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Jose Enrique Galdon Sanchez
Universidad Publica de Navarra
Departamento de Economía
Campus de Arrosadía
31006 Pamplona, SPAIN
Ph.(O): +34-948-169338
Fax: +34-948-169721
e-mail address:
Residency: Spain
Citizenship: Spain
Professor, Dept. of Economics, Universidad Publica de Navarra, 10/2007-present
Chair, Dept. of Economics, Universidad Publica de Navarra, 4/2012-present
Chair, Master in Economics and Finance, Universidad Publica de Navarra, 9/2010-present
Coordinator, Area of Economics, National Agency for Evaluation and Prospective, Ministry of
Economics and Competition, Spain, 1/2011-present
 Principal Researcher, Macroeconomic Analysis Group, Universidad Publica de Navarra, 2/2002present
 Research Fellow, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Germany, 11/2003-present
Associate Professor, Dept. of Economics, Universidad Publica de Navarra, 2/2001-9/2007
Instructor, Department of Applied Economics, University of Minnesota, 1995
Instructor, Department of Economics, University of Minnesota, 1992-1993
Instructor, Department of Applied Economics, Universidad de Valencia, 1988-1990
 Visiting Professor, Suntory Toyota International Centre for Economics and Related Disciplines,
London School of Economics, 10/1998-1/2001
 Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2/1996-9/1998
 Visiting Scholar, Department of Economics, University of Minnesota, 10/1995-1/1996
Ph.D., Applied Economics, University of Minnesota, U.S.A., 1995
M.B.A., University of St. Thomas, Minnesota, U.S.A., 1995
M.A., Economics, University of Minnesota, U.S.A., 1993
B.A., Economics, Universidad de Valencia, Spain, 1988
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"Establishment’s Heterogeneity and Employment. The Case of Spain"
Advisor: Richard Rogerson
Macroeconomics, Labor Economics, Law and Economics, Financial Intermediation, Economic Growth,
Personnel Economics, Industrial Organization.
Papers (refereed journals only):
1. “How Important is Firm Behavior to Understand Employment? Evidence from Spain” (with Carlos
Díaz Moreno), Investigaciones Económicas, 1999, vol. 23 (2), pp. 203-224.
2. “Job Creation, Job Destruction and the Dynamics of Spanish Firms” (with Carlos Díaz-Moreno),
Investigaciones Económicas, 2000, vol. 24 (3), pp. 545-561.
3. “Underground Economy and Aggregate Fluctuations” (with Juan Carlos Conesa and Carlos DíazMoreno), Spanish Economic Review, 2001, vol. 3 (1), pp. 41-53.
4. “Employment Protection Legislation and the IT-sector in OECD Countries”, Louvain Economic
Review (Recherches Economiques de Louvain), 2002, vol. 68 (1-2), pp. 169-184. Special Issue: “The
New Economy: Implications and Viability”, R. Boucekkine and E. Wasmer (Eds.).
5. “Explaining Cross-country Differences in Participation Rates and Aggregate Fluctuations” (with
Juan Carlos Conesa and Carlos Díaz-Moreno), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2002,
vol. 26 (2), pp. 333-345.
6. “Competitive Pressure and Labor Productivity: World Iron-Ore Markets in the 1980’s” (with James
Schmitz), American Economic Review, 2002, vol. 92 (4), pp. 1222-1235. Reprinted in Federal
Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review, 2003, vol. 27 (2), pp. 9-23.
7. “Dismissal Conflicts and Unemployment” (with Maia Güell), European Economic Review, 2003,
vol. 47 (2), pp. 127-139.
8. “Exchange Rate Volatility and Economic Performance in Peru: A Firm Level Analysis” (with Luis
Carranza and Juan M. Cayo), Emerging Markets Review, 2003, vol. 4 (4), pp. 472-496.
9. “Collective Bargaining under Complete Information” (with Carlos Diaz-Moreno). In Salomon W.
Polachek (ed.) Accounting for Worker Well-Being, Research in Labor Economics, 2004, vol. 23, pp.
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10. “Financial Intermediation, Variability and the Development Process” (with Luis Carranza), Journal
of Development Economics, 2004, vol. 73 (1), pp. 27-54.
