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Your Local Voice on Mental Illness
NAMI North Coastal San Diego County
President Emeritus—Bob Brooks
The mission of NAMI North Coastal San Diego County is to:
Inspire and support those with brain disorders and their families.
Educate and inform the community. Work to erase the stigma of brain disorders.
August Educational Event
Presidents—Mark Sensano
Vice President—Eric Revere
Secretary — Sharon O’Leary
Treasurer—Marilyn Kasperick
Program Directors
Director of Operations—Jamie Martinez
Director of Programs—Open
Director of Multicultural Program—Adriana Costa
Director of Education—Open
Director of Ways Means—Mike Wade
Director of Consumer Programs - Karen Godfrey
Director of Community Relations & Outreach - Liz Kruidenier
NAMI Affiliate Offices
NAMI North Coastal San Diego County
P.O. Box 2235
Carlsbad, CA 92018
ph (760) 722-3754
E: - W:
NAMI San Diego
5095 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite 320
San Diego CA 92123
ph (619) 543-1434/ 800 523-5933
E: - W:
Copper Hill Living & Learning Center
Creative Arts Consortium
Advocacy Works
144 Copper Avenue, Vista, CA 92084
ph (858) 481-7069
In this Issue
President’s Address................................. 2
Welcome to NAMI North Coastal
San Diego County’s Twilight
Resource Fair.............................................. 2
One Important Piece.............................. 3
Trastorno Bipolar: Lo Que Usted
Neccesita Saber Parte II ........................ 4
Mariposa’s Member of the Month...... 6
Meeting Treatment and
Support Group Resources..................... 7
Interested in becoming an
IOOV Presenter?........................................ 8
Consumer Meeting.................................. 8
Thursday, August 20, 2015
6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
St. Michael’s Episcopal Church Hall
2775 Carlsbad Boulevard, Carlsbad
NAMI’s educational meetings are free and open to the public. Everyone is welcome.
We will not hold our regular educational meeting this month.
Instead, we will celebrate summer and our members with
a cookout on the lawn at St. Michaels Church. We will be
grilling hot dogs and serving potato salad, chips, tossed
salad and ice cream. For
entertainment, we will feature
the musical and other talents
of our consumers and family
This event is free. You don’t have
to bring anything – just your
appetite and a desire to share
in the fun and celebrate our
achievements. Call the NAMI
office at 760-722-3754 to sign
up for the talent show.
After a short refreshment break, our NAMI family support group will meet in the
church library from 8:30—10 p.m. The NAMI Connection peer support group will
meet from 5:30 to 6:30 pm in the parish library before this meeting.
NAMI North Coastal News
President’s Address
By Mark Sensano
Volume 15 No. 8
Greetings NAMI NC Membership,
This month, I want to provide you with an
update to what is happening in our California
Legislation regarding mental health issues.
August 2015
We are all too familiar with the challenge our
law enforcement officers face when responding
to a situation involving someone with a mental
health condition. At times, the situation does
not always turn out on a positive note and a news
media outlet is our first source of information.
California Legislation Senate Bill 11 addresses
Peace Officer Training Standards (POST) with
respect to Mental Health. This bill will address
current POST mental health training and seek to
enhance areas of the curriculum in consultation
with community, local, state and agency mental
health organizations. Here are some examples of
what the bill seeks to address (source: California
Legislative Information website).
Welcome to NAMI North
Coastal San Diego County’s
Twilight Resource Fair
By Liz Kruidenier
The training shall address issues related to stigma, shall
be culturally relevant and appropriate, and shall include
all of the following topics:
1. Recognizing indicators of mental illness,
intellectual disability, and substance use disorders.
2. Conflict resolution and de-escalation techniques
for potentially dangerous situations.
3. Use of force options and alternatives.
4. The perspective of individuals or families who
have experiences with persons with mental
illness, intellectual disability, and substance use
5. Mental health resources available to the first
responders to events that involve mentally
disabled persons.
More information can be found on the following
30 years. In addition to giving us free space the church is
providing our NAMI Affiliate with the proceeds of their
Spring Fiesta and Fall Wine Tasting, further cementing
our long term relationship.
