Download CURRICULUM VITAE ROBERTO FRENKEL Date of birth: February

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Date of birth: February 24, 1943
Place of birth: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Sánchez de Bustamante 27
(1173) Buenos Aires - Argentina
Telephone and fax: (5411) 4347 0281, 4865 1707/1704, 4863 4415, 4861 4568
4347 0281, 4862 0805
Research and Teaching
Principal Associate Researcher at the Centro de Estudios de Estado y Sociedad
(CEDES), Argentina, 1977 - Present.
Professor at the Master Program on Economics, the School of Economics, Universidad de
Buenos Aires, 1993 - Present.
Director of the Graduate Program on Capital Markets, Universidad de Buenos Aires Mercado de Valores - Bolsa de Comercio de Buenos Aires, 1991 - Present.
Professor at the Graduate Program Maestría en Estudios Internacionales. Universidad
Torcuato di Tella. Buenos Aires, 2004 - Present
Professor at the Graduate Program Maestría en Relaciones y Negociaciones
Internacionales. FLACSO-Universidad de San Andrés-Universidad de Barcelona. Buenos
Aires, 2004 – Present.
Member of the Task Forces on Capital Market Liberalization, Macroeconomic Policy,
Sovereign Debt and Financial Reform. Initiative for Policy Dialogue, University of
Columbia, New York. 2002 – Present.
Director of the Centro de Estudios de Estado y Sociedad (CEDES). 1994 - 1998.
Director of the Master Program in Applied Economics. Universidad de Palermo. 1998 2001.
Director of the Centro de Investigaciones en Economía. Universidad de Palermo. 1996 -
Director of the Economics Department, CEDES, 1984 - 1998.
Full Professor (ad-honorem), the School of Economics, Universidad de Buenos Aires,
1984 - Present.
Professor at the Graduate Program "Carrera de Economistas de Gobierno", the School of
Economics, Universidad de Buenos Aires. 1996 - 2000.
Director of the Graduate Program in Economics (former Program for the Study of
Economic Theory), the Institute for Economic and Social Development (IDES), 1984 1995.
Full Professor and Researcher category "A", Universidad Nacional de La Plata. 1994-95.
Professor of the Program for the Study of Economic Theory, the Institute for Economic
and Social Development (IDES), Buenos Aires, 1981.
Professor at the Institute for Economic and Social Development (IDES), Argentina, 19771980.
Professor-Visiting Researcher at the Department of Social Sciences, The Bariloche
Foundation (FB), 1976-1977.
Coordinator of Studies at the Federal Investment Council (CFI) of Argentina. Director of
the joint study by ECLA-CFI, "Problems and alternatives of regional development related
to the location of industry", 1974-1976.
Professor at the School of Economics, the Universidad de Chile, 1971-1973.
Professor-Researcher at CIDU, the Universidad Católica de Chile. Professor at the LatinAmerican School of Graduates in Economics (ESCOLATINA) of the Universidad de Chile,
Professor-Researcher at the Interdiscipline Center for Urban and Regional Development
(CIDU) of the Universidad Católica de Chile. Teaching Director of the graduate course at
CIDU. Professor at the School of the Sciences of the Universidad de Chile, 1969-1970.
Professor at the School of Public Administration, Venezuela. Professor at the Schools of
Economics and Sociology of the Universidad Central de Venezuela, 1968-1969.
Professor-Researcher at the Center for Development Studies (CENDES) of the
Universidad Central de Venezuela. Professor of the graduate course on development
planning at CENDES, 1967-1969.
Statistics Advisor to the Center for Motivational and Social Research, 1966.
Researcher at the Calculus Institute of the Universidad de Buenos Aires, 1965-1966.
Other graduate courses given at universitary institutions
Professor at the Programa de Estudios 2009 en Economía Monetaria y Financiera, Banco
Central de la República Argentina.
Professor at the “Summer School of Structural Change; Analysis, Experiences and
Methodologies”. Universita’ degli Studi di Pavia, Italy. June 3-16, 2009.
Professor at the course “Macroeconomics of Developing Countries” in the PHD Program
of the School of Economics. Universita’ degli Studi di Pavia, Italy. March 12 – 19, 2008.
Professor at the course “Macroeconomics of Developing Countries” in the Master Program
in Cooperation and International Economic Integration. Universita’ degli Studi di Pavia,
Italy. March 15 – 20, 2007.
Professor at the graduate program Diploma de Postgrado en Integración Regional y
Relaciones Económicas Internacionales. Organized by the Observatorio de la
Globalización, Universidad de Barcelona, in collaboration with FLACSO-Sede Argentina
and Universidad de San Andrés. Barcelona, Spain, 2004-present.
Professor at the course "Situación y perspectivas de las economías del Cono Sur". Cursos
de "La Granda", Escuela Asturiana de Estudios Hispánicos. Avilés, Spain, August 17- 20,
Professor at the graduate course on Latin America Macroeconomics. Taught to teachers
and researchers of the Instituto de Economía, Universidad de Montevideo. Montevideo,
July-October, 1997.
Professor at the graduate course on Economic Stability and Structural Reforms. Escuela
de Economía y Administración para Graduados, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y
Administrativas, Universidad de Chile. Santiago de Chile, September 1994.
Professor at the graduate course on Macroeconomic Analysis of the Latin American
Economies. Department of Economics, Universidad Nacional del Sur. Bahía Blanca,
October-November 1993.
Professor at the Economic Policies for Latin America Seminar (the SPEAL program)
organized by CIEPLAN (Chile) and the IISEC-Universidad Católica Boliviana (Bolivia) and
sponsored by CIDA (Canada). La Paz, October 18-23, 1993.
Professor at the Economic Policies for Latin America Seminar (the SPEAL Program)
organized by CIEPLAN (Chile) and the Consorcio de Investigación Económica del Perú
(Lima) and sponsored by CIDA (Canada). Lima, March 26-27, 1992.
Visiting Professor at the Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies,
University of California-San Diego. La Jolla, February-March, 1992.
Professor at the Economic Policies for Latin America Seminar (the SPEAL Program)
organized by CIEPLAN (Chile) and the Universidad Católica Boliviana (Bolivia) and
sponsored by CIDA (Canada). La Paz, October 14-18, 1991.
Professor in the Doctorate Program of the Agencia Española de Cooperación
Internacional - Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Madrid, February 1991.
Professor at the Economic Policies for Latin America Seminar (the SPEAL Program)
organized by CIEPLAN (Chile) and sponsored by CIDA (Canada). Santiago de Chile,
January 7-11, 1991.
Professor at the Economic Policies for Latin America Seminar, organized by IISEC Economic Department of the Universidad Católica Boliviana, UDAPE (Bolivia) and
CIEPLAN (Chile), sponsored by CIDA (Canada). La Paz, October 3-4, 1990.
Professor of the course "Deuda Externa y Desarrollo en América Latina". Universidad
Hispanoamericana Santa María de la Rábida (Universidad de Sevilla), La Rábida,
September 1989.
Professor at the Escuela Asturiana de Estudios Hispánicos, Universidad de Oviedo.
Avilés, Asturias, August 1987.
Visiting Professor at the Department of Economics at the Pontificia Universidade Católica
de Río de Janeiro, first quarter 1981.
Visiting Professor at the Department of Economics at the Pontificia Universidades de Río
de Janeiro, second quarter 1983.
Professor of the course on Inflation and Anti-inflationary Policy, Graduate Division in
Economics, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, 1981.
Professor of the VI Course on The Regional Planning of Development, the Latin-American
Institute for Economic and Social Planning (ILPES), 1975.
Senior Associate Researcher, The International Economic Policy Institute, Laurentian University,
Canada. 2008 - Present.
Expert of the Procuración del Tesoro de la Nación, Ministerio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos de
la República Argentina at the ICSID. 2006 – Present.
Senior Research Associate, Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR). Washington DC. 2007
- Present
Member of the Board of the World Institute for Development Economic Research (WIDER),
United Nations University. 2006 - Present.
Member of the Academic Council of CEFID-AR. 2004 – Present
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Globalization and Development. 2009 - Present
Member o the Editorial Board of the journal El Trimestre Económico, México. 1987 - Present
Member of the Academic Council of the Maestría en Economía Facultad de Ciencias
Económicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires. 1992 – Present.
Member of the UNDP Advisers Group. 2006 – 2008.
Advisor to the IDEA 40º Colloquium. 2004.
Member of the Board of Directors. Banco de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. December 1999December 2003.
Member of the Peer Committee that evaluated the graduate careers (specialization, master and
doctorate programs) in the Economics Area. CONEAU (Comisión Nacional de Evaluación y
Acreditación Universitaria), Ministerio de Cultura y Educación de la República Argentina. 1999.
Director of the journal Revista de Política Económica y Finanzas de la Universidad de Palermo.
1998 - 2002.
Consultant to the G24. 2004.
Consultant to the República Bolivariana de Venezuela (by UNDP ). 2001.
Consultant to UNDP. 1998-2000.
Consultant to ILO. 1997. 2001-7.
Consultant to the Ministerio de Hacienda y Crédito Público. Colombia. 1996.
Consultant to UNIDO, 1995.
Consultant to UNCTAD, in Geneva, February-March, 1995.
Consultant to the OECD Development Centre, 1993. 1996.
Consultant to ECLAC, 1991, 1993-96, 1998-2000, 2001-3. 2011
Consultant to the Ministerio de Planeamiento Bolivia (by IDB-UNDP).1991.