11. “Collective Bargaining under Perfect Information. The Negotiation of National Agreements”, (with
Carlos Diaz-Moreno), Spanish Economic Review, 2005, vol. 7 (2), pp. 139-155.
12. “Exchange Rate and Inflation Dynamics in Dollarized Economies”, (with Luis Carranza and Javier
Gómez-Biscarri). Journal of Development Economics, 2009, vol. 89 (1), pp. 98-108.
13. “Is Seniority-Based Pay Used as a Motivation Device? Evidence from Plant-Level Data”, (with
Alberto Bayo-Moriones and Maia Güell). In Salomon W. Polachek and Konstantinos Tatsiramos
(eds.) Jobs, Training and Worker Well-Being, Research in Labor Economics, 2010, vol. 30, pp.155187.
14. “Multinational Companies and High Performance Work Practices in the Spanish Manufacturing
Industry” (with Alberto Bayo-Moriones). The International Journal of Human Resource
Management, 2010, vol. 21 (8), pp. 1246-1269.
15. “Understanding the Relationship between Financial Development and Monetary Policy”, (with
Luis Carranza and Javier Gómez-Biscarri). Review of International Economics, 2010, vol. 18 (5), pp.
16. “The Relationship between Investment and Large Exchange Rate Depreciations in Dollarized
Economies”, (with Luis Carranza and Javier Gómez-Biscarri). Journal of International Money and
Finance, 2011, vol. 30 (7), pp. 1265-1279.
17. “The Determinants of Pay Settlements. The Influence of the National Context”, (with Alberto BayoMoriones and Sara Martinez-de-Morentin). The International Journal of Human Resource
Management, 2013, vol. 24 (3), pp. 579-600.
18. “The Diffusion of Pay for Performance across Occupations”, (with Alberto Bayo-Moriones and Sara
Martinez-de-Morentin). Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 2013, vol. 66(5), pp. 1115-1148.
19. “The Process of Wage Adjustment: An Analysis Using Establishment-Level Data”, (with Alberto
Bayo-Moriones and Sara Martinez-de-Morentin). Forthcoming, Economic and Industrial Democracy,
Other papers (in Spanish)
20. “El Desarrollo del Sector de las TIC y el Empleo. Influencia en los Costes de Despido”. Actas del
Cuarto Congreso de Economía de Navarra, 2001, pp. 85-101. Gobierno de Navarra.
21. “La Protección al Desempleo en España: Evolución y Consecuencias”, (with César AlonsoBorrego). Información Comercial Española, Revista de Economía, 2007, Nº 837, 157-178.
22. “La Política Monetaria del Banco Central Europeo: de Duisenberg a Trichet”, (with Mikel
Casares). In Claves de la Economía Mundial, 2008. Instituto Complutense de Estudios
Internacionales (ICEI) and Instituto Español de Comercio Exterior (ICEX). Madrid (Spain).
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“Banking Rigidities, Sticky Wages and Business Cycles”, (with Miguel Casares y Luca Deidda). Mimeo,
Universidad Publica de Navarra. Submitted.
“'Make-or-Buy' of Peripheral Services in Manufacturing: Evidence from Spanish Plant-Level Data”, (with
Alberto Bayo-Moriones and Ricard Gil). IZA Dicussion Paper 7138, 2013. Revised & resubmitted.
“Performance Appraisal: Dimensions and Determinants”, (with Alberto Bayo-Moriones and Sara
Martinez-de-Morentin). IZA Dicussion Paper 5623, 2011. Submitted.
“When Push Comes to Shove: Career Concerns and Manager Staffing in Foreign Multinational
Subsidiaries”, (with Ricard Gil). Submitted.
“Are Suggestions Really Welcome? Human Resource Investment on Attention Technologies”, (with
Ricard Gil). Manuscript.
“Evaluating Labor Market Reforms: A General Equilibrium Approach”, (with César Alonso and Jesús
Fernández-Villaverde). Working Paper No. 487, Industrial Relations Section, Princeton University,
2004; IZA Dicussion Paper 1129, 2004, and NBER Working Paper 11519, 2005. Revision requested.
“Let’s Go to Court! Firing Costs and Dismissal Conflicts”, (with Maia Güell). Industrial Relations
Section, Princeton University, Working Paper No. 444.
“Growth, Infrastructure and Fiscal Sustainability”, (with Luis Carranza and Julian Diaz-Saavedra).
