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Curriculum vitae 2000-2007 JAVIER CAMPOS Signature: Last updated: MAY 2007 1 PERSONAL INFORMATION Surname: CAMPOS MÉNDEZ Name: FRANCISCO JAVIER Date of birth: 17/12/1968 Gender: V Nationality: Spanish CONTACT DETAILS Address: AMÉRICO VESPUCIO, 54 ZIP: E-35009 City: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Islas Canarias) Country: Spain CURRENT POSITION Current position: ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Starting Year: JANUARY 2000 Organization: UNIVERSIDAD DE LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIA (ULPGC) (SPAIN) Department: DEPARTAMENTO DE ANÁLISIS ECONÓMICO APLICADO Address: CAMPUS DE TAFIRA. 35017. LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIA. SPAIN Phone: +928 451792 Fax: +34 928 458183 E-mail: Website: 2 PREVIOUS POSITIONS Position Institution Date Intern Instituto de Análisis Económico (UAB-CSIC) JUN-SEPT. 1989 Intern ULPGC 1990-1991 Lecturer ULPGC 1992-2000 Consultant WORLD BANK 1998-2000 External Consultant WORLD BANK 2001-2002 ACADEMIC BACKGROUND Degree Institution Date Licenciado CC. Económicas y Empresariales ULPGC JUNE 1991 MSc in Economics London School of Economics JUNE 1993 PhD in Economics ULPGC JUNE 1997 CURRENT RESEARCH INTERESTS Transport economics (JEL L9) / Competition policy (JEL L4) LANGUAGES (R = basic; B = intermediate; C = fluent) Language Spoken Read Written SPANISH C C C ENGLISH C C C 3 PARTICIPATION IN R&D PROJECTS (2000-2007) Project title: Análisis económico de la introducción de competencia en la infraestructura Financed by: CICYT – Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología Participants: ULPGC, Universidad Carlos III, Universidad de Vigo Duration: from: 2000 to: 2002 Head of project: Dr. D. Ginés de Rus Mendoza (ULPGC) Project title: El coste del capital en sectores regulados: nuevos desafíos metodológicos Financed by: ULPGC – Research Programme 2001 Participants: ULPGC Duration: from: 2001 to: 2002 Head of project: Dr. D. F. Javier Campos Méndez (ULPGC) Project title: Evaluación cualitativa del Plan de Infraestructuras 2000-2007 Financed by: Ministerio de Fomento Participants: ULPGC, IVIE, Universidad de Alcalá de Henares Duration: from: 2002 to: 2003 Head of project: Dr. D. Ginés de Rus Mendoza (ULPGC) Project title: Competencia y costes en el transporte aéreo: medición empírica Financed by: ULPGC – Research Programme 2002 Participants: ULPGC Duration: from: 2002 to: 2003 Head of project: Dr. D. José A. Hernández (ULPGC) Project title: Economía industrial empírica: aplicaciones de I+D+I e industrias de red Financed by: CICYT – Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (BEC2002-02527) Participants: ULPGC, Universidad de Vigo Duration: from: 2002 to: 2005 Head of project: Dra. Dña. Consuelo Pazó Martínez (U. de Vigo) Project title: Análisis y tratamiento de las externalidades en las infraestructuras y servicios Financed by: CICYT – Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (SEJ2004-00143) Participants: ULPGC, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, U. de las Illes Ballears Duration: from: 2004 to: 2007 Head of project: Dr. D. Ginés de Rus Mendoza (ULPGC) 4 Project title: Análisis económico de la política de transporte europea Financed by: Fundación BBVA – I Convocatoria de ayudas a la investigación Participants: ULPGC Duration: from: 2003 to: 2005 Head of project: Dr. D. Ginés de Rus Mendoza (ULPGC) Project title: Air transport competition and regulation (AIRREG) Financed by: European Commission Participants: Duration: Oxford University, ULPGC, NEA (Amsterdam) from: 2004 to: 2005 Head of project: Dr. D. John Preston (Oxford U.) Project title: Evaluación del transporte público en la isla de Gran Canaria Financed by: Cabildo de Gran Canaria Participants: ULPGC Duration: from: 2004 to: 2006 Head of project: Dr. Ginés de Rus Mendoza (ULPGC) Project title: Análisis económico de las infraestructuras de alta velocidad en Europa Financed by: Fundación BBVA – III Convocatoria de ayudas a la investigación Participants: ULPGC (líder). University of Leeds, Univ. Carlos III Duration: from: 2005 to: 2007 Head of project: Dr. D. Ginés de Rus Mendoza (ULPGC) Project title: Manual de evaluación económica de proyectos de transporte Financed by: Inter American Development