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Tópicos Matemática 3rd Form (9no) 1er periodo Prof. Pedro Lalondriz 2013 – 2014 1. INTRODUCCION A LA LÓGICA SIMBÓLICA Clasificar proposiciones en enunciados abiertos, enunciados sin valor de verdad, proposiciones verdaderas o proposiciones falsas. Dadas proposiciones simples y compuestas, determine su valor de verdad y exprésela en lenguaje lógico o lenguaje ordinario. Conectivos lógicos. Construya tablas de verdad y clasifíquelas en tautología, contingencia y contradicción. Determine el valor de verdad de proposiciones con cuantificadores. Niegue proposiciones universales y existenciales. 2. LENGUAJE Y OPERACIONES CONJUNTISTA CONJUNTISTA Conjunto y su clasificación. Relaciones entre conjuntos. Operaciones con conjuntos gráfica y analíticamente: unión, intersección, diferencia, diferencia simétrica y complemento. Conjunto potencia. Relaciones binarias. Técnicas de conteo. Tópicos Lengua y Literatura 3rd Form (9no) 1er periodo Prof. Elizabeth Polanco - Prof. Han Mei Gan Felipe – 20132013 - 2014 1. EL TEATRO DE FEDERICO GARCÍA LORCA - CONTEXTO SOCIAL, POLÍTICO, ECONÓMICO Y GEOGRÁFICO DEL AUTOR. - GENERACIÓN DEL 27. - TEMÁTICAS PRINCIPALES ABORDADAS EN SUS OBRAS - TRATAMIENTO DADO A LA FIGURA FEMENINA EN SUS OBRAS. - VINCULACIÓN DE SUS OBRAS CON SU VIDA PERSONAL Y SOCIAL. 2. OBRA BODAS DE SANGRE - CONTEXTO SOCIAL, POLÍTICO, ECONÓMICO Y GEOGRÁFICO. - PERSONAJES - TEMÁTICAS PRINCIPALES - SIMBOLOGÍA - RECURSOS LITERARIOS 3. EL TEATRO DE HENRIK IBSEN - CONTEXTO SOCIAL, POLÍTICO, ECONÓMICO Y GEOGRÁFICO DEL AUTOR. - TEMÁTICAS PRINCIPALES ABORDADAS EN SUS OBRAS - TRATAMIENTO DADO A LA FIGURA FEMENINA EN SUS OBRAS. - VINCULACIÓN DE SUS OBRAS CON SU VIDA PERSONAL Y SOCIAL. 4. OBRA CASA DE MUÑECAS - CONTEXTO SOCIAL, POLÍTICO, ECONÓMICO Y GEOGRÁFICO. - PERSONAJES - TEMÁTICAS PRINCIPALES - SIMBOLOGÍA - RECURSOS LITERARIOS 5. LA COMEDIA FRANCESAFRANCESA- VIDA Y OBRA DE JEAN BAPTISTE POQUELIN (MOLIERE) - VIDA Y OBRA DEL AUTOR - CONTEXTO SOCIAL, POLÍTICO, ECONÓMICO Y GEOGRÁFICO. - TEMÁTICAS PRINCIPALES - SIMBOLOGÍA 6. OBRA TARTUFO - CONTEXTO SOCIAL, POLÍTICO, ECONÓMICO Y GEOGRÁFICO. - PERSONAJES - TEMÁTICAS PRINCIPALES - SIMBOLOGÍA - RECURSOS LITERARIOS 7. CONCEPTUALIZACIÓN Y USO DE LA LETRA MAYÚSCULA 8. LA ARGUMENTACIÓN 9. PARTES DE LA ORACIÓN - SUSTANTIVO - ADJETIVO - ADVERBIO 10. LA PARONIMIA Tópicos Francés 3rd Form (9no) 1er periodo Prof. Carmen El-Khoury 2013-2014 A- GRAMMAIRE: Les prépositions La cédille Les pronoms personnels Les adjectifs Le féminin et le masculin B- CONJUGAISON : Le présent L’impératif Les verbes : acheter/ prendre/être/ avoir. C- VOCABULAIRE : Les saisons Les mois Les jours Les adjectifs Les aliments et les boissons Les vêtements Tópicos Química 3rd Form (9no) 1er periodo Prof. Reinaldo Ropero 2013-2014 0. LA QUÍMICA DE LA VIDA: (542 pág. LG) 0.1. Los átomos de la vida. 0.2. Agua y propiedades. 0.3. Las moléculas de la vida: Polisacáridos Lípidos Proteínas Ácidos Nucléicos 0.4. Las enzimas y la bioquímica: Estructura y función de las enzimas (definiciones). Vías Bioquímicas 1. HERRAMIENTAS DE LA QUIMICA: (5, 15, 18, 23, 33 pág. LG) 1.1. La química hoy: Método científico. Ramas de la química. 1.2. Unidades y medidas: Partes de una medida. Unidades del Sistema Internacional “ S.I.”. Unidades del Sistema Ingles. Factores de conversión. Notación científica. Temperaturas. 2. MATERIA: (6, 8, 65 pág. LG) 2.1. División de la materia. 2.2. Formas de separación de la materia. 2.3. Propiedades de la materia. 3. ELEMENTOS QUIMICOS Y TABLA PERIÓDICA: (47, 203) pág. LG) 3.1. Ley periódica de los elementos. 3.2. Tabla periódica: Grupos, periodos, familias y bloques. 3.3. Comparación metales y no metales. 4. ÁTOMOS, MOLÉCULAS E IONES: (84 pág. LG) 4.1. Teoría atómica: Postulados. 4.2. Modelos atómicos. 4.3. Átomos: Estructura del átomo (electrones, protones, neutrones y núcleo). Términos relacionados. 5. CONFIGURACIÓN ELÉCTRONICA: (203, 210, 214 pág. LG) 5.1. Configuración general o total. 