Consultant to UNCTAD, 1990, 1993. 2005.
Consultant to the Ministerio de Trabajo, Uruguay (by ILO). 1985 and 1988.
Consultant to CORDIPLAN, Ministerio de Planificación, Venezuela. (by ILO).1985.
Member of the Consejo Académico de la Maestría en Política Económica, the School of
Economics, the Universidad de Buenos Aires, 1992 - Present.
Member of the Editorial Board of The Southeast European Journal of Economics and
Development. 2004 - Present.
Member of the Consejo Editorial of Economía Mexicana, México. 1996 - Present.
Member of the Consejo Editorial of El Trimestre Económico, México. 1987 - Present.
Member of the Consejo Académico of the Fundación Unión Industrial Argentina, 1991 - 1993.
Member of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association. 1993 - Present.
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal América Latina/Internacional. 1993.
Undersecretary advisor to the Ministerio de Economía (ad-honorem),
Argentina, 1985-1989.
Member of the Consejo Consultivo of the School of Economics, the Universidad de Buenos Aires,
Advisor to the Presidency of the Banco de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1984-1987.
Technical Secretary to the Comité Económico de Ministros, Chile, 1972-1973.
Advisor to the Ministerios de Economía y Hacienda, Chile, 1971-1973.
Advisor to the Secretaría de Estado de Industria, Argentina, 1966.
“Lessons from a Comparative Analysis of Financial Crises”, Comparative Economic Studies,
55(2), pp. 1-26. 2013.
“Financial and Currency Crises in Latin America” (in collaboration with Mario Damill and Martín
Rapetti) in Wolfson, Martin H. and Gerald Epstein (eds.) The Handbook of the Political Economy
of Financial Crises. Oxford University Press, 2013.
“External Fragility or Deindustrialization: What is the Main Threat to Latin American Countries in
the 2010s?” (in collaboration with Martín Rapetti) in World Economic Review Volume 1, No 1,
“Lições sobre Crises Financeiras” in A. Modenesi, D. Prattes, J. L. Oreiro, L. Paula e M. F.
Resende (orgs.) Sistema Financeiro e Política Econômica em uma Era de Instabilidade, Campus
editora, São Paulo, Brazil, August 2012.
“Regulaciones financieras y macroeconomía en la post-crisis: la reconstrucción del sistema
bancario en los años 2000” (in collaboration with Mario Damill and Lucio Simpson) in Boletín
Informativo Techint 337, Buenos Aires, January-April 2012.
“Managing Capital Flows in Emerging Markets” G-24 Policy Brief No. 75. G-24 Intergovernmental
Group of Twenty Four. June 2012.
“Exchange Rate Regimes in the Major Latin American Countries since the 50’s: Lessons from
History” (in collaboration with Martín Rapetti), in Revista de Historia Económica, Journal of Iberian
and Latin American Economic History. Madrid, 2012
“Macroeconomic Policies, Growth, Employment, and Inequality in Latin America” (in collaboration
with Mario Damill) in UNU-WIDER Working Paper No. 2012/23. UNU-WIDER World Institute for
Development Economic Reasearch, Helsinki, February 2012.
“Lecciones de política macroeconómica para el desarrollo, a la luz de la experiencia de la última
década” in El Trimestre Económico No 313, January 2012, Mexico. In Portuguese: “Licoes de
Politica Macroeconomica para o Desenvolvimento sob a Luz da Experiencia da Ultima Decada” in
Revista Tempo do Mundo Volume 3, Numero 1. IPEA, Brasilia, April 2011.
“Fragilidad externa o desindustrialización: ¿Cuál es la principal amenaza para América Latina en
la próxima década?” (in collaboration with Martín Rapetti) in Serie Macroeconomía del Desarrollo
116, División de Desarrollo Económico, CEPAL. Santiago de Chile, November 2011. Also in
Proyección Económica No. 2, Consejo Profesional de Ciencias Económicas de la Ciudad
Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, May 2012.
“Macroeconomic policy for full and productive employment and decent work for all: An analysis of
the Argentine experience” (in collaboration with Mario Damill and Roxana Maurizio) in
Employment Working Paper No.109, Employment Policy Department, International Labor Office
(ILO), Geneva, 2011.
“Gestào dos fluxos de capitais nos mercados emergentes” in Boletim de Economia e Politica
Internacional, Number 8. IPEA Instituto de Política Econômica Aplicada. Brasilia, OctoberDecember, 2011.
“Regulaciones financieras y macroeconomía: la experiencia paradigmática de la Argentina en los
años noventa” (in collaboration with Mario Damill and Lucio Simpson) in Desarrollo Económico Nº
200 Vol. 50, enero-marzo 2011. Buenos Aires.
“Exchange Rate Regimes in Latin America” (in collaboration with Martín Rapetti) in José Antonio
Ocampo and Jaime Ros (eds.) The Oxford Handbook on Latin American Economics. Oxford
University Press. 2011.
“Argentina in the 2000s: Policy Changes and Outcomes” (in collaboration wth Mario Damill) in Luiz
Carlos Bresser Pereira (org) Doenca holandesa e industria, Editora FGV, Rio de Janeiro, 2010.
“Las políticas macroeconómicas en la evolución reciente de la economía argentina” (in
collaboration with Mario Damill), in Mario Damill et al, Economía y crisis Internacional. Impacto en
la República Argentina, Consejo Profesional de Ciencias Económicas de la Ciudad Autónoma de
Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, 2010. Also in Nuevos Documentos CEDES 65. Buenos Aires,
CEDES, 2009. Available in
“A Concise History of Exchange Rate Regimes in Latin America” (in collaboration with Martín
Rapetti), Nuevos Documentos Cedes, 67. Buenos Aires: Cedes, 2010. Available in: Also in en Department of Economics
Working Paper 2010-1, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2010. Also in CEPR Center for
Economics and Policy Research, Washington DC, April 2010.
“The Argentinean Debt: History, Default and Restructuring” (in collaboration with Mario Damill and
Martín Rapetti) in Herman, B., J. A. Ocampo and S. Spiegel (eds.) Overcoming Developing
Country Debt Crises. Oxford University Press. Initiative for Policy Dialogue Series 2010.
“Economic Development and the International Financial System” (in collaboration with Martín
Rapetti) in Griffith-Jones S., J. A. Ocampo and J. Stiglitz (eds), Time for a Visible Hand. Lessons
from the 2008 World Financial Crisis. Oxford University Press. 2010.
“Real Exchange Rate, Monetary Policy and Employment: Economic Development in a Garden of
Forking Paths” (in collaboration with Lance Taylor) in G. Epstein and A. E. Yeldan (eds.) Beyond
Inflation Targeting: Assessing the Impacts and Policy Alternatives. Edward Elgar Publishing Inc.
USA, 2010. Also in Alternatives to Inflation Targeting, number 2, Political Economy Research
Institute (PERI) University of Massachusetts Amherst, September 2006. Available in:
“Five Years of Competitive and Stable Real Exchange Rate in Argentina, 2002–2007” (in
collaboration with Martín Rapetti) in G. Epstein and A. E. Yeldan (eds.) Beyond Inflation Targeting:
Assessing the Impacts and Policy Alternatives. Edward Elgar Publishing Inc. USA, 2010.
“Los cambiantes roles del FMI y América Latina” (in collaboration with Alejandro Avenburg) in
Desarrollo Económico No 194. Buenos Aires, julio-setiembre 2009.
“La crisis mundial desde la perspectiva de los países en desarrollo: algunas reflexiones” (in
collaboration with Martín Rapetti) in Nueva Sociedad No 224. Buenos Aires, November-Dcember
“Die Wirtschaftsriske aus Sicht der Entwicklungsländer” (in collaboration with Martín Rapetti) in
Lateinamerika: Krisengründe, Krisenfolgen, Krisenchancen. Nueva Sociedad. Sonderheft 2009,
Buenos Aires, 2009.
“A Developing Country View of the Current Global Crisis: What Should not be Forgotten and
What Should be Done” (in collaboration with Martín Rapetti) in Cambridge Journal of Economics
Volume 33 Number 4. Special Issue: The Global Financial Crisis. July 2009.
“Las crisis allá y acá” in Umbrales de América del Sur No 8. Buenos Aires, June 2009.
“Política monetaria en economías abiertas: inflación y tipo de cambio” in Revista de Economía
Segunda Epoca Vol. 16 No. 1. Banco Central del Uruguay. May 2009.
“Some Reflections on the Current Global Crisis from a Developing Countries Perspective” (in
collaboration with Martín Rapetti) in FES Briefing Paper 6, Dialogue on Globalizaton, Friedrich
Ebert Stiftung. May 2009.
“Case Studies: Argentina and the Republic of Korea” (in collaboration with Mario Damill and
Martín Rapetti) in Compedium on Debt Sustainability and Development Chapter VI, UNCTAD,
United Nations. New York and Geneva 2009.
“Las políticas monetaria y fiscal en un régimen de tipo de cambio competitivo” in Economia e
Sociedade, v. 17, Número especial, p. 611-628, Campinas, Brasil, December 2008.
“The competitive real exchange-rate regime, inflation and monetary policy” in CEPAL Review 96.
Santiago de Chile, December 2008. In Spanish: “Tipo de cambio real competitivo, inflación y
política monetaria” in Revista de la CEPAL 96, Santiago de Chile, December 2008.
