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Monografía Argos: Oftalmología
Patrocinada por MSD Animal Health
Título del artículo: Fondo ocular fisiológico en perros y gatos
Autor: Ignacio Torrubia
1. Dean E.: Techniques d’examen de l’oeil. En Ophtalmologie du Chien. Prat Med Chir
Anim Comp Tome 32 pp. 21– 38. Supplément au nº4 – Octobre 1997.
2. Ketring K. L.: Normal ocular fundus of the dog. En Opthalmology Talking Manual Tomo
I – The Retina Ketring K. L. Amer An Hosp Assn Pp. 4-6. 1980
3. Aguirre G.D.: Apuntes de oftalmología veterinaria. Separata de la revista de AVEPA n°4.
4. Simon M.: Le fond d’oeil normal chez les carnivores domestiques. Rec Méd Vét
165(3):297-300. 1989.
5. Sautet J.Y.: Tunique vasculaire de l’oeil. En Anatomie de l’oeil Fascicule II Le Bulbe de
l’oeil – centres de la vision. Lignereux Y., Sautet J.Y. ENV Toulouse. 1994-1995.
6. Villagrasa M. Fondo Ocular. I jornadas de oftalmología en pequeños animales. Murcia
23-25 febrero 1996.
7. Narfström K Ekesten B.: Diseases of the canine ocular fundus. En Veterinary
Ophthalmology third edition Kirk N. Gelatt. Lea & Febiger. Pp.427-466. 1999.
8. Narfström K.: Les maladies de la retine du chat. En Ophtalmologie du Chat. Prat Méd
Chir Anim comp Tome 27 pp. 463-474. Supplément au nº3 – Octobre 1992.
9. Ketring K. L.: Normal ocular fundus of the Cat. En Opthalmology Talking Manual Tomo
II – The Retina Ketring K. L. Amer An Hosp Assn Pp. 6-7. 1980
Título del artículo: Alteraciones más frecuentes del fondo ocular
Autor: Javier Esteban, Mª Ángeles Regueiro y Mª Carmen Tovar
1. Antonella Rampazzo, Antonio D’Angelo, Maria Teresa Capucchio, Sandra Sereno and
Claudio Peruccio.CASE REPORT:Collie eye anomaly in a mixed-breed dog.Veterinary
Ophthalmology,(2005),8, 5, 357–360
2. Labruyere J.J., Hartley C., Holloway. A.Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography in the
differentiation of retinal detachment and vitreous membrane in dogs and cats. J.Small
Animal Practice ,2011 Oct;52(10):522-30.
3. Yoshiki Itoh, Seiya Maehara, Ayako Yamasaki, Keiko Tsuzuki and Yasuharu Izumisawa.
Investigation of fellow eye of unilateral retinal detachment in Shih-Tzu. Veterinary
Ophthalmology (2010) 13, 5, 289–293.
4. Verallo O,Fragiotta S,Verboschi F,Vingolo EM,Diagnostic aspects and retinal imaging in
ocular toxocariasis: a case report from Italy. Case Report Med.2012;2012:984512.
Epub 2012 Apr 3.
5. Kristina Narfstro¨m, Victor David, Oswald Jarret, Julia Beatty, Vanessa Barrs, David
Wilkie,Stephen O’Brien and Marilyn Menotti-Raymond. Retinal degeneration in the
Abyssinian and Somali cat (rdAc):correlation between genotype and phenotype and
rdAc allele frequency in two continents. Veterinary Ophthalmology (2009) 12, 5, 285–
Keith W. Montgomery,Alexandra van der Woerdt and Nancy B. Cottrill, Acute
blindness in dogs: Sudden acquired retinal degeneration syndrome versus neurological
disease (140 cases, 2000–2006).Veterinary Ophthalmology(2008),11, 5, 314–320
Steele KA, Sisler S, Gerding PA. Outcome of retinal reattachment surgery in dogs: a
retrospective study of 145 cases. Vet.Opthalmology 2012 Mar 29.
Leblanc NL,Stephien RL,Bentley E,Ocular lesions associated with systemic
hypertension in dogs: 65 cases (2005-2007).J.Am.Vet.Med. Assoc.2011 Apr
Keith W. Montgomery,Alexandra van der Woerdt and Nancy B. Cottrill,Acute blindness
in dogs: Sudden acquired retinal degeneration syndrome versus neurological disease
(140 cases, 2000–2006).Veterinary Ophthalmology (2008),11, 5, 314–320
William A. Beltran. The use of canine models of inherited retinal degeneration to test
novel therapeutic approaches.Veterinary Ophthalmology(2009),12, 3, 192–204.
Eva Hertil, Tomas Bergström, Ülle Kell, Lena Karlstam, Stina Ekman, Björn Ekesten.
Retinal degeneration in nine Swedish Ja¨mthund dogs.Veterinary Ophthalmology
(2010) 13, 2, 110–116
Kirk N. Gelatt, Alexandra van der Woerdt, Kerry L. Ketring, Stacy E. Andrew,Dennis E.
Brooks,Daniel J. Biros, Heidi M. Denis and Timothy J. Cutler. Enrofloxacin-associated
retinal degeneration in cats. Veterinary Ophthalmology (2001),4, 2, 99–106
Título del artículo: Uso de ciclosporina y otros inmunomoduladores en
Autor: Clinio Díaz y Fernando Sanz
1. Bistner, S. - Allergic- and immunologic-mediated diseases of the eye and
2. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract. 1994 Jul;24(4):711-34.
