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Born: 15 February 1951
Address: Departamento de Historia Económica e Instituciones, Universidad Carlos III,
c/ Madrid, 126, 28903 Getafe (Madrid), Spain. Tel. +34 91 624 9623
Doctor of Philosophy [D. Phil.], (Modern History), University of Oxford, 1987
Doctor (Economics), Universidad Complutense, Madrid, 1981.
Licenciado (5-year degree) (Economics), Universidad Complutense, 1973
Academic Positions
1990Catedrático (Full Professor)
Universidad Carlos III
1988-1990 Catedrático (Full Professor)
Universidad de Cantabria
1982-1988 Profesor Titular (Associate Professor) Universidad de Alcalá
1981-1982 Assistant Professor
Universidad de Alcalá
1974-1976, 1979-1980 Assistant Professor
Universidad Complutense
Visiting Positions
2011-2012 Visiting Senior Fellow, London School of Economics
2003-2004, Prince of Asturias Visiting Professor, Georgetown University
January-June 1998, Academic Visitor, London School of Economics
September-December 1997, Visiting Fellow, All Souls College, Oxford
July-August 1989, Visiting Professor, Instituto Torcuato di Tella, Buenos Aires
1988-1989, Jean Monnet Fellow, European University Institute, Florence
1984-1985, Visiting Associate Professor, University of California, San Diego
1982-1983, Visiting Scholar, St. Antony's College, Oxford
Grants and Fellowships
CEPR/ European Commission (2008-2012)
Fundación Rafael del Pino (2005- )
Fundación ICO: Research Grant (2001-2002)
Sabbatical Grant Ministerio de Educación y Cultura (Proex) (1997-1998)
Fundación Argentaria: Research Grant (1996-1997)
Fundación Areces: Research Grant (1990-1992).
European University Institute: Jean Monnet Fellowship (1988-1989).
Fundación FIES: Research Grant (1986-1987).
Instituto de Estudios Fiscales: Research Grant (1984-1985).
Banco de España: Research Grant (1982-1984).
Banco de España: Doctoral Fellowship (1978-1980).
Joint Committee St. Antony's College, Oxford-Sociedad de Estudios y Publicaciones,
Doctoral Fellowship (1976-1977)
International Economic History Association, Member of the Executive Committee since
European Historical Economics Society, since 1991; Trustee, 1991-95; President, 2001-03
Cliometric Society, USA, since 1985; Trustee, 1990-93
Asociación de Historia Económica, since 1980; Treasurer, 1980-81; Trustee, 1990-93
Economic History Association, USA, since 1978.
Economic History Society, Great Britain, since 1978
American Economic Association, since 1999
Editorial Boards
Revista de Historia Económica / Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History,
member of the Editorial Board 1983-1991. Editor, 1991-94. Member of the Board of
Trustees, 1995-2000, 2005Explorations in Economic History, member of the Editorial Board since 1997.
European Review of Economic History, member of the Editorial Board 1997-2010. Member
of the Scientific Advisory Board, 2011Cliometrica, member of the Editorial Board since 2010.
Histoire Economique Quantitative (Série AF Nouvelle), member of the Editorial Board
since 2001.
Hacienda Pública Española/ Revista de Economía Pública, member of the Editorial Board,
2005- 07.
Research Experience
2008-2012 Team Leader at Carlos III University and CEPR Research Associate of the
CEPR/ European Commission FP7 Collaborative Project “Historical Patterns of
Development and Underdevelopment: Origins and Persistence of the Great Divergence”
2005- , Principal Investigator in the Fundación Rafael del Pino Project on “Economic
Freedom, Growth, and Welfare in OECD Countries, 1850-2000”.
2005-2008, Research Associate of the CEPR Project on “Unifying the European
Experience: Historical Lessons of Pan-European Development”.