5.2. Configuraciones parciales (letras y gas noble). 5.3. Localización de los elementos en la tabla periódica. 6. ESTADOS DE OXIDACIÓN Y FORMACION DE COMPUESTOS: COMPU ESTOS: (224 pág. LG) 6.1. Reglas para la colocación y balanceo de números de estado de oxidación de un compuesto químico. 6.2. Reglas para la formación de compuestos químicos. FIN Tópicos Historia de las Civilizaciones y Geografía Mundial 3rd Form (9no) 1er periodo Prof. Juana Cabral (2013 – 2014) I. Las Ciencias Sociales 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ciencias Sociales Origen de las Ciencias Sociales Las diferentes ciencias auxiliares de las Ciencias Sociales Métodos de investigación en las Ciencias Sociales Importancia del estudio de las ciencias sociales para la vida II. Geografía 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Objeto de estudio Relación con otras ciencias Diagrama de Fennemann Clasificación de la geografía: descriptiva, científica y contemporánea Geografía física y humana III. Historia como Ciencia 1. Concepto 2. Fuentes primarias y secundarias 3. Multicausalidad de la Historia 4. Orígenes y evolución de la Historia siguiendo un cronograma 5. Historia política, social y económica 6. Periodización histórica IV. La estructura interna de la Tierra 1. Las placas tectónicas: concepto y movimientos de las placas en el planisferio mundial 2. Factores internos y externos de la Tierra 3. Cambios en la corteza terrestre 4. Terremotos y volcanes: conceptos y composición 5. Eras geológicas de la Tierra: Edades de la Tierra 6. El relieve terrestre 7. Las aguas del planeta Tierra V. Prehistoria: Origen del ser humano 1. Origen del ser humano 2. Proceso de humanización 3. Características de los homínidos 4. Prehistoria: estudio y etapas 5. Períodos: Paleolítico, Mesolítico y Neolítico: Megalitos, Dólmenes y Menhires 6. La Era de los Metales: Edad de Cobre, Bronce y del Hierro 7. Los Hititas: organización política, económica, social y cultura Decadencia y legado a la humanidad. VI. Culturas Clásicas de Oriente 1. Civilización Mesopotámica: características políticas, sociales, económicas y legado a la humanidad) 2. Sumerios, Babilonios, Asirios y Persas 3. Egipto: espacios físicos, el país del río Nilo, etapas del imperio, clases sociales y economía 4. Egipto: Legado histórico, arquitectura, desarrollo del arte y religión. 5. Proceso de decadencia y legado a la humanidad. VII. Civilizaciones Orientales 1. India y China: Espacio Físico, aportes y desarrollo económico. Localización, influencias hidrográficas, organización política y cultural. Decadencia y legado a la humanidad. PrePre -IB I English Topics 3rd Form (9no) 1st period Ms. Karina Sang 20132013 -2014 Texts: Laurie Halse Anderson, Speak (a novel) Karen Hesse, Out of the Dust (a novel in verse) Elements of literature: • Characterization • Setting • Plot • Themes • Techniques (metaphors, similes, personification, foreshadowing, flashback, flashforward) • Conflicts Literature in context (historical, cultural, etc.) Critical thinking Writing • PEE chain format • Using literature as inspiration for further creative pieces Algebra II Topics 3rd Form (9no) 1st period Ms. Miguelina Coronado 20132013 -2014 Page Chapter 1: Properties of Real Numbers Evaluate and Simplify Algebraic Expressions Solve Linear Equations Solve Linear Inequalities Solve Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities 2 10 18 41 51 Chapter 2: Represent Relations and Functions Find Slope and Rate of Change Graph Equations of Lines Scatter Plots and Best-Fitting Lines Use Absolute Value Functions and Transformations Graph Linear Inequalities in two variables 72 82 89 113 123 132 Chapter 3 Solve Linear Systems by Graphing Solve Linear Systems Algebraically Graph Systems of Linear Inequalities 153 160 168 Note: Study the vocabulary related with the topics listed. Practice exercises and word problems related with the topics. World History Topic 3rd Form (9no) 1st period