Bank Participants: ULPGC Duration: from: 2005 to: 2006 Head of project: Dr. D. Ginés de Rus Mendoza (ULPGC) Project title: La implementación de la política de defensa de la competencia en Canarias Financed by: CES – Consejo Económico y Social de Canarias Participants: ULPGC – Universidad de Barcelona Duration: from: 2005 to: 2006 Head of project: Dr. D. Javier Campos (ULPGC) 5 PUBLICATIONS (2000-2007) (Key: L = book; CL = book chapter; A = paper; R = review; E = editor; S = other document) Authors: CAMPOS, J. Title: Responsabilidad limitada, estructura financiera y comportamiento de las empresas Ref. Journal: Investigaciones Económicas Key: Vol.: A - Pages, from: 25 - to: 35- Year: 2000 Authors: BETANCOR, O, CAMPOS, J. Title: The first decade of European air transport deregulation: an empirical note Ref. Journal: Journal of Public Works and Management Key: Vol.: A - Pages, from: 135 - to: 146- Year: 2000 Authors: CAMPOS, J.: CANTOS, P. Title: Rail Transport Regulation Ref. Book: Privatization and regulation of infrastructures: guidelines for policymakers and regulators. Edited by The World bank Key: CL Vol.: Pages, from: - to: - Year: 2000 Authors: DE RUS, G, CAMPOS, J. Title: El sistema de transporte europeo: un análisis económico Ref. Book: El sistema de transporte europeo: un análisis económico (Ed. Síntesis, Madrid) Key: Vol.: L - Pages, from: 1 - to: 250- Year: 2001 Authors: CAMPOS, J. Title: Some lessons from railways reform in Latin America Ref. Journal: Transport Policy Key: Vol.: A June Pages, from: 85 - to: 95- Year: 2001 Authors: CAMPOS, J. Title: El transporte: el camino hacia la competencia Ref. Journal: Economistas, 2000: un balance Key: Vol.: A 87 Pages, from: -371 to: -375 Year: 2001 Authors: CAMPOS, J., ESTACHE, A., TRUJILLO, L. Title: Processes, Information and Accounting Gaps in the Regulation of Argentina’s Railways Ref. Working paper: Key: S Vol.: World Bank Policy Research Working Paper WPS2636 Pages, from: - to: - Year: 2001 6 Authors: CAMPOS, J., DE RUS, G. Title: Dotación de infraestructuras y política europea de transporte Ref. Journal: Papeles de Economía Española Key: Vol.: A 91 Pages, from: -169 to: -181 Year: 2002 Authors: CAMPOS, J. Title: Competition issues in network industries: the Latin American railways experience Ref. Journal: Brazilian Electronic Journal of Economics Key: Vol.: A 1 Pages, from: - to: - Year: 2002 Authors: JIMÉNEZ, J.L., CAMPOS, J. Title: Concentración agregada y desigualdad entre empresas: una comparación internacional Ref. Journal: Economía Industrial Key: Vol.: III, 345 A Pages, from: 159 to: 174 Year: 2002 Authors: CAMPOS, J. Title: La política europea de transporte Ref. Book: Economía y Territorio: una nueva relación (Ed. Civitas) Key: Vol.: - CL Pages, from: - to: - Year: 2002 Authors: DE RUS, G., CAMPOS, J., NOMBELA, G. Title: Economía del Transporte Ref. Book: Economía del Transporte Key: Vol.: L - (Antoni Bosch, ed., Barcelona) Pages, from: -1 to: -420 Year: 2003 to: 121 Year: 2003 Authors: CAMPOS, J., CARRASCO, R., REQUEJO, A. Title: Legal form and risk attitude of Spanish firms Ref. Journal: Spanish Economic Review Key: A Vol.: 5 Pages: from: 105 Authors: CAMPOS, J., CANTOS, P. Title: Regulación del transporte por ferrocarril Ref. Book: Privatización y regulación de infraestructuras de transporte Key: CL Vol.: – Pages: from: – to: – Year: 2003 Edited by: World Bank Institute Authors: CAMPOS, J., ESTACHE, A. , MARTÍN, N., TRUJILLO, L. Title: Macroeconomic effects of private sector participation in infrastructure Ref. Book: The limits of stabilization: infrastructure and growth in Latin America Key: CL Vol.: – Pages: from: – to: – Year: 2003 Edited by: World Bank Institute 7 Authors: CAMPOS, J., ESTACHE, A. , TRUJILLO, L. Title: Processes, information and accounting gaps in Argentina’s privatized railways Ref. Journal: Journal of Network Industries Key: A Vol.: 4,1 Pages: from: 3 to: 24 Year: 2003 Authors: CAMPOS, J., VEGA, G. Title: Concentration measurement under cross-ownership: the Spanish electricity sector Ref. Journal: Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade Key: A Vol.: - Pages: from: 313 to: 355 Year: 2004 Authors: CAMPOS, J. Title: New tools for competition measurement in network industries: the case of air transport Ref. Proceedings: Conference