Download 3-2-study-guide-oct-17-21 - Boston School International
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Boston School International Oct. 18-21 Teacher: Katie Lamb Subject Writing/Grammar Phonics/Spelling E-mail: katie. Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday Grammar test over verbs (identifying action and helping verbs (to be verbs)) Spelling test list 6 words Do page 143 and 144 (Torn out of book and sent home in homework folder) Math Do page 149 and 150 (Torn out of book and sent home in homework folder) Art Project #3: Still Life (For a Grade) It will be done in class. Arts Music Wednesday Grade 3.2 Music Classwork #4: Musical Meter 4/4 (For a Grade) It will be done in class. Do page 155 and 156 (Torn out of book and sent home in homework folder) Spanish Trabajaremos el hiato, diptongo, triptongo . Taller sumativo el hiato, diptongo, triptongo .PARA NOTA Trabajar durante la semana los miembros de familia.Ver: .com/watch?v=Luzi NdkaCqI Mandarin Computer Social Studies Activity 2: "My Favorite Stories", Microsoft Word. 1. To improve on typing skills, practice typing for 10 minutes, at home Realizarán taller en clase para nota. Tema: Los símbolos Patrios. Practicar, en casa, la Promesa Estudiantil.(ver copia en el cuaderno de C. Sociales)