Download Curriculum Vitae JOSE R. DEUSTUA Associate Professor
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Curriculum Vitae JOSE R. DEUSTUA Associate Professor Department of History Coleman Hall 2552 Eastern Illinois University 600 Lincoln Avenue Charleston, IL 61920-3099 (217) 581-7115 of. (217) 345-6906 ho. Fax: (217) 581-7233 of. e-mail: EDUCATION 1989 Ph.D. in History, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Université de Paris (Sorbonne). Training in Latin American and European History. Directeur d'Etudes: Professors Ruggiero Romano (E.H.E.S.S.) and Nathan Wachtel (E.H.E.S.S. and College de France). Dissertation: Mines, Monnaie et Hommes dans les Andes: Une Histoire Economique et Sociale de la Activité Minière dans le Pérou du XIXe siècle. Two volumes, 804 pp. (Obtained the Highest Distinction in the French University System: "Tres Honorable"). 1984 Diplôme des Etudes Approfondies in History (Master's Degree equivalent), Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Université de Paris (Sorbonne). 1981 Licenciatura in Sociology (Master's Degree equivalent), Catholic University of Peru (Lima). (Obtained the Highest Distinction in the Peruvian University System: "Sobresaliente"). 1979 Bachelors's Degree in Sociology, Catholic University of Peru. 1979 Completed courses for another Bachelors's Degree in History, Catholic University of Peru. 1974 Diploma in General Studies, Letters, Catholic University of Peru. TEACHING AWARDS 1999 Semi-Finalist, Silver Circle Award on Teaching, University of Illinois at Chicago. TEACHING 2005current Associate Professor, Department of History, Eastern Illinois University (EIU), Charleston, IL. 20012005 Assistant Professor, Department of History, Eastern Illinois University (EIU), Charleston, IL. 20002001 Visiting Associate Professor, Master of Arts’ Program. Department of History, Catholic University of Peru, Lima. 20002001 Faculty Advisor, Diplomacy, Defense,and Intelligence, and the Law Programs. National Youth Leadership Forum, Washington, D.C.. 19922000 Assistant Professor of Latin American History, Department of History and Latin American Studies Program. University of Illinois at Chicago. 19911992 Visiting Professor, Department of History and Latin American Studies Program. University of Illinois at Chicago. 1987-91 Tenured Associate Professor, Department of History, College of Historical and Social Sciences, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima. 1990-91 Visiting Scholar, Center of Latin American Studies and Department of History, University of Chicago. 1989-90 Visiting Professor, Department of History, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.. 1988 Edward Larocque Tinker Visiting Professorship, Department of History, Stanford University. 1981-87 Assistant Professor, Department of History, College of Historical and Social Sciences, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru. 1987 Visiting Professor, Department of History and Office of International Programs, University of Miami, and Department of History, Florida International University. 1986-7 Lecturer Institute des Latine, and Ecole des Sociales, Paris, France. 1982-83 Lecturer, Department of History and Social Sciences, University of Lima, in addition to Tenure-Track Hautes Etudes de l'Amérique Hautes Etudes en Sciences Position at University of San Marcos. 1981-83 Lecturer, Academia Diplomática del Perú, Ministry of Foreign Relations, Lima, Peru. 1979-81 Instructor, Department of History, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru. RESEARCH 2009 Research trip to Lima and Piura (Peru). National Archives (Lima), Universidad Católica Library, Regional Archive of Piura (Fall, sabbatical semester). 2001Current Research Associate, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos (Institute of Peruvian Studies), Lima. 19792001 Research Participant, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos (Institute of Peruvian Studies - IEP), Lima. Member of the research projects Monetary History and Economic Change; Mining in the Andean Economy, 17th through 20th Century; and Luis E.Valcarcel, a Biographical Study (see publications). 2005 Research trip, Mexico, National Archives and Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH), July-August. 2003 Research trip, Chile, National Archives and Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago and Valparaiso, summer. 1992-93 Research trip and sojourn: Peru, Bolivia, Nicaragua. Instituto de Estudios Peruanos (Lima), Centro de Investigaciones de la Costa Atlántica (Managua), Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (La Paz). December-May. 1986-87 Researcher in the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Paris. Participation in the project Sectes Religieuses et Classes Populaires dans l'Amérique Latine: Guatemala, Equator, Pérou with Susana Andrade, Jesús García Ruiz, Olinda Celestino and Carmen Bernand. 