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February 2008 ANDRES SOLIMANO Resumé I. Personal Profile Date of Birth: May 13, 1956 Nationality: Chilean-Italian Civil Status: Married, three children Office: United Nations-Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) Av. Dag Hammarskjöld 3477 Vitacura, Santiago Chile Tel. (562) 210-2244 Tel. (562) 242-2600 E-mail: Website: II. Academic and Professional Degrees 1984 Ph.D. in Economics. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.),USA. 1979 Master in Economics. Catholic University of Chile. 1979 Economist. Catholic University of Chile. III. Positions August 2001R Regional Advisor, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, United Nations October 2000 -July 2001 Economic Adviser, Research Department, World Bank July 1997–Sept. 2000 Director, Country Management Unit, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela, Latin America and Caribbean Region, The World Bank Feb. 1996-June 1997 Executive Director for Chile and Ecuador Board of Executive Directors Executive Director for Chile Inter-American Development Bank and Inter-American Investment Corporation 1994 - 1997 Representative for Chile Donors Committee, Multilateral Investment Fund. 1994 – Feb. 1996 Alternate Executive Director for Argentina and Chile Board of Executive Directors Inter-American Development Bank. Executive Director for Chile and Colombia Board of Executive Directors Inter-American Investment Corporation. 1988 – 1994 Senior Economist, The World Bank. Macroeconomic and Growth Division. Vice-presidency of Development Economics. 1984 – 1988 Economist, PREALC/OIT, Regional Program for Employment Latin America and the Caribbean, International Labor Office, United Nations. 1982 - 1987 Research Fellow, CIEPLAN, Corporación de Investigaciones Económicas para América Latina. Associate Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, Catholic University of Chile. IV. Management of Current Projects. Project Director. International Mobility of Talent. Multi-country Project sponsored by the World Institute of Development Economic Research, based in Helsinki, Finland along with UN-ECLAC. Project Coordinator. REDIMA (Macroeconomic Dialogue Network) of Central Banks and Ministries of Finance of Latin American Countries supported by the European Commission and executed by ECLAC. Project Coordinator International Migration in Latin America, ECLAC-IDB Project Coordinator. Social Protection and International Migration in Latin America. ECLAC-BID. V. Board Memberships Currently General Editor: Book Series Development and Inequality in the Market Economy. The University of Michigan Press. 2 Currently Board (chairman), International Center for Globalization and Development, (CIGLOB) Santiago, Chile. Currently Member of the Editorial Board Series on Central Banking, Analysis, and Economic Policies, Central Bank of Chile. 1998-2000 Member of Steering Committee of Post-Conflict Fund, World Bank. 1996 - 1997 Chairman, Programming Committee Board of Executive Directors Inter-American Development Bank VI. Invited Lectures 1991-2007 Georgetown University, United States Yale University, United States University of Paris III- Sorbonne Nouvelle Columbia University, United States. University of Havana, Cuba Queen Elizabeth House, Oxford University, United Kingdom. Academy of Sciences of Prague, Czech Republic. Toulaine University, New Orleans. University of Toronto, Canada. Moscow University, Russia. Cambridge University, United Kingdom. University of Rome, Tor Vergata, Italy. Swedish Secretariat of International Cooperation, Stockholm, Sweden. Economic Policy Analysis Unit, Bolivia. Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico, Mexico. VII. Books Published 2008 The International Mobility of Talent: Types, Causes and Development Impact, Editor, Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York. 2006 Vanishing Growth in Latin American. The Experience Towards the End of the XX Century, Editor. Edward Elgar Publishers, UK and USA. 2006. La Mesa Coja. Prosperidad y Desigualdad en el Chile Democrático. Colección CIGLOB. Santiago, Chile (with Molly Pollack). 