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Finding Aid to the Collection of works published by Antonio Vanegas Arroyo,
chiefly illustrated by José Guadalupe Posada
Ramón Hernandez-Somoza and Michele Loran, with James Eason.
The Bancroft Library
The Bancroft Library
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-6000
BANC PIC 2010.025
Language of Material: Spanish
Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library
Title: Collection of works published by Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, chiefly illustrated by José Guadalupe Posada.
creator: Posada, José Guadalupe
creator: Vanegas Arroyo, Antonio
Identifier/Call Number: BANC PIC 2010.025
Physical Description: 390 items(approximately 390 prints in 2 pamphlet boxes, 2 clamshell boxes, 2 oversize boxes, and
4 oversize folders): etchings, engravings, lithographs, or woodcuts with letterpress; approximately 40 x 60 cm or smaller.
Date (inclusive): approximately 1890s-1925?
Abstract: Mexican chapbooks, broadsides, single-fold pamphlets, handbills and other printed ephemera, chiefly issued by
Mexico City's leading penny press publisher, Antonio Vanegas Arroyo. Most are illustrated, by José Guadalupe Posada.
Language of Material: Spanish; Castillian
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Collection is open for research.
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Preferred Citation
Collection of works published by Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, chiefly illustrated by José Guadalupe Posada, BANC PIC 2010.025,
The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley.
Immediate Source of Acquisition
The Collection of works published by Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, chiefly illustrated by José Guadalupe Posada were purchased
by The Bancroft Library from Ricker Gallery, Spring 2010.
Processing Information
Collection processed in 2015.
Biographical / Historical
José Guadalupe Posada was born in Aguascalientes on February 2, 1852. He was a Mexican printmaker famous for his
politically satirical cartoons and sketches. He used skulls, calaveras, and skeletons to make political and cultural critiques.
Content Description
Mexican chapbooks, broadsides, single-fold pamphlets, handbills and other printed ephemera, chiefly issued by Mexico
City's leading penny press publisher, Antonio Vanegas Arroyo. Most are illustrated, many by José Guadalupe Posada.
Included are songbooks; single-sheet corridos (popular ballads); booklets on writing love letters, cooking, etc.; gameboards;
and devotional texts and images. Posada's signature "calaveras" (humorous skeletal figures) are well represented.
Boxes 1-2: cuadernillos (chapbooks). Boxes 3-4: hojas chicas (small sheets). Box 5 (and oversize C folders): broadsides and
single-fold sheets grouped as calaveras, cancioneros populares, gacetas politicas y callejaera [i.e. callejera?], and hojas
chicas dobles. Box 6 (and oversize C folders): broadsides and single-fold sheets grouped as loterias, Menudencias (pages
from three issues of newspaper El Boletín de Menudencias), gacetas religiosas, and varia (various genres, including sheet
music and chapbooks on unfolded sheets). Collection contents were categorized by the seller (a dealer in Latin Americana),
as 55 Calaveras, 36 Hojas Chicas Dobles, 24 Cancionero Popular, 155 Hojas Chicas, 19 Gacetas Religiosas, 27 Gaceta
Politica y Callejaera, 4 Loteria, 6 Varia, and 56 Cuadernillo.
Related Materials
[José Guadalupe Posada chapbook collection], The Bancroft Library (NE546.P6 A4 1880.)
BANC PIC 2010.025
Subjects and Indexing Terms
Popular literature -- Mexico
Art, Mexican
Ephemera -- Mexico
Chapbooks -- Mexico
Relief prints
Corridos -- Mexico
Mexican wit and humor, Pictorial
Death in art -- Mexico
Mexico--Social life and customs
Mexico -- History -- Revolution, 1910-1920.
Posada, José Guadalupe
Vanegas Arroyo, Antonio
Box 1
Cuadernillos [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu1--PIC Teatro infantil: Perico es incorregible: Colección de
comedias para representarse por niños o títeres [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(cover sheet without text inside); 15 x 11 cm
Scope and Content
Cover illustration with theater curtain. Hand colored internal illustrations of soldiers.
Publication statement: Editor Propietario A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Form/Genre keywords: Cuadernillos; Teatro infantil
Box 1
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu2--PIC Galería del teatro infantil: Colección de comedias para
niños o títeres: Los celos del negro con D. Folias / C. Suarez [between 1890 and
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 8 pages); 14 x 10 cm
Publication statement: Propiedad del Editor A. Vanegas Arroyo. Mexico.
Scope and Content
Cover illustration of comic scene of a man stabbing another man with policeman standing
in the background. Printed signature of Posada, lower right.
Form/Genre keywords: Cuadernillos; Teatro infantil
BANC PIC 2010.025
Cuadernillos [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu3--PIC Galería del Teatro Infantil: La Cola del Diablo / C. Suarez
Box 1
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 8 pages); 16 x 10 cm
Publication statement: Propietario A. Vanegas Arroyo. Mexico.
Scope and Content
Cover illustration of four people in a room with one man holding a tail. Printed signature
of Posada, lower right.
Form/Genre keywords: Cuadernillos; Teatro infantil
Unopened. Dated 1918, this was published after Jose Guadalupe Posada's death.
Box 1
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu4--PIC Teatro infantil: El casamiento de Bato: colección de
comedias para representarse por niños o títeres. 1918
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 9 pages); approximately 15 x 10 cm
Scope and Content
Cover illustration with theater curtain.
Publication statement: Tip. de la Testa de A.V. Arroyo. Mexico. Prop, Juan Lechuga.
Dated 1918, this was published after Jose Guadalupe Posada's death.
Form/Genre keywords: Cuadernillos; Teatro infantil
Box 1
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu5--PIC Segunda parte: Galería del teatro infantil: colección de
comedias para niños o títeres / Arreglado por C.S. Suarez. 1904
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 8 pages); 15 x 10 cm
Publication statement: Publicadas por A. Vanegas Arroyo. Mexico.
Scope and Content
Cover illustration of two men fighting with swords on stage with row of four people in the
audience visible. Printed signature of Posada, lower right.
Form/Genre keywords: Cuadernillos; Teatro infantil.
Box 1
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu6--PIC La diva Mexicana: Para el Siglo XX nueva serie de
canciones modernas año de 1901. Contiene: la zarzuela por tandas. la revoltosa,
(duo.) - la despedida. las tentaciones de San Antonio, (serenatas). Las grandes
fiestas presidenciales 1901
Physical Description: 1 item(1 booklet, 8 pages); 14 x 9 cm
Publication statement: Cuarto Cuaderno Publicado por Antonio Vanegas Arroyo
Scope and Content
Cover illustration of woman holding an album.
Form/Genre keywords: Cuadernillos; Canciones modernas.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Cuadernillos [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu9--PIC Relatos de ultratumba: "Amor" narración medianimica por
Luis Kortey: Las pesadillas y sueños con sus verdaderas explicaciones / C.S. Suarez;
Luis Kortey [between 1895 and 1925]
Box 1
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 10 pages); 14 x 10 cm
Scope and Content
Cover illustration of a woman sitting at a table with handkerchief in her hand crying.
Woman having a vision of a ghost.
Form/Genre keywords: Cuadernillos; Oculto; Mistisimo
Box 1
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu10--PIC Galería de teatro infantil: los novios [1913]
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 10 pages); 15 x 10 cm
Publication statement: Propiedad A. Vanegas Arroyo. Mexico.
Scope and Content
Cover illustration of man holding a guitar serenading a woman on a balcony. Another
man stading with hands on his hips appears to be confronting the man serenading.
Form/Genre keywords: Cuadernillos; Teatro infantil.
Box 1
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu11--PIC Cartas amorosas: colección No. 1 [between 1890 and
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 16 pages); 15 x 11 cm
Publication statement: Mexico. A. Vanegas Arroyo Editor.
Scope and Content
Cover illustration of a woman with butterfly wings holding a letter with a flaming heart
crossed by an arrow. Printed signature of Posada, lower right.
Form/Genre keywords: Cuadernillos; Cartas amorosas.
Box 1
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu12--PIC Colección de cartas amorosas cuaderno No. 2 / Constancio
S. Suarez 1922
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 16 pages)14 x 9 cm
Scope and Content
Cover illustration of a man embracing a woman to kiss her. Printed signature of Posada,
lower right.
Publication statement: Editor A. Vanegas Arroyo. Mexico.
Genre keywords: Cartas amorosas.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Cuadernillos [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu13--PIC Cartas amorosas: colección No. 2 [between 1890 and
Box 1
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 16 pages); 15 x 10 cm
Publication statement: Mexico. A. Vanegas Arroyo Editor
Scope and Content
Cover illustration of a woman with butterfly wings holding a letter with a flaming heart
crossed by an arrow. Printed signature of Posada, lower right.
Genre keywords: Cartas amorosas.
Box 1
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu14--PIC Colección de cartas amorosas cuaderno No. 4 [between
1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 16 pages); 14 x 10 cm
Publication statement: Publicadas por Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Cover illustration of a Woman siting on a chair reading a letter with Cupid reading over
her shoulder. Printed signature of Posada, lower left.
Genre keywords: Cartas amorosas.
Box 1
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu15--PIC Cartas amorosas: colección No. 2 / Constancio S. Suarez
[between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 16 pages); 14 x 10 cm
Publication statement: Publicadas por la Testamentaria de A. Vanegas Arroyo. Mexico.
Scope and Content
Cover illustration of Cupid standing on a stepped platform with a letter in his hand. Birds,
buildings, fountain, and trees visible in the background. Printed signature of Posada,
lower right.
Genre keywords: Cartas amorosas
Box 1
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu16--PIC Colección de cartas amorosas cuaderno No. 4 [between
1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 16 pages); 14 x 10 cm
Publication statement: Publicadas por Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Cover illustration of a Man and woman kissing and embracing. Printed signature of
Posada, lower left.
Genre keywords: Cartas amorosas.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Cuadernillos [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu17--PIC Colección de cartas amorosas: cuaderno No. 6 /
Constancio S. Suarez [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 1
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 2 unnumbered pages and 6 pages numbered 43
to 48)15 x 10 cm
Publication statement: Publicadas por Antonio Vanegas Arroyo. Mexico.
Scope and Content
Woman sits at a desk writing a letter. Printed signature of Posada lower center.
Genre keywords: Cartas amorosas.
Box 1
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu18--PIC Cartas amorosas colección No. 5 [between 1890 and
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 16 pages); 14 x 10 cm
Publication statement: Publicadas por Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Cover illustration of Cupid standing on a stepped platform with a letter in his hand. Birds,
buildings, fountain, and trees visible in the background. Printed signature of Posada,
lower right.
Form/Genre keywords: Cuadernillos; Cartas amorosas.
Box 1
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu19--PIC Colección de cartas amorosas: cuaderno número tres /
Constancio S. Suarez [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet with no cover, 2 unnumbered 6 pages numbered
20 to 24, but not in order); 14 x 10 cm
Publication statement: Publicadas por la Testamentaria de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Chapbook is missing cover.
Form/Genre keywords: Cuadernillos; Cartas amorosas.
Box 1
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu21--PIC La Matchicha: moderna colección de canciones para el
ano presente. 1908
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 16 pages); 14 x 10 cm
Publication statement: Recopiladas por A. Vanegas Arroyo. Mexico.
Scope and Content
Cover illustration of woman singing and holding a small guitar. Printed signature of
Posada near lower cener.
Form/Genre keywords: Cuadernillos; Canciones modernas.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Cuadernillos [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu22--PIC Por finjir espantos: dialogo cómico en un acto / C.S.
Suarez 1904
Box 1
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 8 pages); 13 x 9 cm
Publication statement: Editor Propietario A. Vanegas Arroyo. Mexico.
Scope and Content
Cover illustration of a boy hiding under a bed playing a trick to scare his father. The
father watches brooms float above his head. Printed signature of Posada lower right.
Form/Genre keywords: Cuadernillos; Versos; obras de teatro.
Box 1
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu23--PIC Mis cantares: tercera colección de canciones modernas
para el presente año 1910
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 16 pages); 14 x 10 cm
Publication statement: Publicadas por A. Vanegas Arroyo. Mexico.
Scope and Content
Cover illustration of a man sitting on a chair playing an accordion. Printed signature of
Posada lower right.
Form/Genre keywords: Cuadernillos; Canciones modernas.
Box 1
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu24--PIC Fotografías instantáneas: cuadros críticos escritos en
verso por el General Rafael López de Mendoza: los jugadores y los dueños de garitos
/ Rafael Lopez de Mendoza 1886
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 16 pages); 14 x 10 cm
Scope and Content
Cover illustration of men in a gambling den.
Form/Genre keywords: Cuadernillos; Versos; obras de teatro.
Box 1
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu27--PIC Los sueños y las pesadillas / C.S. Suarez [between 1890
and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 16 pages); 14 x 10 cm
Publication statement: Edicion de la Test. De Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Cover illustration of a man singing in the street and another person is sitting on a street
corner against a wall.
Form/Genre keywords: Cuadernillos; Oculto; mistisimo.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Cuadernillos [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu28--PIC Reglamento de pulquerías y de revendedores de boletos
de espectáculos públicos / Ramon Corral, Juan Bribiesca 1902
Box 1
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 16 pages); 13 x 9 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Cover illustration of hand in the sky holding the scale of justice.
Form/Genre keywords: Cuadernillos; Politicas; decretos; reglamentos.
Box 1
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu29--PIC Cuaderno No. 2. ramillete de felicitaciones [between 1890
and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 16 pages); 14 x 10 cm
Publication statement: Publicadas por A. Vanegas Arroyo. Mexico.
Scope and Content
Cover illustration of three cherub holding a sign with the words "Ramillete de
Felicitaciones" surrounded with flowers. Printed signature of Posada, lower right.
Form/Genre keywords: Cuadernillos; cartas felicitaciones.
Box 2
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu32--PIC La cría de canarios No. 3 [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 16 pages numbered 33-48); 14 x 10 cm
Publication statement: Editor Antonio Vanegas
Scope and Content
Cover illustration of a woman and a child tending to canaries in bird cages.
Form/Genre keywords: Cuadernillos; Educativo; instrucion publica.
Box 2
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu34--PIC Explicación de la sena y demás ceremonias de la Semana
Santa, con una breve visita a María Santísima de los Dolores. el viernes santo. con
licencia del eclesiástico [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 16 pages); 12 x 9 cm
Publication statement: Mexico. -Impreso en la Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Cover illustration of bishop holding a flag with a cross with four priests kneeling before
the flag in prayer.
Form/Genre keywords: Cuadernillos; Religioso; oraciones.
Box 2
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu35--PIC Importante cuadernillo de la Santa Casa de Roma. Oración
de Pio IX [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 8 pages); 12 x 9 cm
Scope and Content
Cover illustrated portrait of Pope Pius IX seated at a desk writing.
Form/Genre keywords: Cuadernillos; Religioso; oraciones.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Cuadernillos [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 2
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu36--PIC Almanaque nacional para 1899 1899
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 16 pages); 13 x 9 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Cover illustrated portrait of Porfirio Diaz.
Form/Genre keywords: Cuadernillos; Almanaque
Box 2
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu39--PIC Ultimo dia del año para dar gracias a la Divina
Providencia / R.A. Romero [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 8 pages); 14 x 10 cm
Publication statement: Registrado conforme a la ley por la Testa de A.V. Arroyo, Mexico,
Scope and Content
Cover illustration of the divine providence, God and Jesus seated in the heavens.