1978-79 Researcher in the Universidad Nacional Agraria (National Agricultural University - Lima), in project The Development of Sugar Production and its Political and Social Repercussions, 1956-1969. 1977-78 Research Assistant in the Department of Social Sciences, Catholic University, in project Intellectuals and the National Question in Peru of the 1920s, (Alberto Flores Galindo, Director). PROFESSIONAL JOURNALS 1983-2002 Editorial Board, Revista Andina. Journal of the Centro de Estudios Rurales Andinos Bartolomé de las Casas (Cusco, Peru), the leading journal of Andean studies in Latin America. 1983-91 1978 Advisory Board, HISLA, Revista Latinoamericana de Historia Economica y Social. Journal of the Centro Latinoamericano de Historia Económica y Social (Lima). Editorial Secretary, Debates en Sociología. Department of Sociology. Catholic University of Peru. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 2010current Coordinator, Latin American Studies Program, Eastern Illinois University. 2010 Referee for a Historical Research Project for the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, New York, February. 2009 Referee for the Historical Research Project “Spanish America under the Habsburg Dynasty. Political and Economic Governmentability”, the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, New York, March. 2006-2008 Coordinator, Latin American Studies Program, Eastern Illinois University. 2006 Referee for a Historical Research Project for the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, New York, February. 2005 Referee for a History Research Project for the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, New York, February. 2004 Referee for Americas. 1995 Referee for academic Historical Review. an academic paper papers for for the journal Hispanic The American GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPS 2003 Grant from the Division of International Education and summer the Division of Grants & Research. International Programs Initiative Award, EIU. 2002-03 1993-97 1988 Grant from the Ballenger Funds. Department of History. Eastern Illinois University. Research Grant from the Minority University of Illinois at Chicago. Program at the Research Grant from Central Bank of Peru and from U.S. Aid for International Development for research project "Monetary History and Economic Change". 1984 Graduate Fellowship (declined), Department of History, Stanford University. 1983-87 Graduate Fellowship (accepted), Program of Scientific Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Relations, France. 1983 Graduate Fellowship (declined), Department of History, University of Miami. 1982-83 Research Grant. National Council of Science and Technology of Peru, Lima. Project: "Intellectuals, 'Indigenismo' and Descentralism in Peru". 1981-82 Research Grant. Inter-American Foundation Project: "Mining and Economic Space in the 16th-20th centuries". 1980-81 Latin American Council for Social Sciences (CLACSO) Research Grant (Buenos Aires, Argentina). 1978 Fulbright Commission (U.S.A.). Fellowship to pursue graduate studies (History) at Tulane University (declined). (USA). Andes, PUBLICATIONS Books Historia Económica del Perú, 1820-1930. Lima: Banco Central de Reserva del Perú and Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2011 300 pages (in press). Co-authored with Martín Monsalve, Alex Salinas and Luis Espinoza Bardales (in press). El Embrujo de la Plata. La Economía Social de la Minería en el Perú del siglo XIX. Lima: Banco Central de Reserva del Perú and Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2009, 282 pages, maps, graphs, tables. Augmented and revised Spanish edition of The Bewitchment of Silver with a new preface. The Bewitchment of Silver. The Social Economy of Mining in Nineteenth-Century Peru. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 2000, xvi + 290 pages. La Minería Peruana y la Iniciación de la República, 1820-1840 (Peruvian Mining and the Beginnings of the Republic), Instituto de Estudios Peruanos (IEP), Lima, 288 pages, 1986. Intelectuales, Indigenismo y Descentralismo en el Perú, 1897-1931 (Intellectuals, `Indigenismo', and Descentralism in Peru, 1897-1931), co-authored with José Luis Rénique, Centro Bartolomé de las Casas, Cuzco, 132 pages, 1984. Luis E. Valcarcel, Memorias (Memoires of Luis E. Valcarcel). Edited with José Matos Mar and José Luis Rénique, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos (IEP), Lima, 479 pages, 1981. Articles, Monographs, Chapters of Books Accepted for Publication "Intelectuales y Sociedad Peruana: Un Nuevo Siglo", to be published in Consensus, academic journal of the Centro