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CURRICULUM VITAE June 2008 JOSE J. LaCalle Ph.D. ABPP. CROSS-CULTURAL HISPANIC FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGIST Services Available in English and Spanish Services available nationally and internationally San Francisco, California, USA EDUCATION : Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, United States International University, San Diego, CA, 1972. Pre-doctoral internship, University of California, San Diego Psychiatry Dept., 1971-1972. Post-doctoral internship University of California, Irvine, Psychiatry Dept., 1972-1973. LIC. (Licenciatus) Comillas University, Spain, 1961. B.A. (Bachalaureatus) Comillas University, Spain, 1959. LICENSE AND CERTIFICATIONS: License: California Psychologist, PSY4250, 1973 Diplomate: In Clinical Psychology American Board of Professional Psychology JOSE J. LaCALLE, Ph.D. Vitae Page 2 Diplomate: Behavioral Medicine American Academy of Behavioral Medicine. Diplomate: Board Certified Forensic Examiner American Board of Forensic Examiners Registered: In National Register of Health Services Providers in Psychology. Inactive. Past Appointments: Independent Medical Examiner in Psychology by Dept. of Industrial Relations, Division of Workers' Compensation, State of California Past Sex Therapist by the American Association of Sex Certifications: Educators, Counselors and Therapists AFFILIATIONS: Fellow, Academy of Clinical Psychology Fellow, American College of Forensic Psychology Fellow, American College of Forensic Examiners Member, American Psychological Association Member, Distinguished Expert, National Forensic Center Member, American Board of Forensic Examiners Member, Board of Directors of the International Master “de Psicologia Juridica y Forense Basado en la Evidencia. Honorary President of the (International) Scientific Society ACAPI-PSICONDEC ( Spain and Latino-America) Honorary Member of the “Colegio de Profesionales de la Psicología del Estado de Michoacán, México” Founding and Honorary Member of the Asociacion Colombiana de Psicologia Juridica y Forense Former Member, International Academy of Law and Mental Health Former Member, California State Psychological Association 2 JOSE J. LaCALLE, Ph.D. Vitae Page 3 Former Member, Redwood Psychological Association Former Member, San Francisco Psychological Association Former Member, Orange County Psychological Association Former Member, American Academy of Behavioral Medicine Former Member, Asociacion Latinoamericana de Analisis y Modificacion del Comportamiento (ALAMOC) Retired Clinical Faculty, School of Medicine, University of California at Irvine. Former Board Member, Mental Health Advisory Board, Orange County, CA Former Board Member, Federal HSA, Orange County, CA Former Chairman of Behavioral Task (Mental Health Committee), Orange County Health Planning Council Former President of the League of United Latin-American Citizens, Irvine professional Chapter,(LULAC) WORK EXPERIENCE LaCalle Psychological Services, Inc., President. Private practice in Cross-cultural Forensic Psychology. Specializing in capital cases, murder, notorious sex crimes by Hispanics. Civil cases involving violence, sex, racial discrimination, wrongful death or injury and medical claims. USA.10/77 to present. Visiting Professor: ABA Colombia, Colombia 1999, 2003. AEPC Spain, Spain 2000, to present. CPPEM Michoacan, Mexico 2002, to 2005. Damage Control Consultants. Psychosocial and crosscultural consultation for issues of workplace violence, sexual harassment, arson, discrimination, hate crimes, personality conflicts. January 1990 to November 2000. 3 JOSE J. LaCALLE, Ph.D. Vitae Page 4 Clinicas de Salud Mental. (Mental Health Clinics for Hispanics), Orange County, San Francisco and Sonoma County. Director. Bilingual and bicultural evaluations and treatment. 