Form/Genre keywords: Cuadernillos; Religioso; oraciones
Box 2
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu40--PIC Hermoso ramillete de expresivas y sentimentales
felicitaciones [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 8 pages); 14 x 10 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Cover illustration of a father seated being presented gifts from his three children with the
mother in the background. Printed signature of Posada visible underneath the chair,
lower left.
Form/Genre keywords: Cuadernillos; cartas felicitaciones.
Box 2
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu42--PIC Colección de loas: cuaderno Num. 3 [between 1890 and
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 16 pages); 14 x 10 cm
Publication statement: Publicadas por Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Cover has no illustration only text.
Form/Genre keywords: Cuadernillos; Folklorico: versos; dichos; loas.
Box 2
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu44--PIC Primer concilio: el jueves santo en la noche: Capitán de
Sayones [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 16 pages); 15 x 10 cm
Scope and Content
Cover illustration of a man standing and speaking in front of a group of people.
Form/Genre keywords: Cuadernillos; Cuentos religioso.
Booklet without its original cover. No date or publication information.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Cuadernillos [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 2
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu45--PIC Nueva colección de cuentos patrióticos: la gorra del
cuartel / C. Suarez [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 8 pages); 15 x 10 cm
Publication statement: Edicion Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Cover has no illustration only text.
Form/Genre keywords: Cuadernillos; Cuentos patrioticos.
Box 2
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu46--PIC Derrocamiento de madero: 14 colección de canciones
modernas el presente año [1913?]
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 16 pages); 13 x 9 cm
Publication statement: Editor: A. V. Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Cover illustration of Madero riding on a horse among a crowd.
Form/Genre keywords: Cuadernillos; Canciones; politicas; madero; revolucion.
Undated, but text refers to "La Decena Tragica" (The Ten Tragic Days), Mexico City,
February 9 to February 19, 1913, that resulted in the assassinations of President
Francisco I. Madero and vice-president Jose Maria Pino Suarez.
Box 2
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu47--PIC La verbena de belén o una fiesta pastoril [between 1890
and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet [cover for booklet]); 15 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Publicada por A. Vanegas Arroyo. Mexico.
Scope and Content
Cover illustration of a group of people sitting under trees having a picnic.
Form/Genre keywords: Cuadernillos; folklorico; fiestas.
Single sheet printed as a cover for a booklet. Printed signature of Posada, lower right.
Box 2
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu49--PIC Cuaderno No. 9. el folklore nacional: selecta colección de
canciones modernas para el presente año [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 8 pages); 14 x 9 cm
Publication statement: Editadas por la Test. De A.V. Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Cover illustration of a man's Portrait surrounded by text and musical scores. Illustrated by
A. Najera. /Back cover illustrated by Posada, printed signature on lower right.
Form/Genre keywords: Cuadernillos; Folklorico; Canciones modernas.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Cuadernillos [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu50--PIC Cuaderno numero uno. colección de himnos nacionales
[between 1890 and 1925]
Box 2
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 8 pages); 14 x 10 cm
Publication statement: Propietario A. Vanegas Arroyo. Mexico.
Scope and Content
Cover illustration of a man holding a banner leading singing children. Printed signature of
Posada, lower right.
Form/Genre keywords: Cuadernillos; Canciones: himnos nacionales; patrioticos.
Fragile condition.
Box 2
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu51--PIC Oráculo mignon 1923
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 32pages With one fold-out chart); 14 x 10 cm
Publication statement: A. Vanegas Arroyo. Editor. Mexico.
Scope and Content
Cover illustration of a person burning scrolls of paper, owl top left corner, cat on the lower
right. Printed Posada signature, lower right.
Form/Genre keywords: Cuadernillos; Oculto; oraculo: mistisimo.
Fragile condition. Edges torn and breaking apart.
Box 2
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu53--PIC Indulgencias [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 8 pages); 14 x 10 cm
Scope and Content
Cover illustration of The Vigen of Guadalupe.
Form/Genre keywords: Cuadernillos; Religioso; oraciones.
Prayer booklet. No date, author, or publication information.
Box 2
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu54--PIC El renegado: cuento guerrero / C. Suarez [between 1890
and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 8 pages); 15 x 10 cm
Publication statement: Publicadas por A. Vanegas Arroyo. Mexico.
Scope and Content
Cover illustration of a soldier looking at man seated that appears to be shouting. Hand
colored internal illustrations. Printed signature of Posada, lower right.
Form/Genre keywords: Cuadernillos; Cuentos varios.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Cuadernillos [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu55--PIC Relatos de ultratumba: "Amor" Narración medianimica por
Luis Kortey: las pesadillas y sueños con sus verdaderas explicaciones / C.S. Suarez;
Luis Kortey [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 2
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 10 pages); 15 x 10 cm
Scope and Content
Cover illustration of a woman sitting at a table with handkerchief in her hand crying.
Woman having a vision of a ghost.
Form/Genre keywords: Cuadernillos; Cuentos oculto; mistitcimo.
Same item in collection located in Box1, Cu9. This copy is printed on orange paper and
the other on dark-blue paper.
Box 2
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu56--PIC Canción y gozos que le cantan a la más hermosa y
saludable flor de los campos Jesús Nazareno y al Sagrado Corazón en el Santuario de
Atotonilco [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 8 pages); 12 x 9 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta, Santa Teresa Numero I.
Scope and Content
Cover illustration of Jesus holding the cross.
Form/Genre keywords: Cuadernillos; Canciones; religioso; oraciones.
Box 2
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu57--PIC Por querer ser muñeco: cuento / C.S. Suarez 1904
Physical Description: 1 item(booklet, 8 pages); 12 x 9 cm
Publication statement: Publicado por A. Vanegas Arroyo. Mexico.
Scope and Content
Cover illustration of a boy standing in the street holding a toy in his right hand. Printed
signature of Posada, vertical on lower right side.
Form/Genre keywords: Cuadernillos; Cuentos varios
Box 1
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu7--PIC Muestra para bordados. plancha numero 25 / muestra para
bordados. plancha numero 26 / muestra para bordados. plancha numero 27 / muestra
para bordados. plancha numero 28 [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(4 individual embroidery pattern sheets); 40 x 16 cm
Publication statement: De Venta en la Casa Editorial de la Testamentaria de Antonio
Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of letters serving as models or samples for embroiderey.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Muestras.
Illustrations may not be by Posada.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu8--PIC Muestra para bordados. plancha numero 17 / muestra para
bordados. plancha numero 18 / muestra para bordados. plancha numero 19 / muestra
para bordados. plancha numero 20 [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 1
Physical Description: 1 item(4 individual embroidery pattern sheets); 40 x 15 cm
Publication statement: De Venta en la Casa Editorial de la Testamentaria de Antonio
Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of letters serving as models or samples for embroiderey
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Muestras.
Illustrations may not be by Posada.
Box 1
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu20--PIC Tabla de cuentas 1922
Physical Description: 1 item(Single sheet fold-out mathematical chart.); 30 x 19 cm
Publication statement: Tip. de la Testa de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Educativo; instrucion publica.
Box 1
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu30--PIC Las nueve jornadas de los santos peregrinos [between
1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(Single Sheet fold-out Prayer Chart); 47 x 23 cm
Publication statement: Editor A. Vanegas Arroyo. Mexico.
Scope and Content
Cover illustration of Mary and Joseph being led by an angel. Printed signature of Posada
on bottom left.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Religioso; novenas.
Box 2
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu33--PIC Antonio Maceo de la nueva colección de canciones
modernas para 1902 No. 14 original 1902 but reprinted in 1967
Physical Description: 1 item(Sheet, folded into 8 unnumbered pages); 15 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Publicado por Antonio Vanegas Arroyo. Mexico. Reprinted by
Editorial "La Catrina."
Scope and Content
Cover Illustration of Antonio Maceo's portrait with the Cuban Flag. Printed signature of
Posada, lower left.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Canciones modernas.
Reprinted in 1967 by Editorial "La Catrina" for Sociedad Cubano-Mexicana de Relaciones
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu37--PIC Muestras para bordado cuaderno No. 5 [between 1890
and 1925]
Box 2
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 15 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Publicadas por A. Vanegas Arroyo. Mexico.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a woman seated embroidering fabric. Printed signature of Posada, lower
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Muestras.
Single sheet printed as a cover for a booklet.
Box 2
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu38--PIC Muestras para bordado cuaderno No. 11 [between 1890
and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(4 sheets); 15 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Publicadas por A. Vanegas Arroyo. Mexico.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a woman seated embroidering fabric. Printed signature of Posada on cover
sheet, lower right.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Muestras.
1 sheet containing 4 separate sheets titled "Muestra Para Bordados" numbered 41, 42,
43, and 44. 4 separate sheets are all 38 x 16 cm.
Box 2
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu41--PIC La verbena de belen o una fiesta pastoril [between 1890
and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 Sheet ); 15 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Publicada por A. Vanegas Arroyo. Mexico.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a group of people sitting under trees having a picnic. Printed signature of
Posada, lower right.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Folklorico: fiestas; dias festivos.
Single sheet printed as a cover for a booklet.
Box 2
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu43--PIC El palacio de cristal el o la niña encantada [between 1890
and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 15 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Editor A. Vanegas Arroyo. Mexico.
Scope and Content
Man standing in front of large builiding. Printed signature of Posada, lower right.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Cuentos varios.
Single sheet printed as a cover for a booklet.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 2
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu48--PIC Mañanitas alabados y tierno despedimiento que en el
Santuario de Chalma cantan los peregrinos a Ntro. Señor Jesucristo 1935
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet [folded in half]); 20 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Tip. De la Test. De A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of Christ on the cross.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Religioso; oraciones.
Box 2
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu52--PIC Oráculo mignon 1923
Physical Description: 1 item
Publication statement: A. Vanegas Arroyo. Editor. Mexico.
Scope and Content
Cover illustration of a person burning scrolls of paper, owl top left corner, cat on the lower
right. Printed Posada signature, lower right.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Oraculo: oculto; mistisimo.
Fragile conditon. Single sheet originally a cover for similar booklet as item Cu52.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-1--ffALB Hoja No. I: cantos populares Maderistas: la entrada a
Ciudad Juárez, al heroico Aquiles Serdán / El sitio de Ojinaga, honor a Roque Estrada,
el Maderismo triunfante 1911
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 19 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta 2a. Sta. Teresa Numero 46. Esta hoja es propiedad
particular Mexico 1911.
Scope and Content
Illustration of an eagle perched on cactus devouring a snake. Portrait of Aquiles Serdan.
Decorative borders with floral design.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Canciones; cantos; populares; madero; revolucion.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-2--ffALB Numero 35: corrido de Juan Dimió (Del Estado de
Morelos) 1918
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 31 x 20 cm
Publication statement: por la Testamentaria de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a Crowd gathered around a gazebo.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Canciones; corridos.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-3--ffALB Corrido de la Revolución de México del día 9 a 19 de
Febrero de 1913 [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 3
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 29 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta 2a. de la Penitenciaria num. 29.
Scope and Content
Illustration of people boarding and disboarding train. Cathedral towers in the background.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Canciones; corridos; madero; revolucion.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-4--ffALB Corrido del diestro banderillero Antonio Soriano(a)
maera chico muerto involuntariamente el 31 de Diciembre de 1910 por el picador
Antonio El Ingles / A Chucha: adiós adiós 1911
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 27 x 18 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a group of men in bar dancing and singing.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Canciones; corridos.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-5--ffALB Corrido Guanajuatense del horrible descarrilamiento de
Silao: numero 38 Abril de 1918 [April of 1918]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de la Testamentaria do A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a train derailment, and news about a tragic train accident.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Terrible noticias; Descarrilamiento.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-6--ffALB Edición especial de canciones, coplas, corridos, versos y
poesías celebres: las gabiotas: el borrachito: Agustina: enigma [between 1890 and
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 29 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Coleccionadas y publicadas por la Tip. de la Test. de Antonio
Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a man depicted as a drunkard looking at a bottle he is holding.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Canciones; corridos; versos; poesia.
Hoja Num. 2.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-7--ffALB Edición especial de canciones, coplas, corridos, versos y
poesías celebres: el colmo del deber [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 3
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 29 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Coleccionadas y publicadas por la Tip. de la Test. de Antonio
Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of two policemen standing.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Canciones; corridos; versos; poesia.
Serie A Num. 1.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-8--ffALB El 5 de Mayo: el colosal triunfo de México sobre Francia
/ Manuel Acuna [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 28 x 19 cm
Publication statement: Mexico. - Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of the battle of Puebla between Mexico and France. Cholula visible in the
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Historia; nacional.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-9--ffALB El famoso caballo de batalla de Emiliano Zapata / Los
gorriones [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 27 x 19 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of Emiliano Zapata on horse holding rifle followed by a group of
revolutionaries on horseback.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Revolucion; zapata.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-10--ffALB El mosquito Americano: El mosquito Americano ahora
acaba de llegar; Dicen se vino a pasear a este suelo Mexicano [between 1890 and
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 29 x 19 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of group of people running and getting stung by mosquitoes.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Terrible noticias; Desastres naturales.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-11--ffALB El ranchero y el gavilán 1913
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 29 x 19 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a rancher with a rifle staring at a hawk depicted with human face and legs
standing on a fence. Illustration on back depicts rancher observing the hawks with human
faces taking away hens with human faces. Text is a dialogue between the rancher and
the hawk.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Cuentos varios.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-12--ffALB El sensacionalismo jurado Jesús Negrete o sea "El Tigre
de Santa Julia" 1908
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of criminal Jesus Negrete shoots a man at point blank range as a man and
woman look on in horror. Text describes crimes committed by Jesus Negrete.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Crimen; criminales.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-13--ffALB El Señor Presidente D. Francisco I. Madero: satisfecho
del pueblo Mexicano. / Aniversario glorioso de la revolución [between 1890 and
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 28 x 18 cm
Publication statement: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Portrait of Francisco I. Madero Other side includes portrait of Aquiles Serdan. The portraits
appear to be printed from photographs. Text describes triumphant entry into Mexico City
by President Francisco I. Madero. Other side commemorates the aniversary of the
Mexican Revolution, November 18th 1910.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Politicas; revolucion: madero; conmemorativa.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-14--ffALB El terrible atentado contra el Rey de España el día de
sus bodas [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 27 x 18 cm
Publication statement: Propiedad de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustrated portrait of the king and queen of Spain. Text describes an attempt on the life
of the king of Spain on his wedding day.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Crimen; noticias; internacional.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-15--ffALB El vagamundo corrido Huasteco: Cuautepec 1918
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 29 x 19 cm
Publication statement: Linotipografia de la Test. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a man depicted as a vagabond standing with his hands in his pant pockets.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Canciones; corridos.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-16--ffALB El valiente de Guadalajara / Que dicen, calandrias,
¿cantan?..... [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 21 cm
Publication statement: Por la Test. de A. V. Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a man confronting a tiger as crowd looks on in fear and amazement.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; varios.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-17--ffALB Emiliano Zapata, herido en un combate. / La derrota de
Emiliano Zapata Agosto de 1912 [August of 1912]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 27 x 19 cm
Scope and Content
Emiliano Zapata on horse followed by a group of revolutionaries on horseback confront
federal soldiers.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Politicas; revolucion; Zapata.
Text describes Emiliano Zapata being injured in battle with federal troops. Takes a very
negative view of Zapata calling him and his troops bandits.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-18--ffALB Está en la segunda parte de los versos a Ponciano y un
recuerdo de sus hechos a este diestro Mexicano [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 27 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of Ponciano a bullfighter holding cape and sword in his left hand and raising
his cap with his right.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Toros; torrero.