Work in progress.
“Optimal Taxation in an Economy with Externalities”, (with Luis Carranza and Julian Diaz-Saavedra).
Work in progress.
“Corporate Strategies and the Design of Incentive Schemes”, (with Cesar Alonso-Borrego and Alberto
Bayo-Moriones). Work in progress.
“Performance Appraisal and Business Strategy”, (with Alberto Bayo-Moriones). Work in progress.
“Real Exchange Rate Dynamics and Financial Fragility: A General Equilibrium Approach”, (with
Luis Carranza). Work in progress.
“Financial Development and the Asymmetry of Monetary Policy”, (with Luis Carranza and Javier
Gómez-Biscarri). Mimeo, Universidad Publica de Navarra, 2007.
“Growth and Inequality: A Revision for Debate”, (with Luis Carranza). Work in progress.
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Thesis Advisor
1. “Essays on Monetary and Fiscal Policy”. Advisee: David Taguas Coejo. Ph.D. Thesis Universidad
de Navarra. Defended: June 29, 2001.
2. “El Modelo CAPM, sus Anomalías y Autocorrelación en la Bolsa de Madrid. Un Estudio Empírico”,
(co-advised with Luis Alberiko Gil Alaña). Advisee: Javier de Peña Fariza. Ph.D. Thesis
Universidad de Navarra. Defended: September 17, 2002.
3. “Análisis de Estructuras de Derechos de Propiedad. Una Aproximación Económica”, (co-advised
with Santos Pastor). Advisee: Pedro Galilea Salvatierra. Ph.D. Thesis Universidad de Navarra.
Defended: October 28, 2005.
4. “Propuestas para Analizar el Modelo de Economía de una Región: el Caso de la Comunidad Foral
Navarra ”. Advisee: Amaya Erro Garces. Ph.D. Thesis Universidad Publica de Navarra. Defended:
December 19, 2007.
5. “Essays on Individual and Social Decissions”, (co-advised with Jorge Nieto). Advisee: Rebeca
Echavarri. Ph.D. Thesis Universidad Publica de Navarra. Defended: April 28, 2008.
“Performance Appraisal, Incentive Payment and Pay Settlements: A Study using EstablishmentLevel Data”, (co-advised with Alberto Bayo). Advisee: Sara Martinez de Morentin Oses. Ph.D.
Thesis Universidad Publica de Navarra. Defended: January 31, 2012.
7. “Tittle to be decided”, (co-advised with Roberto Ezcurra). Advisee: Beatriz Manotas. Universidad
Publica de Navarra. Date expected for defense: unknown at this stage.
8. “Tittle to be decided”, (co-advised with Mikel Casares). Advisee: Asier Aguilera. Universidad
Publica de Navarra. Date expected for defense: unknown at this stage.
Some of my papers have been presented in the following Congresses and Conferences:
1995, Meeting of the Society for Economics Dynamics and Control, Barcelona, Spain.
1996, Simposio de Análisis Económico, Barcelona, Spain.
1997, Society for Economic Dynamics and Control, Oxford, U.K.
1997, Latin American Meeting of the Econometric Society, Santiago, Chile.
1999, European Meetings of the Econometric Society, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
1999, NBER Productivity Program Meeting, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
2000, NBER Summer Meetings, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
2000, EALE-SOLE World Conference, Milan, Italy.
2001, International Conference: “Unemployment in Transition Economies: Developments, Challenges
and Lessons from the EU and the US”, UPF, Barcelona, Spain.
2002, NBER The Micro and Macro Perspectives of the Aggregate Labor Market Workshop, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, USA.
2002, Annual Congress of the European Economic Association, Venice, Italy.
2002, European Meetings of the Econometric Society, Venice, Italy.
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2002, CEPR European Summer Symposium in Labor Economics, Buch, on Lake Ammersee, Germany.
Invited to discuss two papers.
2003, SOLE Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada.
2003, CEPR European Summer Symposium in Labor Economics, Buch, on Lake Ammersee, Germany.
Invited to discuss a paper.
2004, SOLE Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
2004, International Conference: “Multinationals and the International Diffusion of Organizational Forms
and Practices: Convergence and Diversity within the Global Economy”, IESE Business School,
Barcelona, Spain.