4/1/94 to 12/31/97. Retired. LaCalle Psychological Services, Inc. Private practice in Clinical Psychology, Sonoma County, CA, 9/1/87 to 12/31/97. Retired. LaCalle Psychological Services, Inc. Private practice in Clinical Psychology, San Francisco, CA, 7/1/90 to 12/31/97. Retired. LaCalle Psychological Services, Inc. Private practice in Clinical Psychology, Santa Ana, CA, 4/78 to 12/97. Retired. Assistant Clinical Professor. School of Medicine, University of California, Irvine, CA, 9/89 to 9/94. Retired. Comprehensive Psychiatric Centers. Private practice in Forensic Psychology, Santa Rosa, CA, 1/1/86 to 8/31/87. Clinical Psychologist. Dept. of Mental Health, Orange County, CA, 5/73 to 4/78. Clinical Psychologist in Private Practice, part-time, Santa Ana, CA, 9/73 to 10/77. Clinical Instructor of Medical Psychology. Dept. of Medicine and Human Behavior, University of California, Irvine, 9/73 to 9/89. Psychologist, Narcotics Treatment Program. Psychiatry Dept. of the University of California at San Diego, 9/71 to 5/73. Bilingual Psychologist. University and Fifth Psychiatric Clinic, Psychiatry Dept. of the University of California at San Diego, 9/69 to 9/71. Bilingual Counselor. Out-Patient Psychiatric Services, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, 10/68 to 9/69. 4 JOSE J. LaCALLE, Ph.D. Vitae Page 5 AREAS OF EXPERTISE Forensic Psychology: Criminal Law: Death penalty, Federal Capital Habeas Murder, Violent and notorious Sex crimes. Civil Law: Wrongful death or injury, medical malpractice, personal injury and cross-cultural issues in Civil litigation. Public Speaking: Lectures, Seminars and Workshops, in Spanish and in English In USA, Canada, Spain, Mexico, Central and South America, regarding issues concerning Hispanic populations: Cross-Cultural Forensic Psychology Death Penalty Psicologia Forense Aplicada. Pedophilia and Child Molestation Juvenile Violence Violent Sex Crimes Perfile del Criminal Violento Psychological Autopsy FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY EXPERIENCE 8,000+ psychological evaluations and personality assessments. 3,500+ cases were within the field of forensic psychology. 250+ murder cases, including capital, aggravated and firstdegree murders, mostly with Hispanic defendants. 1000+ civil cases, both Plaintiff and Defense In the last 35 years, hundreds of depositions and court testimonies as expert witness in criminal and civil cases mostly with Hispanics and other minorities, in California and several other States. From 1975 to present, frequently retained in cases, both criminal and civil, involving cultural beliefs, Curanderia, Santeria, Regla de Orisha, Shamanism, and other Hispanic and Afro-Caribbean practices. 5 JOSE J. LaCALLE, Ph.D. Vitae Page 6 Psychological and Cross Cultural consultations to organizations and business regarding cultural barriers, cultural diversity, cultural conflicts and employment discrimination, 1977 to 2000. Over 1000 forensic evaluations of Hispanics charged with child molestation, rape, sex crimes, drug, alcohol, burglaries, kidnapping, extortion, violent crimes, and other criminal offenses; competency and insanity evaluations; mentally disorder sex offenders, from 1973 to 2000. Court appointed in numerous cases, including juvenile court, family Law, custody evaluations, and termination of parental rights. 1975 to 2000 From 1969 to 1999, thousands of psychological evaluations, including psychological testing, personality and intelligence assessments. Criminal Evaluations and Court Testimonies across California, including the counties of: Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside, San Diego, Ventura, Kern, Fresno, Tulare, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, Marin, San Francisco, Napa, Sonoma, Shasta, El Dorado, Sacramento, Contra Costa, San Joaquin, Alameda, San Mateo, Siskiyou, Santa Clara, Stanislaus, Mendocino and Humboldt. Criminal evaluations and Court testimony in several Oregon counties: Multnomah, Washington, Klakamas, Clatsop, Marian, Jackson, Umatilla and Yamhill. Hundreds of workers compensation evaluations, both defense and applicants, IME, AME and QME, from 1973 to 1998 Forensic consultations in several states, including: Nevada, Oregon, Ohio, Texas, New