Published as a biography or obituary.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-19--ffALB Gran alarma escandalosa que se vio allá por
Chihuahua, al oír los tristes lamentos de un patito con Teresa que no llena su barriga
por causa de la pobreza [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 3
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 27 x 19 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a duck with a human head flying on a woman's lap in a garden. Buildings in
the background.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Cuentos varios.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-20--ffALB Los pollos: gran corrido de los indios Mayas con el 28
Batallón. / Triste despedida al pueblo de saban [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 21 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a man serenading a woman at the window. Illustration of soldiers in battle.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Canciones; Corridos.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-21--ffALB Gran marcha triunfal / Al Inmortal Madero en su
radiante triunfo: ¡ah chispas…….! 1911
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 21 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of Madero riding on a horse among other revolutionaries.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Revolucion; madero.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-22--ffALB ¡¡Horrible y espantosísimo acontecimiento!! [between
1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 19 cm
Publication statement: Impresnta de Anotnio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of man pouring a bottle of poison in food with group of devils surrounding him
and a dead body on the ground behind him. Back illustration of man dragging a dead
body with two other bodies visible in the background.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Crimen; criminales.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-23--ffALB José Lisorio el minero: corrido del borrego / La duda: el
año de 1915: ¡María Mari!: el soldado despedida 1914
Box 3
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 29 x 19 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of man falling back holding a handkerchief. Illustrated portrait of a man. Back
illustration of flowers.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Canciones; Corridos.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-24--ffALB La Basílica de Guadalupe se está hundiendo
rápidamente. / Peste de moscas 1914
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 28 x 19 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of The Virgin of Guadalupe. Back illustration of a fly.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Religioso; terrible noticias; desastres naturales.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-25--ffALB "La Feria de San Juan de los Lagos" 1910
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 27 x 19 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a crowd.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Religioso; dias festivos.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-26--ffALB La última nota. triste canción / El ángel de mis amores:
la Virgencita [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 21 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of man standing against a table in a room holding a cup.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Canciones.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-27--ffALB Los espantosísimos fantasmas de las Torres de Loreto /
La bolade los flojos: canción de los fantasmas de Loreto: consejos de un viejo
[between 1890 and 1925]
Box 3
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet)29 x 19 cm
Publication statement: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustrtion of a priest looking at a man depicted as a phantom. Illustration of a man
looking through a telescope. Back illustration of man and woman walking together with a
boy running in the background.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Oculto; fantasmas.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-28--ffALB Los nuevos versos de Carlos Coronado / Hojas de un
árbol 1910
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 29 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of man running pointing a gun at a man who is running away. Another man
blows a trumpet with sword in hand. Back illustration of seven small portraits in a row.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Canciones; versos.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-29--ffALB Llanto triste y lamentable de una pobre huerfanita. / La
diadema [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 26 x 19 cm
Publication statement: Tip. De A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a crying woman seated and holding a handkerchief.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Cuentos varios.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-30--ffALB Madero victorioso / Canto épico 1911
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 31 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of Madero riding on a horse among other revolutionaries being greeted by a
crowd. Printed signature of Posada at bottom left corner of illustration.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Revolucion; madero.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-31--ffALB Nueva canción de los parranderos. / Verdadero versos
de Macario Romero [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 3
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet [intended to be folded in half]); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of crowd of men drinking and singing. Illustration of man on horseback with
sword drawn chasing group of Indians.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Canciones; versos.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-32--ffALB Nuevos y divertidos versos de un valiente del Bajío a
sus valedores / J.M. Romero 1902
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 28 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Comical illustration of man stading with his horse. Printed signature of Posada centered
on lower part of image. Back illustration of group of men surrounding a man and
attacking him.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Versos; varios.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-33--ffALB ¡Pax! viva Don Francisco I. Madero. / Iris / Juan Flores
del Campo May of 1911
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet )30 x 19 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Portrait of Francisco I. Madero top right corner. Illustration of crowd cheering holding
banners with text in support of Madero.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Revolucion; madero.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-34--ffALB Sentidas lamentaciones de un vecino de Morelos: al ver
las depredaciones que han dejado por los suelos aquellas vastas regiones 1913
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 27 x 18 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a man standing in front of a tree with a sword in hand. Rope tied to branch
on tree.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Revolucion; zapata.
Negative view of Zapatistas accusing them of being bandits and destruction of property
in the state of Morelos.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-35--ffALB ¡Terrible y verdadera noticia! del espantoso ejemplar
ocurrido con Norberta Reyes; y que cerca de la ciudad de Zamora asesino a sus
padres el día 2d el pasado del presente año 1910
Box 3
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of woman stabbing her mother with father's dead body in the background.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Crimen; criminales.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-36--ffALB Tremendo atentado. un infame asesino,
sacrílegamente intenta dar muerte a un venerable canónigo de la Basílica de San
Pedro en Roma. / El sacrilegio 1911
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 28 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of an assassin attempting to shoot a priest during mass but is stopped by man
who grabs his gun.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Crimen; criminales.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-37--ffALB ¡Tristísima despedida como el alma del soldado, que
dijo al ser fusilado Rafael Méndez, tan sentida! / La ejecución 1908
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a man sitting at a table in a room holding up his left hand.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Militar; ejecucion.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-38--ffALB Unas lindas mañanitas a las muchachas bonitas. /
María la del cielo 1911
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 29 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of man holding a guitar seranading outside of a building as people watch from
the windows.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Canciones serenata.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-39--ffALB Unas lindas mañanitas a las muchachas bonitas.
segunda parte. / La tarde muere 1914
Box 3
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 28 x 18 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a man holding a guitar serenading near an open window.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Canciones serenata.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-40--ffALB Versos legítimos del típico jarabe Moreliano: numero
31: La Tusa 1918
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de la Testamentaria do Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a festival - Crowd gathered around a bandstand.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Canciones versos; folklorico.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-41--ffALB Ya está el níquel, nanita, ¿qué haremos? pues con la
plata lo capotearemos / ¿Por que te quiero?...... [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 27 x 18 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a crowd with hands up appearing to be upset or in shock. Back illustration
of man and woman.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; varios.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-42--ffALB Aventuras de un catrín por amar a una casada 1899
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a man sitting in a room with his head in his hands - an image of a woman
appears above him. Back illustration a man holding a chair confronts a man kneeling
behind a woman seated on a couch.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Cuentos amor.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-43--ffALB Coplas de Don Simón / Consecuencias de la crisis de
amor 1910
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a woman and man.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Cuentos corridos.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-44--ffALB Del estado de morelos corrido de Juan Dimió tono de
bola / Adiós a mi amada: amor primero: perjura [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imp. Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a Crowd gathered around a gazebo.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Canciones; corridos; amor.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-45--ffALB Corrido de la vida de Santanon / Horas de luto 1911
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of man on horseback leading a group of men riding horses along a trail.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Canciones; corridos.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-46--ffALB La continuación, señores de los pronósticos va;
apréndanselos de memoria que ya se van a acabar / Tango del Morrongo 1904
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of man and five women. Back illustration of a woman dancing with a large cat
dressed in a coat - group of women watching them dance in the background.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Oculto; astrologia; versos.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-47--ffALB Despedida del General Díaz antes y hoy / A la patria /
Juan Flores del Campo 1911
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of General Porfirio Diaz dressed in uniform holding up his hat.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Revolucion; porfirio diaz.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-48--ffALB El Ahualulco: ¿comprendes?: tus ojos: los banos:
Mariana 1919
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 21 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de la Testamentaria de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a man and a dog - floral patterns.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Cuentos versos.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-49--ffALB El Cometa del Centemario [Centenario] de la
Independencia 1810---México---1910 / Dialoguito de Mama Tierra con D. Cometa
Halley 1910
Box 3
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet)30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of crowd observing a comet. Back comical illustration ofHalley's comet in form
of a man passing through the sky as crowd runs away in fear - a comical moon observes
the comet.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Centenario.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-50--ffALB El cadáver de Antonio Montes convertido en carbón el
depósito del panteón Español de la Capital de México 1907
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustrated portrait of matador framed and located in top left corner seprate from main
illustration of his cadaver.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Toros; torreros.
Bottom left corner damaged.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-51--ffALB El Rentoy. música de la popular danza el "Beso" / El
descarrilamiento en Temamatla [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet [intended to be folded in half]); 19 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of man standing by a gambling table. Separate illustration of a man speaking
to a crowd. back illustration of a train derailment. Separate illustration of row of beds,
people observing a train, and man singing and playing a guitar.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Canciones; terrible noticias; descarillamiento.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-52--ffALB El fusilamiento de Jesús Negrete o sea el "Tigre de
Santa Julia" / El triste adiós de Jesús Negrete [circa 1910]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imp de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of man standing in front of a firing squad. Back illustration illustrated depiction
of Jesus Negrete. Printed signature of Posada bottom left of illustration.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Ejecuciones; crimen; criminales.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-53--ffALB El fusilamiento del soldado Bruno Apresa en el Llano de
la Vaquita, el día 29 de Abril de 1904 a las 6 de la mañana [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 3
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 29 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of man standing in front of a firing squad.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Militar; ejecuciones.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-54--ffALB En nuevo corrido vida y muerte de la cucaracha 1916
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 31 x 20 cm
Scope and Content
Illustration of woman walking in the street.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Canciones; corrido.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-55--ffALB El valiente de Guadalajara / Cantos populares que
dicen, calandrias, ¿cantan?...... 1913
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
illustration of a man confronting a tiger as crowd looks on in fear and amazement.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Canciones; populares.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-56--ffALB Entrada triunfante el caudillo de la Revolución Sr. D.
Francisco I: Madero a la Capital de la Republica / Don Francisco I Madero triunfante /
Juan Flores del Campo Junio de 1911 [June of 1911]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imp. Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Portrait of Francisco I. Madero surrounded by decorative illustrations.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Revolucion; madero.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-57--ffALB Formidable explosión en Tacubaya D.F. los habitantes
aterrorizados huellen al grito de ¡¡¡"Ya viene Zapata!!!" una góndola de los tranvías
eléctricos cargada con dinamita [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of people crushed under debris after an explosion.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Terribles noticias; revolucion; zapata.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-58--ffALB Formidable inundación en la Colonia Valle Gómez /
Escenas chuscas de la inundación [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 3
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of people walking and carrying their belongings. Printed signature of Posada
bottom right of illustration.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Terribles noticias; desastres naturales.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-59--ffALB Gran corrido de Bruno Apresa / Olas que el viento
arrastran o la orfandad / E.B. 1905
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 29 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of man in front of firing squad as crowd looks on. back illustration of group of
musicians and three women.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Canciones; corridos; ejecucion.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-60--ffALB Horrible tragedia pasional: Un gendarme mata a su
novia cruelmente / Semana trágica Agosto de 1912 [August of 1912]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Two women and one child lay on the ground dead. Another one covers her eyes as a man
holds a gun to his head.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Crimen; criminales
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-61--ffALB Jesús Negrete (a) el Tigre de Santa Julia. Fusilado en la
Cárcel de Belem: El 22 de Diciembre de 1910 /Últimas palabras de Jesús Negrete (a)
"El Tigre de Santa Julia" 1910
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Man standing in front of firing squad as rifles are firing. Group of four men observe the
execution. Printed signature of Posada on bottom right of illustration.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Crimen; criminales; ejecucion.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-62--ffALB La huelga de los panaderos Julio de 1911 [July of 1911]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustrated group portrait of men on strike standing in three rows.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Politicas; huelgas; laboral; corridos.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-63--ffALB La Inundación de Guanajuato y su causa verdadera /
Noche fatal la del treinta del mes de Junio pasado tupavoroso recuerdo quedara
siempre guardado 1905
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 31 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Propiedad de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of flooded town - people trapped and floating in flood waters.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Noticias terribles; desastres naturales.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-64--ffALB La libertad caucional del famoso diestro Rodolfo Gaona
/ Siempre voluble [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 31 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustrated framed portrait of a man surrounded by bull fighter's cap, cape, and sword
over an illustration of a bull. Printed signature of Posada bottom center of illustration.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Toros; torreros.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-65--ffALB La muerte de Emiliano Zapata / Nuevo corrido suriano
dedicado al generalísimo Emiliano Zapata [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Scope and Content
Illustration of Zapata standing holding a rifle and resting his other hand on the handle of
his sword. Printed Signature of Posada bottom left of illustration. Back illustration of a
man holding a guitar.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Revolucion; zapata; corrido.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-66--ffALB La mujer de cien maridos como alfileres prendidos / A
bordo de un bergantín 1912
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imp. A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a woman surrounded by a crowd of men. Printed signature of Posada
bottom right of illustration.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Varios; Cuentos canciones.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-67--ffALB La nunca vista nevada del día 11 de Febrero del
presente año: La matchicha 1907
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 19 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a couple dancing. Back illustration decorative border of a column of soldiers
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Varios; versos; canciones.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-68--ffALB La pobreza reinante / El pagare / A.E. 1912
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of three women and two children and one infant. Illustration of a man on lower
half of page. Back illustration of woman standing.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Cuentos comentario social.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-69--ffALB La prisión de Rodolfo Gaona y suicidio de la srita María
Luisa Noeker / Reflexiones dolorosas de Rodolfo Gaona en su bartolina de Belem
[between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustrated portrait of Rodolfo Gaona.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Crimen; criminales.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-70--ffALB Lamentos del Gral. D. Bernardo Reyes en la prisión
militar de Santiago Tlaltelolco 1912
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 30 x 19 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Photographic print of Gral. D. Bernardo Reyes.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Versos; revolucion; militar; prisioneros; prision.
Bottom right corner water damaged - fragile.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-71--ffALB Lamentos del Sargento Ignacio Jiménez sentenciado a
la última pena 1912
Box 3
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustrated portrait of Sargento Ignacio Jimenez.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Militar; crimen; prisionero; prision.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-72--ffALB Las campanas del nuevo relox en el atrio de Catedral
de México, llegadas en el mes de Junio de 1905 / Lamentos de la moneda que por su
injusta presión la pobrecita se queda fuera de circulación 1905
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 29 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Propiedad de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a crowd of people standing in front of cathedral observing the installation of
three church bells.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Religiosos; catedral; iglesia.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-73--ffALB Legítimos versos de Lino Zamora traídos del Real de
Zacatecas 1903
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 31 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of bull fighter and bull. Back illustration of people gathered at a funeral.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Toros; torreros; muerte.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-74--ffALB Loa dicha por Sancho Panza y Dona Cenobia: En honor
de la pureza de María Santísima 1904
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 29 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Tip. de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of woman eating out of a pot with a spoon. Man stands watching her.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Versos; loas.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-75--ffALB Loa dicha por un petatero y una tortillera, en honor del
Señor de las Maravillas 1904
Box 3
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 21 cm
Publication statement: Tip. de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a man standing in front of an alter in praise and woman with basket sits
close by observing.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Versos; loas.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-76--ffALB Loa dicha por un soldado en honor de Nuestro Padre
Jesús de la Tres Caídas 1904
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 21 cm
Publication statement: Propiedad de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of military marching band in the street. Printed signature of Posada lower left
of illustration.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Versos; loas; religioso.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-77--ffALB Loa en honor de la Stma. Virgen de la Soledad.
