Download West Hartford Social Services is currently accepting applications to

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West Hartford Social Services is
currently accepting applications to receive a
NEW backpack and assistance with school supplies!
Income eligible West Hartford residents or any student enrolled in a
West Hartford Public School may apply for this program at:
Town Hall, 50 South Main Street
Social Services Office, Room 306
Monday – Friday from 9:00–11:00 and 2:00–4:00.
Residentes de West Hartford o cualquier estudiante inscrito en una escuela pública de
West Hartford con ingresos elegibles pueden aplicar para este programa en:
Town Hall, 50 South Main Street, la Oficina de Servicios Sociales, cuarto 306
de lunes – viernes de 9:00–11:00 y 2:00 – 4:00.
Applicants MUST bring a photo id, recent piece of mail with current address, proof of income
(for the past 4 weeks) and birth certificates for the children in the household!
Los solicitantes deben traer identificación con foto, reciente correo oficial con dirección actual,
prueba de ingresos (para las últimas 4 semanas) y certificados de nacimiento para los niños en el hogar!
Questions? Call Social Services at 561-7561.
¿Preguntas? Llama Servicios Sociales al 561-7561.
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