2005 Political Crises, Social Conflict and Economic Development. The Political Economy of the Andean Region, Editor, Edward Elgar Publishers, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA. 3 2002 Crisis and Dollarization in Ecuador. Stability, Growth and Social Equity. Editor, Directions in Development, The World Bank (with Paul Beckerman). 2001 Colombia: Essays on Conflict, Peace and Development, Andrés Solimano, Editor, The World Bank, SIDA. Conflict Prevention and Post-conflict Reconstruction Series . 2000 Distributive Justice and Economic Development. The Case of Chile and Developing Countries, Editor, The University of Michigan Press, (with Eduardo Aninat and Nancy Birdsall). 2000 La Desigualdad Social. Valores, Crecimiento y El Estado, Andrés Solimano, Editor, Fondo de Cultura Económica, México. 1998 Social Inequality: Values, Growth and the State, Editor, The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor. 1998 Los Caminos de la Prosperidad. Ensayos del Crecimiento y Desarrollo, Andrés Solimano, Editor, Fondo de Cultura Económica, México. 1996 Road-Maps to Prosperity: Essays on Growth and Development, Editor,University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor. 1994 Rebuilding Capitalism: Alternative Roads after Socialism and Dirigisme, Editor, The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor (with Osvaldo Sunkel and Mario I. Blejer). 1993 Striving for Growth after Adjustment. The Role of Capital Formation, Editor, World Bank, Washington D.C. (with Luis Servén). 1993 "Reforma Económica: Experiencias Comparadas" (Economic Report: Compared Experiences) Pensamiento Iberoamericano, Editor, No. 22/23 (Vol. I y II), Madrid, Spain. VIII. Committees and Fellowships 1996-2001 Member Editorial Committee Revista de Análisis Económico. Georgetown University-Ilades, Santiago - Chile. 1992-1993 Advisory Committee. Research Center Network. Inter-American Development Bank. 1986 Member Organizing Committee. VI Latin American Meeting of the Econometric Society. Cordoba, Argentina. 1982 - 1984 Doctoral Fellow, Inter-American Foundation, United States. 4 1979 - 1980 Master-Fellow, Catholic University of Chile. IX. Teaching Experience. 1999 Economic Development of Latin America. Georgetown University, Washington, DC, United States (Professorial Lecturer). 1992 Theory of Economic Development, American University, Washington, D.C., United States (Professorial Lecturer). 1986-1987 Lecturer, Georgetown University, Master of Economics Program, Georgetown University-Ilades. 1982-1987 Macroeconomic Theory. Catholic University of Chile. International Macroeconomics, Catholic University of Chile. Econometrics, Catholic University of Chile (Associate Professor). 1983 Lecturer, Macroeconomics I, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts. X. Articles, Book Chapters, and Working Papers 2007 “Migraciones Internacionales, Remesas y el Desarrollo Económico: La Experiencia Latinoamericana” Serie Macroeconomía del Desarrollo # 59, CEPAL. 2007 Social Protection and Asset Accumulation by the Middle Class and the Poor in Latin America” Chapter 7 in C. Moser, Editor, Reducing Global Poverty. The Case for Asset Accumulation. Brookings Institution, Washington DC. 2006 “The Search of for Macroeconomic Stability and Growth under Persistent Inequality: The Case of Chile” (with M. Pollack) in G. A. Cornia editor Pro-Poor Macroeconomics. Potential and Limitations. Palgrave, MacMillan. UK and US. 2005 “The Challenge of African Development: A View from Latin America” in Jan Joost Teunissen and Age Akkerman (editors) Africa in the World Economy. The National, Regional and International Challenges, FONDAD,The Hague, Netherlands. 2005 “International Migration, Capital Flows and the Global Economy: A Long Run View” Series Macroeconomics of Development # 35, ECLAC (with Nathalie Watts). 2004 “Globalizing Talent and Human Capital: Implications for Developing Countries”, Towards Pro-Poor Policies, Aid, Institutions and Globalization edited by Betrtil Tungodden, Nicholas Stern and Ivar Kolstad, Annual World Bank Conference on 5 Development economics for Europe, Oslo, Norway. The World Bank and Oxford University Press. Also Working Paper # 15, ECLAC, Santiago, Chile. 