Personajes que hablan un titinitero ambulante - un músico ídem 1903
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de A Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a puppeteer and musician on stage entertaining as a procession with a
figure of Virgen de la Soledad passes by.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Loas; canciones; religioso.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-78--ffALB Los amoríos de Ana: El valecito [between 1890 and
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 29 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Test. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Ilustration of man and woman walking in a garden near a fountain.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Versos; amor.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-79--ffALB Los cocineros / Nuevas y oportunas décimas del
drenaje en México 1900
Box 3
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet [intended to be folded in half]); 20 x 30
Publication statement: Tip. de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of women with pots and pans. Printed signature of Posada lower right of
illustration. Back illustration of mane and woman at a dance. Printed signature of Posada
lower left. Illustration of a skeleton standing near a water well.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Cuentos varios; calaveras.
Box 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-80--ffALB Los sangrientos sucesos en la ciudad de Puebla: La
muerte del jefe de policía Miguel Cabrera 1919
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 31 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a gun battle portrait of police chief Miguel Cabrera in the foreground.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; crimen; asesinatos.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-81--ffALB Mañanitas salutación y tierno despedimiento que
hacen los visitantes al milagroso Señor de Tepaltzingo 1908
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 29 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of Jesus carrying the cross.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Religioso; oraciones.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-82--ffALB Marietta 1918
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: por la Testamentaria de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo
Scope and Content
Comic illustration of a woman with a large head and a small body sitting on a couch.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Cancion; moderna.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-83--ffALB Mi grandota nuevas y divertidas decimas para reír y
pasar el rato / Dicen que no 1911
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a woman and a man holding a bottle.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Varios; versos; Canciones modernas.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-84--ffALB Nota sensacional huelga de motoristas: Ultimátum de
los huelguistas conductores y empleados de tranvías eléctricos Julio de 1911 [July of
Box 4
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of striking workers with streetcars visible in the background.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Politicas; Huelga; laboral; laborismo.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-85--ffALB Los cocineros / Nuevas y oportunas décimas del
drenaje en México 1900
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet [intended to be folded in half]); 20 x 30 cm
Scope and Content
Publication statement: Tip. de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of women with pots and pans. Printed signature of Posada lower right of
illustration. Back illustration of mane and woman at a dance. Printed signature of Posada
lower left. Illustration of a skeleton standing near a water well.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Cuentos varios; calaveras.
Another copy in Box 3: HC-79.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-86--ffALB Selecta: Recopilación de canciones modernas para el
presente año 1901
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet [intended to be folded in half as a cover for a
booklet]); 20 x 31 cm
Publication statement: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a woman holding a guitar sitting on a stage surrounded by musical
instruments. Printed signature of Posada top left of illustration. Illustration of hands
holding an advertisement.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Canciones; moderna.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-87--ffALB Explicación importante: El Catolicismo [between 1890
and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet [intended to be folded into a booklet - each
illustration numbered 1-8]); 26 x 18 cm
Scope and Content
Religious illustration.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Religioso; oraciones.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-88--ffALB Sangriento drama en la cárcel de Belem: Por efectos de
la marihuana, un presidiario hirió a un Celador un Corneta y otro Recluso / El peor de
los vicios / A. Espinosa 1910
Box 4
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Police officer shoot man holding a knife. A dead body lies on the floor.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Crimen; criminales; asesinato; prisioneros; prision.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-89--ffALB Señora su conejito ya no le gusta el zacate solo quiere
chocolate que animal tan picudito / Los Chamacos - La Diadema 1911
Physical Description: 1 Linear Feet)(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imp de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a rabbit on a table with two women standing.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Cuentos varios.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-90--ffALB Serranillo: Dicen que no el juramiento [between 1890
and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: por la Test. de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a woman sitting by a tree writing in a journal.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Canciones; versos; amor.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-91--ffALB Símbolo sublime de la patria: El pueblo México te
saluda - Himno nacional Mexicano 1918
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustrated portraits of the Heroes of Mexican Independence Vicente Guerrero, Miguel
Hidalgo, Jose Maria Morelos y Pavon, Augustin Iturbide.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Canciones; patrioticos; himno nacional.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-92--ffALB Terrible temblor: Más de 60 víctimas y varios
derrumbes en la ciudad / Temblor Maderista Junio de 1911 [June of 1911]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of crowd of people running in fear. Buildings in the background.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Terribles noticias; desastres naturales; madero.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-93--ffALB Que terrible tempestad, Huracán e inundación, el
veintiséis del presente con toda furia estallo [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 20 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of people standing in town destroyed by floods. Back illustration of man and
woman stading in front of a mausoleum.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Terribles noticias; desastres naturales.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-94--ffALB Tiernas suplicas con que invocan las jóvenes de
cuarenta años al milagroso San Antonio de Padua pidiéndole su consuelo / El
apasionado 1911
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Group of women kneeling in prayer.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Religioso; oraciones.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-95--ffALB Tragedia en las torres de la Catedral de México, dos
mujeres y un niño se arrojan desde una de ellas 1912
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of woman throwing herself off of a cathedral tower. Back illustration of woman
lying dead.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Terribles noticias; muerte; suicidio.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-96--ffALB Trágica y horripilante muerte de tres personas que se
arrojaron desde las Torres de la Catedral de México / Tres víctimas del suicidio
[between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of two women throwing themselves off of a cathedral tower. Back illustrations
of a grave and crowd of people gathered around a cathedral.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Terribles noticias; muerte; suicidio.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-97--ffALB Tristísimos recuerdos de Antonio Montes matador de
toros muerto en México en 1907 1907
Box 4
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 19 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustraion of bullfighter being gored by bull.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Toros; torreros; muerte.
Damaged right corner.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-98--ffALB Versos de Valentín Mancera traídos del estado de
Guanajuato, ano de mil ochocientos, murió Valentín Mancera murió el espada
valiente 1904
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Scope and Content
Illustration of man with guitar & two soldiers leading a man to his execution.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Ejecucion.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-99--ffALB Versos para cantarse con el popular pasó doble
flamenco titulado Machaquito / Moderna jota aragonesa 1907
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 27 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of bull fighter and dead bull. Hats being thrown in the bullring.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Canciones; versos: toros; torreros.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-100--ffALB Viva la patria canción inédita del estado de Chihuahua
/ A la República Mexicana 1911
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of Mexico's coat of arms - Eagle devouring snake perched on a cactus.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Canciones; patrioticos.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-101--ffALB Ya la autoridad echo garra al malvado Ignacio Parra:
Ya con su vida pago el mentado Ignacio Parra, la justicia al fin triunfo la sociedad
esta vengada / Macetita embalsamada 1899
Box 4
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of man on horseback wielding a sword. Printed signature of Posada on lower
left of illustration. Back illustration of a bird perched on a bracnch. Child with birds.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Crimen; criminales; asesinato: justicia.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-102--ffALB Verdaderos versos de Macario Romero / Nueva
canción de os parranderos 1904
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet [intended to be folded in half]); 20 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a man on horseback wielding a sword chasing a group of indigenous
people. back illustration of a group of men drinking.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Canciones; versos.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-103--B Oración y alabanzas dedicadas a la santa piedra imán
[between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(sheet, intended to be folded into an 8 page booklet); 34 x
24 cm
Scope and Content
Illustration of Jesus on the cross.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Religioso; oraciones.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-104--ffALB Corrido de un valiente Oaxaqueño: Estos son tristes
lamentos; los que voy a recordar, la tristeza de mi pecho no se me olvida jamás 1911
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 28 x 19 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a group of soldiers.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Canciones; corridos.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-105--ffALB Devota salutación tiernas alabanzas a la
milagrosísima imagen de nuestra Señora de San Juan de los Lagos: Acción de gracias
y expresivo despedimiento [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 28 x 19 cm
Scope and Content
Illustration of the image of Senora de San Juan de los Lagos. Back illustration crowd of
people praying to her image on an altar.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Religioso; dias festivos.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-106--ffALB El Centenario de la Independencia de México en al ano
de 1910. Bola de actualidad / 1910 canción a San Antonio / A.E. 1910
Box 4
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 29 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of crowd holding banners with portraits of Mexico's heroes of independence.
Back illustration of Porfirio Diaz.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Historia; independencia; nacional; canciones.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-107--ffALB El fusilamiento de Jesús Negrete (a) "El Tigre de Santa
Julia" el 22 de Diciembre de 1910, a las 6 y 25 de la mañana el Patio del Jardín de la
Cárcel de Belem: Últimos detalles 1910
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 27 x 19 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a man and two soldiers. The man is imagining his execution.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Crimen; ejecuciones.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC- 108--ffALB El fusilamiento del soldado Bruno Apresa en el Llano
de la Vaquita, el día 29 de Abril de 1904 a las 6 de la mañana [between 1890 and
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 29 x 19 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of man being executed by firing squad.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Militar; ejecucion.
Another copy in Box 3: HC-53.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-109--ffALB El novio de mil mujeres les da dinero y placeres /
María 1911
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 27 x 19 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of one man surrounded by many women.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Cuentos varios.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-110--ffALB Danza: El prisionero en San Juan de Ulúa 1914
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 28 x 18 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a boat and fort exchanging cannon fire. Man surrounded by two soldiers.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Versos; varios.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-111--ffALB La Arranquera: Esto sí que es un grande apuro ya no
se consigue un duro / La Virgencita, Si Tú Me Amaras [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 27 x 17 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of man sitting at a desk. Illustration of man and woman drinking.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Versos; varios; canciones.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-112--ffALB ¡Espantoso crimen nunca visto! [between 1890 and
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 21 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antnio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Woman grabbing a girl by the hair to burn her with a burning piece of coal.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Crimen; criminales.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-113--ffALB La soldadera en el cuartel / Ven y Ven, El Balanceo,
Zaraza 1914
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 28 x 19 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Printed photograph of a couple. Illustration of a woman stading with a dog at her feet.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Canciones; corridos; popular.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-114--ffALB Repelito de catrines que les gusta enamorar y figuran
mil jardines sin hallar en sus confines ni un cigarro que fumar [between 1890 and
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 28 x 19 cm
Publication statement: Tip. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of man standing smoking a cigar looking up at a woman on balcony. Two men
stand on the other side of the builiding. Illustration of a man dressed in a suit.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Versos; varios.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-115--ffALB Tiernísimo Despedimiento / Acción de gracias a la
Santísima Virgen María de San Juan de los Lagos [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 4
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 28 x 18 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a priest giving mass. Illustration of a church and crowd of people gathered
around a plaza entering the church. Printed signature of posada lower left of image.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Religioso; dias festivos.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-116--ffALB Verdaderos versos de Macario Romero / Corrido del
Zezontle [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 27 x 18 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of man on horseback holding a gun with Indians fleeing in the background.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Versos; canciones; corridos.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-117--ffALB Mañanitas y alabanzas, salutación, acción de gracias y
triste despedimiento que hacen los fieles visitantes al milagroso Sr. del Amparo
[between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of Jesus on the cross.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Religioso; milagros.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-118--ffALB Loa dicha por una cocinera y un aguador, en honor de
Nuestra Señora del Rosario [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of man and woman. Illustration of the Virgin Mary.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Religioso; loas.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-119--ffALB Tierna y amorosa despedida de los padres misioneros
/ F. Osacar [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 31 x 21 cm
Publication statement: Tip. De la Testamentaria de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of priest and people celebrating mass.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Religioso.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-120--ffALB Ya la vieja de mi suegra no más quiere reganar, de a
tiro la corta verde no la deja madurar [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Tip de A Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustartion of a woman hitting man with a chair.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Versos; dialogos.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-121--ffALB Suicidio causado por envenenamiento y celos de dos
señoritas en el Bosque de Chapultepec a inmediaciones del castillo; Despedida de las
Sritas: María Fuentes y Guadalupe Ortiz [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Tip. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustartion of man pointing to the word "Suicidio" in the title. Illustration of skull and
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Terrible noticias; muerte; suiciodios.
Bottom water damaged and torn. Fragile.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-122--ffALB ¡Vivan los Constitucionalistas! Memoria de la guerra
ahora es cuando, chile verde, le has de dar sabor al caldo guerra contra los pelones
decía el valiente Alejandro [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 21 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of soldiers on horseback riding along a path of trees. Printed signature of A.
Najera-Dio lower left of illustration.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Revolucion; versos.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-123--ffALB Romanza de consuelo en la zarzuela "Viva Mi Nina";
La Noche Serena / ¡Trágica muerte de las pesetas! Y ¡Vida alegre de los veintes!
Gran lucha de monedas [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet [intended to be folded in half]); 20 x 28 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of man and woman on a boat with buildings and trees in the background.
Illustration of coins depicted with arms and legs fighting with swords.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Canciones; amor; serenata; versos; varios.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-124--ffALB Tristísimos lamentos y horribles sufrimientos de
Ramon Palma en la cárcel de Belén [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 4
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 21 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of man sitting at a desk. Illustration of woman with her hands on her forehead.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Crimen; criminales; versos.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-125--ffALB ¡Terribles inundaciones en la piedad, Mixcoac,
Tacuba, y la Calzada de la Verónica! / El Jesús "Las Diez" [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of people standing in town destroyed by floods. Illustration of man throwing
playing cards from his pockets.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Terrible noticias; desastres naturales; inundaciones.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-126--ffALB Sensacional noticia la confesión de un esqueleto una
alma en pena dentro del templo del Carmen 1903
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a skeleton at a confessional in church and a man who fainted in fear.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Oculto; Cuentos fantasmas.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-127--ffALB ….Reciente pleito de casados….Que si no riñen están
enojados [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a man attacking a woman another man and woman attempt to pull the man
away from her.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Versos; dialogos.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-128--ffALB Próximo fin del mundo la horrible catástrofe del
Domingo 14 de abril de 1907 en Chilpancingo, Chilapa, Tixtla y Acapulco en el Estado
de Guerrero, destrucción del colegio salesiano en la Capital de México [between
1890 and 1925]
Box 4
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of people running in fear. Building and street-lamp in the background.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Terribles noticias; desastres naturales; Terremoto.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-129--ffALB Alabanzas, acción de gracias y tierno despedimiento a
nuestra augusta reina y patrona María Santísima de San Juan de los Lagos [between
1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet [intended to be folded in half]); 21 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of Maria Santisima de San Juan de los Lagos. Crowds of people in a religious
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Religiosos; dias festivos.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-130--ffALB ¡Ah que chula eres Pachita! Me dan ganas de besarte
no mas no quieras platitas porque puedo hasta patearte y te iras con tu nanita a
echar pulgas a otra parte, amigo voy a contarte lo que me paso en Morelia que ya me
corrió Silveria a echar pulgas a otra parte [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a man with hand on his chest facing a woman looking out a window.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Cuentos amor; versos.
Bottom of page is damaged; torn and very fragile.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-131--ffALB Tristísimas Lamentaciones de un enganchado para el
valle nacional / Te Amo en Secreto 1906
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 31 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of man speaking to a crowd of people pointing to a scene of men working in a
field. Man kneeling in front of a woman seated on a couch.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Versos; varios; canciones.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-132--ffALB Florencia Reyes Morales y Bernardo Mora
sentenciados en el primer Salón de Jurados del Palacio Penal, el seis de Junio de
1907, a sufrir la pena de muerte por el asesinato del General Manuel Lisandro
Barrillas, Ex-Presidente de Guatemala 1907
Box 4
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of two men in court facing judge in court. People stand behind them and to
the sides.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Crimen; criminales; justicia; noticias; versos; dialogos.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-133--ffALB Sanguiguelas de agua dulce zánganos de grandes
tiendas, ¿Por qué no se largan pronto, para allá para su tierra? [between 1890 and
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Publicadas por: Antonio Vanegas Arroyo Rubi.