2002-2005, Principal Investigator in the Ministry of Science and Technology Project
SEC2002-01596 “Las fuentes 'próximas' y 'últimas' del crecimiento económico: un análisis
comparativo para los paises de la OCDE, 1850-2000” (Proximate and Ultimate Sources of
Economic Growth: a Comparative Analysis of OECD Countries, 1850-2000)
1999-2002, Principal Investigator in the Ministry of Education Project PB98-0031, “Las
fuentes del crecimiento económico español: un análisis a largo plazo, 1850-2000” (The
Sources of Spanish Economic Growth: a Long-run Analysis, 1850-2000).
1996-1998, Principal Investigator in the Ministry of Education Project PB95-0294, "El
Crecimiento económico español, 1850-1995: una interpretación a la luz de la teoría del
crecimiento" (Spanish Economic Growth, 1850-1995: an Interpretation in the Light of
Growth theory).
1991-1994, Research Associate in the Ministry of Economy and Finance Project,
"Crecimiento económico y convergencia en Europa" (Growth and Convergence in Europe)
1990-1994, Principal Investigator in the Fundación Areces and Ministry of Education Project
PB90-0268 "La economía política del proteccionismo en Europa occidental (1880-1930):
análisis comparado de España e Italia" (The Political Economy of Protectionism in Western
Europe: a Comparative Analysis of Spain and Italy).
1988-1989: Principal Investigator in the European University Institute sponsored project, "La
pérdida del imperio y el atraso económico: España y Portugal en la primera mitad del siglo
XIX" (The Loss of Empire and Economic Backwardness: Spain and Portugal in the Early
Nineteenth Century).
1986-1987, Principal Investigator in Fundación FIES Project "El desarrollo económico
español en una perspectiva europea, 1850-1930" (Spanish economic development on
European perspective, 1850-1930)..
1983-1985, Principal Investigator in the El Instituto de Estudios Fiscales project, "España en
la economía internacional, 1784-1913" (Spain in the International Economy).
1982-1984, Research Associate in the Banco de España Project "Producto, renta y
productividad en España, 1789-1957" (Output, Income and Productivity in Spain, 17891957)
Organized Conferences
5th Conference of the European Historical Economics Society, Madrid, July 2003.
“Britain and Its Rivals: the Struggle for Hegemony, 1689-1815”. Madrid, March 2001.
“The Economic Consequences of Empires” (with P.K. O‟Brien). A1 Session of the 12th
Congress of the International Economic History Association, Madrid, August 1998.
"El crecimiento económico argentino en perspectiva histórica" (Argentinean Economic
Growth into Historical Perspective) (with R. Cortés Conde), Universidad Carlos III, Madrid,
May 1994.
European Historical Economics Workshop on “Long-Run Economic Growth in the European
Periphery" UIMP, Pazo de Mariñán, Coruña, July 1993.
The State and Economic Development: a Historical View, Instituto Universitario Ortega y
Gasset, Madrid, May 1993.
Las consecuencias económicas de la independencia de América Latina (Economic
Consequences of Latin American Independence), Universidad Carlos III, July 1991.
The Second World Congress of Cliometrics, Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, June 1989
(Local host).
III Seminario de Historia Económica Cuantitativa (3rd Quantitative Economic History
Seminar) (with P. Martín Aceña), Universidad de Alcalá, December 1988.
España en el siglo XIX: una economía dual. Seminario en homenaje a Nicolás SánchezAlbornoz (Spain in the 19th Century: a Dual Economy. A Seminar in Honour of Nicolás
Sánchez-Albornoz), (with R. Anes), Universidad de Oviedo, Gijón, July 1988.
Crecimiento y cambio estructural en España e Italia: tendencias históricas (Growth and
Structural Change in Spain and Italy: Historical Trends), Universidad de Alcalá, December,
Las economías iberoamericanas desde la independencia a la Gran Depresión (Latin American
economies from Independence to the Great Depression (with G. Tortella and C. Malamud),
Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset, Madrid, March-May 1987.
II Seminario de historia económica cuantitativa (2nd Quantitative Economic History
Seminar), I.U. Ortega y Gasset, December 1986.
