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Julio del Corral Cuervo
30th December, 2011
Birth Date
Cell Phone
Proffesional Adress
E-mail adress
(+34) 926295300 ext. 3549
(+34) 654388349
Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales, Área Teoría Económica, Ronda
de Toledo s/n, Ciudad Real, 13005, Ciudad Real, España
Bachelor in Economics, University of Oviedo (Spain), 2002.
Master in Economics, University of Oviedo (Spain), 2004.
PhD in Economics, University of Oviedo (Spain), 2009. (Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado)
Researcher in the Department of Economics, University of Oviedo (2002-2005).
Assistant professor in the Department of Applied Economics, University of Oviedo (2004).
Doctoral Fellowship in the Department of Economics, University of Oviedo, Ministerio de
Educación y Ciencia (2005-2009).
Visiting professor at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Campus of Ciudad Real in the
Department of Economic Analysis and Finance (2009-2010)
Associate professor at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Campus of Ciudad Real in the
Department of Economic Analysis and Finance (2010-)
• Efficiency and Productivity Analysis
• Sport Economics
• Applied Econometrics
1. Álvarez, A., J. del Corral., J.A. Pérez, and D. Solís (2007). “Efecto de la intensificación sobre
la eficiencia de las explotaciones lecheras”, Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales (in Spanish):
7(13), 91-106.
2. Del Corral, J., C. Pestana and J. Prieto-Rodríguez (2008). “The Determinants of Soccer
Player Substitutions: A Survival Analysis of Spanish Soccer League”, Journal of Sports
Economics, 9(2): 160-172.
3. Barros, C., J. del Corral, P. and García-del-Barrio (2008). “Identification of Segments of
Soccer Clubs in the Spanish Soccer League”, Journal of Sports Economics, 9(5): 451-469.
4. Álvarez, A., J. del Corral, D. Solís and J.A. Pérez (2008). “Does Intensification Help to
Improve the Economic Efficiency of Dairy Farms”, Journal of Dairy Science, 91(9): 3693-3698.
5. Álvarez, A. and J. del Corral (2008). “¿Ineficiencia o diferencias tecnológicas en el sector
lechero?”, Revista de Economía Aplicada, 48: 69-88 (in Spanish).
6. Del Corral, J. (2009), “Competitive Balance and Match Uncertainty in Grand Slam Tennis:
Effects of Seeding System, Gender, and Court Surface”, Journal of Sports Economics, 10(6):
7. Barros, C., J. del Corral and P. García-del Barrio (2009). “A reply on the comment on
Identification of Segments of Soccer Clubs in the Spanish Soccer League”, Journal of Sports
Economics, 10(6): 660-666.
8. V. Cabrera, D. Solís and J. del Corral (2010): “Determinants of Technical Efficiency among
Dairy Farms in Wisconsin”, Journal of Dairy Science, 93(1): 387-393.
9. Del Corral, J., J. Prieto-Rodríguez and R. Simmons (2010): “The Effect of Incentives on
Sabotage: The Case of Spanish Football”, Journal of Sports Economics, 11(3): 243-260.
10. Del Corral, J. and J. Prieto-Rodríguez (2010): “Are Difference in Ranks Good Predictors
for Grand Slam Tennis Matches”, International Journal of Forecasting, 26: 551-563.
11. Álvarez, A. and J. del Corral (2010): “Identifying Different Technologies Using a Latent
Class Model. Extensive versus Intensive Dairy Farms”, European Review of Agricultural
Economics, 37(2): 231-250.
12. Del Corral, J., J.A. Pérez and D. Roibás (2011): “The Impact of Land Fragmentation on
Milk Production”, Journal of Dairy Science, 94: 517-525.
13. Del Corral, J., and A. Fernández (2010): “Aportación de las TIC a la generación de riqueza”
in Estudio de análisis estratégico en Asturias. Sector de las tecnologías de la información y
telecomunicación, Gijón, Spain.
14. Separating Catch-up and Technical Change in Stochastic Frontier Models. A Monte Carlo
approach (joint with Antonio Álvarez).
15. Analyzing Technical Efficiency in Spanish Provinces (joint with Antonio Álvarez and Abel
16. Cost Efficiency of French soccer League Clubs using a Finite Mixture Model (joint with
Carlos Barros and Juan Prieto-Rodríguez).
17. Detecting Technological Heterogeneity in New York Dairy Farms (joint with Antonio
Álvarez and Loren Tauer).
18. Analyzing Soccer Coaches Efficiency using the Player’s Prize in a Fantasy League (Comunio)
as Coaches Inputs.
19. The Economic Impact of Hurricanes on Commercial Fish Production: The Case of the US
Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish Fishery Targeting Grouper and Tilefish (joint with Daniel Solís,
David Letson and Larry Perruso)
20. Efficiency Analysis of Vessels in the Mexican Gulf (joint with Daniel Solís).
21. The Point Score System and Substitutions in Football. Did Coaches Change their Behaviour?
(joint with Juan Prieto-Rodríguez and Rob Simmons).