Scope and Content
Illustration of man surrounded by group of people threatening him. Printed signature of
Posada lower right of image.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Versos; varios.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-134--ffALB ¡¡Adiós, Adiós!! El ultimo corrido de la despedida de
Chonforo Vico / ¡Catástrofe! / A.E. [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Tip. Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of group of men with hands raised. Illustration of a couple and a man bowing
with hat in his right hand.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Canciones; corridos; modernas.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-135--ffALB Triste fin que tuvo en México, pues fue presto
fusilado, Don Gustavo el fatídico, el famoso Ojo Parado / El Fusilamiento de Ojo
Parado en la Ciudadela de México Febrero de 1913 [February of 1913]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Scope and Content
Illustration of dead body. Portrait of man "Ojo Parado" (Gustavo Madero).
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Revolucion; versos; ejecuciones.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-136--ffALB Corrido del General Cubano Antonio Maceo / Olas que
el viento arrastran [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 4
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet [intended to be folded in half]); 20 x 30 cm
Scope and Content
Illustration of general on horseback leading a group of soldiers. Illustration of soldiers Illustration of a couple walking with ocean in the background.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Canciones; corridos.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-137--ffALB Triste y dolorosa noticia / Cantico a María Santísima
Sra. Nuestra 1912
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of an image of Virgin Mary on an alter surrounded by flowers and candles.
Illustration of a crowd of people celebrating mass.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Religiosos; Cuentos oraciones.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-138--ffALB ¡Terribilimo Ejemplar! ¡¡¡Una niña calumniadora, a
quien se lleva el Demonio!!! 1910
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 31 x 21 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
two demons carry a girl away a woman lies dead on the floor.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Cuento moral; crimen; asesinatos.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-139--ffALB Los autores del Himno Nacional / Himno Nacional
Mexicano [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 31 x 21 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustrated portrait of D. Jaime Nuno. Illustrated portrait of Miguel Hidalgo. Eagle with
banner at the bottom of page.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Historia; independencia; himno nacional.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-140--ffALB Fusilamiento del soldado del 2o, Batallón regional
Julio García, el procesado en el tribunal superior militar 1907
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Prisoner sits before a judge. Soldiers stand to the side.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Crimen; criminales; justicia; militar; ejecucion.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-141--ffALB ¡¡Las mujeres martizadas!! Crímenes nunca vistos en
la ciudad de México, por Ramon Palma [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 4
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a woman holding her hands to her head with an expression of fear.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Crimen; criminales.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-142--ffALB Entrada triunfal del Gral. Victoriano Huerta con sus
tropas de Chihuahua [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of Victoriano Huerta on horseback with two soldiers in background. illustration
decorative column made up of people and soldiers.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Revolucion; Victoriano Huerta; versos.
Text in support of the federal troops led by Victoriano Huerta.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-143--ffALB El Valiente Conseno / Suspiros del corazón / A.V.
Pereyra 1912
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a man falling to the ground after another man punches him - two other men
observe the fight.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Versos; dialogos.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-144--ffALB El Fusilamiento de José Prado en la Cárcel de Belem el
día 3 de Junio de 1907, a las 6 de la mañana 1907
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustrated portrait of Jose Prado with his execution by firing squad in the background.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Crimen; criminales; ejecucion.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-145--ffALB El gran descarrilamiento del ferrocarril central en
Zacatecas ¡Diez muertos y 75 heridos! / A Morenita [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 4
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a train derailment - people carry injured from the site of the accident.
Illustration of a woman's portrait.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Terribles noticias; descarrilamiento.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-146--ffALB La vuelta del desterrado / Al señor general don
Porfirio Díaz en el destierro: Ipiranga [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 21 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of Porfirio Diaz in military uniform.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Revolucion; porfirio diaz; canciones.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-147--ffALB El Volcán del peñón de México y los de "El
Popocatépetl" y el del "Pelee" / El Volcán [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a volcano with group of people walking and on horseback at its base.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Terribles noticias; desastres naturales; volcan; canciones.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-148--ffALB El terrible choque y descarrilamiento del tren n° 2 de
"El Paso" con uno de carga del sur el 19 de Septiembre de 1907 1907
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a train derailment - people lie in the wreckage.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Terribles noticias; descarrilamiento.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-149--ffALB Cantos Populares Maderistas ¡Hasta la tierra tembló! /
A la noble jefe de la secion de la Cruz Blanca Srita. Elena Arizmendi: Recuerdo:
Combate de flores dedicado al Señor Madero / Juan Flores del Campo Mayo de 1911
[May of 1911]
Box 4
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of the Mexican Coat of Arms - Illustration of a man pointing up and down to
the words "Que si" and "Que no". Printed photograph of a female general.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Revolucion; canciones; cantos; populares; madero.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-150--ffALB Un paseo de lo mejor en la nación Mexicana, por San
Juan, El volador, por la palma y por santana: Me la encacha o se la encacho nomas
porque soy su amigo, así me dijo un borracho, ya sabes porque lo digo [between
1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Small illustrations of people around the title.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Versos; varios.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-151--ffALB Espantoso incendio en el Palacio de Hierro [circa
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of smoke rising from a burning building.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Terrible noticias; incendio.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-152--ffALB Edición Especial de canciones, corridos, coplas, versos
y poesías celebres: La despedida del soldado [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 24 x 16 cm
Publication statement: Por la Tip. de la Test. de Antonio V. Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of soldier souding a trumpet.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Canciones; corridos.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-153--ffALB Dios me libre del demonio, de un escribano sin juez - y
de un muchacho travieso y de una mala mujer 1915
Box 4
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 31 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of man dressed in suit and hat.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Versos; oracion.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-154--ffALB El amor de madre, No hay como la madre en la vida
transitoria; que la tierra le sea leve y dios la lleve a su gloria / Paso doble 1908
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 31 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a woman and her child.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Versos; oracion.
Box 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:HC-155--ffALB El Cometa "Daniel" de 1907 1907
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a crowd of people observing a comet.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas ; Noticias; varios.
Box 1
Tarjetas [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu25--PIC Consejos que una madre dio a su hijo y los cuatros
evangelios [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 card [tarjeta de oracion]); 8 x 11 cm
Publication statement: Editor A. Vanegas Arroyo. Mexico.
Scope and Content
Two illustrations on one card. Illustration on left side is of the four gospels. Illustration on
the right is of a mother giving advice to her son.
Form/Genre keywords: Tarjetas; Religioso.
Box 1
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu26--PIC Dad mi Año Nuevo: el sufrido papelero [between 1890
and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 card); 10 x 7 cm
Cover illustration of newpaper vendors.
Form/Genre keywords: Tarjetas; Politicas; varios.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Tarjetas [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:Cu31--PIC Ejercito devoto en honor de la santísima Virgen del
Carmen [between 1980 and 1925]
Box 1
Physical Description: 1 item(1 card); 10 x 14 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of Virgin and Christ child.
Form/Genre keywords: Tarjetas; Religioso; oraciones.
Box 5
Calaveras (hojas grandes) [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:3C--B Calaveras zalameras de las coquetas meseras / CE [between
1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 41 x 31 cm
Publication statement: Publicadas por la Testamentaria de A. Vanegas Arroyo. Mexico.
Scope and Content
Illustration of two calaveras dancing surrounded by other calaveras drinking and playing
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:4C--B Calaveras en montón al precio de un decimal como nunca se
habrá visto en toda esta capital 1903
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Mexico, Imprenta de A. Vanagas [Vanegas] Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of multiple calaveras holding news leaflets. Smaller illustrations of a variety of
calaveras surround the central image. Illustration of four couples of calaveras on each
corner - small illustrations of skulls in between paragraphs.
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras; versos.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:5C--B Calavera del volcán / Arturo Espinosa [between 1890 and
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Tip. De la Test. de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Calaveras surround and look up at an erupting volcano. The sky is filled with smoke, ash,
skulls, and parts of skeletons. A calavera flys right above the volcano.
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Calaveras (hojas grandes) [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:7C--B La calavera clerical 1902
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Mexico, Imprenta de A. Vanagas [Vanegas] Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of multiple calaveras holding news leaflets. Smaller illustrations of a variety of
calaveras surround the central image. Small illustration of different calaveras between
each paragraph.
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:10C--B El gran panteón amoroso [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Tip. De la Test. de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
12 small illustrations of calaveras. Illustrations include elegantly dressed couples,
soldiers, bullfighter, and musician calaveras.
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Damaged left corner.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:11C--B Calavera D - Francisco I. Madero Octubre de 1912 [October
of 1912]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of Calavera wearing a sombrero, serape, and sandals, holding a bottle of
aguardiente. Printed signature of Posada on bottom of illustration.
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras; revolucion; madero.
Not numbered. Edges are damaged and in fragile condition.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:12C--B Calaveras del montón [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of piles of skulls in a cemetery. Two calaveras look at eachother. A trolley with
calaveras riding inside is visible in the background. Printed signature of Posada on lower
left of illustration.
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Calaveras (hojas grandes) [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:13C--B Calaveras de confianza que les dará su pitanza [between
1890 and 1925]
Box 5
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
A variety of small illustrations of calaveras working in different occupations such as
barbers, bankers, and postal workers.
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:17C--B La calavera taurina Octubre de 1911 [October of 1911]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imp. De Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of bullfighter's skull surrounded by flags and swords.
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:18C--B La brava calavera: de la onda fría [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 36 x 28 cm
Publication statement: Imp. Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of calavera running carrying a skull on its back with a group of people
observing in the background.
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:19C--B Aquí la Calavera esta, señores, de toditos los buenos
valedores [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 39 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Four separate illustrations of calaveras that include couples, two calaveras fighting, and
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:22C--B Panteón antiguo: epitafios [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 41 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Tip. de la Test. De A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
A seated calavera with weapons at its feet points a group of people towards the
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Calaveras (hojas grandes) [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:23C--B Gran calavera eléctrica que se les va a regalar calavera muy
fachosa de puro electricidad / Responsos de calaveras eficaces por demás que hasta
a los mismos demonios del infierno sacaran 1907
Box 5
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of piles of skulls in a cemetery. Two calaveras look at eachother. A trolley with
calaveras riding inside is visible in the background. Printed signature of Posada on lower
left of illustration. Two grimreapers at each top corner. Various illustrations of calaveras.
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:24C--B Calavera de los patinadores 1910
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 40 x 28 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a street scene where three calaveras are sweeping and one is depicted as a
police officer. A man stands in the background drinking. Printed signature of Posada
bottom right corner of main illustration. Various small illustrations of calaveras.
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:26C--B Calavera Tapatía [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Calavera with sombrero sits at a table smoking a cigar and drinking tequila. A bottle of
tequila, playing cards, a glass, and a knife are on the table. A female calavera looks
around his shoulder. Various illustrations of calaveras.
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:27C--B Regalo de calaveras, obsequio a las garbanceras, en prueba
de puro amor disputas de un aguador [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of calavera carrying water jug [aguador]. Illustration of other calaveras in
various costumes. Printed signature of Posada bottom left corner of illustration.
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Calaveras (hojas grandes) [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:28C--B Rebumbio de calaveras de catrines y borrachos, de viejos y
de muchachos de gatos y garbanceras / Han salido por fin las calaveras de solteros,
viudas, casadas y doncellas 1904
Box 5
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Propiedad de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
A seated calavera with weapons at its feet points a group of people towards the cemetery
(same illustration used for 22C). Various small illustrations of calaveras.
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:31C--B La calavera tourista [turista] ¡Aquí está la calavera que la
vuelta al mundo dio y de tan larga carrera les va a contar lo que vio! [between 1890
and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 38 x 28 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of calavera running carrying a skull on its back with a group of people
observing in the background (same illustration used for 18C).
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:32C--B Calavera del cine 1913
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 28 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of calavera with sombrero running holding a large knife. Crowd of calaveras in
the background. Printed signature of Posada on the bottom edge of female calavera's
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:33C--B La calavera de los encapuchados [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 38 x 27 cm
Publication statement: Talleres de la Testamentaria de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of calavera with sombrero running holding a large knife. Crowd of calaveras in
the background. Printed signature of Posada on the bottom edge of female calavera's
skirt (same illustrtion used for 32C). Illustration of various calaveras.
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Calaveras (hojas grandes) [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:34C--B La Calavera de Don Juan Tenorio [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 41 x 31 cm
Publication statement: Talleres de la Testamentaria de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of two calaveras sword fighting in a cemetery - one calavera stabs the other in
the chest.
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:35C--B Calavera de los carros de la limpia [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 41 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Talleres de Linotipografia de la Test. De A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a street scene where three calaveras are sweeping and one is depicted as a
police officer. A man stands in the background drinking. Printed signature of Posada
bottom right corner of main illustration (same illustration used for 24C). Illustration of
various calaveras.
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:36C--B Barata de calaveras lindas gatas, hermosas garbanceras,
sois inmundas, huesosas calaveras 1910
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of two calaveras carrying away two women on their backs. Three female
calaveras observe on the side.
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:37C--B La Calavera del editor popular Antonio Vanegas Arroyo /
Funebre despidida [Circa 1917]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 38 x 20 cm
Scope and Content
Illustration of editor Antonio Vanegas Arroyo as a calavera standing on leaflets and
surrounded by various calaveras. Printed signature of Posada bottom left corner of
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Posada's signature used, but Posada died before editor Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Calaveras (hojas grandes) [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:39C--B Calavera de la de la prensa 1919
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 41 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Talleres Graficos de la Test. De Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of editor Antonio Vanegas Arroyo as a calavera standing on leaflets and
surrounded by various calaveras. Printed signature of Posada bottom left corner of
illustration (same illustration used for 37C).
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Posada's signature used, but Posada died before editor Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:40C--B Gran baile de calaveras 1906
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of two calaveras carrying away two women on their backs. Three female
calaveras observe on the side (same illustration used for 36C). Illustration of calavera
couple on each top corner. Various small illustrations of calaveras.
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:41C--B Buen regalo a las lindas garbanceras en la fiesta de alegres
calaveras - revoltijo de Calaveras / F, Osacar [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Talleres Graficos de la Test. De Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of two calaveras carrying away two women on their backs. Three female
calaveras observe on the side (same illustration used for 36C and 40C).
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:42C--B Gran baile de calaveras 1913
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of two calaveras dancing surrounded by other calaveras drinking and playing
music (same illustration used for 3C).
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Top left corner and bottom left corner water damaged and torn; fragile condition.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Calaveras (hojas grandes) [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:43C--B ¡Levantoas de sus fosas, Calaveras que aqui se halla el
mayor de los troneras! / Don Luis Mejia con afan, como brava calavera, por hablar se
desespera y asi contesta a Don Juan 1904
Box 5
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Propiedad de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of two calaveras sword fighting in a cemetery - one calavera stabs the other in
the chest (same illustration used for 34C). Illustration of various calaveras. Illustration of
man standing on a coffin surprised by two calaveras.
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:44C--B Las nuevas calaveras del amor 1913
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Three separate illustrations. Main illustration depicts a crowd of calaveras at a funeral.
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Top left corner water damaged and fragile.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:45C--B Panteón de los héroes [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustrated portrait of Miguel Hidalgo and Jose Maria Morelos y Pavon. Skull and
crossbones above the text "Epitafios".
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras; independencia.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:46C--B Calavera jiricuana aquí está la calavera que causa más
averías con su jiricua…Es ratera de las tres Islas Marias [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 41 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration depicts a group of people in a religious or funeral procession.