Comercio y hacienda en España y América durante la época colonial (Colonial Trade and
Public Finance in Spain and Spanish America (with F. Comín), I.U. Ortega Y Gasset,
October 1986-February 1987.
Los problemas históricos del crecimiento y el atraso de la Europa del sur: España, Italia y
Portugal (1830-1930) (Historical Problems of Growth and Retardation in Southern Europe:
Spain, Italy and Portugal) (with G. Tortella), Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo,
Sevilla, October, 1984.
I Seminario de historia económica cuantitativa (I Quantitative Economic History Seminar),
I.U. Ortega y Gasset, December 1983.
II Congreso de la Asociación de Historia Económica (2nd Congress of the Spanish Economic
History Association (with G. Tortella and J. Morilla), Universidad de Alcalá, December
Books and Monographs
Latin American Inequality (co-edited with L. Bértola and J.G. Williamson) (special issue of
Revista de Historia Económica / Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History
28 (2) 2010)
Exceptionalism and Industrialisation: Britain and its European Rivals 1688-1815 (editor),
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2004).
El progreso económico de España, 1850-2000, Madrid, Fundación BBVA, 2003.
The Costs and Benefits of European Imperialism (co-edited with P. K. O‟Brien) (published as
a special issue of Revista de Historia Económica, XVI, 1, 1998).
La independencia americana: consecuencias económicas (co-edited with S. Amaral),
Madrid, Alianza, 1993.
El desarrollo económico en la Europa del sur: España e Italia en perspectiva histórica (coedited with V. Zamagni), Madrid, Alianza, 1992.
De imperio a nación. Crecimiento y atraso económico en España (1780-1930), Madrid,
Alianza, 1988. (Reprinted in 1991 and 1993)
La Nueva Historia Económica en España (co-edited with P. Martín Aceña), Madrid, Tecnos,
Comercio exterior y crecimiento económico en España, 1826-1913: Tendencias a largo
plazo, Madrid, Banco de España, 1982.
Articles and chapters in books
“Economic Reforms and Growth in Franco‟s Spain”, Revista de Historia Económica /
Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History 30, 1 (2012) (forthcoming) (with
J.R. Rosés and I. Sanz-Villarroya).
“Improving Human Development: A Long-run View”, Journal of Economic Surveys 24, 5
(2010), pp. 841-894.
(Reprinted in D. Greasley and L. Oxley (eds.), Economics and History. Surveys in
Cliometrics, Oxford: Wiley_Blackwell (2011), pp. 87-140.
“Human Capital and Economic Growth in Spain, 1850-2000”, Explorations in Economic
History 47, 4 (2010), pp. 520-532 (with J.R. Rosés)
“Latin American Inequality in the Long Run”, Revista de Historia Económica / Journal of
Iberian and Latin American Economic History 28, 2 (2010), pp. 1-8 (with L. Bértola and J.G.
“Assessing Independence. The Economic Consequences”, LASA Forum 41, 2 (2010), pp. 1012.
“Capital Accumulation in the Long-Run: The Case of Spain, 1850-2000”, Research in
Economic History 27 (2010), pp. 93-152 (with J.R. Rosés)
“Spain‟s International Position, 1850-1913”, Revista de Historia Económica / Journal of
Iberian and Latin American Economic History 28, 1 (2010), pp. 1-43
“Trade and Empire” (with K.H. O‟Rourke and G. Daudin), in Stephen N. Broadberry and
Kevin H. O‟Rourke (eds.), The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Europe,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010, I, pp. 96-121.
“The Sources of Long-run Growth in Spain, 1850-2000”, Journal of Economic History 69,
4 (2009), pp. 1063-1091 (with J.R. Rosés)
“Del cosmos al caos: la serie del PIB de Maluquer de Motes”, Revista de Economía Aplicada
XVII, 51 (2009), pp. 5-23.
“Lost Decades? Economic Performance in Post-Independence Latin America”, Journal of
Latin American Studies 41, 2 (2009), pp. 279-307.