2004, International Conference: “Job Loss: Causes, Consequences, and Policy Responses”, Federal
Reserve Bank of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
2005, International Conference: “Emerging Markets: Present Issues and Future Challenges”,
Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain.
2005, LACEA 10th Annual Meeting, Paris, France.
2006, 21st. Annual Congress of the European Economic Association, Vienna, Austria.
2008, RIE-SCCIE Global Liquidity Conference, University of California, Santa Cruz, California, USA.
2009, 15th World Congress of the International Industrial Relations Association: The New World of
Work, Organisations & Employment, Sydney, Australia.
2010, 9th European Congress of the International Industrial Relations Association: European
Employment Relations - Crises and Visions, Copenhagen, Denmark.
2010, 7th Asian Congress of the ILERA: Industrial Democracy, Partnership and Decent Work in
Responding to Global Financial Crisis, Sanur, Indonesia.
2013, 28th European Economic Association Meeting, Gothenburg, Sweden.
2013, Annual Meeting of the Association of Southern European Economic Theorists, Bilbao, Spain.
Some of my papers have been presented in Seminars at the following institutions:
Bank of England, Duke University, F.E.D.E.A., Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Harvard
University, IESE Business School, International Monetary Fund, London School of Economics,
Ministerio de Economia y Finanzas (Peru), Princeton University (I.R. Section), Stanford University
(Personnel Economics Workshop), Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Universidad de Castilla-La
Mancha, University of California Los Angeles, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidad de
Murcia, Universidad de Navarra, Universidad del Pais Vasco, Universidad Pública de Navarra,
Universidad de Valencia, Universidad de Valladolid, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Universitat
d’Alacant, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Universidad de Sevilla, Université
Catholique de Louvain, Unviversité de Toulouse (Second Macroeconomics Workshop), University of
Chicago, University of Minnesota, University of Pennsylvania.
Invited Lectures
2001, IV Congreso de Economía de Navarra, Pamplona (Spain).
2002, International Seminar: “La Arquitectura Financiera de los Mercados Emergentes y el Empleo”,
Universidad San Martín de Porres, Lima (Perú).
2004, VI Encuentro Internacional de Economistas sobre Globalización y Problemas del Desarrollo, La
Habana (Cuba).
2005, International Seminar: “Retos de la Economía Española”, Universidad Internacional Menendez
Pelayo, Santander (Spain).
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Referee for:
Journals: American Economic Review, Review of Economic Studies, International Economic Review,
Economic Journal, Journal of the European Economic Association, European Economic Review,
Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Journal of Development
Economics, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical
Economics, Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Journal of Labor Economics, Journal
of Macroeconomics, Journal of Population Economics, Labour Economics, Oxford Economic Papers,
Recherches Economiques de Louvain, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, SERIEs, Spanish Economic
Review, Investigaciones Económicas, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Bank of
Spain Working Paper Series.
Other: Agencia Nacional de Evaluacion y Prospectiva (ANEP), Agencia Nacional de Evaluacion de la
Calidad y Acreditacion (ANECA), Fundación BBVA, Fundación “La Caixa”, Fundación Ramón Areces,
Fundación I.C.O., Fundación Caja Canarias, Agencia Andaluza de Evaluación de la Calidad.
Scientific Committees: International Conference: “Unemployment in Transition Economies:
Developments, Challenges and Lessons from the EU and the US”, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
(October, 2001); “Ist. International Conference on Advances in Economic Research. EU and US Labor
Market Performaces”, Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona (October, 2003); “2nd. International
Conference on Advances in Economic Research. Emerging Markets: Present Issues and Future
Challenges”, Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona (October, 2005); XXX Simposio de Analisis
Economico, Murcia (2005); XXXII Simposio de Analisis Economico, Granada (2007); XXXIII
Simposio de Analisis Economico, Zaragoza (2008).
Editorial Duties
Associate Editor, Spanish Economic Review (1/2005 to 12/2009).
Professional Associations
American Economic Association, Econometric Society, European Economic Association, Society of
Labor Economists, Spanish Economic Association.
Conference and Congress Organizer
International Conference: “Unemployment in Transition Economies: Developments, Challenges and
Lessons from the EU and the US” (organizer with Maia Güell and Gilles Saint Paul), Universitat
Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain (October, 2001).
