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ELAR Los alumnos aprenderán / Students will be learning: Abbreviations, Procedural Writing, Suffixeser, -est (spelling and vocabulary), Sequence and Summary, Español / Spanish Los alumnos aprenderán / Students will be learning: Abreviaturas/Abbreviations; Palabras con/Words with “k”; Secuencia de eventos/Sequencing; Escritura procesal/ Procedural Writing Tarea Homework Spelling: Two spelling choices/Dos opciones de ortografía Reading: Fluency passage daily / Leer pasaje de fluidez al diario Ortografía: Dos opciones de ortografía/Two spelling choices Lectura: Leer pasaje de fluidez al diario/ Fluency passage daily Gramática: Práctica de abreviaturas Grammar: Abbreviation Practice Ciencias –– Science Ciencias Science Math Los / Students willwill be be Losalumnos alumnosaprenderán aprenderán / Students learning: learning: Los alumnos aprenderán / Students will be learning: Land Forms Sciencific Notebook Skills Financial Literacy Estudios Sociales/ Social Studies estudios Sociales/ Los alumnos aprenderán / Students will be learning:Social Studies Historical Heroes Los alumnos aprenderán / Students will be learning: Homework Map Skills None / Ninguna Homework None Homework Math Fluency daily and Drops in a Bucket Page / Fluidez de matemáticas y página de practica Remember to practice your multiplication facts every night! ¡Recuerden de practicar multiplicación cada noche! sus © 2007 by Education World®. Education World grants users permission to reproduce this work sheet for educational purposes only. tablas 1 de 3rd Grade Newsletter Noticias Semanales de 3er Grado January 25-29, 2016 Words of the Week Palabras Semanales Announcements Anuncios Please contact your student’s homeroom teacher if you are interested in helping with the Cinco de Mayo Project! ELAR- Spelling Words truly beautiful closely cheerful joyfully blissful quickly listener daily runner suddenly swimmer powerful eraser Español - Palabras de Ortografía kilo karate kindergarten kiwi kosher kiosco Kenia kit koala kilómetro pakistaní Kremlin kéfir kermés Our conference is from 08:00 – 08:50. Nuestro horario de conferencia es de las 08:00 – 08:50.You can call the school. Nos puede llamar a la escuela al (903)8746971. Also, send us an e-mail or call us personally. Envíenos un correo electrónico: Mr. Perez Mrs. McNutt January Monday Tuesday Wednesday miércoles Thursday Friday jueves viernes 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 martes lunes 4 Student Holiday 11 PTO Meeting 5:30 18 No School 25 Mrs. Owen © 2007 by Education World®. Education World grants users permission to reproduce this work sheet for educational purposes only. 2