“Contract Enforcement, Capital Accumulation, and Argentina's Long-Run Decline” (with
I. Sanz-Villarroya), Cliometrica 3, 1 (2009), pp. 1-26.
“Hispanoamérica tras la Independencia: Un balance de su evolución económica (18201870)”, in M. Palacios (ed.), Las independencias de Hispanoamérica. Interpretaciones 200
años después. Bogotá: Norma, 2009.
“Inequality, Poverty, and the Kuznets Curve in Spain, 1850-2000”, European Review of
Economic History 12, 3 (2008), pp. 287-324.
“The Decline of Spain (1500-1850): Conjectural Estimates” (with C. Álvarez Nogal),
European Review of Economic History 11, 3 (2007), pp. 319-366.
“European Patterns of Development in Historical Perspective”, Scandinavian Economic
History Review 55, 3 (2007), pp. 187-221.
“Growth and Structural Change in Spain, 1850-2000: A European Perspective”, Revista de
Historia Económica / Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History 25, 1
(2007), pp. 147-181
“Inequality and Poverty in Latin America: A Long-Run Exploration”, in T.J. Hatton, K.H.
O‟Rourke, and A.M. Taylor (eds.), The New Comparative Economic History, Cambridge,
Ma: M.I.T. Press (2007), pp. 291-315.
“When Did Latin America Fall Behind?” in S. Edwards, G. Esquivel, and G. Márquez
(eds.) The Decline of Latin American Economies. Growth, Institutions, and Crisis,
Chicago: University of Chicago Press/ N.B.E.R. (2007), pp. 15-57.
“La decadenza spagnola nell‟età moderna: una revisione quantitativa” (with C. Álvarez
Nogal), Rivista di Storia Economica XXII, 1 (2006), pp. 59-89.
“The Economic Consequences of Independence”, in V. Bulmer-Thomas, J. Coatsworth and
R. Cortés Conde, eds., The Cambridge Economic History of Latin America, New York,
Cambridge University Press (2006), I, pp. 463-504.
“Renta y Riqueza” (with J. R. Rosés and A. Carreras), in A. Carreras and X. Tafunell, eds.,
Estadísticas Históricas de España, Bilbao: Fundación BBVA (2005), pp. 1-80.
“Was British Industrialisation Exceptional?”, in L. Prados de la Escosura (ed.),
Exceptionalism and Industrialization. Britain and its Rivals, Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press (2004), pp. 1-15.
“El crecimiento a largo plazo, la historia económica y el legado de Adam Smith”, in P.
Tedde, ed., Historia Económica e Instituciones. Homenaje a Luis Ángel Rojo, Madrid:
Universidad Complutense (2004), II, pp. 271-283.
“Integración internacional y atraso en España: Lecciones del Siglo XIX”, in C. E. Lida and
J.A. Piqueras, eds., Impulsos e inercias del cambio económico. Ensayos en honor a Nicolás
Sánchez-Albornoz, Valencia: Historia Social (2004), pp. 171-96.
“National Income Accounts: Wages and Labor Income” (with J.R. Rosés), in J. Mokyr, ed.,
Oxford Encyclopaedia of Economic History, New York, Oxford University Press (2003),
pp. 48-52.
“International Comparisons of Real Product, 1820-1990: An Alternative Data Set”,
Explorations in Economic History 37, 1 (2000), pp. 1-41.
“Balance Sheets for the Acquisition, Retention and Loss of European Empires Overseas”
(with P.K. O‟Brien) Itinerario European Journal of Overseas History XXIII, 3-4 (1999), pp.
“Economic Growth and Backwardness, 1780-1930”, in J. Alvarez Junco and A. Shubert,
eds., Spanish History since 1808, London, Arnold Press (1999), pp. 179-190.
“El sector exterior en el siglo XIX”, in G. Anes, ed., Historia Económica de España. Siglos
XIX y XX. Barcelona, Galaxia (1999), pp. 289-339.
“The Costs and Benefits for Europeans from their Empires Overseas”(with P.K. O‟Brien)
Revista de Historia Económica XVI, 1 (1998), pp. 29-89.