International Conference: “Ist. International Conference on Advances in Economic Research. EU and
US Labor Market Performaces” (organizer with Maia Güell and Luis Ravina), Universidad de Navarra,
Pamplona, Spain (October, 2003).
Congress: “XXIX Simposio de Analisis Economico” (Local Organizer), Universidad de Navarra,
Pamplona, Spain (December, 2004).
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International Conference: “2nd. International Conference on Advances in Economic Research.
Emerging Markets: Present Issues and Future Challenges” (Local Organizer), Universidad de
Navarra, Pamplona, Spain (October, 2005).
Research Visits
- Six months or more: University of Minnesota, Doctoral (5 years); University of Minnesota, Post
Doctoral (6 months); London School of Economics (STICERD), Post Doctoral (2 years); Princeton
University, Visiting Scholar (6 months); University of California at Santa Cruz, Research Fellow (12
- Less than six months: Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis (Minneapolis, MN, USA), Post Doctoral
(several visits of 1 to 2 weeks); Princeton University, IR Section (Princeton, NJ, USA), Post Doctoral
(1.5 months); University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA, USA), Post Doctoral (1 month); London
School of Economics, CEP (London, UK), visiting Scholar (4 months); Yonsei University (Seoul, South
Korea), Summer School (6 weeks); Johns Hopkins University, Carey Business School (Baltimore, MD,
USA), visiting scholar several visits (of 1 to 2 weeks); Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada), visiting
scholar (1.5 weeks).
Universidad Pública de Navarra: Macroeconomics I (from 2001/02 to present), Macroeconomics II
(from 2001/02 to present), Advanced Macroeconomics, Master/Ph.D. Course (from 2001/02 to
present), Topics in International Economics (from 2009/10 to 2011/12), Economic Growth (2000/01),
Topics in Macroeconomics (2001/02).
IESE Business School (Universidad de Navarra): Firm’s Macroeconomic Environment (from 2006/07 to
2011/12) in the Managerial Development Program (Programa de Desarrollo Directivo, PDD) and the
General Management Program (Programa de Direccion General, PDG).
Yonsei University (Seoul, South Korea): Intermediate Macroeconomics (2007/08), Money and Banking
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid: Macroeconomics II (1995/96), Macroeconomics I (1996/97 and
Universidad de Navarra: Personnel Economics, Master in Economics and Finance (from 2001/02 to
2010/11); Advanced Macroeconomics, Master in Economics and Finance (from 1999/00 to 2011/12);
Advanced Macroeconomics, Ph.D. course (from 1995/96 to 2001/02); Macroeconomics IV (1999/2000);
Macroeconomics III (2000/01).
Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio: Introduction to Economics (1996/97), Labor Economics (1996/97 and
University of Minnesota: Macroeconomics I (1992/93), Technology and Development (1993/94),
Strategic Management (1994/95).
Universidad de Valencia: Economic Structure (1988/89 and 1989/90).
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Title: “El Estado del Bienestar y la Economía de Mercado: Aspectos Institutcionales y Políticos”.
Financed by: Ministerio de Educación, Ciencia y Cultura, Spain (from 1996 to 1998). Project DGICYT,
No. PB94-0378. Scientist in charge: Juan Urrutia Elejalde.
Title: “Temas de Macroeconomia Dinamica”. Financed by: Ministerio de Educación, Ciencia y Cultura,
Spain (from 1999 to 2002). Project DGICYT, No. PB98-0139. Scientist in charge: Javier Diaz Gimenez.
Title: “Los Desafios de la Nueva Economia: el Papel de las TIC, la Integración Monetaria y los Procesos
Liberalizadores en los Mercados de Trabajo y Capitales”. Financed by: Gobierno de Navarra,
Departamento de Educacion y Cultura, Navarra, Spain (from 1/2002 to 12/2003). Scientist in charge:
Jose Enrique Galdon Sanchez.
Title: “Explaining the Effects of Exchange Rate and Interest Rate Volatility on Firm’s Activity. A
Dynamic General Equilibrium Model for the Peruvian Economy” on “Debt Composition and Balance
Sheet Effects of Exchange and Interest Rate Volatility: A Firm Level Analysis”. Financed by: InterAmerican Development Bank – Research Department, Washington (from 7/2002 to 7/2003). Scientist in
charge: Luis Carranza.