“A New Order in the International Financial System” in Germany’s Role in Globalization.
Challenges and Opportunities (in German). Deutschland in der Globalisierung. Chancen und
Herausforderungen. Keyser-Verlag. Berlin. Erscheinungsdatum: Dezember 2008
“O esquema de “inflation targeting” e o objetivo de taxa de câmbio real nas economias em
desenvolvimento” in Teoría e Políticas Keynesianas, Elsevier Editora Ltda., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
“From the Boom in Capital Inflows to Financial Traps” in José Antonio Ocampo and Joseph
Stiglitz (eds.) Capital Markets Liberalization and Development, IPD Book Series, Oxford University
Press. 2008.
“Five years of competitive and stable real exchange rate in Argentina, 2002-2007” (in
collaboration with Martín Rapetti) in International Review of Applied Economics, 22:2, 215 –
226. March 2008.
“Current problems with the IMF and challenges ahead: a Latin American perspective” in
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Department for Development Policy. Briefing papers - FES Berlin;
Bonn, 2008.
“Macroeconomic Policy Changes in Argentina at the Turn of the Century” (in collaboration with
Mario Damill and Roxana Maurizio) in M. Novick, C. Tomada, M. Damill, R. Frenkel and R.
Maurizio In the wake of the crisis: Argentina’s new economic and labour policy directions and
their impact International Institute for Labour Studies, International Labour Organization,
Research Series 114. Geneva, 2007. Also in Nuevos Documentos CEDES 29. Buenos Aires,
2007. In Spanish: “Cambios en la política macroeconómica argentina a la vuelta del siglo” en
M. Novick, C. Tomada, M. Damill, R. Frenkel and R. Maurizio Tras la crisis. El nuevo rumbo de
la política económica y laboral en Argentina y su impacto. Instituto Internacional de Estudios
Laborales, Organización Internacional del Trabajo, Serie de Investigación 114. Ginebra, 2007.
“The Sustainability of Sterilization Policy” G-24 Policy Brief No. 16, G-24 Intergovernmental
Group of Twenty Four. 2007.
“The Sustainability of Sterilization Policy”, in CEPAL Review 93, Santiago de Chile, December
2007. Also in Center for Economic Policy Research, CEPR Paper ,Washington DC, September
2007. In Spanish “La sostenibilidad de la política de esterilización monetaria”, Revista de la
CEPAL 93, Santiago de Chile, diciembre de 2007. Also in Documento de Trabajo No 17, CEFIDAR. Buenos Aires, August 2007.
“The Inflation Targeting Scheme and the Developing Economies” in Banco Central de la
República Argentina (ed.) Monetary Policy and Financial Stability: From Theory to Practice
Proceedings of the 2006 Monetary and Banking Seminar – BCRA. Buenos Aires, 2007. In
Spanish “El esquema de “inflation targeting” y las economías en desarrollo” en Banco Central de
la República Argentina (ed.) Política monetaria y estabilidad financiera. De la teoría a la práctica
Jornadas Monetarias y Bancarias del BCRA 2006. Buenos Aires, 2007.
“Política cambiaria y monetaria después del colapso de la Convertibilidad” (in collaboration with
Martín Rapetti) in Ensayos Económicos No 46, enero de 2007, Banco Central de la República
Argentina, Buenos Aires.
“A Case of Disruptive International Financial Integration: Argentina in the Late Twentieth Century
and Early Twenty First” (in collaboration with Mario Damill) in Philip Arestis and Malcolm Sawyer
(eds) Political Economy of Latin America: Recent Economic Performance. International Papers in
Political Economy (IPPE) (New Series) Vol III. Palgrave Macmillan, London 2007.
“Monetary and Exchange Rate Policies in Argentina after the Convertibility Regime Collapse” (in
collaboration with Martín Rapetti), Nuevos Documentos Cedes, 20. Buenos Aires: Cedes, 2006.
48 p. Available in Also in Alternatives to Inflation
Targeting, number 8, Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) University of Massachusetts
Amherst, September 2006. Avalilable in:
“The Argentinean Debt: History, Default and Restructuring” (in collaboration with Mario Damill and
Martín Rapetti) in Economia - Revista da ANPEC – Selecta, Brasilia DF, v.6, n. 3 p. 29 – 90,
Jan/Jul 2005.
“Globalización financiera y mercado de trabajo en la Argentina” (in collaboration with Mario Damill)
in La globalización y el desarrollo nacional, OIT Oficina de la OIT en Argentina. Buenos Aires,
“An alternative to inflation targeting in Latin America: macroeconomic policies focused on
employment”, Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics Vol 28, No 4, pp. 573 – 591 Summer 2006.
“El mercado de trabajo argentino en la globalización financiera” (in collaboration with Mario
Damill), in Revista de la CEPAL No 88. Santiago de Chile, April 2006.
“Unemployment and the Real Exchange Rate in Latin America.” (in collaboration with Jaime Ros),
World Development, Volume 34, Issue 4, Pages 631-646, April 2006.
“Real Exchange Rate, Monetary Policy, and Employment.” (in collaboration with Lance Taylor),
DESA Working Paper No 19. United Nations, New York, February 2006. Also in J. A Ocampo,
Jomo K. S. and S. Khan (eds) Policy Matters. Economic and Social Policies to Sustain Equitable
Development, Zed Books, London, UK, 2007.
“Argentina: A decade of the convertibility regime”, in C. Lapavitsas and M. Noguchi (eds.)
Beyond Market-Driven Development. Drawing on the experience of Asia and Latin America.
Routledge, London and New York, 2005.
“The Argentinean debt: History, default and restructuring” (Shortened version) (in collaboration
with M. Damill and M. Rapetti), in Isletme ve Finans No 236. Ankara, Turkey. November 2005.
“La deuda argentina: historia, default y reestructuración” (in collaboration with M. Damill and M.
Rapetti), in Desarrollo Económico No. 178 (julio-setiembre), Buenos Aires, 2005. Also in R. Boyer
y J. C. Neffa (eds.) Salida de crisis y estrategias alternativas de desarrollo. La experiencia
argentina, Institut CDC Pour la Recherche – CEIL PIETTE CONICET. Miño y Dávila Buenos
Aires, 2007.
“Una política macroeconómica enfocada en el empleo y el crecimiento” in Revista de Trabajo
Año 1, No. 1, Nueva ëpoca. Buenos Aires, 2005.
“External Debt, Growth and Sustainability”, in José Antonio Ocampo (ed.), Beyond Reforms:
Structural Dynamics and Macroeconomic Vulnerability, Palo Alto, Stanford University Presss
and ECLAC. 2005.
“Las políticas macroeconómicas, el crecimiento y el empleo”, Chapter II in OIT, Oficina
Internacional del Trabajo Generando trabajo decente en el Mercosur. Empleo y estrategia de
crecimiento, OIT, Oficina regional para América Latina y el Caribe, Oficina de la OIT en
Argentina. Buenos Aires, 2005.
“Intervención del debate” in Chacho Alvarez (coordinator) El desarrollo económico de la
Argentina en el mediano y largo plazo. CEPES- Prometeo Libros, Buenos Aires, 2005.
“Reconstruction of Argentine Debt” in Isletme ve Finans No 229, Ankara, Turkey, 2005. (in
Tipo de Cambio Real y Empleo, Colegio de Estudios Superiores de Administración (CESA),
Bogotá, Colombia, 2005.
“Do apogeu dos fluxos de capital às armadilhas financieras” in Ana Célia Castro et al (org)
Brazil en desenvolvimento 1. Editora Civilizacao Braislera, Rio de Janeiro, 2005.
“Las cuentas públicas y la crisis de la convertibilidad en Argentina” (in collaboration with M.
Damill and L. Juvenal) in Robert Boyer y Julio Neffa (coordinadores) La economía argentina y
su crisis (1976-2001). CEIL-PIETTE, Miño y Dávila, Buenos Aires, 2004.
“Right” Prices for Interest and Exchange Rates” in Jan Jost Teunissen and Age Akkerman
(eds.) Diversity in Development. Reconsidering the Washington Consensus. FONDAD, The
Hague, The Netherlands, 2004.
“Del auge de los flujos de capital a las trampas financieras” in José Antonio Ocampo (ed.) El
desarrollo económico en los albores del siglo XXI. CEPAL- Alfaomega, Bogotá, 2004.
“Real Exchange Rate and Employment in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico”. Paper prepared
for the G24. Washington, August 2004. Available at:
Also published in Russian in Central Banks. Crucial Agents of Economic Development
Selected articles, Institute of Complex Strategic Studies. Moscow. 2007
“Argentina: Macroeconomic Performance and crisis” (in collaboration with Mario Damill), The
Southeast European Journal of Economics and Development, Premier Issue. Sarajevo, Bosnia
and Herzegovina, July 2004.
“Desempleo, políticas macroeconómicas y flexibilidad del mercado laboral. Argentina y México
en los noventa” (in collaboration with Jaime Ros), Desarrollo Económico No 173, Vol.44,
Buenos Aires, April-June 2004.
“Deuda externa, crecimiento y sostenibilidad”, in Revista de Economía Política, Vol. 24 N. 2,
Sao Paulo, April 2004. Also in Desarrollo Económico No 168, Vol.42, Buenos Aires, JanuaryMarch 2003.