“Historical Comparisons of Income: a Short-Cut Approach” (with I. Sanz), in B. Van Ark, E.
Buyst and J.L. van Zanden, eds., Historical Benchmark Comparisons of Output and
Productivity. Madrid (1998), pp. 31-47.
"Política económica liberal y crecimiento en la España contemporánea: un argumento
contrafactual", Papeles de Economía Española 73 (1997), pp. 83-99.
"Growth and Macroeconomic Performance in Spain, 1939-1993" (with J.C. Sanz), in N.
Crafts and G. Toniolo, eds., Economic Growth in Europe since 1945, Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press (1996), pp. 355-387.
"Protectionism in Spain, 1869-1930" (with A. Tena) in P. Lindert, J. Nye and J.M. Chevet,
eds., The Political Economy of Commerce and Protection, Milan (1994), pp. 63-76.
"Growth and Structural Change in the Long-Run: Spain 19th-20th Centuries", in A.
Maddison and H. van der Wee, eds., Economic Growth and Structural Change Comparative
Approaches over the Long-Run, Milan (1994), pp. 121-130.
"La pérdida del imperio y sus consecuencias económicas", in L. Prados de la Escosura and S.
Amaral, eds., La independencia americana: consecuencias económicas, Madrid, Alianza
(1993), pp. 253-300.
"Long-Run Economic Growth in Spain since 1800: an International Perspective", in E.
Szirmai, B. Van Ark and D. Pilat, eds., Explaining Economic Growth, Amsterdam, North
Holland (1993), pp. 285-299.
"Agricultural Productivity and European Industrialization, 1890-1980" (with P.K. O'Brien),
Economic History Review XLV, 3 (1992), pp. 514-536.
(Reprinted in M.A. Havinden and E.J.T. Collins, eds., Agriculture in the Industrial State,
Reading, University of Reading (1995)
and in B. van Ark, ed., Economic Growth in the Long Run. A History of the Empirical
Evidence, Aldershot, Edward Elgar (1997))
"Crecimiento, atraso y convergencia en España e Italia: introducción", in L. Prados de la
Escosura and V. Zamagni, eds., El desarrollo económico de España e Italia en perspectiva
histórica, Madrid, Alianza, (1992), pp. 27-55.
"Lo sviluppo econòmico spagnolo nel contesto europeo: 1800-1930", Società e Storia 47,
1990, pp. 65-85.
"The Loss of Empire and its Economic Impact in Spain", in F. Crouzet, ed., The Economic
Effects of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, Leuven, Leuven University Press
(1990), pp. 79-85.
"El desarrollo económico de España en el contexto europeo, 1800-1930", in P. Martín Aceña
and F. Comín, eds., Empresa pública e industrialización en España, Madrid, Alianza (1990),
pp. 13-30.
"Was Spain Different?. Spanish Historical Backwardness Revisited" (with C. Molinas),
Explorations in Economic History 26, 2 (1989), pp. 385-402.
(Reprinted in P. Martín Aceña and J. Simpson, eds., The Economic Development of Spain
since 1870, Aldershot, Edward Elgar, Aldershot, 1995)
"La estimación indirecta de la producción agraria en el siglo XIX: réplica a Simpson",
Revista de Historia Económica VII, 3 (1989), pp. 703-718.
"Foreign Trade and the Spanish Economy during the Nineteenth Century", in N.
Sánchez-Albornoz, ed., The Economic Modernization of Spain, 1830-1930, New York, New
York University Press (1987), pp. 128-150.
(Reprinted in Patrick K. O'Brien, ed., The Industrial Revolution in Europe, Oxford,
Blackwell (1994), II, pp. 476-498)
"Comercio internacional y modernización económica en la España del siglo XIX", in T.
Martínez Vara, ed., Mercado y desarrollo económico en la España contemporánea, Madrid,
Siglo XXI Editores (1986), pp. 97-111.