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Calaveras (hojas grandes) [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:47C--B ¡Diluvio de calaveras! Este año vamos haber diluvio de
calaveras, que en el Panteón de Dolores lo van ha ser de deveras / Calavera del
Telele [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 5
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
A seated calavera with weapons at its feet points a group of people towards the cemetery
(same illustration used for 22C and 28C). A calavera riding on the skeleton of a horse
observes another calavera puling on the coat-tails of a man.
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:48C--B Calaveras al monton 1910
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of calavera with sombrero running holding a large knife. Crowd of calaveras in
the background. Printed signature of Posada on the bottom edge of female calavera's
skirt (same illustrtion used for 32C and 33C).
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:49C--B Rebumrio [Rebumbio] de calaveras [between 1890 and
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de la Testamentaria de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of multiple calaveras holding news leaflets (same illustration used for 7C).
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:50C--B La calavera de los chafiretes [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 40 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Talleres Graficos de la Test. De A V. Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of piles of skulls in a cemetery. Two calaveras look at eachother. A trolley with
calaveras riding inside is visible in the background. Printed signature of Posada on lower
left of illustration (same illustration used for 23C).
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Damaged, with poor tape repair.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Calaveras (hojas grandes) [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:51C--B Gran bola de garbanceras – que por ser muy pretensiosas, se
volverán calaveras podridas y apestosas / Canillazos furibundos que de gracia se les
da, a toditos los catrines y rotas de vecindad [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 5
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Descriptive Notes Illustration of group of calaveras around a vendor selling candles and
skulls at an outdoor market. Printed signature of J. Cortes on lower part of illustration.
One female and one male calavera vendor below main illustration. Two calavera couples.
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Illustrator is J. Cortes.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:53C--B Calaveras de las elecciones presidenciales / Chonforo Vico
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 31 cm
Publication statement: Talleres de Linotipografia de la Test. De A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a man looking at a skull he holds in his left hand as he stands among a pile
of skulls. Printed signature of Posada lower left of illustration.
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras; politicas.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:54C--B La gran calavera este cráneo singular-verdades puede
enseñar / La calavera de artesanos 1913
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 41 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Tip. 4a de la Imprenta 74. - Mexico.
Scope and Content
Skull and crossbones covered in worms. A group of seven calaveras work at various
artisan occupations.
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Top right corner torn.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:55C--B El barillero toribio (multiple paragraphs with own title) 1905
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Propiedad de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Vaious small illustrations of calaveras used to separate each paragraph.
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Calaveras (hojas grandes) [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:56C--B La calavera clerical chispeante y con harta sal, muy valiente
y muy fachosa, aquí está ya la famosa calavera clerical 1925
Box 5
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Tipografia de la Testamentaria de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Calavera depicted as cleric holding a sickle and hour-glass rings a bell. Printed signature
of Posada on bottom right of image.
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:57C--B Calaveras de caudillos de silla presidencial [between 1890
and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Tip. de la test de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Calavera wearing a suit runs and holds a bone in his right hand. Piles of skulls and a
group of people running visible in the background. Printed signature of Posada on bottom
right. Two columns of illustrations depicting calaveras doing various tasks.
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras; politicas.
Top left corner torn off. Insect damage on lower left of print.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:58C--B La calavera de la viuda alegre / A.E. 1910
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
A calavera riding on the skeleton of a horse observes another calavera puling on the
coat-tails of a man among a group of frightened people. Various smaller illustrations of
calaveras (Same illustration used for 47C).
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Water damage along top edge and lower left corner - fragile.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:59C--B Calaveras panteón de chafiteros y camioneros [between
1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 41 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Tip. de A.V. Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a car crashing through a crowd of people.
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Calaveras (hojas grandes) [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:60C--B Aquí la Calavera esta, señores, de toditos los buenos
valedores / No olvidéis - Que la cera pura solo se encuentra en la acreditada cerería
de Fermín Güemes 1913
Box 5
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of man standing with arms folded with skulls in the background. Two calavera
couples on each bottom corner. Illustration of two calaveras carrying away two women on
their backs. Three female calaveras observe on the side (same illustration used for 36C,
40C and 41C).
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:61C--B El panteón de las pelonas 1924
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Tipografia de la Testamentaria de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of "La Calavera Catrina" calavera with an elegant hat. Printed signature of
Posada on lower left of illustration.
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Bottom edge damaged - fragile.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:62C--B Remate de calaveras alegres y sandungueras las que hoy
son empolvadas garbanceras, pararan en deformes calaveras 1913
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 37 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of "La Calavera Catrina" calavera with an elegant hat. Printed signature of
Posada on lower left of illustration (illustration used in 61C).
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:63C--B Calavera de Cupido 1913
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imp. De A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Vaious small illustrations of calaveras used for each paragraph.
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Severely damaged and torn along top, right, and bottom edges. Very fragile.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Calaveras (hojas grandes) [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:64C--B Rebumbio de calaveras de catrines y borrachos, de viejos y
de muchachos, de gatos y garbanceras [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 5
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 37 x 28 cm
Publication statement: Tip. de la Testa. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of piles of skulls in a cemetery. Two calaveras look at eachother. A trolley with
calaveras riding inside is visible in the background. Printed signature of Posada on lower
left of illustration (same illustration used for 23C and 50C).
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:65C--B La brava calavera del cinematógrafo 1906
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet ); 38 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of calavera/cat standing among skulls while holding two skulls in each hand people in the background run away in fear. Various small illustrations of calaveras.
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:66C--B La Calavera del pagare - El pagare o sea la mujer chismosa
de la vecindad 1913
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 37 x 27 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Various small illustrations of calaveras. Central image a calavera with coffin on his back
frightens a man.
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:67C--B La Calavera monetaria / Chonforo Vico 1919
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 41 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Talleres Graficos de la Test. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of calavera running carrying a skull on its back with a group of people
observing in the background (same illustration used for 18C and 31C). Various small
illustrations of skulls - groups of coins with arms and legs fight, one stabs another.
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Calaveras (hojas grandes) [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:68C--B Aquí la calavera esta, señores, de toditos los buenos
valedores / No olvidéis - Que la cera pura solo se encuentra en la acreditada cerería
de Fermín Güemes 1913
Box 5
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of man standing with arms folded with skulls in the background. Two calavera
couples on each bottom corner. Illustration of two calaveras carrying away two women on
their backs. Three female calaveras observe on the side (same illustratio
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Another copy numbered 60C.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:69C--B Calavera de actualidad: Oh, mi público lector, a quien yo
quiero deveras, hay te van de mi caletre un montón de calaveras Octubre de 1911
[October of 1911]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a man looking at a skull he holds in his left hand as he stands among a pile
of skulls. Printed signature of Posada lower left of illustration (same illustration used for
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:70C--B Rebumbio de calaveras de tráfico y voceadores, que hoy
salen ya de deveras para el Panteón de Dolores 1922
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Tip. De la Test. A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a car crashing through a crowd of people (same illustration used in 59C).
Various small illustrations of calaveras.
Form/Genre keywords: Calaveras.
Box 5
Cancionero popular [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:CN-1--B El cancionero popular: Noche perpetua, El 5 de Mayo de
1862, Los rurales, La casita [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of man holding a guitar.
Form/Genre keywords: Canciones; cancionero popular.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Cancionero popular [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:CN-2--B El cancionero popular: El buen tono, La gardenia, Jesús
Negrete 1909
Box 5
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Ilustration of man "Jesus Negrete" dressed in charro outfit.
Form/Genre keywords: Canciones; cancionero popular.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:CN-3--B El cancionero popular: Tiburcia o la estación de Morelos, “A
Bordo de un Bergantín”, La decepción, El prisionero, ¡adiós! ¡adiós!, La semana
mayor [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a woman wearing a dress and rebozo.
Form/Genre keywords: Canciones; cancionero popular.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:CN-4--B El cancionero popular: Muerte del banderillero Alfredo
Romero [A] Romerito de Asturias en la Plaza el “Toreo” de México, El juramento,
despedida, La gaviota [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of bullfighter being gored by bull.
Form/Genre keywords: Canciones; cancionero popular.
Right edge of document water damaged and fragile.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:CN-5--B El cancionero popular: Amor cuando muere, gaona se muere
y no, la palma 1909
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustrated portrait of a bullfighter.
Form/Genre keywords: Canciones; cancionero popular.
Bottom left and right corners water damaged and fragile.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Cancionero popular [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:CN-6--B El cancionero popular: Reyistas y corralistas / Decepción de
amor, El alba, La joven, Tus ojos, La diadema Julio de 1909 [July of 1909]
Box 5
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 29 x 10 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arro.
Scope and Content
Illustration of man in hat playing a guitar. Decorative borders of hearts and Cupid.
Form/Genre keywords: Canciones; cancionero popular.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:CN-7--B El cancionero popular: Los temblores del 30 de Julio de
1909 a las 4 y 15 de la mañana, Dicen que no, cuando el amor renace 1909
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 28 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of angel flying over a couple. Illustrated hand points to the beginning
Form/Genre keywords: Canciones; cancionero popular.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:CN-8--B El cancionero popular: Couplets que pueden cantarse con la
música de “La Gatita Blanca”, Canción a luz, El Zenzontle, La cajita 1909
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a couple. Printed signature of Posada bottom left of image.
Form/Genre keywords: Canciones; cancionero popular.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:CN-9--B El cancionero popular: Los desterrados a la Isla de Cayo
Hueso delante de “Tres Marías”, Las cabañas, La despedida, Lindas Poblanas, “El
Padre Francisco” [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a crowd of people walking in front of a building. Decorative borders of floral
patterns and Cupid.
Form/Genre keywords: Canciones; cancionero popular.
Bottom edge damaged - fragile.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Cancionero popular [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:CN-10--B El cancionero popular: El dirigible o sueños etéreos, “El
Amor en Dirigible” / Xoco, El sueño de amor, Las nubes encapotadas, El amor cuando
muere 1909
Box 5
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of man and woman seated on chairs facing eachother - the man holds the
woman's hand.
Form/Genre keywords: Canciones; cancionero popular.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:CN-11--B El cancionero popular: El nuevo corrido patriótico
presidencial “Diaz y Taft”, La pulga, La maquinista del amor / A.E. [between 1890
and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of the Mexican Coat of Arms.
Form/Genre keywords: Canciones; cancionero popular.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:CN-12--B El cancionero popular: La pajarera, El ángel de mis amores
[between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Regst. Conforme a la Ley, por la Test. De Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Decorative borders.
Form/Genre keywords: Canciones; cancionero popular.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:CN-13--B El cancionero popular: ¡Catástrofe!, Ingrata / El saludo de
Giona, La Cubanita [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imp de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of couple. Illustration of bull and bullfigher.
Form/Genre keywords: Canciones; cancionero popular.
Right edge and bottom of document water damaged and fragile.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Cancionero popular [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:CN-14--B El cancionero popular: El sarape nacional, El 23 de
infantería / Canción de los fantasmas de Loreto, Piropos del método Gorritz, Couplets
de la regadera 1912
Box 5
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 41 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of man in hat and sarape shouting to another man - Illustration of man with
hat and umbrella walking with a woman wearing a dress and rebozo. Boy running in the
Form/Genre keywords: Canciones; cancionero popular.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:CN-15--B El cancionero popular: ¡Chin! Chun! Chan!, Las mujeres! /
Indiferencia, ¿qué hare sin ti?, “Ya te lo dije y tú no me entiendes” Enero de 1910
[January of 1910]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imp. Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of man standing in the street looking up - another man sits on the corner
against a building.
Form/Genre keywords: Canciones; cancionero popular.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:CN-17--B El cancionero popular: El destierro / Recuerdo y despedida,
Nuevos couplets de la Zarzuela entre las ondas, La sultana / A.V.P / A.E. 1910
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a man standing. Illustration of woman with flowers in her hair holding a pen.
Form/Genre keywords: Canciones; cancionero popular.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:CN-18--B El cancionero popular: Canción del pulquero (á) El
banderillero, Tus negros ojos, La ninfa hechicera, “Un cuento”, La muñeca / A.V.P. /
A.E. Abril de 1910 [April of 1910]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 27 x 10 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of man in hat holding a glass and bottle with a funnel - Barrels visible in the
background. Printed signature of Posada bottom left of image.
Form/Genre keywords: Canciones; cancionero popular.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Cancionero popular [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:CN-20--B El cancionero popular: La corte de faraón, Dúo de amor,
Consejos de las viudas, Nuevos couplets / La geisha / A.E. [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 5
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Decorative borders.
Form/Genre keywords: Canciones; cancionero popular.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:CN-21--B El cancionero popular: El encanto de un vals, Romanza de
las Hijas de Eva, Versos del zapador, Versos del fusilamiento de Bruno Apresa
ejecutado en el Llano de la Vaquita el 29 de Abril de 1904 a las 6 de la mañana en la
Capital de México / A.V.P. [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of flowers and decorative borders.
Form/Genre keywords: Canciones; cancionero popular.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:CN-22--B El cancionero popular: Nuevos couplets del chúmale y de
los chichicuilotes, Amor Por amor, Las blancas torres de la capilla 1911
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Small illustration of couple dancing and decorative borders.
Form/Genre keywords: Canciones; cancionero popular.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:CN-24--B El cancionero popular: Corrido de Rodolfo Gaona y otros
toreros / Marina, tu y yo / A.E. 1911
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 20 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of bullfighter "Rodolfo Gaona."
Form/Genre keywords: Canciones; cancionero popular; corrido; torreros.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:CN-25--B El cancionero popular: La jota navarra / Canto de amor,
Semana de aviación, El valencito / V.L. 1911
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 41 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Decorative borders.
Form/Genre keywords: Canciones; cancionero popular.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Cancionero popular [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:CN-26--B El cancionero popular: El caballero zancarrón / Sobre las
olas, tu y yo y los dos 1911
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Decorative borders.
Form/Genre keywords: Canciones; cancionero popular.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:CN-28--B El cancionero popular: Recuerdo a Uruapam, Te vi y te
ame, Celebre danzón del maestro Babuco, Los pollos, El merengue / A.E. [between
1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Scope and Content
Illustration of man standing in the street looking up - another man sits on the corner
against a building (same illustration as CN-15).
Form/Genre keywords: Canciones; cancionero popular.
Box 5
Gacetas politicas y callejera [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:G-4--B La gaceta callejera: Tragico fin del Maderismo [Circa 1913]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imp Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustrated portrait of general "SR. General D. Felix Diaz".
Form/Genre keywords: Politicas; gacetas politicas y callejeras; revolucion; Madero; Felix
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:GP-1--B Gran entusiasmo entre los habitantes por la llegada del
Señor Francisco I. Madero, El saludo a la Ciudad de Puebla por el Sr. Francisco I.
Madero, Al gran héroe Aquiles Serdán, Ante la tumba de Aquiles Serdán Julio de 1911
[July of 1911]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 32 x 22 cm
Publication statement: Imp de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Photographic print of Francisco I. Madero and Aquiles Serdan. Decorative illustrations.
Paper dyed green and red to resemble the Mexican flag.
Form/Genre keywords: Politicas; gacetas politicas y callejeras; revolucion; Madero;
Aquiles Serdan.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Gacetas politicas y callejera [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:GP-3--B La jura de banderas en México, El regreso del señor Madero
a la Capital de la Republica con motivo del juramento de banderas Agosto de 1911
[August of 1911]
Box 5
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 33 x 21 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Photographic print of Francisco I. Madero. Illustration of military band marching among a
crowd fo people - decorative illustrations.