“Unemployment, Macroeconomic Policy and Labor Market Flexibility: Argentina and México in
the 1990s” (in collaboration with Jaime Ros) Working Paper # 309 Kellog Institute, University of
Notre Dame, Indiana, USA, February 2004.
“Another lost decade. The Argentine economy under the convertibility regime” (in Japanese)
in Makoto Noguchi and Hitoshi Hirakawa (eds.) Beyond Market-driven development (in
Japanese) Nihon-Hyoronsha, Tokio, November 2003
Políticas macroeconómicas y vulnerabilidad social. La Argentina en los años noventa (in
collaboration with Mario Damill and Roxana Maurizio) in Serie Financiamiento del Desarrollo
No. 135, Unidad de Estudios Especiales, Secretaría Ejecutiva, CEPAL. Santiago de Chile, July
“Argentina: macroeconomic performance and crisis” (in collaboration with Mario Damill), in R.
Ffrench Davis, D. Nayyar and J. E. Stiglitz (comps.) Stabilization Policies for Growth and
Development, Initiative for Policy Dialogue, Macroeconomic Task Force, forthcoming.
“Globalization and Financial Crises in Latin America” CEPAL Review No 80, Santiago de
Chile,August 2003. In Spanish, “Globalización y crisis financieras en América Latina”, Revista
de la CEPAL,No 80, Santiago de Chile, agosto 2003. Also in Revista de Economía Política
Vol. 23, No. 3. Sao Paulo, July 2003. In French “Mondialisation et crises finacières en
Amerique Latine” in Revista de la CEPAL, Numéro Spécial. Santiago de Chile, Juin 2005.
“Las cuentas públicas y la crisis de la convertibilidad en Argentina” (in collaboration with Mario
Damill and Luciana Juvenal) in Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, Volume 10:2. La
Trobe University. Melbourne, 2005. Also in Desarrollo Económico No. 170, vol 43, Buenos
Aires, July-September 2003. Also in CESPA Documento de Trabajo No 4. Universidad de
Buenos Aires, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas.
Buenos Aires, August 2003.
“El régimen de salarios mínimos” (in collaboration with Mario Damill) in Paraguay. Empleo y
protección social. Desafíos institucionales para reducir la pobreza. Oficina Internacional del
Trabajo. Santiago de Chile, 2003.
“Argentina: una década del régimen de convertibilidad” in Foros 8. Presente y futuro de la
política monetaria en América Latina. Banco Central de Venezuela. Caracas, May 2003.
“Globalization and financial crises in Latin America” in Isletme ve Finans Vol 18 No 207.
Ankara, Turkey, June 2003.
“The two waves of financial liberalization in Latin America” (in collaboration with Lucio
Simpson), in Amitava Krishna Dutt and Jaime Ros (editors) Development Economics and
Structuralist Macroeconomics: Essays in Honor of Lance Taylor, Edward Elgar. 2003.
“Argentina: macroeconomic behaviour, employment and income distribution in the 1990s” (in
colaboration with Martín González Rozada) in Rob Vos, Lance Taylor and Ricardo Paes de
Barro (eds.) Economic Liberalization, Distribution and Poverty. Latin America in the 1990s,
Edward Elgar. 2002.
“Costos y beneficios de la Convertibilidad”, in Michael Cohen y Margarita Gutman (editores)
¿Argentina en colapso? América debate. The New School, Buenos Aires, 2002.
“Argentina: A Decade of the Convertibility Regime”, in Challenge, vol. 45. no. 4, New York,
July/August 2002. Turkish translation in Isletme ve Finans, vol 17 no. 195, Ankara, Turkey, 2002.
Portuguese translation in Revista de Economía Política, vol 22(4), Sao Paulo, October 2002.
"Capital Market Liberalization and Economic Performance in Latin America", in John Eatwell and
Lance Taylor (eds.) International Capital Markets. Systems in Transition, Oxford University Press,
2002. Also in Working Paper Series No. 3, Working Paper No. 1, Center for Economic Policy
Analysis, New School for Social Research, New York, 1998. In
Spanish in Serie de Documentos de Economía No. 7, Centro de Investigaciones en Economía,
Universidad de Palermo-CEDES, Buenos Aires,1998. Also in Estudios de Política Económica y
Finanzas, Año 1, Número 2. Buenos Aires, 1999.
Argentina: una década de convertibilidad. Análisis del crecimiento, el empleo y la distribución
del ingreso. (en colaboración con Mario Damill y Roxana Maurizio). Organización Internacional
del Trabajo, Santiago de Chile. 2002.
Argentina: A Decade of Currency Board. Analysis of growth, Employment and Income
Distribution. (in collaboration with Mario Damill and Rozana Maurizio).International Labor
Growth with Stability. Financing for Development in the New International Context CEPAL,
Santiago de Chile, March 2002. In Spanish, Crecer con estabilidad. El financiamiento del
desarrollo en el nuevo contexto internacional (in collaboration with other authors), edited by
CEPAL. CEPAL-Alfaomega, Bogotá, 2001.
“Comportamiento macroeconómico, empleo y distribución de ingresos. Argentina en los años
noventa” (in collaboration with Martín González Rozada), in E. Ganuza, R. Paes de Barro, L.
Taylor y R. Vos (editors) Liberalización, desigualdad y pobreza. América Latina y el Caribe en
los 90. EUDEBA, PNUD, CEPAL, Buenos Aires, June 2001.
“Reflexiones sobre el financiamiento del desarrollo”,in Revista de la CEPAL, No 74, August
2001. Santiago de Chile. Also in “Notas sobre el financiamiento del desarrollo en el nuevo
contexto internacional”. CEPAL, Unidad de Estudios Especiales, Santiago de Chile, March
“El costo financiero de la soberanía”, in Escenarios Alternativos No. II, Año 5, Buenos Aires,
otoño de 2001.
“Tendencias de la distribución de ingresos en los años noventa” (in collaboration with Martín
González Rozada), in Serie de Documentos de Economía No. 16, Centro de Investigaciones en
Economía, Universidad de Palermo-CEDES, Buenos Aires, 2000.
"Argentina: Balance of Payments Liberalization, Effects on Growth, Employment and Income”,
(in collaboration with Martín González Rozada), in Lance Taylor (editor), External Liberalization,
Economic Performance and Social Policy. Oxford University Press, 2001. Also in CEPA
Working Paper Series I, Working Paper No. 13, Center for Economic Policy Analysis, New School
University. New York, February 2000.
“Los temas de la arquitectura financiera internacional en Argentina”, in Nueva Sociedad No 168.
Caracas, July-August 2000.
"La sostenibilidad de la política fiscal en América Latina: el caso argentino" (in collaboration with
O. Cetrángolo, M. Damill and J. P. Jiménez), in Ernesto Talvi et al, Como Armar el
Rompecabezas Fiscal, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, Washington D.C., 2000. Also in
Serie Documentos de Economía N. 6, Centro de Investigaciones en Economía, Universidad de
Palermo-CEDES, Buenos Aires, 1997. Also in Serie de Documentos de Trabajo R-315, Banco
Interamericano de Desarrollo, Red de Centros de Investigación, Washington, D.C., 1997.
"The International Financial Architecture Issues in Argentina", in Studies on International Financial
Architecture No 6, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Bonn, 1999.
"Ingresos y salarios en el período de convertibilidad" (in collaboration with Martín Gonzáñez
Rozada), in Enoikos. Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la UBA, No. 15. Buenos
Aires, August 1999. Also in Daniel Cieza (compilador) El desempleo hoy, Cámara de Diputados,
Provincia de Buenos Aires, 1999.
"Liberalización del mercado de capitales y desempeño económico de América Latina", in Retos y
perspectivas de la economía peruana, Consorcio de Investigación Económica y Social, Boletín de
opinión No 36. Lima, June 1999.
"Apertura comercial, productividad y empleo en Argentina" (in collaboration with Martín González
Rozada), in Víctor E. Tokman and Daniel Martínez (eds.) Productividad y Empleo en la Apertura
Económica, OIT Oficina Internacional del Trabajo. Lima, Perú, 1999. Also in "Apertura,
productividad y empleo. Argentina en los años 90", Serie de Documentos de Economía No. 9,
Centro de Investigaciones en Economía, Universidad de Palermo-CEDES, Buenos Aires,1998.
"Liberalización del balance de pagos. Efectos sobre el crecimiento, el empleo y los ingresos en
Argentina" (in collaboration with Martín González Rozada), Serie de Documentos de Economía
No. 11, Centro de Investigaciones en Economía, Universidad de Palermo-CEDES, Buenos
"Liberalización y apertura de los mercados de capital. Especifidades de nuestra región", en
Enoikos. Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la UBA , No. 14. Buenos Aires,
"The Argentine Experience with Stabilization and Structural Reform" (in collaboration with J. M.
Fanelli), in Lance Taylor (ed.) After Neoliberalism: What Next for Latin America, University of
Michigan Press, Ann Harbor MI, 1999. Also in Serie Documentos de Economía No. 4, Centro de
Investigaciones en Economía, Universidad de Palermo-CEDES, Buenos Aires, 1997. Also in
Estudios de Política Económica y Finanzas, Año 1, Número 1. Buenos Aires, 1998.
"El mercado laboral en un marco de globalización e integración abierta. Comentarios al artículo
de Rolph van der Hoeven", in Empleo, Flexibilidad Laboral y Protección Social, II Reunión
Técnica, Círculo de Montevideo. Presidencia de la República Oriental del Uruguay - PNUD.