Starting in 2013 our first Resource Fair brought us our
Begun as a way to introduce the ever growing
initial 17 providers. We reached 23 in 2015. Each year
array of new Behavioral Health Services to
we have been able to grow
the NAMI North Coastal
the venue in different ways.
membership, the 3rd
This year, since this is an
Annual Resource Fair has
event that takes place from
proved to be a fun as well as
6-8:30pm, after work and
therapeutic evening on the
during the dinner hour, we
third Thursday in July. It is
decided to make a special
held on the same date as our
effort to provide more food.
regular monthly meeting
So in came the gaily decorated
except that it is installed
popcorn cart with its bags of
out of doors under the trees
freshly made popcorn, a large
around the edge of the lovely This was Impact Young Adults first year as an Exhibitor tray of antipasti, lots of pink
patio that adjoins The Parish Hall of St Michael’s
lemonade, fresh veggie plates and of course cookies.
Episcopal Church, our meeting place for the last
Continued on Page 3
NAMI North Coastal News
Welcome to NAMI North Coastal San
Diego county’s Twilight Resource Fair
Next year we hope to open our arms so to speak
to the general public, making a joyful noise unto
the Lord as well as to the coastal communities of
North County. With the current emphasis on stress
reduction, integration of physical with mental health
services and collaboration with faith communities we
feel we are well poised for the future.
By Jamie Martinez
It was at the NAMI NCSD Resource Fair, my first,
that Dan Kasperick gave me a friendship bracelet.
At the time, I had no idea the significance of what
it meant, just that the story he told when he gave
it to me was fantastic. He said, “I’m giving you this
friendship bracelet because you are wonderful. The
beads mean that the world is a great big, beautiful,
incredible and mysterious puzzle, and you, Jaime,
are an important piece.” It made me smile and I was
happy to wear the bracelet. Rita, who I had just met
from Recovery International, told me that she hung
her bracelet from the rearview mirror, and I thought
that was a grand idea. So, I hung mine as reminder
that I’m special, everyone I encounter is special in
their own way, and to remind myself that mental
illness is not the end of happiness.
My brother, Ryan, is currently in San Diego County
Jail, awaiting trial. He has a long complicated history
of bipolar and most recently schizophrenia. Paranoia
is his worst enemy. Despite the ten plus year battle,
I love my brother. He is a kind and loving person,
who loves to laugh, listen to and create his own
music, and who would do anything for his family. I
recently joined the NAMI NCSD Board of Directors because Ryan’s arrest in February of this year,
compelled me to do something. I want to make a
difference. I want my brother’s turmoil to not be in
vain, and when I meet someone like Dan, I see hope.
I see recovery. I see a future for Ryan, and if not Ryan,
then someone else. Someone will benefit from my
work, from Dan’s friendship bracelets, even if it’s only
Six days after the Resource Fair, something amazing
happened. In the driveway, on our way to daycare,
my four year old daughter, Maddy, saw the bracelet
hanging from my rearview mirror and said, “I want
to give your bracelet to Miss Teresa.” Miss Teresa is
my children’s daycare provider and we love her dearly.
I told Maddy she could absolutely give it to her, if
she told her the story behind the friendship bracelet.
Like a typical four year old, she was resistant to the
idea. I told her that someone special had made and
given me the bracelet and the only way we could give
it away, was if we told the person we were giving it
to the same story that was told to me. I kept repeating, and I had to shorten the story in order for her
to be able to repeat it, “The world is a puzzle and
you are one important piece.” “The world is a puzzle
and you are one important piece.” “The world is a
puzzle and you are one important piece.” It takes
about seven minutes to get to Miss Teresa’s house,
so we must have said the story at least a hundred
times! My daughter was frustrated at times, gave up,
smiled, laughed, scrambled the words, and eventually
got it. When I opened Maddy’s car door, she booked
it. I was busy getting Raylee out, Maddy’s sister, and
by the time I arrived at the front door, I heard, “Oh
Continued on Page 6
August 2015
One Important Piece
The mission of NAMI North Coastal is to inspire
and support those with brain disorders and their
families. To educate and inform the community and
to erase stigma. As an all volunteer organization
with a paid part time office manager we have worked
hard to make free classes available to both parents
and peers, and to attract local Behavioral Health
Services to North County that were formerly based
only in the City of San Diego. With over a million
residents now living in northern San Diego County
we have our work cut out for us and the Twilight
Resource Fair we hope will spread our message far
and wide.