Form/Genre keywords: Politicas; gacetas politicas y callejeras; revolucion; Madero.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:GP-4--B A Hidalgo, Himno Nacional Mexicano / Honor y gloria a Don
Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, Padre de nuestra independencia / R.A.G. [between 1890
and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of Mexico's coat of arms - Eagle devouring snake perched on a cactus Printed signature of J. Hema lower left of image. Illustrated portrait of Miguel Hidalgo.
Form/Genre keywords: Politicas; gacetas politicas y callejeras; historia; independencia;
himno nacional.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:GP-9--B Los fatales sucesos: En la penitenciaria y plaza de toros de
Puebla, los días 12 y 13 de Julio de 1911 , Noche de Luna Julio de 1911 [July of 1911]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of men firing at eachother in a plaza among buildings - Another illustration of
a man driving a car; many dead bodies are seen along the road - Printed signature of
Posada bottom left of image.
Form/Genre keywords: Politicas; gacetas politicas y callejeras revolucion; madero;
Bottom left corner damaged.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:GP-10--B Patriotismo del ejército, Después del combate / R.D.G.
Febrero de 1913 [February of 1913]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 41 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta 2a. Calle de la [Peniteaciaria].
Scope and Content
Printed portraits of Victotiano Huerta and other military leaders who overthrew the
presidency of Francisco Madero.
Form/Genre keywords: Politicas; gacetas politicas y callejeras; revolucion; huerta.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Gacetas politicas y callejera [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:GP-13--B La Tarasca, Editorial, Hombre en la apariencia y mujer en
realidad / El valle nacional, Temblor, Tarascadas, Rebumbio de vendimieras, El 13 de
Junio, El Jueves de corpus [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 5
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of tiger with wings and pointed tail, A couple observe a woman, A woman
dressed as a man in a Charro suit. Various illustrations.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas politicas y callejeras.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:GP-14--B Don Francisco I. Madero ante el peligro, Terrible
mortandad 75 muertos y cuarenta y dos heridos en la Ciudad de Puebla noche del 12
de Julio de 1911 1911
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Printed portrait of Francisco Madero, illustration of man laying on the ground dying.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas politicas y callejeras; revolucion; madero.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:GP-18--B El descarrilamiento en “Palo Blanco” en el Ramal de
Manzanillo el 23 de Junio de 1910. ¡300 víctimas: muertos y heridos! [Circa 1910]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 36 x 27 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of train derailment in a valley.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas politicas y callejeras; terrible noticias; Descarrilamiento.
oversize_folder 1
BANC PIC 2010.025:GP-20--C Viva El glorioso 16 de Septiembre: Honor y gloria al cura
de Dolores Don Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla Iniciador de nuestra independencia / Viva el
ejercito Mexicano / La independencia de México, Rasgos biográficos de los héroes
que tomaron parte en la defe [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 61 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustrated portrait of Miguel Hidalgo.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas politicas y callejeras; historia; independencia; nacional;
BANC PIC 2010.025
Gacetas politicas y callejera [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:GP-21--C Las fiestas de la independencia Mexicana, Los rurales –
Biografía y origen de la formación de estos cuerpos, Himno Nacional Mexicano / Al C.
General Porfirio Díaz actual presidente de la República Mexicana [between 1890 and
oversize_folder 1
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 61 x 40 cm
Scope and Content
Illustration of a group of men with swords known as rurales on horseback. Printed
signature of Posada bottom right of illustration. Illustrated portrait of Porfirio Diaz Printed signature of Posada.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas politicas y callejeras; historia; independencia; nacional;
canciones; himno nacional; porfirio diaz.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:GP-23--B Nuevos versos para los nueve días de jornadas / Aires
nacionales para la temporada de Noche Buena – Versos para quebrar la piñata: El
guajito, La atolera, Vámonos, La cuartilla, La marihuana, Los enanos, El borracho, El
palomo, La estaquita, Para pedir 1911
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a group of people walking in a religious procession.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas politicas y callejeras; versos; canciones; religioso; dias
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:GP-24--B Se aproxima el fin del mundo las profecías se cumplen:
Temblores, erupciones, guerras, pestes, hambres e incendios, La celebre Madre
Matiana / El mundo toca a su fin según viejas predicciones, que anuncian desgracias
mil de guerras y destrucciones Mayo de 1911 [May of 1911]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Scope and Content
Illustration of town suffering from strorms, earthquakes and other natural disasters
people lay dead in the streets, run in panic, raise their arms in the air, or fall from
lopsided buidings.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas politicas y callejeras; terrible noticias; Desastres
naturales; oculto; astrologia; divinacion; misticismo.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:GP-25--B Instrucciones militares para los voluntarios que deseen
tomar las armas [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
No illustrations - only printed text and thin decorative borders.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas politicas y callejeras; instruction; military.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Gacetas politicas y callejera [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:GP-26--B El sargento Juan Díaz condenado a muerte: No hay
esperanza de salvación para el reo Junio de 1914 [June of 1914]
Box 5
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Scope and Content
Illustration of a courtroom, a man stands before a judge.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas politicas y callejeras; crimen; asesinatos; justicia; militar;
crimen; ejecuciones.
Bottom right corner torn.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:GP-27--B La próxima ejecución de Francisco Guerrero (á) el
Chalequero, degollador de mujeres / Comunicación de la sentencia [between 1890
and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a man (Francisco Guerro "El Chalequero) cutting a woman's throat.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas politicas y callejeras; crimen; asesinatos; justicia.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:GP-28--B Sensacionalisima Noticia / El señor Presidente de la
Republica a punto de ser asesinado el día 16 de Septiembre de 1897 [between 1890
and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a man attempting to assassinate Porfirio Diaz.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas politicas y callejeras; crimen; noticias; porfirio diaz.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:GP-29--B Los autores del crimen de la profesa en Veracruz con
dirección a San Juan de Ulúa [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 28 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of police boarding prisoners on a boat to an island prison.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas politicas y callejeras; crimen; justicia; noticias; versos.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Gacetas politicas y callejera [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:GP-30--B La terrible noche del 17 de Agosto de 1890 / La ejecución
de Zeferino y Trinidad Martínez el 1 de Octubre de 1890 y su despedida a sus
compañeros de armas [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 5
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a soldier being attacked and stabbed with a bayonet by other soldiers.
Illustration of soldiers pushing a cart with two coffins.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas politicas y callejeras; crimen; ejecuciones; militar; versos.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:GP-31--B El fin del mundo: Para el Lunes 13 de Noviembre del año
de 1899, a las tres y nueve minutos de la tarde [circa 1899]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a volcano erupting over a town full of falling building - a comet falls from
the sky and an angel flies above the town sounding a trumpet - crowds of people gather
in fear.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas politicas y callejeras; terrible noticias; Desastres
naturales; oculto; misticismo; astrologia; divinacion.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:GP-32--B Fiesta floral, en loor al Sr. Francisco I. Madero y su heroína
esposa, al gran General Pascual Orozco, al heroico mártir Aquiles Serdan Agosto de
1911 [August of 1911]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 33 x 23 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Printed portrait of Francisco Madero, Pasqual Orozco, and Aquiles Serdan.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas politias y callejeras; revolucion; francisco madero.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:GP-33--B Las sublimes frases del Sr. Madero al ejército Mexicano: El
18 de Julio de 1911 Aniversario del fallecimiento del Sr D. Benito Juarez / La voz de la
democracia / D. G. , A.E. Julio de 1911 [July of 1911]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 36 x 28 cm
Publication statement: Imp de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of Francisco Madero standing in a speaker's podium above a group of
marching soldiers.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas politicas y callejeras; revolucion; madero.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Gacetas politicas y callejera [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:GP-34--B Gloria al ejército: Viva el Ejército Nacional [between 1890
and 1925]
Box 5
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 36 x 24 cm
Scope and Content
Illustration of crowd standing in front of Mexico's presidential building. Bottom illustration
of a group of soldiers marching.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas politias y callejeras; militar; versos; revolucion.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:GP-35--B Impresiones del discurso del Señor Madero en Puebla /
Noche triste, del 12 de Julio de 1911 Julio de 1911 [July of 1911]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 39 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Printed portrait of Francisco Madero. Illustration of a dead revolutionary (Aquiles Serdan)
and a man kneeling beside him with a rifle.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas politicas y callejeras; revolucion; madero; discursos.
Bottom left corner damaged.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:GP-36--B Reñido y sangriento combate en la Ciudadela de México
desde el 11 de Febrero de 1913 / Fuga de la Prisión de Santiago [1913]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 37 x 28 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of soldiers standing near artillery gun.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas politicas y callejeras; revolucion; batallas; crimen.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:GP-37--B Ante la patria en peligro deben concluir las disensiones
fraticidas [fratricidas]: Todos como hijos de la misma madre debemos ocurrir a su
defensa / Patriótico llamado a los rebeldes Abril de 1914 [April of 1914]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Scope and Content
Illustration of Mexico's coat of arms: eagle perched on cactus devouring a snake.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas politicas y callejeras; revolucion.
oversize_folder 1
BANC PIC 2010.025:GP-38--C Desastroza derrota de Francisco Villa / Viva el heroico
general Victoriano Huerta el valiente ejército Mexicano se ha coronado la gloria Abril
de 1914 [April of 1914]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 59 x 40 cm
Scope and Content
Illustrated portrait of Victoriano Huerta.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas politicas y callejeras; revolucion; batallas; fracisco vila;
victoriano huerta.
Hojas chicas dobles [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas chicas dobles [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:HCD-1--B El cometa del centemario [centenario] de la
Independencia 1810---Mexico---1910 / Dialoguito de Mama Tierra con D. Cometa
Halley 1910
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a group of people observe a comet flying over their town. Illustration of
comet depicted as a man flying towards Earth. People run away frightened.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas chicas dobles; Versos; dialogos; centenario de
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:HCD-2--B El Centenario de La Independencia de México en el ano de
1910 [1910]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of crow celebrating and holding banners depicting the heroes of Mexican
Indepenedence. Illustrated portrait of Porfirio Diaz. Illuatration of man with sombrero and
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas chicas dobles; Conmermorativa; centenario de indepencia;
Lower left corner damaged.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:HCD-3--B Formidable explosión en Tacubaya D.F. los habitantes
aterrorizados huellen al grito de "Ya viene Zapata" una góndola de los tranvías
eléctricos cargada con dinamita / Más de cuatrocientos muertos y un gran número de
heridos [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of people crushed under debris after an explosion.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas chicas dobles; Terribles noticias; muerte y heridos;
Same news story and illustrations as box 3, item HC-57.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas chicas dobles [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:HCD-4--B Misteriosos fantasmas en las bóvedas de Loreto, Canción
de los fantasmas de Loreto, Piropos del método Gorritz, Couplets de la regadera /
A.E. [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 5
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Scope and Content
Illustration of a priest looking at a man depicted as a phantom. Illustration of a man
looking through a telescope. Back illustration of man and woman walking together with a
boy running in the background.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas chicas dobles; Oculto; Cuentos fantasmas; canciones.
Same story and illustrations as box 3, item HC-27.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:HCD-5--B Palpable ejemplo de un perverso hijo que fue consignado
al ejército y librado de las balas por invocación que hizo su señora madre al justo
juez, He aquí la oración del justo juez que hizo tan portentoso milagro, Acción de
gracias [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a struggle between two brothers to throw out another brother. The father
with his hand raised in the air and weeping mother stand by the doorway.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas chicas dobles; Cuentos varios; religiosos: oraciones.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:HCD-6--B Serafina, María, María, Danza: El prisionero en San Juan
de Ulúa 1914
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a well dressed woman. Illustration of a ship and fort exchanging cannon fire
- below a prisoner stands before two soldiers.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas chicas dobles; Canciones; versos.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:HCD-7--B La barranquera: Esto sí que es un gran apuro ya no se
consigue un duro / El Ángel de mis amores, La Virgencita / La ultima nota / Triste
canción, La virgencita, Si tú me amaras 1912
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 29 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Man sits at his desk with expression of fatigue - silhouettes of men dressed in suits stand
around him. Man stands by his desk with a drink in his hand - a man dressed as charro
drinks with a woman.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas chicas dobles; Canciones; versos.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas chicas dobles [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:HCD-8--B Entrada triunfante del caudillo de la Revolución Sr. D.
Francisco I. Madero a la capital de la republica / Don Francisco I. Madero triunfante
Junio de 1911 [June of 1911]
Box 5
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 41 cm
Publication statement: Imp. Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Printed photograph of Francisco Madero - Illustration of flags and lower section of
Mexico's coat of arms decorate his portrait.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas chicas dobles; Revolucion; francisco madero; canciones.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:HCD-9--B Corrido de un valiente Oaxaqueño 1911
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of soldiers escorting a prisoner.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas chicas dobles; Canciones; corridos.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:HCD-10--B La Muerte de Emiliano Zapata: Nuevo corrido suriano
dedicado al generalísimo Emiliano Zapata [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Scope and Content
Illustration of man playing guitar. Illustration of Emiliano Zapata posing with his sword
and rifle - Printed signature of Posada below.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas chicas dobles; Canciones; revolucion; emiliano zapata.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:HCD-11--B Despedida del General Díaz: Antes y hoy, A la patria /
Juan Flores del Campo 1911
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of Porfirio Diaz in military uniform.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas chicas dobles; Versos; revolucion; porfirio diaz.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:HCD-12--B El General Don Pascual Orozco sale para el norte a batir
los traidores separatistas: La muerte del señor Coronel Don Pascual Orozco 1913
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Scope and Content
Printed photograph of Pascual Orozco on horseback.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas chicas dobles; Revolucion; pasqual orozco.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas chicas dobles [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:HCD-13--B Mi grandota: Nuevas y divertidas decimas para reír y
pasar el rato / Dicen que no 1911
Box 5
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of man walking through a door with sombrero and sarape holding a bottle - A
woman stands greeting him at the doorway.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas chicas dobles; Canciones; versos.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:HCD-14--B La mujer de cien maridos como alfileres prendidos 1911
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a woman surrounded by a crowd of men. Printed signature of Posada
bottom right of illustration. Illustration of a woman holding a large cup.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas chicas dobles; Cuentos versos; varios.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:HCD-15--B El novio de mil mujeres les da dinero y placeres / La
casita [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a man surrounded by a crowd of women.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas chicas dobles; Cuentos versos; varios.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:HCD-16--B El mosquito Americano [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of group of people running and getting stung by mosquitoes.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas chicas dobles; Cuentos versos; varios.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:HCD-17--B Nota sensacional huelga de motoristas, Huelga de
empleados de los tranvías de México Julio de 1911 [July of 1911]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of striking workers with streetcars visible in the background.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas chicas dobles; Noticias; politicas; huelgas.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas chicas dobles [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:HCD-18--B Legítimos versos de Lino Zamora traídos del Real de
Zacatecas [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 5
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imp de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of bullfighter ready to stab a bull. Illustration of a crowd of people around a
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas chicas dobles; Toreros; versos.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:HCD-19--B La prisión de Rodolfo Gaona y suicidio de la Srita. María
Luisa Noeker, Reflexiones dolorosas de Rodolfo Gaona en su bartolina de Belem
[between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustrated portrait of Rodolfo Gaona.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas chicas dobles; Terribles noticias; suicidios.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:HCD-20--B La soldadera: En el cuartel, Ven y ven, El balanceo,
Zaraza 1914
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Printed photograph of a couple. Illustration of a woman stading with a dog at her feet.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas chicas dobles; Canciones; corridos.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:HCD-21--B Pronunciamiento de leones contra gatos y ratones, El
cielo por un beso, Lenguaje del cocuyo / Un dialogo sobre amores y consejos por
demás entre la niña expedita y su abuela doña paz [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of lions confronting cats and rats. Illustrations of couples dancing - printed
signature of Posada bottom of illustrations. Illustration of a hunter shooting a bear.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas chicas dobles; Cuentos versos; dialogos.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas chicas dobles [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:HCD-22--B Repelito de catrines que les gusta enamorar y figuran mil
jardines sin hallar en sus confines ni un cigarro que fumar [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 5
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Tip. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of tall thin man wearing a suit. Illustration of man walking down a street
wearing a sombrero and sarape smoking a cigar.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas chicas dobles; Cuentos versos; varios.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:HCD-23--B Echo garra al malvado Ignacio ya la autoridad parra 1911
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of man on horseback holding a sword - printed signature of Posada bottom left
of image.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas chicas dobles; Crimen; justicia; canciones; versos.
