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TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS VII PREFACE IX ABBREVIATIONS XII CONTRIBUTORS XIII VICENTE BÉCARES Aspectos de la producción y distribución del Nuevo Rezado i MARIUS BERNADÓ Las ediciones zaragozanas del Intonano de Pedro Ferrer: contexto y nota bibliográfica 23 TREVOR J. DADSON Music Books and Instruments in Spanish Golden-Age Inventories: The Case of Don juan de Borja (1607) 95 IAIN FENLON Artus Taberniel: Music Printing and the Book Trade in Renaissance Salamanca 117 MARÍA GEMBERO USTÁRROZ Circulación de libros de música entre España y América (1492-1650): notas para su estudio 147 JOHN GRIFFITHS Printing the Art of Orpheus: Vihuela Tablatures in Sixteenth-century Spain 181 TESS KNIGHTON Libros de canto: The Ownership of Music Books in Zaragoza in the Early Sixteenth Century Bibliografische Informationen 21 j digitalisiert durch vi CONTENTS MICHAEL N O O N E Printed Polyphony acquired by Toledo Cathedral, 15 3 2-1669 241 OWEN REES Printed Music, Portuguese Musicans, Roman Patronage: Two Case Studies 275 EMILIO ROS-FÁBREGAS Script and Print: The Transmission of Non-Iberian Polyphony in Renaissance Barcelona 299 APPENDIX 329 WORKS CITED 341