Volume 15 No. 8
Continued from Page 2
NAMI North Coastal News
Volume 15 No. 8
Trastorno Bipolar: Lo
Que Usted Necesita Saber
Parte II
Los síntomas de la manía
Los síntomas de la manía, los cuales pueden
durar hasta tres meses si no son tratados,
yy Aumento de energía, actividad, inquietud,
pensamientos rápidos y el hablar rápido
August 2015
yy Negación de que existe algún problema
yy Sentimientos excesivamente “altos” o
eufóricos—la persona se siente “encima del
mundo” y nada, incluyendo malas noticias
o eventos trágicos, puede cambiar dicha
yy Irritabilidad extrema y fácil distracción
yy Reducción de la necesidad para dormir—la
persona puede durar por días sin dormir, o
sin sentirse cansado(a).
yy Creencias pocas realistas en tener ciertas
habilidades y poderes—la persona puede
experimentar sentimientos de confianza exagerada y de optimismo sin fundación. Esto
también puede llevar a planes laborales demasiado ambiciosos y la creencia que nada
puede detenerle en alcanzar dichas metas.
yy Falta de juicio que está fuera de carácter—
la persona puede hacer decisiones malas las
cuales pueden llevarle a unos falsos envolvimientos en actividades, reuniones y metas,
manejar un auto sin saber hacía donde va,
gastos incontrolables y malas aventuras de
yy Un comportamiento continuo que es
diferente al comportamiento usual de otras
personas—la persona puede que se vista y/o
actúe diferente a lo que él o ella han hecho
anteriormente. La persona puede que se
convierta en un colector de varios artículos
o que se haga indiferente al cuido personal.
Él o ella puede que se haga obsesivo en el
escribir o que experimente ilusiones.
yy Compulsión sexual que no es lo usual
yy Abuso de drogas, particularmente la cocaína, alcohol y medicinas para dormir
yy Comportamiento entrometido o agresivo
Los síntomas de la depresión
Algunas personas experimentan períodos de ánimo
y comportamiento normal después de una etapa
maníaca; sin embargo, la etapa depresiva eventualmente aparecerá.
Los síntomas de la depresión incluyen:
yy Ánimo persistente de tristeza, ansiedad o de soledad
yy Sentimientos de desesperanza o pesimismo
yy Sentimientos de culpabilidad, desvalorización, o
yy Pérdida de interés o placer en actividades ordinarias, incluyendo el sexo
yy Decaída de energía, un sentimiento de fatiga o de
siendo más “lento”
yy Dificultad en la concentración, falta de memoria, o
de hacer decisiones
yy Inquietud e irritabilidad
yy Trastornos del dormir
yy Pérdida de apetito y de peso, o aumento de peso
yy Dolor crónico u otros síntomas del cuerpo persistentes, los cuales no son causados por enfermedades físicas
yy Pensamientos sobre la muerte o el suicidio; incluyendo atentados al suicidio
Cualquiera que sufra del trastorno bipolar debería de
estar en cuido psiquiátrico. Las claves principales para
la recuperación son el apoyo de los amigos y la familia
Y reconocer que hay un problema.
Continued on Page 5
NAMI North Coastal News
Continued from page 4
Si la persona está en el medio de un episodio, él o ella
pueden rehusar el recibir ayuda. En esta situación, pueda
que sea necesario tener a la persona hospitalizada para su
propia protección para que pueda recibir el tratamiento
que tanto necesita, particularmente si la persona está
considerando el suicidio.
Otros Recursos:
Alianza de Apoyo para la Depresión y el Trastorno Bipolar 1-800-826-3632 www.dbsalliance.