"Una serie anual del comercio exterior español (1821-1913)", Revista de Historia
Económica, IV, 1 (1986), pp. 103-150.
"Las relaciones reales de intercambio entre España y Gran Bretaña en los siglos XVIII y
XIX", in P. Martín Aceña y L. Prados de la Escosura, eds., La Nueva Historia Económica en
España, Madrid, Tecnos (1985), pp. 119-165.
"El comercio exterior y la economía española en el siglo XIX", in N. Sánchez-Albornoz, ed.,
La modernización económica de España, 1830-1930, Madrid, Alianza (1985), pp. 147-175.
"El crecimiento económico moderno en España, 1830-1973: una comparación internacional",
Papeles de Economía Española 20 (1984), pp. 151-154.
"La evolución del comercio exterior, 1790-1929", Papeles de Economía Española 20 (1984),
pp. 133-150.
"El comercio hispano-británico durante los siglos XVIII y XIX. (I) Reconstrucción", Revista
de Historia Económica II, 2 (1984), pp. 113-162.
"Tendencias a largo plazo del comercio exterior español, 1714-1913" (with G. Tortella),
Revista de Historia Económica I, 2 (1983), pp. 353-67.
"Producción y consumo de tejidos en España, 1800-1913: primeros resultados", in G. Anes,
L.A. Rojo and P. Tedde, eds., Historia económica y pensamiento social, Madrid, Alianza
(1983), pp. 455-471.
"La independencia hispanoamericana y sus consecuencias económicas en España: una
estimación provisional", Moneda y Crédito, 163 (1982), pp. 49-69.
"Long-Run Trends in Spanish Foreign Trade, 1714-1913" (with G. Tortella), in J. Bouvier,
ed., The Long-Run Trends, Budapest (1982), pp. 70-78.
"Comercio exterior y cambio económico en España (1792-1849)", in J. Fontana, ed., La
economía española al final del Antiguo Régimen. III. Comercio y Colonias, Madrid, Alianza
(1982), pp. 171-249.
"Las estadísticas españolas de comercio exterior (1850-1913). El problema de las
'valoraciones'", Moneda y Crédito 156 (1981), pp. 43-60.
"El comercio exterior de España, 1790-1830: una reconsideración", Hacienda Pública
Española 55 (1978), pp. 339-349.
Reviews and Bibliographical Essays
“Jeffrey G. Williamson, Trade and Poverty: When the Third World Fell Behind”, Economic
History Review 65, 3 (2012) (forthcoming)
“Anthony B. Atkinson and Thomas Piketty, Top Incomes: A Global Perspective”,
Economic History Review 64, 3 (2011), pp. 1069-1069.
“Daniel Waldenström. Lifting All Boats? The Evolution of Income and Wealth Inequality
over the Path of Development”, Scandinavian Economic History Review 59, 1 (2011), pp.
“F. Fukuyama, ed. Falling Behind: Explaining the Development Gap between Latin America
and the United States”, Economic History Review 62, 3 (2009), pp. 770-772.
“J.W. Drukker. The Revolution that Bit its Own Tail How Economic History Changed Our
Ideas on Economic Growth”, Economic History Review 60, 4 (2007), pp. 868-869.
“Globalization and History Kevin H. O‟Rourke y Jeffrey G .Williamson”, Revista de Historia
Económica 20, 3 (2002), pp. 680-684
“The World Economy: A Millennial Perspective. By Angus Maddison”, Journal of Economic
History 62, 3 (2002), pp. 921-922.
"J. Nadal, A. Carreras y C. Sudrià (Comps.): La economía española en el siglo XX. Una
perspectiva histórica", Revista de Historia Económica VI, 1 (1988), pp. 241-246.
"La Historia Cuantitativa en España", Revista de Historia Económica II, 1 (1984), pp.
"El fin del Absolutismo. Una nota sobre 'La Quiebra De La Monarquía Absoluta' de Josep
Fontana", Información Comercial Española 505 (1975), pp. 243-245.