Lower center damaged.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:HCD-24--B Señora su conejito y ano le gusta el zacate solo quiere
chocolate que animal tan picudito, Los chamacos, La diadema 1911
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imp de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of two women looking at a large rabbit on a table.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas chicas dobles; Cuentos canciones; versos; varios.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:HCD-25--B La grandísima inundación de Guanajuato el día 30 de
Junio de 1905 a las 4 de la tarde, Inundación de Guanajuato 1905
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Scope and Content
Illustration of people drowning in a flooded town.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas chicas dobles; Terrible noticias; inundaciones.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:HCD-26--B La muerte de la plata, El 29 de infantería, Marietta 1914
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of man and woman comically illustrated with oversized head.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas chicas dobles; Canciones; moderna; versos.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas chicas dobles [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:HCD-27--B Ya la vieja de mi suegra no más quiere reganar de a tiro
la corta verde no la deja madurar: Llanto triste y lamentable de una pobre huerfanita
Box 5
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 27 x 38 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of woman hitting a man with a chair. Illustration of a woman kneeling beside a
dead body outdoors.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas chicas dobles; Versos; dialogos.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:HCD-28--B Festivales en el parque de Balbuena 1912
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Scope and Content
Illustration of a butterfly.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas chicas dobles; Versos; varios.
Left side of document damaged; very fragile.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:HCD-29--B Corrido del zenzontle: Verdaderos versos de Macario
Romero 1912
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imp. De A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of man on horseback holding a gun with Indians fleeing in the background.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas chicas dobles; Versos; canciones; corridos.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:HCD-30--B Espantosa hcatombe [hecatombe]: Terrible explsion
[Explosión] en Tacubaya D.F. [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of people lying beneath debris - men are helping people out and carrying
away injured.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas chicas dobles; Terrible noticias; muertos y heridos.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:HCD-31--B Tiernas suplicas con que invocan las jóvenes de cuarenta
años al milagroso San Antonio de Padua pidiéndole su consuelo , El apasionado 1911
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imp de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a group of women kneeling in prayer.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas chicas dobles; Canciones; moderna; versos; oraciones.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas chicas dobles [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:HCD-32--B Tiernísimo despedimento, Devota salutación acción de
gracia tiernas alabanzas y expresivo despedimento a la milagrosa imagen de Nuestra
Señora de San Juan de los Lagos / Alabanzas a María Santísima de San Juan de los
Lagos [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of religious image of Senora San Juan de los Lagos. Illustrations of people
attending mas and filling the town square in front of the church.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas chicas dobles; Religiosos; dias festivos.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:HCD-33--B Peste de moscas, La Basílica de Guadalupe se está
hundiendo rápidamente 1914
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of fly. Illustration of Virgen de Guadalupe.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas chicas dobles; Noticias; varios.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:HCD-34--B La arranquera: Esto sí que es un grande apuro ya no se
consigue un duro / El ángel de mis amores, La Virgencita / La ultima nota. Triste
canción, La Virgencita, Si tú me amaras 1912
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Man sits at his desk with expression of fatigue - silhouettes of men dressed in suits stand
around him. Man stands by his desk with a drink in his hand - a man dressed as charro
drinks with a woman.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas chicas dobles; Versos; canciones; varios.
Box 5
BANC PIC 2010.025:HCD-35--B La muerte de Cheche Campos, A los separatistas
Sonorenses, Las derrotas de los alzados Carrancistas, Una mujer degollada [between
1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Scope and Content
Illustration of a woman lying with her throat slit and the murderer leaving with knife in
hand in the background.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas chicas dobles; Crimen; muerte; asesinatos; revolucion.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Hojas chicas dobles [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:HCD-36--B Los espantosísimos Fantasmas de las Torres de Loreto /
La bolade los flojos: Canción de los fantasmas de Loreto: Consejos de un viejo
[between 1890 and 1925]
Box 5
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Tip. Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustrtion of a priest looking at a man depicted as a phantom. Illustration of a man
looking through a telescope. Back illustration of man and woman walking together with a
boy running in the background.
Form/Genre keywords: Hojas chicas dobles; Cuentos ocultos; fantasmas; canciones.
Same story and illustrations as box 3 HC-27 and box 5 HCD-4.
Box 6
Loterias [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:L-3--B Los charros contrabandistas juego de dados [between 1890
and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of two Charros on horseback holding a lasso that forms sixty-four circles
containing illustrations of different objects and scenes. Between the lassos a group of
children sit playing on the board game. Prited signature of Posada at the bottom right.
Form/Genre keywords: Loteria; juegos; Juegos de mesa.
Box 6
BANC PIC 2010.025:L-4--B Juego de la oca [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Sixty-three different squares with illustrations of objects, people, and scenes of daily life.
Surrounding illustrations depict children playing games outdoors. Printed signature of
Posada bottom-left.
Form/Genre keywords: Loteria; juegos; Juegos de mesa.
Box 6
BANC PIC 2010.025:L-5--B El nuevo coyote [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 39 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Tip. Arsacio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Central illustration of a coyote eating a hen. Illustration of different rural scenes frame
the board game with hen and coyote holding a banner with name of the game at the top.
Printed signature of Posada bottom-right.
Form/Genre keywords: Loteria; juegos; Juegos de mesa.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Loterias [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 6
BANC PIC 2010.025:L-6--B Juego de lotería [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 28 x 41 cm
Publication statement: Test de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Thirty-eight squares with illustrations of different objects and people.
Form/Genre keywords: Loteria; juegos.
Box 6
Menudencias [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:M-1--B Munedencias: Periódico dependiente del pueblo / A.
Espinosa, Chonforo Vico, B.V. Arroyo 17 de Septiembre de 1919 [September 17,
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 30 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Editor y Responsable: Blas Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of man dressed as a Charro. Printed signature of Posada bottom left of
Form/Genre keywords: Menudencias; periodico.
oversize_folder 2
BANC PIC 2010.025:M-2--C El boletín extra de menudencias: El Gral. Jesús Guajardo fue
fusilado hoy a las 5 am en Monterrey 17 de Septiembre de 1919 [September 17,
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 60 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Editor y Re-ponsable: Blas Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a man being executed by firing squad. Rifles are being fired as group of
men observe. Printed signature of Posada on lower-right of image.
Form/Genre keywords: Menudencias; periodico; ejecuciones; military.
oversize_folder 2
BANC PIC 2010.025:M-3--C El boletín extra de menudencias: Mas boques Americanos en
Veracruz, Se culpa al Gral. Murguía de la muerte del Sr. Carranza, El Gral. D.A.
Obregón defenderá la constitución, declaraciones del Gral. M. Peláez / A.R. Gomez 17
de Septiembre de 1919 [September 17, 1919]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 60 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Editor y Responsable: Blas Vanegas Arroyo
Scope and Content
Illustration of a group of soldiers marching with rifles.
Form/Genre keywords: Menudencias; periodico; revolucion.
Gacetas religiosas [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025
Gacetas religiosas [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:R-2--B Verdadero retrato del Sr. Del Hospital que se venera en
Salamanca, Estado de Guanajuato 1918
Box 6
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 37 x 27 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de la Testamentaria de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of church altar with candles, flowers, and Jesus on the cross.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas religiosas; ejemplo; moraleja.
Box 6
BANC PIC 2010.025:R-3--B Verdadera Imagen del Sr. de la Salud que se venera en
Mezquititlan de la Sierra, Estado de Hidalgo [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 38 x 28 cm
Publication statement: Tip. De la Test. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of church altar with angels and Jesus on the cross. Printed signature of Posada
on bottom left of image.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas religiosas; milagros; oraciones.
Box 6
BANC PIC 2010.025:R-4--B Verdadera Imagen del Sr. de Chalma 1910
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 41 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imp. de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of church altar with flowers and Jesus on the cross.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas religiosas; milagros; oraciones.
Box 6
BANC PIC 2010.025:R-5--B San Judas Tadeo 1905
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of San Judas Tadeo (Saint Jude) standing with church visible in the
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas religiosas; milagros; oraciones.
Box 6
BANC PIC 2010.025:R-6--B A la Santisima Vigen de San Juan de los Lagos 1903
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of the image of Senora de San Juan de los Lagos. Back illustration of church.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas religiosas; milagros; oraciones.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Gacetas religiosas [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:R-7--B Refugio de pecadores: Oracion a Nuestra Sra. del Refugio
Box 6
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of Madonna and child surrounded by floral frame venerated by angels.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas religiosas; milagros; oraciones.
Box 6
BANC PIC 2010.025:R-8--B Nuestra Señora de Zapopan [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Scope and Content
Illustration of saint surrounded by angels.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas religiosas.
Box 6
BANC PIC 2010.025:R-9--B(1) A Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Scope and Content
Illustration of Virgen de Guadalupe with four circles at each corner depicting Juan Diego's
vision. Printed signature of Posada bottom-left.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas religiosas; milagros; oraciones.
Box 6
BANC PIC 2010.025:R-9--B(2) Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe / El Hacedor del Mundo
[between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Tip. de la Test. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of Virgen de Guadalupe with four circles at each corner depicting Juan Diego's
vision. Printed signature of Posada bottom-left. Illustrations of people running and praying
as natural disasters hit their town.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas religiosas; castigos.
Box 6
BANC PIC 2010.025:R-12--B Nuestra Señora de San Juan de los Lagos 1910
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of sain surrounded by angels.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas religiosas; milagros; oraciones.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Gacetas religiosas [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:R-13--B NTRA: SRA. Del Rosario, que se venera en Talpa /El hacedor
del Mundo [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 6
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 38 x 28 cm
Publication statement: Tip de la Test. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Descriptive Notes Illustration of saint's image. Illustrations of people running and praying
as natural disasters hit their town.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas religiosas; castigos
Box 6
BANC PIC 2010.025:R-14--B Oración, salutación y cariñosa despedida que dirigen los
visitantes al milagroso Sr. De las Maravillas [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 31 x 21 cm
Publication statement: Tipografia A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of altar with flowers and Jesus on the cross with angels praying at each side.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas religiosas; milagros; oraciones.
Box 6
BANC PIC 2010.025:R-15--B Milagrosa imagen de Ntra Sra. de los Remedios / Cholula
Pue / El hacedor del Mundo [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 28 cm
Publication statement: Tip de la Test. de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of Sra. De los Remedios. Printed Signature of Posada at base of image. Jesus
with crown of thorns surrounded by angels.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas religiosas; castigos.
Box 6
BANC PIC 2010.025:R-16--B Interior de la colegiata de Guadalupe [between 1890 and
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of a cathedral interior with people praying. Printed and dated (1898) signature
of Posada bottom right of image. Illustration of crown surrounded by two angels.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas religiosas.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Gacetas religiosas [between 1890 and 1925]
Box 6
BANC PIC 2010.025:R-17--B Nuestra Señora del Carmen de Catemaco 1911
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of Madonna and child.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas religiosas; oraciones.
Damaged and torn bottom left corner.
Box 6
BANC PIC 2010.025:R-18--B El Sr. de las Tres Caidas que se venera en la iglesia de
Petatlan [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 20 cm
Scope and Content
Illustration of Jesus carrying the cross. Printed signature of Posada at base of image.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas religiosas.
Box 6
BANC PIC 2010.025:R-19--B Mañanitas a la Virgen Morena Santa María de Guadalupe:
Autorizadas por el llmo y Revmo. Sr. Arzobispo Pascual Díaz Barreto México D.F. 15
de Noviembre de 1935 [1935]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 27 cm
Scope and Content
Small illustration of the Virgen de Guadalupe.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas religiosas; oraciones.
Box 6
BANC PIC 2010.025:R-20--B Al Santo Cristo Renovado Que se venera en el Pueblo de
San Miguel Almoloya del Rio [1924]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 34 x 23 cm
Scope and Content
Illustration of altar with Jesus on the cross.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas religiosas; oraciones.
oversize_folder 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:R-21--C Historia de las Cuatro Apariciones: Homenaje a la Virgen
Morena, Reina del cielo, Madre de los Mexicanos, Santa María de Guadalupe
[Noviembre 15 de 1935]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 60 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Casa editorial Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of the Virgen de Guadalupe.
Form/Genre keywords: Gacetas religiosas; milagros; oraciones.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Gacetas religiosas [between 1890 and 1925]
oversize_folder 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:R-22--C Oraciones [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 60 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Various small illustrations of saints and religious themes.
Form/Genre keywords: Religioso; oraciones.
oversize_folder 3
BANC PIC 2010.025:R-23--C Oraciones / Silabario metódico [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 60 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Various small illustrations of saints and religious themes. Charts of letters and vowels.
Form/Genre keywords: Religiosos; oraciones; educativo.
Box 6
Varias [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:V-1--B Himno Nacional Mexicano [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 28 x 43 cm
Publication statement: Publicado por Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Illustration of banner with eagle. Illustrated portrait of Miguel Hidalgo about Mexican coat
of arms and banner.
Form/Genre keywords: Varios; himno nacional.
Damaged: tears around edges.
oversize_folder 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:V-2--C Oraciones / Silabario metódico [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 60 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de A. Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Various small illustrations of saints and religious themes. Charts of letters and vowels.
Form/Genre keywords: Varios; religioso; milagros; oraciones; educativo.
oversize_folder 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:V-3--C Novena para los nueve días de jornadas en honor de los
santos peregrinos José y María 1901
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 60 x 40 cm
Scope and Content
Various small illustrations of people in religious procession.
Form/Genre keywords: Varios; religioso; oraciones; novenas.
BANC PIC 2010.025
Varias [between 1890 and 1925]
BANC PIC 2010.025:V-4--C Tratado completo sobre las peleas de gallos [between 1890
and 1925]
oversize_folder 4
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 60 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Small illustration of roosters but mostly text.
Form/Genre keywords: Varios; cartas felicitaciones.
oversize_folder 4
BANC PIC 2010.025:V-5--C Oraciones [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 60 x 40 cm
Publication statement: Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo.
Scope and Content
Various small illustrations of saints and religious themes.
Form/Genre keywords: Varios; religioso; oraciones.
Another copy: item R-22.
Box 6
BANC PIC 2010.025:V-6--B Pormenores de la ultima ejecución [between 1890 and 1925]
Physical Description: 1 item(1 sheet); 40 x 30 cm
Scope and Content
Illustration of blind-folded man falling back as he is executed by firing squad.
Form/Genre keywords: Varios; ejecuciones; military.
BANC PIC 2010.025