Instituto Nacional de la Salud Mental 1-866615-6464 La Fundación
Nacional para la Enfermedad Depresiva 1-800248-4344
El mes de septiembre publicaremos sobre “Trastornos de Pánico”
Join NAMI North Coastal San Diego County
When you join now, you become a member of your NAMI Affiliate, Mail to: NAMI NCSD, P.O. Box 2235, Carlsbad, CA 92018
NAMI Sate Organization and the national NAMI organization.
OR pay online using your credit or debit card at our website
Yes, I want to: (please check one)
Title: Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr.
Primary Member Last Name:
Primary Member First Name:
______ $50 Regular Membership
($35 plus $15 donation)
_______$3 Open Door (for low income)
Member benefits include NAMI’s flagship magazine, the Advocate,
as well as NAMI’s monthly e-newsletter, NAMI Now, if you
subscribe at: All members receive the
same benefits. NAMI membership is valid for one year.
Payment Information
 Cash Enclosed
Credit Card Payment
Charge my:
Name as it Appears on Card:
Account No.:
Expiration Date:
Validation Code:
Master Card
Amercian Express
August 2015
Frecuentemente se sugiere que las personas que sufren
el trastorno bipolar deben también recibir consejería,
educación y apoyo de un psicoterapista. Un terapista
puede ayudar a la persona a que se enfrente a las rela-
Los amigos y los miembros de la familia
deberían también unirse al grupo de apoyo para
comprender mejor la enfermedad y así poder
ofrecer aliento y apoyo a sus seres queridos.
La mayoría de la gente que padece del trastorno bipolar
puede ser ayudada con medicación. El litio es efectivo en
controlar la manía; carbamazepine y valproate (estabilizantes del ánimo y anticonvulsivos) son también algunas
de las medicinas que son usadas. Aún más, benzodiazepines y medicina para la tiroides también pueden
ciones personales, a que mantenga una autoimagen saludable y asegure que la persona cumpla
con su tratamiento. La psicoterapia también
puede ayudar a la persona a enfrentarse con los
efectos secundarios de las medicinas.
Volume 15 No. 8
Trastorno Bipolar: Lo Que Usted
Necesita Saber Parte II
NAMI North Coastal News
One Important Piece
Continued from page 3
Volume 15 No. 8
Maddy, that is beautiful. You made my day.”
She had said it! All by herself! That was a proud
parent moment for me, and I could have been
sorry to have missed her telling the story, but to
hear Miss Teresa’s response was priceless.
August 2015
I then explained Dan’s story to Miss Teresa. And
it is a beautiful story. What started as the smile
campaign turned into friendship bracelet making
because Dan wanted something tangible that
would remind people to smile and that every
day is a gift. I walked out of Miss Teresa’s house
with a permanent smile that morning. Right
before I got to my car, she came running out of
the house with something to tell me. Miss Teresa
wanted to volunteer for NAMI NCSD because
she has a sister with bipolar. Who would have
thought that a friendship bracelet could have such an
impact. My life is forever changed because Dan showed
me a glimpse of his recovery when he became my friend.
In the past four years, Dan estimates he has given away
about two thousand bracelets, and “encourages them to
be shared and distributed to family, friends and strangers.” But don’t forget Dan’s two rules that come with
this beautiful gift, it cannot be sold and it can’t get wet.
Dan said it best, “The Friendship Bracelet Campaign is
never ending. There will always be wrists to bejewel, and
friends to make.” Thank you, Dan, for thinking of others
during your recovery process, and for being willing to
step out of your comfort zone to make people smile.
I will always remember your story because it’s now an
“important piece” of mine.