de Investigaciones Científicas, Universidad Femenina del Perú, Lima. "Capital et Technologie à Cerro de Pasco: L'Experience Minière au Pérou, 1800-1840", chapter in a book by Frédérique Langue and Carmen Salazar-Soler (editors): Sociologie et Culture de la Mine en Amérique Hispanique, XVIe-XIXe siecles. Paris: CERMACA (Centre de la Recherche sur le Méxique, l’Amérique Centrale et Andine), Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, France. (It will also appear in Spanish in Hisla. Revista Latinoamericana de Historia Económica y Social, Lima, Peru). "Historia, Cultura y Literatura en América Latina: Centroamérica y el Indigenismo Peruano", to be published in a book by Fernando Rosas and Luis Miguel Glave (editors): Historia, Cultura e Identidades Latinoamericanas. Lima, Universidad de Lima, Peru. Published “Comercio de arriería, rutas y caminos en Cerro de Pasco, Perú, 1820-1870. Algunas proposiciones y evidencias”, in Uku Pacha. Revista de Investigaciones Históricas, Lima (2009), vol. 8, n. 14, 125-136. “Entre el Offside y el Chimpún. Las Clases Populares Limeñas y el Fútbol, 1900-1930”, in Aldo Panfichi ed.: Ese Gol Existe. Una Mirada al Perú a Través del Fútbol. Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, in collaboration with Steve Stein and Susan C. Stokes (2008), 59-93. “Guano and the Peruvian Economy and Society, 1840-1880”, in Peter N. Stearns ed.: Modern World History. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press (2008). “Ingresar a la Católica y no Salir Nunca”, in José Agustín De la Puente Candamo ed. Vida Universitaria. Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (2007), vol. II, 28-30. “El Perú de los Años Diez”, in Wayra. Revista Semestral de Artes y Letras, Uppsala (Sweden), vol. III, n. 5 (2007) 92-95. “La minería en las Américas en el siglo XIX. El desarrollo de economías sociales”, in Historias. Revista del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico city, n. 58 (2004), 83-95. “Basadre, Arguedas y los indigenismos peruano y centroamerino”, in Scarlett O’Phelan Godoy and Mónica Ricketts Sánchez Moreno eds. Homenaje a Jorge Basadre. El Hombre, su Obra y su Tiempo. Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2004, 389-419. “Bolivians”, in James R. Grossman, Ann Durkin Keating and Janice L. Reiff eds. The Encyclopedia of Chicago. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2004, pp. 86-7. “Peruvians”, in Grossman, Keating and Reiff eds. The Encyclopedia of Chicago. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2004, p. 604. “Economia, Mercado y Campesinos en los Andes. El Caso de la Mineria Peruana en el siglo XIX”, in Alejandro Tortolero ed.: Construir la Historia. Homenaje a Ruggiero Romano. Mexico city: Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, El Colegio de Michoacan, and Instituto Mora, 2003, pp. 289-317. “Backus & Johnston en el Peru: Una Empresa Minera en un Contexto de Debil Mercado Interno, 1860-1920”. Chapter 3 of Section 3 in the book, Carlos Contreras and Manuel Glave editors: El Estado y el Mercado en la Historia del Peru. Lima: Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, 2002, 269324. "Transiciones y Manifestaciones Culturales de la Minería Americana entre los siglos XVI-XIX: Un Primer Intento de Aproximación", in Histórica. Journal of Historical Studies, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, vol. XXII, n. 2, 1998, 209-226. "¡Campesinos, el Patrón no Comerá mas de tu Pobreza!" Economía, Mercado y Campesinos en los Andes: el Caso de la Minería Peruana en el siglo XIX. Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 1995, 29pp.. "Routes, Roads and Silver Trade in Cerro de Pasco, 1820-1860: The Internal Market in Nineteenth-Century Peru", in Hispanic American Historical Review, vol. 74, n. 1, 1994, pp. 1-31 (leading article of the issue). "Mining Markets, Peasants and Power in Nineteenth-Century Peru", in Latin American Research Review, vol. 29, n. 1, 1994, pp. 29-54. "Guatemala", in David C. Kukowski (editor): Current Leaders of Nations. Lansdale, PA: Current Leaders Publishing Co., 1993. "De la Minería a la Acuñación de Moneda y el Sistema Monetario en el Perú del siglo XIX", in Apuntes sobre el Proceso Histórico de la Moneda, Perú, 1820-1920, Javier Ramírez Gastón and Soledad Arispe editors. Lima: Banco Central de Reserva del Perú, 1993, pp. 79-140. "The Socavon of Quiulacocha and the Steam Engine Company: Technology and Capital investment in Cerro de Pasco, 1820-1840", in Region and Class in Modern Peruvian History, Rory Miller ed., University of Liverpool, 1987, pp. 35-75. "Entre el Offside y el Chimpún: las Clases Populares Limeñas y el Fútbol, 1900-1930", chapter six of Lima Obrera, 19001930, Steve Stein (editor). Lima: Ediciones El Virrey, 1986, pp. 119-162 (co-authored with