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Call today to schedule a health insurance consultation with someone you can trust. Boys & Girls Clubs of Garden Grove can screen and enroll applicants in a range of supportive programs. Boys & Girls Clubs of Garden Grove can screen and enroll applicants in a range of supportive programs. Medi-Cal Child Health & Disability Prevention Program (CHDP) CalFresh CalWorks CaliforniaKids Utility Assistance Kaiser Permanente Child Health Plan (when available) Covered California Health Plans What to bring to your appointment: Birth Certificates, Social Security Cards, Proof of childcare or deductions, Parent’s proof of income or child support, If unemployed, proof of EDD 714.530.7413 / 11402 MAGNOLIA ST. GARDEN GROVE, CA 92841 Llame hoy para consultar sobre su seguro de salud con alguien de confianza. Medi-Cal Child Health & Disability Prevention Program (CHDP) CalFresh CalWorks CaliforniaKids Asistencia de utilidades Kaiser Permanente Child Health Plan (si está disponible) HEALTHCalifornia CENTERHealth Plans Covered HEALTH CENTER SERVICES SERVICES DOCUMENTOS NECESARIOS PARA SU CITA: Actas de nacimiento, Seguros Sociales, Prueba de EDD (si no trabaja), Talón de cheque mas reciente, Prueba si recibe ayuda de niño(s) , Prueba de gasto de cuidado de niño(s) 714.530.7413 / 11402 MAGNOLIA ST. GARDEN GROVE, CA 92841