Mariposa’s Member of the Month
By Dan Kasperick
sional he is, thoroughly researching the subject
The Mariposa Clubhouse member of the
matter for each class. As he quietly engages each
month for July, 2015 was none other than
participant, he steers the subject at hand, making
our own Jim Hendrix. Jim has been a
sure everyone gets a chance to share. He leads the
member for about 8 months and has really
conversation, respectfully and serenely. Over the last
blossomed into his own potential. Highly
2 months, Jim Hendrix has
educated in both academia and
proven to be an invaluable
the school of hard knocks, Jim
agent for change. Along with
didn’t say much for the longest
the recent, new direction in
time. He’d gaze and think
the clubhouse, came a necesand think and gaze, everyone
sity for facilitator leadership
knowing that there was somealterations. Jim stepped up
thing very special going on in
and is now the director of
his mind. When he finally did
not only anger management,
speak, it was worth the wait,
but fills in for self esteem
because he put thought into
group, boundaries, and even
everything that he uttered.
smoking cessation group.
Sometimes the silence is
Jim also volunteers in the
unnerving, but group members
computer room, sharing his knowledge with folks
respect what he has to say so we wait and
who are not computer savvy. He is not afraid of
watch till the words pass from his lips.
picking up a broom or helping serve meals to the
Pearls of wisdom always follow. In the time
members. Jim is truly deserving of this honor and
Jim has been with Mariposa, he has taken
the clubhouse is fortunate to have him as a member,
on a leadership role. Jim handles the weekly
mentor, leader and friend.
Anger Management Group like the profes-
NAMI North Coastal News
24 Hour Domestic Violence Hotline
1-888-DVLINKS (385-4657)
Posters and safe cards advertising this number are
available for distribution.
Please contact Aneesha Bharwani at
(858) 272-5777 or
Crisis Team
(888)-724-7240 & (800) 479-3339
In-Home Outreach Team (IHOT)
Bobbie Schotz, MHS Inc.
(760) 591-0100
3rd Thursdays 8:30 – 10 pm
NAMI North Coastal Family Support Group
St. Michael’s Episcopal Church
2775 Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad
Tuesdays from 4-6 pm
NAMI North Inland Family Support Group
Jocelyn Senior Center
210 East Park Escondido
3rd Thursdays 5:30 – 6:30 pm
NAMI Connection
St. Michael’s Episcopal Church
2775 Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad
Wednesdays from 1:00-2:30 pm
NAMI Connection
Mariposa Clubhouse
560 Greenbrier Road, Oceanside
Every Friday, from 12:15-1:00 pm
Fridays from 1:00-2:00 pm
Dual Recovery Anonymous
Mariposa Clubhouse
2nd Wednesdays 7-9 pm
Sibling & Adult Children’s Support Group
Scripps-Mende Well Being Center
Adjacent to the Westfield (UTC) Mall
Contact Michelle at (858) 756-3140
1st Friday of Every Month 6:30-8:30 pm
Familia a Familia Grupo de Apoyo
Tri City Medical Center Room #7
(760) 722-3754
Tuesday 1:00 pm
Rancho Penasquitos Library
13330 Salmon River Road, San Diego
2nd Thursdays, 7:00 pm
NAMI North Coastal
St. Michael’s Episcopal Church
2775 Carlsbad Blvd. (library)
Carlsbad, CA (760) 722-3754
3rd Thursday, 7:00 -8:30 pm
NAMI North Coastal
St. Michael’s Episcopal Church 2775
Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad, CA
(760) 722-3754
2nd Thursday at 12:30 pm
North County Forum for Mental Health
Tri City Medical Center, Room #6
4002 West Vista Way, Oceanside, CA
(760) 940-5050
First Thursday 6:30 – 9:30 pm
NAMI San Diego Meeting
Universal Christian Church
3900 Cleveland San Diego, CA
(619) 543-1434
Call (858) 274-4650 for next class
Tuesdays from 1:30-3:30 PM
WRAP Well Meds for Success
Escondido Clubhouse
474 Vermont Ave. #105
(858) 274-4650
Monday-Friday 9:00 am-3:00 pm
Aurora Behavioral Health
11878 Avenue of Industry
San Diego, CA (858) 675- 4285
Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Tri City Medical Center Outpatient
Behavioral Health
510 West Vista Way, Vista, CA
(760) 940-5050
Palomar Outpatient Behavioral Health
125 Vallecitos del Oro, Ste 125
San Marcos
(760) 739-2988 (760) 510-8352
Monday-Friday 8 – 4 pm
Kinesis North/Inland BPSR Center
474 West Vermont, Escondido, CA
Monday-Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm.