22. Is the Effect of Land Fragmentation Homogeneous across Dairy Farms? (joint with David
Roibás and J.A. Pérez).
23. Where College Students Should Live? The Effect of Shared Apartments vs. Student
Residences in Intermediate Microeconomics Marks.
24. Where to Play the First Game in Knock-Outs with Two Matches? Evidence from the UEFA
competitions. (joint with Carlos Varela and Juan Prieto)
25. Efficiency of managers in Spanish Basketball. (joint with Andrés Maroto)
1. V Congreso de Economía Agraria. Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2004.
2. II Congreso sobre Eficiencia y Productividad EFIUCO, Córdoba, Spain, 2005.
3. IX European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, Brussels, 2005.
4. XXX Simposio de Análisis Económico, Murcia, Spain, 2005.
5. IV North American Productivity Workshop, New York City, 2006.
6. I Leon Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, León, Spain, 2006.
7. XXXII Reunión de Estudios Regionales, Orense, Spain, 2006.
8. XXXI Simposio de Análisis Económico, Oviedo, Spain, 2006.
9. III Congreso sobre Eficiencia y Productividad EFIUCO, Córdoba, Spain, 2007.
10. X European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, Lille, 2007.
11. X International Association of Sports Economics Annual conference, Gijón, 2008.
12. Economics and Psychology of Football 2008, Innsbruck, 2008.
13. V North American Productivity Workshop, New York City, 2008.
14. V Oviedo Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity, Gijón, Spain, 2008.
15. XXXIII Simposio de Análisis Económico, Zaragoza, Spain, 2008.
16. IV Congreso sobre Eficiencia y Productividad EFIUCO, Córdoba, Spain, 2009.
17. I Congreso Hispano-Americano de Economía del Deporte, Gijón, Spain, 2010.
18. Economics and Psychology of Football 2010, London, 2010.
19. I Valencian Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity, Valencia, Spain, 2010.
20. II Congreso Hispano-Americano de Economía del Deporte, Orense, Spain, 2011.
1. III and IV Oviedo Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity, Oviedo, Spain, 2002, 2004.
Local Organizer Assistant.
2. VIII European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, Oviedo, Spain, 2003.
Local Organizer Assistant.
3. XXXI Simposio de Análisis Económico, Oviedo, Spain, 2006. Local Organizer Committee.
4. V Oviedo Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity, Gijón, Spain, 2008. Local Organizer
• Towson University, Madrid, June 2011.
University of La Coruña, La Coruña, July 2011.
2004-2005: Introduction to Statistics, University of Oviedo.
• 2005-2006: Microeconometrics, University of Oviedo.
• 2006-2007: Introduction to Macroeconomics, University of Oviedo.
• 2007-2008: Introduction to Macroeconomics, University of Oviedo.
• 2008-2009: Introduction to Microeconomics, Advanced Microeconomics, University of
• 2009-2010: Intermediate Microeconomics, University of Castilla-La Mancha.
2010-2011: Intermediate Microeconomics, University of Castilla-La Mancha.
2011-2012: Introduction to Microeconomics, Intermediate Microeconomics, University of
Castilla-La Mancha
Carlos Varela Quintana (expected 2013)
“Aplicación de un modelo de eficiencia económica para el análisis de la calidad de la leche”, 2002-2003,
• “Análisis de costes de producción y de márgenes en explotaciones de vacuno lechero”, 2004, INLAC.
• “ALFA-NERUDA (Nuevas Empresas Rurales y Desarrollo Agrícola. Una contribución al desarrollo de
las capacidades de gestión)”, 2005-2006, European Union.
• “Nuevos modelos para el calculo del crecimiento de la productividad regional y sus determinantes”, 20072010, Ministry of Education and Science.
“The incentives and efficiency in sports: An econometric study”, 2011-2012, Council of
Education and Science of Castilla-La Mancha, Principal investigator
“Análisis de la integración en la Unión Europea: Desequilibrios exteriores y políticas macroeconómicas”,
2011-2013, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.
Spanish: Mother tongue
• English: Fluent
French: Elementary
MS Office
• Agricultural Economics
Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales
Economía Mexicana: Nueva Época
• European Review of Agricultural Economics
Grass and Forage Science
• IMA Journal of Management Mathematics
International Journal of Sport Finance
• Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics
• Journal of Economics and Statistics
• Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports
• Journal of Sports Economics
• Journal of Sport and Health Research
• Journal of Sports Sciences
Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research
Department of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University, 2007 (4 months),
visiting student.
COAPS, University of Miami, 2011 (1 month), invited researcher.
International Association of Sports Economists
Positive evaluation of one six-year research period (2005/2010), National Commission for
the Evaluation of the Research Activity, Spanish Ministry of Education.
Positive evaluation of one five-year teaching period (2004/2010)