York, Florida, New Mexico, South Dakota, Colorado. International forensic consultations , including: Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Argentina, Nicaragua, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Peru, Vietnam, Thailand, Cuba, England, Chile and Spain. Listed as Hispanic Expert Witness in Psychology in several 6 JOSE J. LaCALLE, Ph.D. Vitae Page 7 Federal Courts with numerous evaluations and federal court appearances. Hundreds of Civil Litigation cases, including Personal injury, Wrongful death, Job discrimination, Workplace harassment, Sexual harassment, Social security evaluations, Immigration evaluations, Racial discrimination and Malpractice. PAPERS AND PUBLICATIONS: LaCalle, J.J. Confesiones Falsas o Extorsionadas: Una Parodia de la Justicia. (False or Manipulated Confessions, a Parody of Justice) Congreso Latinoamericano de Psicología Jurídica y Forense V.5.0 March 2008 García, Eric, LaCalle J.J.,Perez-Marques, Aina. La Psicología Jurídica-Forense y los Juicios Orales en Materia Penal: Perspectivas, Riesgos y Desafíos en el caso del México Actual. Just Semper loquitur, Tribunal Superior del Estado. Oaxaca, México 2006 LaCalle, J.J. El Psicólogo Forense en el Sistema Acusatorio Congreso Latino-Americano de Psicologia Juridica y Forense v.2.0 March 27 – April 2, 2005 LaCalle, J.J. Asesinos en Serie (Serial killers) Revista Jalisciense de Ciencias Forenses. Guadalajara, México, April 2004 LaCalle, J.J. Pedófilos Predadores: Rehabilitación o Prisión por largo tiempo. ( Predatory Pedophiles: Rehabilitation or long sentences in prison). Congreso Latino-Americano de Psicologia Juridica y Forense v.1.0 March 2004 LaCalle, J.J. Psicología Forense Aplicada. Un adelanto distribuido en Latino-América, del manual a publicar con el mismo titulo. Copyright 2003 7 JOSE J. LaCALLE, Ph.D. Vitae Page 8 LaCalle, J.J. Asesinos Juveniles. A chapter of a book about Juvenile Violence published by U.N,E.D., in Melilla, a Spanish city in North Africa. LaCalle, J.J. Murder in the Hispanic Community. In Spanish, Por qué matan los Hispanos, ( Book in preparation, research stage). LaCalle, J.J., El Psicólogo Inter-cultural Forense En Los Procesos Judiciales De Hispanos Acusados De Asesinatos Y otros Crimenes Violentos. (Copyright 2000) LaCalle, J.J., La Violencia Juvenil. El Psicologo Hispano en el Tribunal de Menores. (Copyright 2000) LaCalle, J.J., “False and Manipulated Confessions extracted from Hispanic Criminal Suspects”. (Copyright 2000). LaCalle, J.J., "Juvenile Hispanic Murderers." ( copyright 1999). LaCalle, J.J., Miranda Admonition to Hispanics: Invalid waivers due to Cognitive and Volitional Deficiencies. ( copyright 1995) LaCalle, J.J., "Forensic Psychological Evaluations Through an Interpreter: Legal and Ethical Issues." American Journal of Forensic Psychology, Vol. V, Iss. 4, Pgs. 29-43, 1987. LaCalle, J.J., "Incest: Offender Treatment and Family Therapy." American Journal of Forensic Psychology, Vol.V, Iss. 2, Pgs. 43-46, 1987. LaCalle, J.J., "Hispanic Defendants on Sex Offense Charges: Primer for the Expert Witness." American Journal of Forensic Psychology, Vol, IV, Iss.3, pgs. 19-29,1986. LaCalle, J.J., and LaCalle, T.M., "Psychotherapy With the Upwardly Mobile Hispanic Patient." Proceedings of the California Psychological Association Convention, 1982. 8 JOSE J. LaCALLE, Ph.D. Vitae Page 9 LaCalle, J.J. and LaCalle, T.M., "Psicoterapia Familiar Del Incesto Padre-Hija, un Tratamiento De Equipo." Proceedings of the II Congreso Argentino De Psiquiatria Infantil. Buenos Aires, 1980. LaCalle, J.J. and Villalobos, P.D., "Mexican-American Drug Addicts, Response to Psychotherapy." Proceedings of the 5th National Conference on Methadone Treatment, N.A.P.A.N., Washington, D.C., 1973, p. 638-644. LaCalle, J.J., "Group Psychotherapy With Mexican-American Drug Addicts." Doctoral Dissertation. United States International University, San Diego,1973 Psychological Abstracts.) LaCalle, J.J., "From the Sun to the Ghetto: A Research Study of the Puerto Rican Youth Immigrants." Liga LatinoAmericana. Rochester, New