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PRE-ADMISSION FORM FOR REHABILITATION SERVICES APPLICANT'S FULL NAME: NIF: Date of Birth: Phone Number: Address: Email: Contact person: NIF: Relationship: Phone Number: Address: OTHER INFORMATION: Principal Diagnosis: Year of Injury: Insurer: Current Rehabilitation Center (if applicable): DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED: Please attach the copy of the following documents to this form: NIF, NIE or Passport. Healthcare Card (Spanish citizens) / Insurance Card or Policy. Certificate of disability Dependency Level Degree / Individual Care Programme. Updated reports: psychological, social, medical. Madrid, on [Month] [Day], [Year] Signature.: ___________________ Camino de Valderribas, 115 / 28038 Madrid T 91 777 55 44 / M 669 879 846 / F 91 477 61 85 Centro Concertado con la Consejería de Asuntos Sociales Inscrita en el Registro de Fundaciones de Madrid en el Tomo IX, nº de Hoja Personal 108 – CIF- G81842130