Documents from the 3rd International Conference on Applied Infrastructure Research. Berlín Key: O Vol.: – Pages: from: 117 to: 148 Year: 2004 Authors: DE RUS, G. y CAMPOS, J. Title: Los fundamentos económicos de la política de transporte europea Ref. Journal: Investigaciones Regionales Key: A Vol.: 7 Pages: from: 193 to: 218 Year: 2005 Authors: CAMPOS, J. and J.L. JIMÉNEZ Tittle: Old and new ideas in competition policy Ref. Journal: International Journal of Applied Economics and Econometrics Key: A Vol: 13,3 Pages: from: 390 to: 406 Year: 2005 Authors: CAMPOS, J. Tittle: Spain: the end of an era Ref. Book: Gómez-Ibáñez, J. and De Rus, G. (eds.) Competition in Railways. Edgard-Elgar Key:CL Vol.: - Pages, from: 111 to: 134 Year: 2006 Authors: DE RUS, G.; CAMPOS, J. Tittle: Los fundamentos económicos de la política de transporte europea: un análisis crítico Ref. Book: De Rus, G. (eds.) La política de transporte europea: el papel del análisis económico Key: CL Vol.: - Pages, from: 21 to: 52 Year: 2006 Authors: CAMPOS, J. Tittle: Política de la competencia y política industrial Ref. Journal: Papeles de Economía Española Key:A Vol.: 111 Year: 2007 8 VISITING PERIODS IN FOREIGN INSTITUTIONS Key: D = PhD; P = post-doctorate; I = guest; C = contract; O = other Institution: LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS Place: London Country: U. K. Year: 1991 Weeks: 5 Topic: Summer School in Economics Key: O (Post-graduate courses) Institution: LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS Place: London Country: U. K. Year: 1992-1993 Weeks: 40 Topic: MSc in Economics Key: O (Post-graduate courses) Institution: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE. THE WORLD BANK Place: Washington DC Country: USA Year: 1999 Weeks: 30 Topic: Internal Consultant Key: C 9 PARTICIPATION IN COURSES, CONGRESSES & SEMINARS Authors: CAMPOS. J. Title: Access issues in Brazilian railroads Congress: (1) International Railroad Conference; (2) Workshop on Infrastructure Charging Place: (1) Paris; (2) Helsinki Year: June-July 2000 Authors: CAMPOS. J. Title: Lessons from transport reform in Latin America Congress: PhD Seminar – Université de Toulouse I - IDEI Place: Toulouse Year: Febrero 2001 Authors: CAMPOS. J. Title: Competencia y redes: el caso Microsoft Congress: I Curso internacional sobre competencia en el transporte Place: Buenos Aires Year: March 2001 Authors: CAMPOS. J. Title: El caso global: fusión de concesionarios de autobuses interurbanos Congress: I Curso internacional sobre competencia en el transporte Place: Buenos Aires Year: March 2001 Authors: CAMPOS. J. Title: Principios económicos de la tarificación: los precios de acceso Congress: Curso sobre reforma portuaria, Intermodalidad y el papel del gobierno Place: Barcelona Year: May 2001 Authors: CAMPOS. J., JIMÉNEZ, JL y NOMBELA, G. Title: Un análisis económico del mercado de libros de texto en España Congress: Encuentro de Economía Aplicada Place: Reus Year: June 2001 Authors: CAMPOS. J. Title: Competition issues in Latin American Railroads Congress: Workshop on Competition Issues in Network Industries Place: Helsinki Year: August 2001 Authors: CAMPOS. J. Title: La política de transporte en Europa Congress: Jornadas de Economía Española Place: Alicante Year: October 2001 10 Authors: CAMPOS. J., JIMÉNEZ, J.L. Title: Concentración agregada y desigualdad entre empresas: una comparación internacional Congress: V Encuentro de Economía Aplicada Place: Oviedo Year: June 2002 Authors: CAMPOS. J., VEGA, G. Title: Concentration electricity sector measurement under cross-ownership: application to the Spanish Congress: EARIE 2002 Place: Madrid Year: September 2002 Authors: CAMPOS. J. Title: Competition issues in the rail industry: lessons from the Latin American experience Congress: LACEA 2002 Place: Madrid Year: October 2002 Authors: CAMPOS. J. Title: Inversión en carreteras y accidentes de tráfico: una aproximación econométrica Congress: XXIX Reunión de Estudios Regionales Place: Santander Year: November 2003 Authors: CAMPOS. J., JIMÉNEZ, J.L. Title: Evaluating rail reform in Latin America: competition and investment effects Congress: I Conference on Railroad Industry Structure Place: Toulouse Year: November 2003 Authors: CAMPOS. J., FERNÁNDEZ, M. Title: Intermodal competition in passenger