Title: “Diseño Institucional y Nueva Economia”. Financed by: Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia,
Spain (from 10/2002 to 9/2005). Project MCYT, No. BEC2002-00954. Scientist in charge: Jose Enrique
Galdon Sanchez.
Title: “Costes de Despido, Conflictos y Funcionamiento del Mercado de Trabajo”. Financed by:
Fundación Ramon Areces, Madrid, Spain (from 5/2003 to 5/2005). Scientist in charge: Jose Enrique
Galdon Sanchez.
Title: “Incentivos Monetarios a los Trabajadores en un Mercado de Trabajo Regulado. Un Analisis a
Partir de Datos de Panel”. Financed by: Fundación BBVA, Madrid, Spain (from 7/2005 to 7/2007).
Scientist in charge: Jose Enrique Galdon Sanchez.
Title: “Integracion Economica, Globalizacion y Crecimiento”. Financed by: Ministerio de Educacion y
Ciencia, Spain (from 12/2005 to 12/2008). Project DGI, No. SEJ2005-03470/ECON. Scientist in charge:
Jose Enrique Galdon Sanchez.
Title: “Analisis Institucional: Politicas y Evaluacion”. Financed by: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion,
Spain (from 01/2009 to 12/2011). Project DGCT, No. ECO2008-02641. Scientist in charge: Jose
Enrique Galdon Sanchez.
Title: “Diseño Institucional y Política Económica en un Contexto de Incertidumbre”. Financed by:
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain (from 01/2012 to 12/20015). Project DGCT, No.
ECO2011-24304. Scientist in charge: Jose Enrique Galdon Sanchez.
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Fellowship to attend Summer School at Universidad Internacional Menendez Pelayo (1985 and 1986).
Andreas Foundation Scholarship (1990 to 1992) for Post-graduate studies at the Department of
Economics, University of Minnesota.
Tuition Grants from the Office of International Education, University of Minnesota (1990 to 1995).
Post-doctoral Fellowship: Contrato de Incorporación para Investigadores y Tecnólogos, Ministerio de
Educación y Ciencia, Spain (1996 to 1998).
Research Grant: Studies on the Financial System. Fundación Caja de Madrid (1998).
Post-doctoral Fellowship: Training and Mobility of Researchers Programme, Marie Curie Research
Training Grant, Cat. 30. European Commission (from 10/1998 to 9/2000).
Post-doctoral Fellowship: Training and Mobility of Researchers Programme, Marie Curie Research
Training Grant, Cat. R. European Commission (from 10/2000 to 9/2001).
Research Prize UPNA-BBVA in Human, Social, Law and Economic Sciences for junior scientists.
Awarded by Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (2001).
Research Grant. Research Visits to Foreign Research Centers. Financed by Caja Rural (2002).
Research Grant. Programa Nacional de Ayudas para la Movilidad de Profesores de Universidad e
Investigadores Españoles y Extranjeros, Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, (2003). Project
No. PR2003-0158.
Research Grant. Programa Nacional de Ayudas para la Movilidad de Profesores de Universidad e
Investigadores Españoles y Extranjeros, Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, (2004). Project
No. PR2004-0057.
Research Prize. CONSOLIDER Project, Program to Recognize Excellence in Research (Programa de
Reconocimiento de la Excelencia Investigadora). Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia, (2007).
Programa Consolider/Ingenio-2010 (CSD2006-00016).
Research Grant. Programa Nacional de Ayudas para la Movilidad de Profesores de Universidad e
Investigadores Españoles y Extranjeros, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, (2007). Project No.
Award of Excellence, Research Group in Macroeconomic Analysis, Scientist in charge: Jose E.
Galdon-Sanchez. Universidad Publica de Navarra (2009 and 2010).
Award of Excellence, Research Group in Macroeconomic Analysis, Scientist in charge: Jose E.
Galdon-Sanchez. Universidad Publica de Navarra (2011 and 2012).
Award of Excellence, Research Group in Macroeconomic Analysis, Scientist in charge: Jose E.
Galdon-Sanchez. Universidad Publica de Navarra (2013 and 2014).
Research Prize UPNA in Human, Social, Law and Economic Sciences for the individual research career.
Awarded by Universidad Publica de Navarra (2013).