Steve Stein and Susan C. Stokes). "Lima Coloniale et Republicaine", Péruviens. Paris, 1986, pp.12-16. in Bulletin des Etudes "Producción Minera y Circulación Monetaria en una Economía Andina: El Perú del siglo XIX", in Revista Andina vol.4 no. 2, December 1986, pp. 319-378. "Amor, Sexo e Historia", in El Zorro de Abajo. Revista de Política y Cultura, n. 3 (Lima), 1985, 29-33. Co-authored with Mariella Balbi. "El Ciclo Interno de la Producción del Oro en el Tránsito de la Economía Colonial a la Republicana: Perú, 1800-1840", in HISLA, Revista Latinoamericana de Historia Económica y Social, no. 3, I semester, Lima, 1984, pp. 23-49. "Soccer and Social Change in Early 20th-century Peru", in Studies in Latin American Popular Culture, vol. 3, 1984, pp. 38-62; and vol. 4, 1985, pp. 17-27. New Mexico. Co-authored with Steve Stein and Susan C. Stokes. "La Minería, las Clases Sociales y la Independencia en el Perú", in Análisis, Cuadernos de Investigación, no. 12. Lima, 1983, pp. 50-62. "Movimientos Campesinos e Historia Regional: un Comentario Bibliográfico", in Revista Andina no. 1. Centro Bartolomé de las Casas, Cuzco, 1983, pp. 219-240. "Fútbol y Clases Populares", in Travesía, I, 1 (Lima), June 1983, 29-33. "Pomalca, Sindicatos y Trabajadores, 1945-1947. Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 1982. Research Report. Co-authored with Hugo Risco. "La Incorporación Nacional del Fútbol", in La Revista Arte, Ciencia y Sociedad, n. 7, Lima, 1982, pp. 42-45. de "Intelectuales y Campesinos en el Sur Andino", in Allpanchis Phuturinqa nos. 17-18. Instituto de Pastoral Andina, Cuzco, 1981, pp. 41-60. "La Correspondencia entre José de la Riva Aguero y Luis Eduardo Valcárcel", in Cuadernos del Seminario de Historia no. 12, Instituto Riva Aguero, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, 1980, pp. 15-52. "Derroteros de la Etnohistoria en el Perú", in Allpanchis Phuturinqa no. 15, Instituto de Pastoral Andina, Cuzco, 1980 pp. 173-178. "Indigenismo y Clases Sociales", in Allpanchis Phuturinqa n. 13, Instituto de Pastoral Andino, Cuzco, 1979, pp. 231-236. Azúcar, Complejos Agro-Industriales y Trabajadores en Lambayeque: 1956-1969. Andean Studies Seminar, Universidad Nacional Agraria, Lima, 1979, 111 pages (mimeo). Memoria y Clase en el Perú: los Cañeros de Lambayeque. Co-authored with Alberto Flores Galindo, Marfil Francke, Rosa Gobitz, Carlos Indacochea, Asunción Marco, Carmen Marreros and Carmen Pallete. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 1979, 72 pages (mimeo). "Los Comunistas y el Movimiento Obrero: Perú 1930-1931", coauthored with Alberto Flores Galindo, in Historia, Problema y Promesa: Homenaje a Jorge Basadre, Franklin Pease, Francisco Miró Quesada and David Sobrevilla eds. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, 1978, vol. 2 pp. 61-89. "Acceso a Recursos en Yanque-Collaguas, 1591: una Experiencia Estadística", in Etnohistoria y Antropología Andina, Marcia Koth de Paredes and Amalia Castelli editors, Museo Nacional de Historia, Lima, 1978, pp. 41-53. "Respuesta Popular a la Crisis de 1929", in Vaca Sagrada. Revista de Creación y Crítica Cultural, I, n. 1, Lima, 1978, pp. 3-6. Co-authored with Alberto Flores Galindo. Los Comunistas y el Movimiento Obrero: Perú, 1930-1931. Lima: Departamento de Ciencias Sociales, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 1977, 61 pp. . Co-authored with Alberto Flores Galindo (Research Report). Book Reviews Deustua C., José R. (2010). Homo Politicus. Manuel Pardo, la Política Peruana y sus Dilemas, 1871-1878 (Lima: Insttituto Riva Aguero, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos and Oficina Nacional de Procesos Electorales, 2007,378 pp.). By Carmen McEvoy. Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, vol. 21, n. 1, pp. 160-3. Deustua, Jose R. (2004). Buried Secrets. Truth and Human Rights in Guatemala (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003, 313 pp.). By Victoria Sanford. History. Reviews of New Books, 32, 3, pp. 101-2. Deustua, Jose R. (2003). Mexico. The Colonial Era (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002). By Alan Knight. Itinerario. European Journal of Overseas History, XXVII, 3-4, pp. 322-3. Deustua, Jose R. (2002). The Mexican Economy, 1870-1930. Essays on the Economic History of Institutions, Revolution and Growth (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2002). Edited by Jeffrey L. Bortz and Stephen Haber. History. Reviews of New Books, 31, 1, p. 17. Deustua, José R. (1997). In Quest of Mineral Wealth. Aboriginal and Colonial Mining and Metallurgy in Spanish America (Baton Rouge: Geoscience Publications, 1994). Edited by Alan K. Craig and Robert C. West. Hispanic American Historical Review, 77, 1, pp. 101-102. Deustua, José R. (1996). Tecnología Moderna en los