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Institut J Martí Ragué – A Sáenz Clínica Sagrada Familia Barcelona SINGLE-PORT LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY December-2008 Alex Sáenz Coromina Marc Martí Gallostra Joan Martí Ragué E-mail : Institut J Martí Ragué – A Sáenz Clínica Sagrada Familia Barcelona SINGLE-PORT LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY Prof Dr Med Erich Mühe of Böblingen, Germany, performed the first laparoscopic cholecystectomy on September 12, 1985. Dr Phillipe Mouret, has got the credit to perform the first laparoscopic cholecystectomy in Lyons, France using video technique, in Mars 1987. Cholecystectomy is the laparoscopic procedure which revolutionized the general surgery 20 years later ???? In May 2007, Dr Paul Curcillo became the first in the world to remove a gallbladder through a single incision in the patient’s belly button . The single port access (SPATM) surgery left only a hidden scar. Institut J Martí Ragué – A Sáenz Clínica Sagrada Familia Barcelona SINGLE-PORT LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY First In May 2007, Dr. Paul Curcillo became the first in the world to remove a gallbladder through a single incision in the patient’s belly button. The single port access (SPATM) surgery left only a hidden scar. Paul G Curcillo, MD Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and with Drexel University multidisciplinary surgical team, performed laparoscopic SPA: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy Gynecologic procedures Urologic procedures Left Adrenalectomies (n=2) Spleen surgery Colorectal procedures Hernia repair ... Institut J Martí Ragué – A Sáenz Clínica Sagrada Familia Barcelona SINGLE-PORT LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY Transumbilical laparoscopic cholecystectomy utilizes no incisions outside the umbilicus. Piskun G, Rajpal S. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 1999 Aug;9(4):361-4. The Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York, USA. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy has become the gold standard in the care of patients with cholelithiasis. A standard laparoscopic cholecystectomy employs three trocar incisions outside the umbilicus, which are a source of potential wound complications and an undesirable cosmetic outcome. We describe here a modification of the laparoscopic cholecystectomy which utilizes two transumbilical trocars and two transabdominal gallbladder stay sutures and does not require abdominal wall incisions outside the umbilicus. When technically feasible, this technique results in superior cosmesis and may reduce postoperative wound complications. Institut J Martí Ragué – A Sáenz Clínica Sagrada Familia Barcelona SINGLE-PORT LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY Arch Esp Urol. 2008 Jul-Aug;61(6):667-72. [Multi-instruments cannula: a new concept of laparoscopy] de Badajoz ES, Garrido AJ, Mata AS, Vacas FG. Area de Conocimiento de Urología, Facultad de Medicina y Area de Ingeniería Mecánica, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales, Universidad de Málaga, Málaga, España Eur Urol. 2008 Jun;53(6):1204-9. Epub 2008 Mar 18. Single port access renal cryoablation (SPARC): a new approach. Goel RK, Kaouk JH. Section of Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery, Glickman Urological and Kidney Institute Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH 44195, USA. BACKGROUND: Cryoablation has been performed laparoscopically for small Cleveland Clinic Surgeons Perform First Single-Port Laparoscopic Colon Resection 14 Dec 2007 Feza Remzi, M.D. and Daniel Geisler, M.D., Surgeons at Cleveland Clinic and pioneers of a Single-Port Laparoscopic (SPL) method in the field of Colo-Rectal Surgery, recently performed the world's first colon resection (partial removal of the colon) entirely through a single incision in the navel. Institut J Martí Ragué – A Sáenz Clínica Sagrada Familia Barcelona SINGLE-PORT LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY Methods -TRIPORT System -GelPort System -Uni-X Single Port System -AirSeal Technology -R-Port System -Three umbilicus trocar Institut J Martí Ragué – A Sáenz Clínica Sagrada Familia Barcelona SINGLE-PORT LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY SILS Laparoscopic Cholecystectmy Institut J Martí Ragué – A Sáenz Clínica Sagrada Familia Barcelona SINGLE-PORT LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY MATERIALS 5-mm trocars ? Roticulated instruments ?? 5-mm laparoscope Institut J Martí Ragué – A Sáenz Clínica Sagrada Familia Barcelona SINGLE-PORT LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY Important Tricks Distended gallbladder (hydrops): punction with Veress needle One percutaneous stitch used for gallbladder suspension Institut J Martí Ragué – A Sáenz Clínica Sagrada Familia Barcelona SINGLE-PORT LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY CONVERSION STANDARD LAPAROSCOPIC PROCEDURE Other/s accessory port INSIDE the umbilicus Other/s accessory port OUTSIDE the umbilicus OPEN TECHNIQUES SINGLE-PORT LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY Institut J Martí Ragué – A Sáenz Clínica Sagrada Familia Barcelona Advantages in SILS Cholecystectomy To Conventional Lap Chol Cosmesis Wound infection Postoperative pain Comparable cost Any New Instruments Any Specific Competence Any Training but More operative time More difficult To NOTES In NOTES Highly specialized Sophisticated instruments Access to peritoneal cavity vagina stomach bladder colon SINGLE-PORT LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY Institut J Martí Ragué – A Sáenz Clínica Sagrada Familia Barcelona Institut J Martí Ragué – A Sáenz Experience with SILS: > July-2008 Patients No. Accessory ports 1 outside * 2 outside * Cholecystectomy 18 4 0 Appendectomy 5 1 0 Right Adrenalectomy 1 1 0 * outside of the umbilicus Institut J Martí Ragué – A Sáenz Clínica Sagrada Familia Barcelona SINGLE-PORT LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY SILS Cholecystectomy: Conclusions The surgeon can perform SILS without any new instruments, specific competence, or training. The conversion is to standard laparoscopic technique with one (or two) outside port The percutaneous stitches used for gallbladder suspension, are NONVISIBLE SCARS but not INVISIBLE SCARS Is time consuming and technically difficult Institut J Martí Ragué – A Sáenz Clínica Sagrada Familia Barcelona SINGLE-PORT LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY NAME OF THE PROCEDURE SILS Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery SPA Single Port Access TUES Transumbilical Endoscopic Surgery TUFES Transumbilical Flexible Endoscopic Surgery (Cuesta MA) NOTUS Natural Orifice Transumbilical Surgery (Speranza J) OPUS One Port Umbilicus Surgery Institut J Martí Ragué – A Sáenz Clínica Sagrada Familia Barcelona for love SINGLE-PORT LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY The Umbilicus for center of the world for exploration for tatoo for piercing for SILS