1st Saturday, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 pm
Escondido Clubhouse
474 West Vermont Escondido, CA
(760)737-7125 FAX (760) 737-8348
Sarah Bowdoin-Jones
Friends at Copper Hill
144 Copper Avenue., Vista,
Activities temporarily suspended
(858) 481-7069
Monday-Friday, 8:00 am - 4:00pm
Mariposa Clubhouse
560 Greenbrier Dr., Suite D
Oceanside, CA (760) 439-2785
Katie Gil, Director
Exodus Recovery
Walk-In Assessment Centers
524 West Vista Way
Vista (760) 758-1150
Monday-Friday 10:30 am-6:30 pm
1520 S. Escondido Blvd
Escondido (760) 758-1150
Monday-Friday 8 am-4:30 pm
Mental Health Systems
1701 Mission Avenue Suite A
Oceanside, CA 92058
Tri-City Hospital Behavioral Health Unit
(877) 299-0664
Palomar Center for Behavioral Health
555 E. Valley Parkway, Escondido
(760) 739-3000
August 2015
SSI Consumer Advocates
Chelsea Lopez,, is available at
the Mariposa Clubhouse to answer SSI questions
or to provide help in completing
and filing SSI applications
(760) 439-2785
BPDGlobal Support Group
1st Thursdays 6:30 – 9:00 pm
Borderline Personality Disorder
Gifford Clinic, UCSD Outpatient Psychiatric
140 Arbor Dr., San Diego,
2nd Floor, Room 247
Recovery-International Meetings North County
Monday 6:30 pm
Carlsbad Senior Center
799 Pine Ave., Carlsbad, 92008
Suicide Prevention
(888) 784-2433
Warm Line (Consumer Support)
800-930-9276 & 619-295-1055
5 PM – 11 PM daily
Depression & Bipolar Support Alliance
VA San Diego Medical Center
Mondays – Room 2011 – 6 PM
Thursdays – Room 2436 – 6 PM
Wednesday, 2:30 PM-4:00 PM
510 W. Vista Way, Vista
Bobbie Hamilton—760-439-3500
Aurora Behavioral Hospital
Rancho Bernardo
Contact Mark (858) 538-8450
Volume 15 No. 8
Meetings, Treatment and
Support Group Resources
Your Local Voice on Mental Illness
Nonprofit Org.
US Postage
Permit #45
P.O. Box 2235
Carlsbad, CA 92018
Address Services Requested
Phone: 760 722 3754
Interested in becoming an
IOOV Presenter?
NAMI NCSD is hosting an In Our Own Voice
presenter training, September 19-20, 2015 from 8 am to
5 pm. This free training is open to any NAMI member
living with a mental illness. As an IOOV presenter you
will be helping to reduce the stigma of mental illness by
telling your story of recovery.
If you are an IOOV presenter and need to enhance
your skills, we will hold a half-day refresher training on
September 26, 2015, from 10 am to 2 pm.
Both trainings will be held at the NAMI office located
at 1701 Mission Avenue, Oceanside.
Registration is required to attend! To register for
either of these trainings, contact the office at 760 722
3754 or by email at
Consumer Meeting
Saturday, August 15, 2015 - 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
at the NAMI Office
Consumer are invited to attend to learn about what’s
happening with the consumer programs!
VOLUME 15 No. 8
August 2015
This newsletter is published by NAMI NCSDC,
an affiliate of NAMI California and NAMI.
Any opinions expressed in this newsletter do
not necessarily reflect those of NAMI NCSDC.
Editorial contributions, humorous non-copyrighted stories, personal recovery stories and
articles on mental health are invited and may be
sent via e-mail by the 20th of each month for
publication consideration in the following month’s
edition to:
NAMI-NCSDC Carlsbad, CA 92018
phone: (760) 722-3754
Incorporated as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
corporation in 1983