Montevideo, Uruguay, 1998.
"The Future of Regional Integration", in Shahid Javed Burki, Guillermo E. Perry and Sara Calvo
(eds.), Annual World Bank Conference on Development in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Trade: Towards Open Regionalism. The World Bank, Washington D.C., 1998.
"Capital Flows and Investment Performance in Argentina" (in collaboration with C. Bonvecchi and
J. M. Fanelli), in R. Ffrench-Davis and H. Reisen (editors) Capital Flows and Investment
Performance. Lessons fron Latin America, ECLAC-OECD Development Centre, Paris, 1998. Also
in French. In Spanish "Flujo de capitales y comportamiento de la inversión en Argentina", in R.
Ffrench-Davis and H. Reisen (comp.), Flujos de Capital e Inversión Productiva. Lecciones para
América Latina, McGraw-Hill - CEPAL - OECD, Chile, 1997. Also in Serie Documentos de
Economía No. 5, Centro de Investigaciones en Economía, Universidad de Palermo-CEDES,
Buenos Aires, 1997.
"O futuro da Integração Regional", in RBCE Revista Brasileira de Comercio Exterior No. 53, Rio
de Janeiro, Outubro-Novembro-Dezembro de 1997.
"Alternativas de política antiinflacionaria en la economía colombiana" (in collaboration with Jaime
Ros), in Serie Documentos de Economía No. 2, Centro de Investigaciones en Economía,
Universidad de Palermo-CEDES, Buenos Aires, 1997.
"El funcionamiento de la economía argentina en los años noventa", in Escenarios Alternativos,
Año 1, Num. 1, Buenos Aires, otoño de 1997.
"New Prospects for Latin American Development", in Roy Culpeper, Albert Berry and Francis
Steward (eds.), Global Development Fifty Years After Bretton Woods: Essays in Honour of Gerald
K. Helleiner. Macmillan Press Ltd, London and The North-South Institute, Ottawa, 1997. Also in
Documento CEDES/101, Buenos Aires, 1994.
"Democratic Restoration and Economic Policy: Argentina 1984-91" (in collaboration with M.
Damill) in Juan Antonio Morales and Gary McMahon (eds.) Economic Policy and the Transition to
Democracy. The Latin American Experience. International Development Research Center,
Ottawa, Canada, 1996 and Macmillan Press Ltd, United Kingdom, 1996.
"The Multiple Roles of Privatization in Argentina" (in collaboration with G. Rozenwurcel), in Arend
Lijphart and Carlos H. Waisman (eds.) Institutional Design in New Democracies. Eastern Europe
and Latin America. Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado, 1996.
"Macropolicies for the Transition from Stabilization to Growth" (in collaboration with J. M. Fanelli),
in Mats Lundahl and Benno J. Ndulu (eds.) New Directions in Development Economics. Growth,
Environmental Concerns and Government in the 1990s. Routledge, London and New York, 1996.
Also in Documento CEDES/87, Buenos Aires, 1993. Also in International Colloquium on New
Directions in Development Economics - Growth, Equity and Sustainable Development, SAREC,
Stockholm, Sweden, March 9-11, 1994. A reduced version in Colin I. Bradford Jr., The New
Paradigm of Systemic Competitiveness: Toward More Integrated Policies in Latin America,
Development Centre Documents, OECD, Paris, 1994.
"Reanudación del crecimiento y sostenibilidad. La economía argentina en la década de los años
noventa" (in collaboration with J. M. Fanelli), in Mauricio Cárdenas (coord.) El crecimiento
económico en América Latina. Teoría y práctica. TM Editores-Fedesarollo, Bogotá, 1996.
"Las políticas antiinflacionarias en América Latina", Agora. Cuaderno de Estudios Políticos, num.
5, Buenos Aires, invierno de 1996. Also in Documento CEDES/112, Buenos Aires, 1995. A
reduced version in Russian in América Latina No. 1/96, Moscow, 1996.
"De México a México: el desempeño de América Latina en los noventa" (in collaboration with J. M.
Fanelli and M. Damill), Desarrollo Económico, Número Especial, vol. 36, (verano 1996). Buenos
Aires, 1996. Also in Revista de Economia Política, Volume 16, no.4 (64), outubro-dezembro/96,
Sao Paulo, 1996.
"Argentina: Growth Resumption, Sustainability and Environment" (in collaboration with O. Chisari
and J. M. Fanelli), World Development, Vol. 24, No. 2. Great Britain, 1996.
"Micro-macro interaction in economic development" (in collaboration with J. M. Fanelli) in
UNCTAD Review 1995, United Nations, New York and Geneva, 1995.
"Nuove prospettive per lo sviluppo dell'America Latina",in America Latina. Trimestrale
d'informazione ed analisi politico-economica Anno 2 no. 5, Universitá di Bologna, Giugno 1995.
"Macroeconomic Sustainability and Development Prospects: Latin American Performance in the
1990s", UNCTAD Discussion Papers No. 100, Geneva, August 1995. Also in Documento
CEDES/111, Buenos Aires, 1995. Reprinted in Hans Singer, Neelambar Hatti and Rameshwar
Tandon (eds.) Growth and Reforms in Latin America, B. R. Pub., Delhi, 2002.
"Estabilización, crecimiento y política industrial", Oikos. Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias
Económicas Año III No. 8, Buenos Aires, 1995.
"Reforma macroeconómica y desarrollo industrial en América Latina y el Caribe en los noventa"
(in collaboration with M. Damill y J. M. Fanelli), in UNIDO, Reunión Regional de los Ministros de
Industria de América Latina y el Caribe. Montevideo, Uruguay, September 15-22, 1995.
"Estabilizacao, crescimento e política industrial na América Latina", in O Brasil e as tendencias
económicas e políticas contemporáneas (Seminario de Brasilia), Fundacao Alexandre de
Gusmao (FUNAG), Brasilia, 1995.
Shock externo y desequilibrio fiscal. La macroeconomía de América Latina en los ochenta. Los
casos de Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia Chile y México (in collaboration with M. Damill and J. M.
Fanelli), Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL). Santiago de Chile, 1994.
Estabilidad y estructura: interacciones en el crecimiento económico (in collaboration with J. M.
Fanelli), Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL)-Centro Internacional de
Investigaciones para el Desarrollo (CIID). Santiago de Chile, 1994. Also in Jorge M. Katz (ed.)
Estabilización macroeconómica, reforma estrctural y comportamiento industrial, CEPAL/IDRC Alianza Editorial, Santiago de Chile - Buenos Aires, 1996. Also in Documento CEDES/104,
Buenos Aires, 1994. A reduced version in Revista de la CEPAL, No. 56, Santiago de Chile,
August 1995. This version in English in CEPAL Review, No. 56, Santiago de Chile, August 1995.
Another version in Anales de la Asociación Argentina de Economía Política. XXIX Reunión Anual,
Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata, 1994.
"Crecimiento y reformas estructurales" (in collaboration with Mario Damill), in América Latina.
Balance de una década de ajuste y reformas económicas, Información Comercial Española,
Revista de Economía special issue, nos. 732-733. Madrid, August-September, 1994.
"Gradualisme, traitement de choc et périodisation" (in collaboration with J. M. Fanelli), Revue
Tiers Monde, t. XXXV, No. 139, juillet-septembre, Paris, 1994.
"Shock externo y desequilibrio fiscal. La macroeconomía de América Latina en los ochenta.
Argentina", (in collaboration with M. Damill and J. M. Fanelli), Documento CEDES/105, Buenos
Aires, 1994.
"New Prospects for Latin American Development", Documento CEDES/101, Buenos Aires, 1994.
"Is the market friendly approach friendly to development: A critical assessment?", (in collaboration
with J. M. Fanelli and L. Taylor), in Graham Bird and Ann Helwege (eds.) Latin America's
Economic Future, Academic Press, London and San Diego, 1994.
Strengthening the financial sector in the adjustment process (editor). Published by the IDB and
distributed by Johns Hopkins University Press, Washington, D.C., 1994. Also in Spanish:
El fortalecimiento del sector financiero en el proceso de ajuste: liberalización y regulación. Centro
de Estudios de Estado y Sociedad - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, Buenos Aires, 1994.
"Shock externo y desequilibrio fical. La macreconomía de América Latina en los ochenta:
México", (in collaboration with M. Damill y J. M. Fanelli), Documento CEDES/90, Buenos Aires,
"Shock externo y desequilibrio fiscal. La macroeconomía de América Latina en los ochenta:
Colombia" (in collaboration with M. Damill y J. M. Fanelli), Documento CEDES/89, Buenos Aires,
"Restauración democrática y política económica: Argentina, 1984-1991" (in collaboration with
Mario Damill), in Juan A. Morales and Gary McMahon (eds.) La política económica en la transción
a la democracia. Lecciones de Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Uruguay, CIEPLAN, Chile, 1993.
"Argentina and the role of fiscal accounts" (in collaboration with O. Chisari, J. M. Fanelli and G.