Andes: Minería e Ingeniería en Bolivia en el Siglo XX (La Paz: Biblioteca Minera Boliviana, 1994). By Manuel E. Contreras. Hispanic American Historical Review, 76, 4, pp. 812-813. Deustua, José R. (1995). Imagining Development: Economic Ideas in Peru's "Fictitious Prosperity" of Guano, 1840-1880 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993). By Paul Gootenberg. Hispanic American Historical Review, 75, 2, pp. 309-310. Deustua, José R. (1989). La Deuda Defraudada: Consolidación de 1850 y Dominio Económico en el Perú (Lima: Instituto Nacional del Cultura, 1987). By Alfonso W. Quiroz. Hispanic American Historical Review, 69, 4, pp. 779-780. Deustua, José R. (1988). The Search for Public Policy. Regional Politics and Government Finances in Ecuador, 18301940 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1985). By Linda Alexander Rodriguez. Revista Andina (Cusco), 6, 1, pp. 319-321. Deustua, José R. (1986). Le "Susto" ou le Vol de l'Ame. Un Désordre Ethnique (Paris: Université de Paris X, Nanterre, 1984). By María Pía Costa. Revista Andina (Cusco), 4, 1, pp. 280-282. Deustua, José R. (1985). Contact de Langues et Discursivisation dans un Texte Péruvien du XVIIe siecle (Paris: Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, 1984). By María Nelly Cuculiza. Revista Andina (Cusco), 3, 1, pp. 261-263. Deustua, José R. (1984). La Crise de l'Etat National au Pérou pendant la Guerre du Pacifique, 1879-1883 (Paris: Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, 1984). By Gastón Antonio Zapata. Revista Andina (Cusco), 2, 2, pp. 646-648. Deustua, José R. (1983). Lucas Martínez Vegazo: Funcionamiento de una Encomienda Peruana Inicial (Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 1982). By Efraín Trelles Aréstegui. Hisla. Revista Latinoamericana de Historia Económica y Social (Lima), II, pp. 105-108. Deustua, José R. (1983). Estado Boliviano y Ayllu Andino. Tierra y Tributo en el Norte de Potosí (Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 1982). By Tristan Platt. Hisla. Revista Latinoamericana de Historia Económica y Social (Lima), I, pp. 110-112. Deustua, José R. (1977). The Democratic Movement in Germany, 1789-1914 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1976). By John L. Snell and Hans A. Scmitt. Histórica (Lima), I, 2, pp. 295-299. Conferences, Lectures, Panels, Papers 2010 Lecture: “Latin American music. A commentary on salsa, mambo and son”, for the Latino(a) Heritage Month, Eastern Illinois University, September 30. 2009 Discussant in the panel “Indians, Peasants and the Nation in 19th-century Revolutions and Civil Wars”, part of the Conference “Latin American Revolutions and Civil Wars before Mass Politics, 1810-1910”, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, April 2-4. 2008 “Indian politics in Latin America. Political movements and state power in Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia”, paper to be presented at the Pacific Coastal Council of Latin American Studies, University of Nevada, November 7-8. 2004 “Che Guevara”. Lecture given as part of Heritage Celebration Month, EIU, 5 October. the Latino 2004 “Pancho Villa”. Lecture given as part of the Heritage Celebration Month, EIU, 21 September. Latino 2004 Participation and organization of the panel “America Latina, pervivencias y transformaciones. Las lecciones de la Historia revisadas hacia el siglo XXI”, in collaboration with Hector Noejovich and Estela Salles during the IV European Congress of Latin Americanists (CEISAL), Bratislava, Slovakia, 4-7 July. 2003 Chairperson of the panel: “U.S./Latin American Relations. Harmonies and Disharmonies in the 19th-20th centuries”. 53rd Annual Conference of the Midwest Association of Latin American Studies (MALAS), EIU, Charleston, IL, 6-8 November. 2003 “Latin American History and Latino History in the United States. Are We Talking about the Same Thing Here? (With a Little Emphasis on the U.S./Mexican War, 1845-1848)”. Presentation given at the 53rd Annual Conference of MALAS, EIU, Charleston, IL, 6-8 November. 2003 “Foreign Trade, Mining, and the Economy in the Americas, 19th century”. Paper presented at the 51st International Congress of Americanists. Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile, 14-18 July. 2003 “Basadre, Arguedas y los Indigenismos Peruano y Centroamericano”. Paper presented at the International Conference “Homenaje a Jorge Basadre. El Hombre, su Obra y su Tiempo”. Universidad Catolica, Instituto Riva Aguero, Lima, Peru, 2-4 June. 2002 2002 “Mexico, Peru, and Puerto Rico: Young Democracies, Old Countries”. Lecture given in the context of the Latino Heritage Celebration. Eastern Illinois University, 25 September. “Mining in the Americas in the 19th century: An Historical Interpretive Essay”. Paper presented at XIII International Economic History Congress organized by the International Economic History Association (I.E.H.A.). Buenos Aires, Argentina, 22-26 July. 2002 “Terrorism in Peru and Central America”. Lecture given in the Seminar “Terrorism: A Global and Comparative History”. Department of History, EIU, 7 February. 