breastfeeding Protect your child against diseases like polio, measles, meningitis, Hepatitis B and whooping cough by ensuring your child receives the necessary shots. To learn more call: 211 or 1(800)252-9152 Drugs and Alcohol • Breastfeeding your baby has many benefits for moms and babies. • Breast milk has antibodies to protect infants from infections and provides all the necessary nutrients for baby’s growth and development. • Stop using alcohol, tobacco and drugs while pregnant. • WIC recommends women breastfeed their infants until at least one year of age. • They can harm your baby’s health and cause permanent damage. To learn more call: 1(800)514-6667 To learn more call: 1(877)966-3784 WIC and Your Family: Partners in Health This institution is an equal-opportunity provider. © 2008 Texas Department of State Health Services. Nutrition Services Section. All rights reserved. Stock no. 13-06-12894 3/08 WIC Program Explanation • The purpose of the WIC program is to provide nutritional support for positive health results. That includes education and strategies for a healthy diet, supplemental foods, referrals and breastfeeding promotion and support during development. • WIC staff and you are a partnership – with open communication – working to achieve positive health results. • WIC foods promote and support the nutritional well-being of your family and help meet the recommended intake of nutrients. • The nutrition assessment is necessary to identify needs (for example, medical conditions, dietary practices) and interests so WIC can provide the benefits you want and need. • Food provided by the program is supplemental; that is, it is not intended to provide all your daily food needs. • You must reapply at the end of the certification period and be reassessed for program eligibility. WIC clinic address and contact number: Mantenga a su familia saludable WIC quiere que usted sepa que puede: • Dar pequeños pasos para estar más saludable. También puede ir a • Escoger alimentos variados para tener una dieta equilibrada y obtener todos los nutrientes que su cuerpo necesita • Consumir la cantidad adecuada de ácido fólico durante la edad reproductiva para prevenir defectos de nacimiento del bebé ➢ tomando complementos de vitamina B que contengan 400 microgramos de ácido fólico ➢ comiendo alimentos como cereales de WIC enriquecidos con ácido fólico sintético ➢ comiendo alimentos nutritivos como frijoles secos, pollo, res, puerco, verduras de hoja, coles de Bruselas, brócoli y jugo de naranja • Hablar con el personal de WIC de cualquier inquietud que tenga sobre nutrición Inmunizaciones La lactancia materna Proteja a su hijo contra enfermedades como la polio, el sarampión, la meningitis, la hepatitis B y la tos ferina asegurándose de que le den las vacunas necesarias. Para saber más, llame al: 2-11 o al 1(800)252-9152 Drogas y alcohol • Deje de usar alcohol, tabaco y drogas mientras está embarazada. • Pueden perjudicar la salud de su bebé y causar daños permanentes. • Amamantar a su bebé tiene muchos beneficios para la mamá y el bebé. • La leche materna contiene anticuerpos que protegen al bebé de infecciones y proporciona todos los nutrientes necesarios para que crezca y se desarrolle. • WIC recomienda a las mujeres que amamanten a sus bebés hasta que tengan por lo menos un año. Para saber más: 1(800)514-6667 Para saber más, llame al: 1(877)966-3784 WIC y su familia: socios en la salud Esta institución ofrece igualdad de oportunidades para todos. © 2008 Departamento Estatal de Servicios de Salud. Sección de Servicios de Nutrición. Todos los derechos reservados. Stock no. 13-06-12894a 3/08 Explicación del programa WIC El propósito del programa WIC es brindar apoyo nutricional para obtener resultados positivos para la salud. Esto incluye educación y estrategias para una dieta saludable, alimentos adicionales, envíos a servicios y promoción y apoyo para la lactancia materna durante el desarrollo. El personal de WIC y usted son socios, en comunicación abierta, que trabajan para obtener resultados positivos para la salud. Los alimentos de WIC ayudan al bienestar nutricional de su familia y a alcanzar el consumo recomendado de nutrientes. La evaluación de la nutrición es necesaria para identificar las necesidades (padecimientos médicos, prácticas alimenticias) y preferencias de modo que WIC pueda proporcionarle los beneficios que usted quiere y necesita. Los alimentos que el programa proporciona son complementarios; lo cual quiere decir que el propósito del programa no es darle todos los alimentos que necesita a diario. Usted tiene que volver a presentar una solicitud al final del periodo de certificación y volverán a evaluar su elegibilidad para el programa. Dirección y teléfono de contacto de la clínica de WIC (WIC clinic address and contact number)