Rozenwurcel), in Edmar Bacha (ed.) Savings and Investment Requirements for the Resumption
of Growth in Latin America, Interamerican Development Bank-Pontificia Universidade Católica de
Río de Janeiro, Washington D.C., 1993. Also in Spanish: "Ahorro Público y Recuperación del
Crecimiento en la Argentina" (in collaboration with O. Chisari, J. M. Fanelli and G. Rozenwurcel),
in Edmar Bacha (ed.) Requisitos de Ahorro e Inversión para Restaurar el Crecimiento en América
Latina, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Rio de Janeiro-Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo,
Brasil, 1993. A complete version in Documentos de Trabajo 110. Department of Economic and
Social Development, Inter American Development Bank (IDB), Washington D.C.,1992.
"Crecimiento económico en América Latina: Experiencia reciente y perspectivas" (in collaboration
with M. Damill, J. M. Fanelli and G. Rozenwurcel), Desarrollo Económico No. 130, julio-setiembre,
Buenos Aires, 1993. Also in Portuguese, "Perspectivas de crescimento para a América Latina:
informacoes a partir da experiencia recente", RBCE Revista Brasileira de Comércio Exterior, 36,
julio-agosto-setiembre, Rio de Janeiro, 1993.
"El fortalecimiento del sector financiero en el proceso de ajuste: un análisis de Argentina, Brasil,
Colombia y Uruguay", Serie de Documentos de Trabajo 160, Banco Interamericano de
Desarrollo, Washington D.C., 1993. Also in Documento CEDES/86, Buenos Aires, 1993. Also in
Roberto Frenkel (ed.) El fortalecimiento del sector financiero en el proceso de ajuste:
liberalización y regulación, CEDES-Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, Buenos Aires, 1994.
"Transformación estructural, estabilización y reforma del estado en la Argentina" (in collaboration
with J.M. Fanelli and G. Rozenwurcel), in Edward J. Amadeo (compilador) Estabilización y
Reforma Estructural en América Latina, TM Editores, Bogotá, 1993. Also in Documento
CEDES/82, Buenos Aires, 1992.
"Argentina" (in collaboration with J. M. Fanelli), in Lance Taylor (ed.) The Rocky Road to Reform,
The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1993.
"Ajuste y Reformas Económicas en América Latina: Problemas y Experiencias Recientes.
Comentarios al artículo de Patricio Meller", in Pensamiento Iberoamericano 22/23 Tomo II,
Madrid, Junio 1993.
"On Gradualism, Shock Treatment and Sequencing" (in collaboration with J. M. Fanelli), in
International Monetary and Financial Issues for the 1990s. Research Papers for The Group of
Twenty-Four, Volume II. United Nations, New York, 1993. Also in "On Gradualism, Shock and
Sequencing in Economic Adjustment", Documento CEDES/81, Buenos Aires, 1992.
"The World Development Report 1991: A Critical Assessment" (in collaboration with J.M. Fanelli
and L. Taylor), in International Monetary and Financial Issues for the 1990s. Research Papers for
The Group of Twenty-Four, Volume I. United Nations, New York, 1992. Also in Documento
CEDES/78, Buenos Aires, 1992. Also in Spanish in
"Informe acerca del desarrollo mundial 1991: Evaluación crítica" (in collaboration with J. M. Fanelli
and L. Taylor), El Trimestre Económico No. 234. México, 1992.
"Informe de Coyuntura Económica Argentina" (in collaboration with M. Damill, J.M. Fanelli, G.
Rozenwurcel and L. Simpson), Situación Latinoamericana Nos. 1-28, CEDEAL, Madrid, 19901997.
"Réformes du commerce extérieur et ajustement en Amérique latine: le syndrome d'hystérésis" (in
collaboration with J. M. Fanelli and G. Rozenwurcel), in J. M. Fontaine (dir.), Réformes du
commerce extérieur et politiques de dévelopment, PUF, coll. "Tiers Monde", Paris, 1992.
"Growth and Structural Reform in Latin America. Where We Stand" (in collaboration with J.M.
Fanelli and G. Rozenwurcel), in Alvaro Antonio Zini Junior (ed.), The Market and The State in
Economic Development in the 1990s. North Holland, Amsterdam, 1992. Also in UNCTAD
Discussion Papers No. 62, Geneva, July 1993. Also in W. C. Smith, C. H. Acuña and E. A.
Gamarra (eds.) Latin American Political Economy in the Age of Neoliberal Reform, North-South
Center, University of Miami-Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick, 1994. Also in Portuguese
"Crescimento e Reforma Estrutural na América Latina: Onde Estamos", in A. A. Zini Jr. (org.), O
Mercado e o Estado no Desenvolvimento Económico nos Anos 90. Serie IPEA #137, Brasilia,
junho de 1993. Reprinted in Hans Singer, Neelambar Hatti and Rameshwar Tandon (eds.)
Growth and Reforms in Latin America, B. R. Pub., Delhi, 2002.
"Trade Reform and Growth Resumption in Latin America" (with J.M. Fanelli and G. Rozenwurcel),
in Jean-Marc Fontaine (ed.), Foreign Trade Reforms and Development Strategy. Routledge,
London and New York, 1992.
"Crecimiento y Reforma Estructural en América Latina. La Situación Actual" (in collaboration with
J.M. Fanelli and G. Rozenwurcel), in Joaquín Vial (ed.), Adónde Va América Latina? Balance de
las Reformas Económicas. CIEPLAN, Santiago de Chile, 1992.
"Shock Externo y Desequilibrio Fiscal. La Macroeconomía de América Latina en los Ochenta:
Bolivia" (in collaboration with J.M. Fanelli and M. Damill). Documento CEDES/75, Buenos Aires,
"Shock Externo y Desequilibrio Fiscal. La Macreconomía de América Latina en los Ochenta:
Brasil" (in collaboration with J.M. Fanelli and M. Damill). Documento CEDES/76, Buenos Aires,
"Shock Externo y Desequilibrio Fiscal. La Macroeconomía de América Latina en los Ochenta:
Chile" (in collaboration with J.M. Fanelli and M. Damill). Documento CEDES/77, Buenos Aires,
"Malos Tiempos. La economía argentina en la década de los ochenta" (in collaboration with M.
Damill), in Roberto Frenkel et al, Argentina. Evolución Macroeconómica, Financiación Externa y
Cambio Político en la Década de los Ochenta. Fundación CEDEAL, Madrid, 1992. Also in
Documento CEDES/46, Buenos Aires, 1990.
"Crítica al Consenso de Washington" (in collaboration with J. M. Fanelli and G. Rozenwurcel).
Documento de Trabajo No 1. FONDAD, Lima, 1992.
"Ahorro, Inversión y Financiamiento en Argentina y Filipinas: Un Análisis Comparado" (in
collaboration with J.M. Fanelli and G. Rozenwurcel), Integración Latinoamericana No. 167, INTAL,
Buenos Aires, 1991. Also in Documento CEDES/38, Buenos Aires, 1990.
"Notas sobre Macroeconomía y Crecimiento en Bolivia", Documento CEDES/63, Buenos Aires,
"Hiperinflación en Argentina: 1989-90", (in collaboration with M. Damill) Documento CEDES/62,
Buenos Aires, 1990. Also in A. Butelman Elecciones y Política Económica in América Latina.
Ediciones CEDES-Editorial Tesis, Buenos Aires, 1991.
"Fiscal Deficits and Growth Incentives in Highly Indebted Economies" (with G. Rozenwurcel) in
Public Finance and Steady Economic Growth. Proceedings of the 45th. Congress of the
International Institute of Public Finance. Ed. by Gerold Krause-Junk, 1990.
"Ajuste y Estabilización. Revisión de algunas experiencias Latinoamericanas". Documento
CEDES/45, Buenos Aires, 1990.
"Un marco macroecómico de consistencia para el análisis del ajuste y el cambio estructural en
América Latina. Metodología y hechos estilizados" (in collaboration with J.M. Fanelli). Documento
CEDES/44, Buenos Aires, 1990.
"Precios flexibles y efectos ingreso en economías indexadas", in Amadeo E. et al., Inflación y
estabilización en América Latina, nuevos modelos estructuralistas. Tercer Mundo EditoresFedesarrollo, Bogota, 1990.
Políticas de estabilización e hiperinflación en Argentina (in collaboration with J.M. Fanelli).
CEDES-Editorial Tesis edition, Buenos Aires, 1990.
Déficit fiscal, deuda externa y desequilibrio financiero (in collaboration with J.M. Fanelli, M. Damill
and G. Rozenwurcel). CEDES-Editorial Tesis edition, Buenos Aires, 1989.
"Algunas reflexiones sobre las políticas de estabilización basadas en la experiencia argentina" (in
collaboration with J.M. Fanelli), in Desarrollo N. 16, Madrid, 1990. Also in Mónica Hirst (ed.)
Argentina-Brasil. Perspectivas Comparativas y Ejes de Integración. FLACSO/Editorial Tesis,
Buenos Aires, 1990.
"Desequilibrios, políticas de estabilización e hiperinflación en Argentina" (in collaboration with J.M.
Fanelli). Documento CEDES /31, Buenos Aires, 1989.
"El régimen de alta inflación y el nivel de actividad", in José Pablo Arellano (comp.) Inflación
Rebelde en América Latina, CIEPLAN-HACHETTE, Santiago de Chile, 1990. Also in Documento
CEDES/26, Buenos Aires, 1989.
"Argentina's Medium Term: Prospects and Problems" (in collaboration with J.M. Fanelli).
Documento CEDES/28, Buenos Aires, 1989.
"A Growth Exercise for Argentina", Buenos Aires, CEMLA, 1989, (in collaboration with J.M.