transport services: empirical evidence from Spain Congress: Encuentro de Economía Aplicada Place: Vigo Year: June 2004 Authors: CAMPOS. J. Title: Políticas de regulación, competencia y eficiencia Congress: Curso sobre Política del Transporte. XIII Universidad de Verano de Maspalomas Place: Las Palmas Year: June 2004 Authors: JIMÉNEZ, J.L., CAMPOS. J. Title: Efectos de la descentralización de la política de defensa de la competencia Congress: (1) II Congreso de Economía y Competencia, (2) Simposio de Análisis Económico Place: (1) Madrid, (2) Pamplona Year: Sept., Dic. 2004 11 Authors: CAMPOS. J., VEGA, G. Title: Estudio de la regulación bajo información asimétrica mediante técnicas de simulación numérica Congress: Jornadas de Economía Industrial Place: Granada Year: September 2004 Authors: CAMPOS. J. Title: New tools for competition measurement in network industries Congress: 3rd Conference on Applied Infrastructure Research Place: Berlin Year: October 2004 Authors: CAMPOS. J., JIMÉNEZ, J.L. Title: Efectos de la descentralización de la política de defensa de la competencia Congress: I Jornadas sobre Integración Económica Place: Castellón Year: December 2004 Authors: JIMÉNEZ, J.L.; CAMPOS, J. Title: Efectos de la descentralización de la política de defensa de la competencia Congress: Espai de Reçerca en Economía. Universitat de Barcelona Place: Barcelona Year: March 2005 Authors: JIMÉNEZ, J.L.; CAMPOS, J. Title: Efectos de la descentralización de la política de defensa de la competencia Congress: Jornadas sobre Liberalización y Competencia Place: Madrid Year: Abril 2005 Authors: CAMPOS. J. Title: Transport system regulation: sectoral regulador vs. modal regulator Congress: 6º Congresso Nacional O Transporte Interurbano de Passageiros Place: Lisboa Year: March 2005 Authors: CAMPOS. J., VEGA, G. Title: El problema de la implementación práctica de los modelos de regulación de precios bajo información asimétrica Congress: VIII Encuentro de Economía Aplicada Place: Murcia Year: June 2005 Authors: CAMPOS. J., ROMERO, M. Title: New tools for competition measurement in network industries: the case o fair transport Congress: 8th Nectar Conference Place: Las Palmas Year: June 2005 12 Authors: CAMPOS. J. Title: Some conceptual developments in competition policy Congress: Campus de Excelencia, Lanzarote 2005 Place: Lanzarote Year: June 2005 Authors: M. F. BAGÜÉS, CAMPOS. J. Title: Intermodal competition in passenger transport services: empirical evidence for Spain Congress: XXI Jornadas de Economía Industrial Place: Bilbao Year: June 2005 Authors: CAMPOS. J. Tittle: Changing the rail model in spain: the 2003 law Congress: Third Rail Conference Place: Stockholm Year: October 2005 Authors: CAMPOS. J. Tittle: Recent changes in the Spanish rail model: the role of competition Congress: XIV Congreso Panamericano de Ingeniería y Economía del Transporte Place: Las Palmas Year: Septiember 2006 Authors: CAMPOS. J., DE RUS, G. and BARRÓN, I. Tittle: Some stylized facts about high speed rail around the world: an empirical approach Congress: (1) Conference on Railroad Industry Structure and Competition (2) World Conference on Transport Research Place: (1) Madrid (2) Berkeley Year: (1) October 2006 (2) June 2007 Authors: CAMPOS. J. Tittle: Aspectos económicos e institucionales de la defensa de la competencia Congress: I Curso sobre política de la competencia en Canarias Place: Las Palmas Year: Octubre 2006 13 PARTICIPATION IN INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEES Committee: WORLD BANK MISSION TO PERU. NOV-DIC. 1998 International organization: WORLD BANK Topic: STUDY ON TRANSPORT REGULATION IN PERU Year: NOV.-DIC. 1998 Committee: WORLD BANK MISSION TO BRAZIL. FEBRUARY 1999 International organization: WORLD BANK Topic: STUDY ON TRANSPORT REGULATION IN BRAYESL Year: FEBRERO 1999 Committee: WORLD BANK MISSION TO MEXICO. JUNE 1999 International organization: WORLD BANK Topic: STUDY ON TRANSPORT REGULATION IN MEXICO Year: JUNE 1999 Committee: WORLD BANK MISSION TO BOLIVIA. FEBRUARY 2000 International organization: WORLD BANK Topic: STUDY ON TRANSPORT REGULATION IN BOLIVIA Year: FEBRUARY 2000 Committee: WORLD BANK MISSION TO ARGENTINA. NOVEMBER 2000 International organization: WORLD BANK Topic: STUDY ON TRANSPORT REGULATION IN ARGENTINA Year: NOVEMBER 2000 14