2004 “Development Cycles, Political Regimes and International Migration: Argentina in the 20th Century” in G. Borjas and Paper Presented at the conference Poverty, International Migration and Asylum” Helsinki, sep. 27-28, 2002. Working Paper #22, 2003, ECLAC, Santiago, Chile. 2003 “Development Cycles, Political Regimes and International Migration: Argentina in the 20th Century”, WIDER-United Nations University Discussion Paper # 2003/X. 2003 “Elusive Prosperity, Volatile Politics and International Migration: Experiences from Latin America” WIDER Angle, United Nations University, spring issue. 2003 “Institutional Challenges of Globalization and the Developing Countries” Chapter 20, in A. Dutt and J. Ros editors Development Economics and Structuralist Macroeconomics. Essays in Honor of Lance Taylor, Edward Elgar, UK. 2003 “Globalización y Migración Internacional: La Experiencia Latinoamericana” Revista de la Cepal, 80. 2003 “Remittances by Emigrants: Issues and Evidence” Macroeconomía del Desarrollo, # 26. ECLAC. 2002 “Globalizing Talent and Human Capital: Implications for Developing Countries” Series, Macroeconomics of Development #15, ECLAC. 2001 “International Migration and the Global Economic Order: An Overview” Policy Research Working Paper 2720. The World Bank. 2001 “The Evolution of World Income Distribution. Assessing the Impact of Globalization”ECLAC, Working paper 11, Series. Macroeconomic of Development. 2000 ‘Foreword,’ in Urban Poor Perceptions of Violence and Exclusion in Colombia, Caroline Moser, Cathy McIlwaine, The World Bank, SIDA. Conflict Prevention and Post Conflict Reconstruction Series. 2000 “Economic Growth under Alternative Development Strategies: Latin America from the 1940s to the 1990s” in F. Coricelli, R. Di Mateo and F. Hahn (eds) Growth and Development. Theory Empirical Evidence and Country Experiences... 1999 “Beyond Unequal Development: An Overview” Policy, Research Working Paper 2041, The World Bank. 1999 “Globalization and National Development at the End of the 20th Century: Tensions and Challenges” Policy Research Working Paper 2137, The World Bank. 6 1997 "The Chilean Economy in the 1990s: On Interpreting a "Golden Age" in L. Taylor (ed.) After Neoliberalism, The University of Michigan Press. 1996 "Saving and Investment: Paradigms, Puzzles and Policies" The World Bank Research Observer, Vol. II, No.1, February (with K. Schmidt-Hebbel y L.Servén). 1996 "Growth, Equity and the Environment in Chile: Issues and Evidence" (with P. Meller y R. O'Ryan) World Development. North-Holland. 1994 "Rebuilding Capitalism, East Europe" CEO International Strategies. International Media Partners, New York. 1994 "Adjustment and Income Distribution in Chile" (with M. Marcel) in B. Borsworth, R. Dornbusch and R. Laban (eds.) The Chilean Economy: Performance and Challenges Brookings Institution. 1993 "The Post-Socialist Transition in Comparative Perspective: Policy Issues and Recent Experiences” World Development Vol. 21, No. 11, November, North-Holland. 1993 "Chile" in L. Taylor (ed). The Rocky Road to Reform: Income Distribution, Politics and Adjustment in the Developing World. The MIT Press. 1993 "Economic Instability and Aggregate Investment" (with Robert Pindyck) in Olivier Blanchard and Stanley Fischer (eds). NBER Macroeconomic Annual, 1993, The MIT Press. 1993 "Debt Crisis, Adjustment and Capital Formation in Developing Countries: Where Do We Stand?" (with L. Servén) World Development, January. 1992 "How Private Investment Reacts to Changing Macroeconomic Conditions. The Case of Chile in the 1980s" in A. Chhibber (eds) Reviving Private Investment. North-Holland. 1992 "Private Investment and Macroeconomic Adjustment: A Survey" (with Luis Servén) in The World Bank Research Observer, Vol. 7 No. 1, January. 1992 "Economic Adjustment and Investment Performance in Developing Countries: The Experience of the 1980s" (with L. Servén) in V. Corbo, S. Fischer and S. Webb (eds). Adustment Lending Revisited. Policies to Restore Growth. A World Bank Symposium. 1992 "Economic Growth and Income Distribution in Chile: Macroeconomic Trade-offs Revisited". Revista de Análisis Económico; November, Georgetown UniversityIlades, Santiago-Chile. 