2001 “Peru and Mexico, dictatorships and democracies: historical paths”. Lecture given at the Latino Heritage Celebration, EIU, 16 October. 2001 “Chile, Mexico y el Peru en el siglo XIX: Una Historia Comparada”. Lecture given in the Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Escuela Academico Profesional de Historia. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru, 11 July. 2001 “Democracy, reforms, and dictatorship in recent Peruvian history”.Lecture given in the Department of History, George Washington University, Washington D.C., 19 February. 2000 “Drug trafficking and illegal immigration in U.S./Latin American relations”. Presentation given at the Elliot School of International Affairs, George Washington University, Washington D.C., 4 December. 2000 “Comparative populisms in Latin America: Argentina’s Peronism and Bolivia’s MNR”. Lecture given in the Center for Latin American Studies and the Department of Politica Science. George Washington University, Washington D.C., 18 September. 2000 “Traders and trade in early nineteenth-century Peru: a social economy approach”. Paper presented at the XXII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), Miami, Florida, 16-18 March. 1999 "Peru and the world. The internalization of internationalization in a "longue durée" perspective, 16th-20th centuries". Presentation given in the Seminar "Mundo Peru", organized by the Smithsonian Institution. Washington D.C.. 23 September. 1999 "To create a domestic economy or an export sector: The plebeian social economy of mining in nineteenth-century Peru". Paper presented at the VI International Conference on the History of Latin American Mining, organized by the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, 23-25 August. 1999 "Intelectuales y sociedad peruana: Un nuevo siglo". Paper presented at the First International Conference of Peruvianists organized by the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA., 29 April-1 May. 1998 "El mercado interno contra las economías de exportación: minería, trabajadores y campesinos en el siglo XIX peruano". Paper presented at the "Homenaje a Ruggiero Romano. Construir la Historia" organized by the Colegio de Michoacán, Instituto Mora, and Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico. Mexico city, 23-25 November. 1998 "On the origins of mining industrialism: Backus & Johnston in Peru, 1860-1880". Paper presented at the IV International Mining History Congress, organized by the Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (Mexico), the University of Guanajuato, and the International Association of Mining History, Guanajuato, Mexico, 10-13 November. 1998 "Backus & Johnston en el Perú: Una empresa minera en un contexto de penetración del capital extranjero, 18601920". Paper presented at the Conference: "Estado y Mercado en la Historia del Perú", organized by the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and PromPerú, Lima, 2-5 June. 1997 "Transiciones y manifestaciones culturales de la minería americana: Un primer intento de aproximación". Paper presented at the Conference on Latin American Social and Economic History organized by El Colegio de San Luis Potosí and the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, San Luis Potosí, Mexico, July 14-17. 1997 Participant in the Seminar On Sovereignty. Institute for Advanced Study. Princeton (Chair: Sabine MacCormick). January 22, March 12. 1996 Discussant in the presentation of the book by Carlos Contreras: "Hualgayoc, La Minería Colonial del Norte Peruano". Instituto de Estudios Peruanos. Lima, August 4- 6. 1995 1995 "La minería peruana en el contexto americano del siglo XIX: Once tesis de Abril". Paper delivered at the Conference “Homenaje al Cerro Rico de Potosí", organized by the Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, La Rábida and Seville, Spain, April 3-7. "Historia, cultura y literatura en América Latina: Centroamérica y el indigenismo peruano". Paper delivered at the "Tercer Congreso Internacional de Literatura Centroamericana", organized by the Ministry of Culture and Sports, National Government of Guatemala, and Purdue University, Guatemala City, February 22-24. 1993 Participation in the Seminar "Problemas Actuales de la Teoría Democrática", organized by Instituto de Estudios Peruanos and Instituto Goethe under the direction of Claus Offe. Lima, April 1-2. 