Ms. Anna Groesser 20132013 -2014 Use your notebook (which should include all class notes and homework assignments) as your main study source. Your midterm exam will cover the following topics: Social Studies Five themes of Geography. Primary & Secondary Sources. What is the purpose of a parallel timeline? Be able to write an era (i.e. 2000-2014) on a timeline. Understand the difference between B.C. and A.D. Map Comprehension World map (Equator, Prime Meridian, five oceans, seven continents). Vocabulary: compass rose, map scale, latitude, longitude. The Renaissance in Europe (pages 287287- 301) Content vocabulary: mercenary, burgher, republic, Humanism, vernacular, fresco, perspective. Academic vocabulary: dominate, decline, attain, style, circumstance, core. What contributed to the rise of the Italian states during the Renaissance? How did Machiavelli’s work influence political power in the western world? How was society characterized during the Renaissance? How did Humanism help define the Italian Renaissance? How was education during the Renaissance shaped by Humanism? How did Humanism influence the work of Renaissance artists and authors? How did the work of Northern European artists differ from those of Italian artists? The Reformation in Europe (pages 303303- 315) Content vocabulary: Christian Humanism, salvation, indulgence, Lutheranism, justification, predestination, annul, ghetto. Academic vocabulary: fundamental, external, valid, community, publish. How did Christian Humanism and Desiderius Erasmus pave the way for the Protestant Reformation in Europe? What role did Martin Luther and his ideas play in the Reformation? Why was the Holy Roman Empire forced to seek peace with the Lutheran princes? Why did Calvinism become an important form of Protestantism by the midsixteenth century? What made the English Reformation different from the Reformation in the rest of Europe? Why did both Catholics and Protestants consider Anabaptists dangerous radicals? How did the Reformation affect European society? What prompted the reform of the Catholic Church during the sixteenth century? The Age of Exploration (pages 317317- 335) Content vocabulary: caravel, plantations, Middle Passage, encomienda, mita, creole, peninsulare. Academic vocabulary: overseas, culture, export, regime, labor, draft. What were the motivations behind European exploration of distant lands? How were Spain and Portugal able to take the lead in discovering new lands? What were the results of Spanish and Portuguese conquests in the Americas? Which other European countries explored and settled in the Americas? What economic theories were put into practice during the age of Exploration? How did the Columbian Exchange affect the Americas and Europe? How did the nature of European exploration change by the seventeenth century? How did European expansion affect Africa and the slave trade? What were the social characteristics of colonial Latin America? How did Portugal and Spain govern their colonies to promote economic gain and exert their authority? Conflict and Absolutism in Europe (pages 337337 -357) Content vocabulary: heretic, armada, divine right of Kings, Puritans, Cavaliers, Roundheads, natural rights, absolutism, czar, Mannerism, baroque. Academic vocabulary: conflict, policy, commonwealth, restoration, convert, stability, emerge, authority, decline, creative, drama. What roles did Spain play in religious conflicts? What fueled the French civil wars of the sixteenth century? What were the causes and effects of the Thirty Years' War? How did disagreements over rule between the Stuarts and Parliament lead to the English Civil War? What were the causes and effects of the Glorious Revolution? How did the English Revolution influence political thought? Why is the reign of Louis XIV regarded as the best example of absolutism in the seventeenth century? How did Prussia and Austria emerge as great powers in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Europe? How did Russia emerge as a powerful state under Peter the Great? How did art movements change in Europe after the Renaissance? What characterized Europe's Golden Age of Literature? World History Topics 3rd Form (9no) 1st period Mr. Donald Gotz 2013-2014 We have discussed many themes this semester. Be prepared to review all vocabulary from each chapter and section studied. Use that vocabulary in your answers. Remember to use the 5w’s. Who, what, when, where, and why. why The examination will consist of four parts. 