7 1991 "Stabilization Policies in Chile Revisited" (with Vittorio Corbo) in M. Bruno, S. Fischer, H. Helpman and N. Liviatan (eds) Lessons from Economic Stabilization and it’s Aftermath. The MIT Press. 1991 "The Economies of Central and Eastern Europe: An Historical and International Perspective" in V. Corbo, F. Coricelli and J. Bossak (eds). Reforming Central and Eastern European Economies. Initial Results and Challenges. A World Bank Symposium. 1990 “Inflation and Growth in the Transition from Socialism: The Case of Bulgaria” World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series # 659. World Bank. 1990 "Inversión Privada y Ajuste Macroeconómico. La Experiencia Chilena en la Década del '80". Colección Estudios Cieplan #28, Santiago, Chile. 1989 "Inflación y los Costos de Estabilizar: Aspectos Conceptuales, Casos Históricos y Experiencias Recientes". El Trimestre Económico, Fondo de Cultura Económica October; Mexico. 1989 "Inflation and the Costs of Stabilization: Country Experience, Conceptual Issues and Policy Lessons". The World Bank Research Observer, Vol. 5 #2, July. 1988 "Mercado de Trabalho: Quatro Enfoques em Busca de um Paradigma". Pesquisa e Planejamento Económico. IPEA. Brazil. December. 1988 "Política de Remuneraciones en Chile: Experiencia Pasada, Instrumentos y Opciones a Futuro". Colección Estudios CIEPLAN #25. December. Santiago, Chile. 1988 "Enfoques Alternativos sobre el Mercado del Trabajo: Una Evaluación Teórica". Revista de Análisis Económico. Vol. 3, No.2. Georgetown University-Ilades, November, Santiago ,Chile 1988 "El Impacto Macroeconómico de los Salarios Mínimos en Chile". Revista de Análisis Económico. Vol. 3, No. 1, Georgetown University-Ilades, June. Santiago, Chile. 1987 "Empleo y Salarios Reales: Un Análisis Macroeconómico de Desequilibrio para Chile y Brasil", Pesquisa e Planejamento Económico, IPEA. Brazil. (December). 1987 "Política Salarial, Nivel de Actividad y Restricción Externa: Guatemala 1980-1984", in Política salarial, inflación y restricción externa, PREALC, OIT-NU. 1987 "A Simple Macro Model for a Small Open Economy Facing a Binding External Constraint (Chile)," (with Patricio Meller), Journal of Development Economics, 26, 25-35. North-Holland. 8 1987 "Stabilization and Adjustment Policies and Programmes". Country Study No. 10. Chile (with José Pablo Arellano and René Cortázar) WIDER-UNU, Helsinki, Finland. 1986 "Contractionary Devaluation in the Southern Cone: The Case of Chile," Journal of Development Economics. North-Holland. 1986 "Aspectos Conceptuales Sobre Política Cambiaria Relevantes para América Latina," in R. Cortázar (ed.) Políticas Macroeconómicas: Una Perspectiva Latinoamericana, CIEPLAN. Santiago, Chile. 1986 "Salarios Reales y Empleo Bajo Distintos Regímenes Macroeconómicos", Cuadernos de Economía, December; Catholic University of Chile. 1986 "Liberalización Financiera Interna y Crisis: Aspectos Teóricos y Consideraciones de Política Económica", en Deuda Interna y Estabilidad Financiera: Aspectos Analíticos, C. Massad and R. Zalher Grupo Editor Latinoamericano, ECLAC. 1985 "Reactivación Interna Bajo una Severa Restricción Externa: Análisis de Distintas Políticas Económicas", en Colección Estudios CIEPLAN N. 16 (with Patricio Meller). 1984 "Devaluation, Unemployment and Inflation: Essays on Macroeconomic Adjustment", MIT Doctoral Thesis, May. 1984 "Cuantificación de Algunas Políticas Económicas orientadas a Generar Empleo," en Colección Estudios CIEPLAN N. 14 (with Patricio Meller). 1983 "Reducir Costos del Trabajo: Cuánto Empleo Genera?”, in Cuadernos de Economía, Universidad Católica de Chile, December. 1983 "Desempleo en Chile: Interpretación y Políticas Económicas Alternativas", en Reconstrucción Económica para la Democracia (with Patricio Meller); Ed. Aconcagua. Santiago, Chile. 1981 "La Rebaja en Cotizaciones Previsionales y su Impacto sobre el Empleo Industrial: Una Estimación para el Período 1974-1978," Notas Técnicas CIEPLAN N. 48. 1980 "Intensidades Factoriales de las Exportaciones de Empresas Multinacionales", in Documento de Trabajo N. 67, Universidad Católica de Chile, Instituto de Economía. 1979 "Análisis Econométrico de las Exportaciones de Algunos Productos Industriales, Mineros y Agrícolas", in Documento de Trabajo, N. 3, Universidad Católica de Chile, Instituto de Economía. 9