1993 "¡Campesino, el patrón no comerá más de tu pobreza!. Economía, mercado y campesinos en los Andes: el caso de la minería peruana en el siglo XIX". Paper presented at the International Conference "III Reunión de Historiadores de la Minería Latinoamericana". Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Taxco, Mexico, November 2226. 1993 "Peruvian politics, violence and the struggle for social democracy (or socialist democracy) in an authoritarian regime". Presentation given in the panel "Politics, Violence, the Shining Path and Women in Peru" organized by the Departments of Political Science and Sociology, the Women's and Latin American Studies Programs, and the Rafael Cintrón Ortiz Latino Cultural Center. University of Illinois at Chicago, October 27. 1993 "Apuntes sobre la sociedad, cultura y literatura centroamericana desde el indigenismo peruano". Paper presented at the International Conference "Coloquio Internacional: Historia, Cultura e Identidades Latinoamericanas". Vice-Rectorado. Universidad de Lima. Lima, August 31-September 3. 1993 "Aproximaciones a la literatura centroamericana desde el indigenismo peruano". Paper presented at the International Conference "Primer Congreso Internacional de Literatura Centroamericana". Instituto Nicaraguense de Cultura and Florida State University, Granada, Nicaragua, February 24-26. 1992 "Historic forces shaping contemporary Latin America". Paper presented at the Conference "Christopher Columbus in the Western Hemisphere: Hero or Nemesis?". University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. June 18-19. 1992 "Different meanings of 1492". Lecture given at the Conference "Remembering the Conquest: 1492 and Its Legacy" organized by the Chancellor's Committee on the Status of Latinos. University of Illinois at Chicago, March 30. 1991 Commentator on the panel "Perspectives on the Peruvian Crises". Illinois Conference for Latin American Studies. Loyola University, Chicago, November. 1991 Commentator on the panel "Contemporary Peru". North Central Council of Latin Americanists. University of Wisconsin at Eau Claire, October. 1991 Discussant in the panel "Peru in crisis: the state, economy and popular movements under civilian rule". Latin American Studies Association (LASA). XVI International Congress. Washington D.C., April 4-6. 1990 “Latin America, Panama, and U.S. intervention: an evaluation of the twentieth-century historical record". Paper presented at the panel: "Alternatives to unilateral action. The Panama case", organized by United Nations Association U.S.A., the Washington State Bar Association, and Seattle University, Seattle, May 1. 1990 Lecture: "The mining economy and Peruvian society in the nineteenth century", Department of History and Center for Latin American Studies, University of California, San Diego, April 4. 1989 Organizer and discussant in the panel: "Economy, peasants and markets in the Andes, nineteenth century", XVth International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), Miami, December. 1988 Lecture: "El modelo colonial y los efectos post-coloniales en la América Latina. Estudio de casos, Argentina y el Perú". Center for Research in International Studies (CRIS), Stanford University, Stanford, May 20. 1988 Lecture: "Argentina y el Perú en una perspectiva comparada. Desafíos de la modernidad". The Stanford University Program on International and Cross-Cultural Education (SPICE), Stanford, CA, March 15. 1987 "Les mutations de la société péruvienne dans le 20e siecle". Paper presented in the conference: "Le tissu social du Pérou actuel", discussions with Henri Favre and Jean Piel followed. Maison de l'Amérique Latine, Paris, 12 May. 1987 "Aspectos principales de la historia social y económica del Perú republicano". Paper presented in the conference: "Peru, Historia i Actualitat", organized by the Departments d'Antropologia i Historia d'America i d'Africa, Universitat de Barcelona, and the Department d'Economia i Historia Economica, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, 11 March. 1986 Lecture: "L'histoire économique et sociale de la monnaie dans le Pérou du 19e siecle". Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France. Lecture Series on Latin American Economic History organized by Christophe Cordonnier. 1985 Lecture: "Regional development and mining production in early 19th-century Peru". Universitat Bielefeld, West Germany, April. 1985 "Crisis económicas y perspectivas en el cono sur de América Latina", with André Gunder Frank, José C. Rodríguez and Oscar Catalán. University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, February. 1984 "Capital investment and technology in the early 19thcentury Cerro de Pasco mining economy". Paper delivered at the Conference: "Region and Class in Modern Peru". University of Liverpool, Liverpool, England, 17-18 December. Participation in the “Colloque International”: “Bolivar et son Temps”. Organized by the “Institut des Hautes Etudes de l’Amerique Latine”. Paris, France, 21-24 November. 