1) Definition of terms with examples 2) Short answer questions to identify key concepts 3) 1-2 paragraph essays to develop important themes and discuss ideas in-depth 4) Map identification Many questions will come from material covered in the text and class discussion. Be very specific in your answers. Use clear critical critica thinking. thinking Use dates and names in your essays and discuss fully every answer in the style we have been practicing. Review all materials and in class we will discuss specific areas of major concentration. Text: World History and Geography Chapter 15 European Renaissance and Reformation Renaissance in Italy Lesson 1 Study all vocabulary and give examples Recognize the map and Northern Italy The goals of the Italian states in politics and economics What society was like for rich and poor Lesson 2 study all vocabulary Humanism, literature, education Different styles of Art and how it expanded thinking Chapter 16 the Reformation in Europe Lesson 1 Study all vocabulary Study the map of Europe and recognize Germany and England Christian Humanism Martin Luther, 95 Theses, indulgences Rise of Lutheranism Lesson 2 Rise of Protestantism Henry VIII, his wives and his relationship with the Pope in Rome The Pope’s reaction to English Crown How society changed with Protestantism Wars that were created The relationship between Roman Catholics, Protestants and Jews Chapter 17 The Age of Exploration Lesson 1 European exploration study all vocabulary The technologies that allowed Europeans to sail around the world The reasons why they needed to The goods and products they obtained in trade The reasons trade grew the wealth of the nation Lesson 2 Global economic system The Columbian Exchange-east to west/west to east The Atlantic slave trade Lesson 3 Latin America study all vocabulary Economic issues with gold and silver Spanish and Portuguese treatment of native people Chapter 18 Absolutism Lesson 1 Europe in Crisis study all vocabulary Spanish conflicts politically and religious French conflicts politically and religious Lesson 2 Revolution in England study all vocabulary Divine right of kings Civil War and Oliver Cromwell Restoration of a King Glorious Revolution Political ideas and democracy Lesson 3 Absolutism in Europe Louis XIV and Huguenots and his legacy Peter the Great of Russia Possible essay questions: How did Spain achieve an empire in the Americas? What nations settled in the New World and why? The Atlantic slave trade-triangular trade routes-causes and effects The Columbian Exchange and how global trade created wealth Compare and contrast Protestantism and Catholicism What kind of paintings first became popular of the wealthy class in Italy? Why did Henry VIII need to break away from the Roman Church and what were the consequences of his actions? What was the Glorious Revolution and why was it important? Review all vocabulary and be prepared to give definitions and examples in short answers and essay-style paragraphs. There will be no surprises. All questions will have been covered in the sources you use and class discussion. Remember to create your small 3x5 notes reminding you of key terms that will unlock the information you already have. Be specific on the exam; use critical thinking to come up with your thoughts. Write clearly and stay organized. Practice writing short essays and have a peer edit them. Use flash cards to practice the vocabulary if necessary. Good luck!