3. Day, M.J. – Clinical Immunology of the Dog and Cat. Manson Publishing Ltd.,
London, 1999.
4. English, RV. – Immune Responses and the Eye, In Gelatt KN, ed., Veterinary
Ophthalmology 3rd Ed., pp. 239-258, Baltimore, Lippincott Williams and
Wilkins, 1999.
5. Munger, R. – Diseases and Immunity of the Ocular Surface. 26th WSAVA
Congress Proceedings. Vancouver, Canada. August 8 – 11, 2001.
6. Peiffer, Jr. R.L., Petersen-Jones, S.M. – Small Animal Ophthalmology: A
Problem-oriented Approach. W.B. Saunders, 2000
7. Slatter, D. - Fundamentals of Veterinary Ophthalmology, 3rd Ed., Philadelphia,
W.B. Saunders, 2001.
8. Williams, D.L. - Ophthalmic Immunology and Inmmune-mediated Disease.
9. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract. 2008, Volume 38, Number 2.
Título del artículo: Ritidectomía (estiramiento facial): corrección de los pliegues
cutáneos en el Cocker Spaniel
Autores: Carles Centelles
1. P.G.Bedford. Surgical correction of facial droop in the English cocker spaniel. Journal of
Small Aimal Practice (1990), 31 255-258.
2. P.G.Bedford. Technique of lateral canthoplasty for the correction of macropalpebral
fissure in the dog. Journal of Small Animal Practice (1998), 39, 117-120.
3. Charles M. Stuhr et al. Stellate Rhytidectomy : Superior entropion repair in a dog with
excessive facial skin. Journal of American Animal Hospital Association, July/ August
1997, vol.33, 342-345.
4. Mc.Callum, J.Welser. Coronal rhytidectomy in conjuntion with deep plane walking
sutures, modified Hotz-Celsus aln lateral canthoplasty procedure in a dog with
escessive brow droop. Veterinary ophthalmology(2004) 7, 5, 376-379.
5. Alexandra van der Woerdt. Adnexal surgery in dogs and cats. Veterinary
Ophthamology(2004) 7, 5, 284-290.
6. R.A Read, H.C. Broun. Entropin correction in dogs and cats using a combination HotzCelsus and lateral eyelid wedge resection: results in 311 eyes. Veterinary
ophthalmology (2007) 10, 1, 6-11.
7. Frans Stades, Kirk N. Gelatt. Diseases and surgery of the canine eyelid. In Kirk N. Gelatt
Veterinary Ophthalmology Fourth edition 2007.
8. Charles L.Martin: The Eyelis. In Ophthalmic Disease In Veterinary Medicine. Soft-cover
edition 2010.
Título del artículo: Neoplasias oculares
Autor: Ana Mendirichaga y Jorge Vergara
1. Veterinary Ophthalmology. Kirk N. Gelatt.
2. Oncología Clínica de pequeños animales Stephen J. Withrow David M. Vail.
3. Canine conjunctival hemangioma and hemangiosarcoma: a retrospective evaluation of
108 cases (1989–2004) Chris G. Pirie,* Amy M. Knollinger,† Chet B. Thomas‡ and
Richard R. Dubielzig. Veterinary Ophthalmology (2006) 9, 4, 215–226.
4. Surgical treatment of epibulbar melanocytomas by complete excision and homologous
corneoscleral grafting in dogs: 11 cases
5. Federica Maggio,* Stefano Pizzirani,† Teresa Peñ a,‡ Marta Leiva‡ and Christopher G.
Pirie† Veterinary Ophthalmology (2012) 1–9
6. Efficacy of lamellar resection, cryotherapy, and adjunctive grafting for the treatment of
canine limbal melanoma. Heidi J. Featherstone,* Peter Renwick,* Christine L. Heinrich*
and Sue Manning†. Veterinary Ophthalmology (2009) 12, Supplement 1, 5–72
7. Classification of feline intraocular neoplasms based on morphology, histochemical
staining, and immunohistochemical labeling. Bruce H. Grahn,* Robert L. Peiffer,†
Cheryl L. Cullen‡ and Deborah M. Haines§. Veterinary Ophthalmology (2006) 9, 6,
8. A review of orbital and intracranial magnetic resonance imaging in 79 canine and 13
feline patients (2004–2010) Micki D. Armour,* Michael Broome,† Giuseppe
Dell’Anna,† Natalie J. Blades‡ and Douglas W. Esson* Veterinary Ophthalmology
(2011) 14, 4, 215–226.
9. Iridociliary epithelian tumors in100 dogs and 17 cats. Richard Dubielzig, Howard
Steinberg, Henning Garvin, Amy Deehr and Beritt Fischer. Veterinary
Ophthalmology(1998) 1, 223-231
10. Ocular involvement of transmissible venereal tumor in a dog C. M. Boscos,* H. N.
Ververidis,* D. K. Tondis,{ A. I. Stamou,* F. C. Samartzi* Veterinary Ophthalmology
(1998) 1, 167±170
11. Retrobulbar tumors in dogs and cats: 25 cases. Katia Attali-Soussay, Jean-Pierre Jegou
and Bernard Clere. Veterinary Ophthalmology 2001 4, 19-27.
12. Treatment of presumed iris melanoma in dogs by diode laser photocoagulation: 23
cases. Cynthia S. Cook and David A. Wilkie Veterinary Ophthalmology, Issue 4,
December 1999, 217–225.