"La política monetaria y el sistema financiero: una investigación del Banco de España sobre
la Restauración (1874-1914), Revista Española de Economía V (1975), pp. 161-180.
"Economía e Ideología. Una nota sobre varios trabajos de R.L. Meek", Moneda y Crédito 127
(1973), pp. 97-112.
Unpublished papers
“Human Development in Africa: A Long-run Perspective”, Universidad Carlos III Working
Papers in Economic History 11-09 (September 2011)
Also available as CEPR Discussion Paper 8586 (September 2011)
“Economic Reforms and Growth in Franco‟s Spain”, (with J.R. Rosés and I. SanzVillarroya), Universidad Carlos III Working Papers in Economic History 11-07 (July 2011)
“The Rise and Fall of Spain, 1270-1850” (with Carlos Álvarez-Nogal), Universidad Carlos
III Working Papers in Economic History 11-02 (April 2011)
“Human Development in Africa: A Long-run Perspective”, European Report on
Development (ERD) 2010 Background Paper, European University Institute (January 2011)
“Improving Human Development: A Long-run View”, Universidad Carlos III Working
Papers in Economic History 10-07 (June 2010)
Also available as CEPR Discussion Paper 7982 (September 2010)
“Stabilization and Growth under Dictatorship: The Experience of Franco‟s Spain” (with J.R.
Rosés and I. Sanz-Villarroya), Universidad Carlos III Working Papers in Economic History
10-02 (February 2010)
Also available as CEPR Discussion Paper 7731 (March 2010)
“Spain‟s International Position, 1850-1913”, Universidad Carlos III Working Papers in
Economic History 09-09 (October 2009)
Also available as CEPR Discussion Paper 7591 (December 2009)
“Human Capital and Economic Growth in Spain, 1850-2000” (with J.R. Rosés), Universidad
Carlos III Working Papers in Economic History 09-06 (August 2009)
“Del cosmos al caos: la serie del PIB de Maluquer de Motes”, Universidad Carlos III
Working Papers in Economic History 09-04 (June 2009)
“Proximate Causes of Economic Growth in Spain, 1850-2000” (with J.R. Rosés),
Universidad Carlos III Working Papers in Economic History 08-12 (June 2008)
“Trade and Empire, 1700.1870” (with K.H. O‟Rourke and G. Daudin), Universidad Carlos
III Working Papers in Economic History 08-09 (May 2008)
Also available as Trinity College Dublin, TEP Working Paper No. 0208 (May 2008)
“Long-Run Estimates of Physical Capital in Spain, 1850-2000” (with J.R. Rosés),
Universidad Carlos III Working Papers in Economic History 08-07 (April 2008)
“„Lost Decades?‟ Independence and Latin America‟s Falling Behind, 1820-1870”,
Universidad Carlos III Working Papers in Economic History 07-18 (November 2007)
“Inequality, Poverty, and the Kuznets Curve in Spain, 1850-2000”, Universidad Carlos III
Working Papers in Economic History 07-13 (September 2007)
“Searching for the Roots of Retardation: Spain in European Perspective, 1500-1850” (with
Carlos Álvarez Nogal), Universidad Carlos III Working Papers in Economic History 07-06
(March 2007)
“International Inequality and Polarization in Living Standards, 1870-2000: Evidence from
the Western World”, Universidad Carlos III Working Papers in Economic History 07-05
(February 2007)
“The Sources of Long-run Growth in Spain, 1850-2000” (with J.R. Rosés), Universidad
Carlos III Working Papers in Economic History 07-02 (January 2007)
Also available as CEPR Discussion Paper no. 6189 (March 2007).
“Contract Enforcement and Argentina‟s Long-run Decline”, Universidad Carlos III Working
Papers in Economic History 06-06 (September 2006)
“Growth, Inequality, and Poverty in Latin America: Historical Evidence, Controlled
Conjectures”, Universidad Carlos III Working Paper 05-41 (June 2005)
“Colonial Independence and Economic Backwardness in Latin America”, Universidad Carlos
III Working Paper 04-65 (December 2004)