Fanelli). Also in Documento CEDES/25, Buenos Aires, 1989.
"Negociaciones salariales e inflación en el Uruguay democrático" (in collaboration with M. Damill),
in Desarrollo Económico, No. 114, Buenos Aires, 1989.
"Inflación e hiperinflación", Ciencia Hoy, Vol. 1, No. 3, Buenos Aires, April/ May, 1989. Also in
Portuguese: "Hiperinflaçao o inferno tao temido", Ciencia Hoje, Vol. 10, No. 55, Rio de Janeiro,
July, 1989. Also in J.M. Rego (org.), Inflaçao e Hiperinflaçao, Ed. BIENAL, Sao Paulo, 1990.
"Restricción externa y generación de recursos para el crecimiento en América Latina" (in
collaboration with G. Rozenwurcel). Documento CEDES/15, Buenos Aires, 1988. Also in El
Trimestre Económico, No. 225, Mexico, 1990. This article was awarded the 1991 Daniel Cosío
Villegas International prize by El Trimestre Económico for the best essay on Latin American
Economics published in 1989-90.
Concertación y Política de ingresos en Uruguay 1985-1988, (in collaboration with M. Damill),
Buenos Aires, CEDES, 1988, (Documento CEDES/13).
"Política económica de emergencia y tentativas de concertación" (in collaboration with M. Damill),
in Política Económica y Actores Sociales, Santiago de Chile, ILO, PREALC, 1988.
"El Plan Austral", in Monica Hirst (comp.) Argentina-Brasil, el largo camino de la integración.
Buenos Aires, Legasa, 1988.
Política de estabilización y mercado de trabajo. Argentina 1985-87 (in collaboration with M.
Damill) Buenos Aires, CEDES, 1988. (Documento CEDES/8). Also in PREALC, Programa
Mundial de Empleo - ILO, Estabilización y Respuesta Social. Chile, 1990.
Extensión de los contratos y efectos ingreso. Aspectos de la dinámica inflacionario en economias
indexadas. Buenos Aires, CEDES, 1988 (Documento CEDES/6). Also in PREALC, Programa
Mundial de Empleo - ILO, Estabilización y Respuesta Social, Santiago de Chile, 1990.
El proceso de endeudamiento externo argentino (in collaboration with J.M. Fanelli and J.
Sommer) Buenos Aires, CEDES, 1988 (Documento CEDES/2).
"Longitud de contratos: indexación e inflación", in Suma, Montevideo, Vol. 3, No. 4, April, 1988,
pp. 15-171.
Las Relaciones Financieras en la Economía Argentina. Ediciones del IDES 15, Colección
Economía y Planificación, Buenos Aires, 1988. With M. Damill, J. M. Fanelli and G. Rozenwurcel.
Also in R. Werneck (ed.) Ahorro e Inversion en Latinoamérica, IDRC, Ottawa, Canada. Reduced
version in Portuguese: "As relaçoes financeiras na economia argentina", Pesquisa e
Planejamento Economico Vol. 18, No. 2, 1988.
Stabilization and adjustment policies and programmes. Country study: Argentina. (in collaboration
with J.M. Fanelli and C. Winograd), Helsinki, WIDER, 1987
"Del ajuste caótico al Plan Austral, las políticas de estabilización recientes en Argentina", in SELA
(comp.) Políticas de ajuste, financiamiento del desarrollo en América Latina, Caracas, Nueva
Sociedad, pp. 161-213.
"Heterodox theory and policy, the Plan Austral in Argentina", Journal of Development Economics,
Amsterdam, Vol. 27, 1987, pp. 307-338.
"El Plan Austral, un año y medio después" (in collaboration with J.M. Fanelli), in El Trimestre
Económico, Mexico, special number, Vol. 54, September, 1987, pp. 55-117.
"O Plano Austral" (in collaboration with J.M. Fanelli), Revista de Economía Política, Sao Paulo,
Vol. 7, No. 2, April-June, 1987, pp. 5-40.
"Deuda externa, ajuste y políticas de estabilización en Argentina. Notas sobre el Plan Austral" (in
collaboration with J.M. Fanelli), in Síntesis Informativa Económica y Financiera, Banco de la
Provincia de Buenos Aires, year 24, No. 276, April, 1987, pp. 6-34.
"De la apertura a la crisis financiera. Un análisis de la experiencia argentina de 1977 a 1982" (in
collaboration with M. Damill), in Ensayos Económicos, BCRA, Buenos Aires, No. 37, March, 1987,
pp. 1-105.
"Salarios e inflación en América Latina. Resultados de investigaciones recientes en la Argentina,
Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica y Chile", in Desarrollo Económico, Buenos Aires, Vol. 25, No. 100,
March, 1986, pp. 587-622.
"La Argentina y el Fondo en la década pasada" (in collaboration with José M. Fanelli), El
Trimestre Económico, Mexico, Vol. 53, No. 213, March, 1987, pp. 75-131. Also in SELA, El FMI,
el Banco Mundial y la crisis latinoamericana. Mexico, Siglo XXI, 1986, pp. 105-161. Published in
Portuguese "A Argentina e o FMI na última década", in Recessao ou crecimiento: o FMI e o
Banco Mundial na América Latina. Rio de Janeiro, Paz e Terra, 1986, pp. 195-253.
Empleo y salarios en América Latina. ECIEL (in collaboration with J. Figueiredo, P. Meller and G.
Rozenwurcel), Rio de Janeiro, Programa ECIEL, 1985.
"La deuda externa argentina: un caso de endeudamiento forzado" (in collaboration with J.M.
Fanelli), Política, Economía y Sociedad, Buenos Aires, No. 1 , 1985. Also in Portuguese "A dívida
externa argentina: um caso de endividamento forçado", in A America Latina e a crise
internacional, Rio de Janeiro, Graal, Inst. de Relaçoes Internacionais-PUC, Instituto de Estudios
de Estados Unidos-CIDE, 1985, pp. 77-104.
"Salarios industriales e inflación. El período 1976-82", Desarrollo Económico, Buenos Aires, No.
95, 1984.
"A dinámica dos Preços Industriais en Argentina 1966-1982", Revista Brasileira de Economia,
Vol. 38, No. 1, January-March, 1984.
"Inflación, shocks y mark-up. Argentina 1975-1982", Ensayos Económicos, B.C.R.A., Buenos
Aires, No. 30, June, 1984. Also in XI Encontro Nacional de Economía, ANPEC, Belem, Para,
La dinámica de los precios industriales en la Argentina 1966-1982. Un estudio econométrico.
Estudios CEDES, Buenos Aires, 1983.
"La apertura financiera externa: el caso argentino" in R. French-Davis, Relaciones Financieras
Externas y su Impacto en las Economías Latinoamericanas, Fondo de Cultura Económica,
Mexico, 1983.
Mercado financiero, Expectativas Cambiarias y Movimientos de Capital. Estudios CEDES, Vol. 4,
No. 3, 1981. Also in El Trimestre Económico, Vol. L(4), No. 200, Mexico, October-December,
1983 and Desarrollo Económico, No. 22, No. 87, October-December, 1982.
"A abertura financeira externa: o caso argentino", Pesquisas e Planejamento, 11(2), August,
De la Vieja a la Nueva Ortodoxia: Las Recientes Políticas de Estabilización en Argentina. Instituto
de Relaçoes Internacionais, PUC, Rio de Janeiro, 1980.
"El desarrollo reciente del mercado de capitales en Argentina", Desarrollo Económico, No. 78,
Vol. 20, July-September, 1980 and Estudios CEDES, Vol. 2, No. 10, 1979. Also in Estévez,
Jaime and Lichtensztejn, Samuel (comp.) Nueva fase del Capital Financiero. Elementos teóricos
y experiencias en América Latina. Editorial Nueva Imagen, Mexico, 1981.
"Decisiones de Precio en Alta Inflación", Desarrollo Económico, No.75, Vol.19, Buenos Aires,
(December, 1979 and Estudios CEDES, Vol.2, No.3, 1979. Also in Working Papers, No. 51,
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, 1979.
Los programas de estabilización convenidos con el FMI y sus impactos internos (in collaboration
with G. O'Donnell). Estudios CEDES, Vol.1 No.1, Buenos Aires, 1978.
English versions in: Working Papers Number 14, Latin-American Program, The Wilson Center,
Washington D.C., December, 1978 and Richard R. Fagen (ed.) U.S. Foreign Policy and Latin
America. Stanford, Ca.: Stanford University Press, 1979. Another Spanish version in Mundo
Nuevo, No. 2, Caracas, January, 1979. Republished in Paul W. Drake (ed.) Money Doctors,
Foreign Debts, and Economic Reforms in Latin America. From the 1980s to the Present, Jaguar
Books on Latin America, Washington DE, 1994.
Macroeconomía y desequilibrio. IDES. Courses for graduates and advanced university students.
Buenos Aires, 1977. In collaboration with J.L. Machinea and A. Canitrot.
La rama vertical algodonera. two volumes,
e “Crisis económica
internacional e integración regional” organized by the International Affairs Comitees of the
Uruguayan Parliament jointly with Secretaría General Iberoamericana (SEGIB) of Spain.
Montevideo, Uruguay, December 8, 2011. Guest speaker.
internacional e integración regional” organized by the International Affairs Comitees of the
Uruguayan Parliament jointly with Secretaría General Iberoamericana (SEGIB) of Spain.