York, 1969. LECTURES, WORKSHOPS,SEMINARS, SYMPOSIA, CONFERENSES AND PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS: “Perfiles Psicológico-Forenses del Criminal Violento” Cambios motivacionales en la Mente del Criminal Moderno. Primer Congreso Internacional de Ciencias Forenses e Investigación Criminal. Universidad de Carabobo, Venezuela and Latin American Congress Group. Miami, Florida May 31 to June 1. “El Psicólogo Forense Frente al Nuevo Sistema Judicial Acusatorio” Primer Congreso Internacional de Ciencias Forenses e Investigación Criminal. Universidad de Carabobo, Venezuela and Latin American Congress Group. Miami, Florida May 31 to June 1. “Taller de Psicología Forense Aplicada” Worshop in Forensic Psychology. Master Program in Forensic Psychology AEPC Granada, Spain April 27 and 28, 2007 9 JOSE J. LaCALLE, Ph.D. Vitae Page 10 “Psicología Jurídica y Forense Basada en la Evidencia” (with D. Mario Arana Suárez) Jornadas sobre “Aspectos Medico-Legal en la Valoración del Daño Corporal” MAPFRE, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canarias, Spain. April 20, 2007 “Pericia Psicológica Legal” (With D. Mario Arana Suárez) Jornadas sobre “Aspectos Medico-Legal en la Evaluación del Daño Corporal. MAPFRE, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canarias, Spain. April 20,2007 “El Rol del Psicólogo Forense en el Sistema Acusatorio” Ministerio Público de Panamá. Procuraduría General de la Nacion, ( Panama’s Attorney General Office) June 1st,2007 “Conversatorio: El Psicólogo como Testigo Experto en el Nuevo Sistema Jurídico Acusatorio. Órgano Judicial de Panamá (Panamá Supreme Court) Panamá City, Panamá May 31, 2007 “Evaluación Psicológica Forense en casos de delitos graves en adultos. Three days Workshop. Diplomado Internacional en Psicologia Juridica y Forense. UMECIT, Panamá City, Panamá. May 31- June 2, 2007 “Juicios Orales en México Perspectivas y Desafíos” (Oral Trials in México: Perspectives and Challenges) Claustro Universitario de Chihuahua. Chihuahua, México October 18, 2006 “Aplicaciones de la Psicologia Forense” ( The utilization of Forensic Psychology) Claustro Universitario de Chihuahua. Tenth Anniversary. Chihuahua, Mexico October 19, 2006 “El Psicólogo Forense en el Sistema Acusatorio” (The Forensic Psychologist in the (new) Accusatory Legal System) Full day workshop. III International Congress of Criminal and Sexual Violence. Puebla, México. November 26, 2005 “Perfil Psicológico del Criminal Violento” Conferencia Magistral. (Psychological Profile of the Violent 10 JOSE J. LaCALLE, Ph.D. Vitae Page 11 Criminal).III International Congress of Criminal and Sexual Violence). Puebla, México. November 27, 2005 “Casos Prácticos de Psicología Forense” Workshop in Applied Forensic Psychology, Granada, Spain. April 8 and 9, 2005. “Casos Practicos de Psicologia Forense” Workshop in Applied Forensic Psychology, Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. April 1 and 2,2005 “Cultural Issues in Evaluating Hispanic Defendants: A practical Workshop in Cross-Cultural Forensic Psychology. New México Health Department, Behavioral Health Services División. Albuquerque, New México June 25, 2004 “Perfile Psicológico del Raptador en serie” (Psychological profile of the serial kidnaper) Ciclo de Conferencias “Psicología hoy: un reto social” Colegio de Profesionales de la psicología del Estado de Michoacán, November 15th, 2003. Morelia, México. “Tertulia Académica sobre Psicología Forense” Instituto Jalisciense de Ciencias Forenses, IJCF. November 13th, 2003. Guadalajara, Mexico. “Psicologia Forense Aplicada: Present and Future”. Two-day Workshop, ABA Colombia. October 16th and 17th, 2003 Bogotá, Colombia. Tertulia Académica sobre Psicología Forense” Departamento de Psicología de la Universidad Católica. October 15th Bogotá, Colombia. “Psicologia Forense Aplicada” One-day workshop. ABA Colombia, October 14th 2003, Tunja, Colombia. “Crimenes Sexuales” II Seminario Internacional de Criminalistica y Ciencias Forenses. J.C.M , October 11th, 2003,Villavicencio, Colombia “Asesinatos sexuales y Violadores en serie” II Seminario Internacional de Criminalistica y Ciencias Forenses. J.C.M. October 12th, 2003. Villavicencio, Colombia. 