1983 1982 "Entre el offside y el chimpún. Fútbol y clases populares en Lima, Perú, 1900-1930". Paper delivered at the Conference: “Lima Obrera, 1900-1930", organized by the Universidad de Lima, Lima, April. 1981 "Sociología e historia en el Perú: Los cañeros de Lambayeque". Paper delivered at the I Congreso Nacional de Sociología, organized by the Colegio de Sociología del Peru and the Universidad de Huacho, Huacho, Peru, November. COMMITTEE WORK AND ADMINISTRATION 2010current Coordinator, Latin American Studies Program, EIU. 2010current Member of the Executive Committee, Interdisciplinary Center for Global Diversity (ICGD), EIU. 2009current Member of the Advisory Board of ICGD, EIU. 2001current Member of the Latino Heritage Celebration Committee, EIU (Chairwoman, currently, Ms. Juanita Cross). 2008current Member of the Graduate Committee, Department of History, EIU (Chair, Dr. Edmund Wehrle) 20072008 Chair, Department Personnel Committee, Department of History, EIU. 2007 Member of the Ad-Hoc Committee for the creation of an Interdisciplinary Center for the Study of Global Diversity in the College of Arts and Humanities, EIU (chairwoman, Dr. Anita Shelton). 2005-2007 Coordinator, Latin American Studies Program, EIU. 20012004 Recording Secretary, Latin American Studies Program, EIU (Coordinator, Dr. Carlos Amaya). 20012005 Member of the Awards and Social Committee, Department of History, EIU. 2003 2006 Member of the Department Personnel Committee, Department of History, EIU. 20022003 Member of the Search Committee, Modern German History. Department of History, EIU. 2001current Secretary. Latin American and Latino Studies Committee. Eastern Illinois University (EIU). 2001current Member of the Latino Heritage Celebration Committee. EIU. 20012002 Foundations of History, EIU. Civilizations Task Force. Department of 1992-99 Served on Departmental, College, and Campus-Wide Committees at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), including the Chancellor’s Committee on the Status of Latinos, Educational Policy Committee, By-Laws Committee of the Latin American Studies Program, etc.. 1988-9 Member of the Committee on Curriculum Reform. Department of History, College of Historical and Social Sciences. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru. 1988-9 Member of the Committee on Publications. Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, Lima, Peru. 1988-9 Member of the National Award Committee on History and Social Sciences "Premio José Carlos Mariátegui". Consejo Nacional de la Ciencia y la Tecnología (CONCYTEC) and Asociación Peruana para el Fomento de las Ciencias Sociales (FOMCIENCIAS), Lima. 1980-3 Member of the Committee on Lectures and Public Outreach. Area of History. Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, Lima, Peru. COURSES (Taught, Introduced, and Created at EIU and UIC) Taught Roots of the Modern World. Global Interactions (HIS 1500). Introduction to Latin America in a World Context (LAST 101). Introduction to Contemporary Latin America (LAST 106). Colonial Latin America (HIS 3255, HIST and LAST 261). Modern Latin America (HIS 3260, HIST and LAST 262). Latin American Film, Culture and Society (LAST 278). Seminar on Latin American History (HIST 561). Graduate Course. Selected Topics in History (HIS 4775). Topic: Latin America in the 19th and 20th centuries: Social Economies and Development. Topics in Latin American History (HIST and LAST 461). Introduced the following new course topics: "Historical Capitalism in Europe and Latin America". "Bourbon Reforms, Latin America". Enlightenment, and Independence in "Image and History: Latin America, Latinos, and Beyond". Taught Interdisciplinary Seminar on Latin American Studies (LAST 491). Introduced the new topic: "Transnationalization and Globalization in Latin America and Latinos in the United States". (This Seminar was the first step toward building a Graduate Concentration in Latin American Studies (UIC)). Created Introduction to Andean Studies (LAST 107). LANGUAGES Spanish, French and English -- fluent Quechua – 3 semester courses Portuguese, Italian -- read REFERENCES Professor Anita Shelton, Department of History, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Illinois. Professor Bruce Calder, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. Professor Ruggiero Romano+, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, France. Professor Nathan Wachtel, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales and College de France, Paris, France. Professor Manuel Burga, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru. Professor Cecilia Peruanos, Lima, Peru. Blondet, Instituto de Estudios