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No. 197 Make 2014 your healthiest year ever! Take small steps to create healthy eating habits for your family. Choose one, two or all of these New Year's resolutions: 1. Eat with your family. Plan to have family meals where your family sits together and enjoys food and each other. Eat at least one meal every day with your family. 2. Start your day with breakfast. Toast with peanut butter, yogurt with fruit and cereals are quick and easy. Choose whole grain breakfast cereals. 3. Don't buy soda and other sweet drinks. Encourage your family to drink water when they are thirsty. 4. Snack on fruits and vegetables. Keep fresh fruits and vegetables in your refrigerator - ready to eat. Offer baby carrots, apples, grapes, cherry tomatoes, cut up broccoli and cauliflower, and fruits canned in juice. Nutrition Matters™ - This tipsheet can be reproduced for educational purposes. No. 197 ¡Convierta el 2014 en su Año más saludable! Tome medidas para crear buenos hábitos alimenticios en su familia. Elija uno, dos o todos compromisos de Nuevo Año siguiente: 1. Coma con su familia. Planee al menos, una comida familiar donde se sienten a la mesa y disfruten juntos tanto la comida como la compañía mutua. 2. Comience el día con el desayuno. Los tostadas con mantequilla de maní, el yogurt de frutas y cereales son fáciles y rápidos. Es coja cereales para desayuno de trigo integral. 3. No compre sodas y otras bebidas dulces. Anime a su familia a tomar agua cuando tenga sed. 4. Meriende frutas y verduras. Tenga frutas y verduras frescos en el nevera - listos para comer. Ofrezca zanahorias pequeñas, manzanas, uvas, tomates cereza, brócoli y coliflor picados, y frutas en conserva en su jugo. Nutrition Matters™ - This tipsheet can be reproduced for educational purposes.