11 JOSE J. LaCALLE, Ph.D. Vitae Page 12 “La Pena de Muerte en USA y el Psicólogo Forense Hispano” ( The Death Penalty in USA and the Hispanic Forensic Psychologist” III Encuentro de Psicología Jurídica. October 10th, 2003. Universidad de Santo Tomas, Bogotá, Colombia “Forensic Evaluations of Hispanic Emigrants” 111th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, (A workshop co-chaired with Ines Monguio, PhD).August 10th 2003, Toronto, Canada “Asesinos Juveniles” Lectures about Juvenile Violence and Murder. U.N.E.D. University, March 26, 2003. Melilla, North Africa, Spain. “Seminario de Psicologia Forense Aplicada”, Spanish Association of Behavior Modification ( AEPC), Almeria, Spain, March 22, 2003. “Casos Practicos de Psicologia Forense”. A two day workshop of Applied Forensic Psychology. College of Professional Psychologists of Aragon. March 14 and 15, 2003. Zaragoza, Spain. Perspectivas de la Psicologia Forense y Juridica ante los cambios del Sistema Juridico en Mexico. Universidad Latina de America. Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico January 17, 2003 Preparing Experts for Bias Impeachment. 2002 CACJ/CPDA Capital Defense Seminar. February 15-18, 2002 Monterey, California. (In collaboration with Jean Farley, Attorney at Law). Imputabilidad Criminal en Casos de Deficiencias Mentales, (Criminal Responsibility in Cases of Mental eficiencies) Forensic Psychology Workshop, November 2001, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain. Master en Psicologia Juridica, ( Lectures in Forensic Psychology issues). December 2001, Colegio Oficial de Psicologos de Andalucia Oriental, Spain. Issues in the Forensic Evaluation of Hispanics. 17th Annual Symposium of the American College of Forensic Psychology. April 26-29, 2001. Toronto, Canada. 12 JOSE J. LaCALLE, Ph.D. Vitae Page 13 (Presented in collaboration with Ines Monguio, Ph.D., Forensic Neuro-psychologist.) Cross-cultural Insanity. Life in the Balance 2001. Defending Death Penalty Cases. National Legal Aid & Defender Association. March 3-6, 2001. Albuquerque, NM (Presented in collaboration with Mike Curtis, Attorney at Law and Ellen Rogers, Mitigation Specialist. Peritajes en Cuatro Casos de Pena de Muerte y Asesinatos Notorios.I Symposium Internacional sobre Casos de Peritajes Psicologicos y Psiquiatricos en el Ambito Forense. A.E.P.C., Universidad de Granada, Spain. November, 2-4, 2000. Metodos y Tecnicas en el Peritaje Psicopatologico Forense. Curso Aplicado Internacional sobre Peritajes Psicopatologicos. A.E.P.C. Universidad de Sevilla, Spain. October, 26-28, 2000. El Emigrante Mexicano en las Cortes Norteamericanas. II Congreso de Psicologia, Universidad de Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico May 20, 2000 Funcion del Psicologo Forense en los Casos Legales de Violencia Juvenil y crimenes sexuales. Worshop at the II Congreso de Psicologia, Universidad de Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico. May 20, 2000 Murder, Violent Crimes: Hispanic Cultural Issues in Court Testimony. Course approved for Mandatory Continuing Education for Psychologists. California Psychological Association Convention in San Jose California 3/24/2000 Factores Culturales en La Defensa de Hispanos Acusados de Crimenes Violentos. Primer Simposio Internacional de Conducta Criminal. Bogota, Colombia: August 23, 1999 Pena de Muerte: Intervencion del Psicologo Forense en el Proceso de Mitigacion. Primer Simposio Internacional de Conducta Criminal. Bogota, Colombia: August 25,1999 Cross-cultural conflicts as contributors to workplace stress and violence. 