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|SAINT MARY SCHOOL QUINTO GRADO Fecha 2 al 6 de mayo Weekly Plan - Plan Semanal Dia Lunes T Elvira Science This week we continue working on Science Fair Project. Bring information printed or computer. T.Jennifer Español T. Sylvia Estudios Sociales T.Elisa Math T. Merlyn Social Studies T.Elisa Language Arts 2min-Homework Current events. Read an article about Costa Rica news to be shared in class orally (do not read it) Martes Miércoles Jueves Science Fair Project Viernes Science Fair Project Leer en el libro de texto las Págs 69 – 70. Contestar las preguntas 1-2-3-4 en la Pág 70 y en la Pág 71 la pregunta 5 y Educando en valores. Cuide su letra en cursiva Math quiz 1- II trimester Multiplication Math -book pages 77-78 Study Multiplication Tables Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Mathew 5,9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Mathew 5,9