13th Annual Symposium in Forensic 13 JOSE J. LaCALLE, Ph.D. Vitae Page 14 Psychology, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 4/18/97. Juvenile Murderers: From innocent Mexican childhoods to American criminal gang behavior. Deuxieme Colloque Annuel International: Aggression, Troubles Mentaux, and Intervention, Centre de Recherche Philippe Pinel Montreal, Canada, 11/2/96. Comunicacion Intercultural en el Mundo de los Negocios (Presented in collaboration with Dr. Trula LaCalle, Organizational Psychologist. Departamento de Relaciones Industriales, Universidad de Guanajuato, Guanajuato, México, 8/21/96. Understanding and differentiating between the different Hispanic cultures and customs. Guidelines for defense investigators. Cross-cultural Psychologist as part of the defense team. Defense Investigators Association, training conferences, Ventura, CA, 4/26/96. "Real or Imagined Memories: Malpractice Issues With Dissociative Identity Disorder Patients." 11th Annual Symposium in Forensic Psychology, San Francisco, CA, 5/6/95. "Professional, Ethical and Moral Issues Confronting a Forensic Psychologist in a Notorious Child Rape/Murder Case in an Hispanic Urban Area." International Symposium American College of Forensic Psychology, Montreal, Canada, 5/14/94. "Validity and legal Issues of Neuro-psychological Evaluations Using Interpreters." UCLA Neuro-psychology Residency, Los Angeles, CA, 10/29/91 and 11/92. "Neuro-psychological Evaluations Through Interpreters." California Neuro-psychology Society, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, 6/15/91. "Emotional Overlay in Workers' Compensation and Personal Injury Cases With Hispanic Clients." San Francisco, Mills Building, for Workers' Compensation and Personal Injury Attorneys, 10/26/90. "The Adolescent Murderer and the Expert Psychologist." 5th 14 JOSE J. LaCALLE, Ph.D. Vitae Page 15 Annual Symposium in Psychology and Law, San Diego, CA, 4/89. "The Hispanic Child Molester: Pedophilia or Social Disease." 4th Annual Symposium in Psychology and Law, Palm Springs, CA, 4/88. "Forensic Psychological Evaluations Through an Interpreter: Legal and Ethical Issues." 3rd Annual Symposium in Psychology and Law, Monterey, CA, 4/87. "Evaluating the Patient or Evaluating the Interpreter in Psychiatric/Psychological Evaluations Through Interpreters." Third World Counselors Convention, San Francisco, CA, 3/28/87. "Father-Daughter Incest, Legal and Psychotherapeutic issues." 2nd Annual Symposium in Psychology and Law Sanibel Island, Florida, 1986. "Hispanic Defendants on Sex Offense Charges: Cultural Implications." 2nd Annual Symposium in Psychology and Law, Sanibel Island, Florida, 1986. "Theory and Treatment of Child Molest Hispanic Victims." Family practice resident program. Santa Ana-Tustin Medical Center, 1985. "Suicide Prevention in the Military." Tustin, CA, 1985. El Toro Marine Corps, "Profiles of Psychiatric Injury Claims in Workers' Compensation." Multiple presentations to WC Insurance Carriers. Southern California, 1984-1985. "The Hispanic Psychosomatic Patient." Family practice resident program, Western Medical Center, Santa Ana, CA, 1984. "Cultural Values Involved in the Treatment of Hispanic Psychiatric In-patients." Medical Staff Santa Ana Neuro-psychiatric Hospital, 1984. "The Psychological Needs of Men and Woman Within Marriage." Premarital lecture for the Spanish-speaking. Diocese of Orange, 1982-1984. 15 JOSE J. LaCALLE, Ph.D. Vitae Page 16 "Treatment of Child Molestation Within the Framework of the Hispanic Family." Orange County Mental Health Association, 1983. "The Psychologist and Legal System," Symposium, Office of the District Attorney, County of Orange, 1983. "Sexual Assault Victimization. Cultural Ethnic Issues." UCI School of Medicine, Irvine, CA, 1982. "The Unfinished Divorce: Emotional Trauma in Child Custody." Fathers United for Equal Justice. Orange County Chapter, 1982. "Stress Management." Police Academy, Orange County SheriffCoroner Dept, 1979-1981. "Father-Daughter Incest, Psycho-dynamics and Treatment." 2nd Argentinean Congress of Child Psychiatry. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1979. "Team Treatment for Child Abuse/Child Molest." County Mental Health Association, 1979. Orange For further information: e-mail: fax: (707) 874-2136 Office: (800) 829-9498 Home Office:707) 874 9144 16