Montevideo, Uruguay, December 8, 2011. Guest speaker.
económica internacional e integración regional” organized by the International Affairs
Comitees of the Uruguayan Parliament jointly with Secretaría General Iberoamericana
(SEGIB) of Spain. Montevideo, Uruguay, December 8, 2011. Guest speaker.
económica internacional e integración regional” organized by the International Affairs
Comitees of the Uruguayan Parliament jointly with Secretaría General Iberoamericana
(SEGIB) of Spain. Montevideo, Uruguay, December 8, 2011. Guest speaker.
e “Crisis económica internacional e integración regional”
organized by the International Affairs Comitees of the Uruguayan Parliament jointly with
Secretaría General Iberoamericana (SEGIB) of Spain. Montevideo, Uruguay, December 8,
2011. Guest speaker.
e “Crisis económica internacional
e integración regional” organized by the International Affairs Comitees of the Uruguayan
Parliament jointly with Secretaría General Iberoamericana (SEGIB) of Spain. Montevideo,
Uruguay, December 8, 2011. Guest speaker.
e “Crisis económica internacional e
integración regional” organized by the International Affairs Comitees of the Uruguayan
Parliament jointly with Secretaría General Iberoamericana (SEGIB) of Spain. Montevideo,
Uruguay, December 8, 2011. Guest speaker.
e “Crisis económica internacional e integración regional”
organized by the International Affairs Comitees of the Uruguayan Parliament jointly with
Secretaría General Iberoamericana (SEGIB) of Spain. Montevideo, Uruguay, December 8,
2011. Guest speaker.
e “Crisis económica internacional e
integración regional” organized by the International Affairs Comitees of the Uruguayan
Parliament jointly with Secretaría General Iberoamericana (SEGIB) of Spain. Montevideo,
Uruguay, December 8, 2011. Guest speaker.
e “Crisis económica internacional e
integración regional” organized by the International Affairs Comitees of the Uruguayan
Parliament jointly with Secretaría General Iberoamericana (SEGIB) of Spain. Montevideo,
Uruguay, December 8, 2011. Guest speaker.
e “Crisis económica internacional e
integración regional” organized by the International Affairs Comitees of the Uruguayan
Parliament jointly with Secretaría General Iberoamericana (SEGIB) of Spain. Montevideo,
Uruguay, December 8, 2011. Guest speaker.
e “Crisis económica internacional e integración regional” organized by the
International Affairs Comitees of the Uruguayan Parliament jointly with Secretaría General
Iberoamericana (SEGIB) of Spain. Montevideo, Uruguay, December 8, 2011. Guest
e “Crisis económica internacional e integración regional” organized by the
International Affairs Comitees of the Uruguayan Parliament jointly with Secretaría General
Iberoamericana (SEGIB) of Spain. Montevideo, Uruguay, December 8, 2011. Guest
“Crisis económica internacional e integración regional” organized by the International
Affairs Comitees of the Uruguayan Parliament jointly with Secretaría General
Iberoamericana (SEGIB) of Spain. Montevideo, Uruguay, December 8, 2011. Guest
e “Crisis económica internacional e integración regional” organized
by the International Affairs Comitees of the Uruguayan Parliament jointly with Secretaría
General Iberoamericana (SEGIB) of Spain. Montevideo, Uruguay, December 8, 2011.
Guest speaker.
“Crisis económica internacional e integración regional” organized by the International
Affairs Comitees of the Uruguayan Parliament jointly with Secretaría General
Iberoamericana (SEGIB) of Spain. Montevideo, Uruguay, December 8, 2011. Guest
e “Crisis económica internacional e
integración regional” organized by the International Affairs Comitees of the Uruguayan
Parliament jointly with Secretaría General Iberoamericana (SEGIB) of Spain. Montevideo,
Uruguay, December 8, 2011. Guest speaker.
e “Crisis económica internacional e
integración regional” organized by the International Affairs Comitees of the Uruguayan
Parliament jointly with Secretaría General Iberoamericana (SEGIB) of Spain. Montevideo,
Uruguay, December 8, 2011. Guest speaker.
e “Crisis
económica internacional e integración regional” organized by the International Affairs
Comitees of the Uruguayan Parliament jointly with Secretaría General Iberoamericana
(SEGIB) of Spain. Montevideo, Uruguay, December 8, 2011. Guest speaker.
económica internacional e integración regional” organized by the International Affairs
Comitees of the Uruguayan Parliament jointly with Secretaría General Iberoamericana
(SEGIB) of Spain. Montevideo, Uruguay, December 8, 2011. Guest speaker.
e “Crisis
económica internacional e integración regional” organized by the International Affairs
Comitees of the Uruguayan Parliament jointly with Secretaría General Iberoamericana
(SEGIB) of Spain. Montevideo, Uruguay, December 8, 2011. Guest speaker.
económica internacional e integración regional” organized by the International Affairs
Comitees of the Uruguayan Parliament jointly with Secretaría General Iberoamericana
(SEGIB) of Spain. Montevideo, Uruguay, December 8, 2011. Guest speaker.
e “Crisis económica internacional e integración regional” organized by the International
Affairs Comitees of the Uruguayan Parliament jointly with Secretaría General
Iberoamericana (SEGIB) of Spain. Montevideo, Uruguay, December 8, 2011. Guest
“Crisis económica internacional e integración regional” organized by the International
Affairs Comitees of the Uruguayan Parliament jointly with Secretaría General
Iberoamericana (SEGIB) of Spain. Montevideo, Uruguay, December 8, 2011. Guest
“Crisis económica internacional e integración regional” organized by the International
Affairs Comitees of the Uruguayan Parliament jointly with Secretaría General
Iberoamericana (SEGIB) of Spain. Montevideo, Uruguay, December 8, 2011. Guest
e “Crisis económica internacional e integración regional” organized by the
International Affairs Comitees of the Uruguayan Parliament jointly with Secretaría General
Iberoamericana (SEGIB) of Spain. Montevideo, Uruguay, December 8, 2011. Guest
e “Crisis económica internacional e integración regional” organized by the
International Affairs Comitees of the Uruguayan Parliament jointly with Secretaría General
Iberoamericana (SEGIB) of Spain. Montevideo, Uruguay, December 8, 2011. Guest
Meeting of the UNU-WIDER Project “The New Policy Model, Inequality and Poverty in
Latin America: Evidence from the Last Decade and Prospects for the Future”. University of
Buenos Aires School of Economics, Buenos Aires, September 1-5, 2011. Speaker.
International Seminar “Towards Inclusive Development in Latin America and Chile”
organized by ECLAC, the IPD (Columbia University) and the Foundation for European
Progressive Studies. Santiago de Chile, August 29-30, 2011. Guest speaker.
Workshop New Developmentalism and a Structuralist Development Macroeconomics
organized by Getulio Vargas Foundation (Sao Paulo) and Centro Celso Furtado. Sao
Paulo, Brazil, August 15 – 16, 2011. Guest speaker.
Workshop IV Encuentro SEGIB de Economistas, organized by the Spanish Secretaría
General Iberoamericana (SEGIB). Santander, Spain, July 5 – 6, 2011. Guest speaker.
Workshop “Las políticas económicas y sociales de América Latina en el último medio
siglo”, jointly organizad by Secretaría General Iberoamericana (SEGIB) and UNDP.
Columbia University, New York, May 31, 2011. Guest speaker.
Joint Brazilian Ministry of Finance and International Monetary Fund (IMF) High Level
Conference on “Managing Capital Inflows in Emerging Markets”. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
May 26-27, 2011. Guest speaker.
Seminar “Regulaciones financieras, macroeconomía y desarrollo en América Latina”,
jointly organized by CEDES, CEFIDAR and Centro Cultural de la Cooperación. Buenos
Aires, May 12 -13, 2011. Coordinator and speaker.
Workshop “Políticas macroeconómicas, inserción externa y mercados financieros
internacionales”, organized by ECLAC. Santiago de Chile, April 13-14, 2011. Guest
International Conference ECON 2010, organized by the Facultad de Ciencias Económicas
de la Universidad de Buenos Aires and Asociación Argentina de Economía Política.
Buenos Aires, November 15-19, 2010. Guest speaker.
15th Meeting of Central Bank Researchers of the American Continent, organized by
CEMLA and Banco Central de Bolivia. La Paz, Bolivia, November 3 – 5, 2010. Keynote
International Workshop “Crisis, ajuste macro y perspectivas”. CIEPLAN, Santiago de
Chile, September 24, 2010. Guest speaker.
III Encuentro de Economistas Sectretaría General Iberoamericana (SEGIB). Universidad
de Cantabria, Santander, Spain. July 6 – 7, 2010. Guest speaker.
International Workshop on New Developmentalism, organized by the Getulio Vargas
Foundation, Sao Paulo. Sao Paulo, Brazil, May 24 – 25, 2010. Guest speaker.
Presentation at the Ciclo de Seminarios de Macroeconomía “Actividad y Precios: políticas
e instituciones macroeconómicas en la Argentina”, organized by nine Argentine
universities. Buenos Aires, May 19, 2010. Guest speaker.
UNU-WIDER 25th Anniversary Conference: The Triple Crisis – Finance, Food and Climate
Change. Helsinki, May 13-15, 2010. Guest speaker.
Seminar at the Economics Seminars Series of Central Bank of the Argentine Republic.
Buenos Aires, October 29, 2009. Guest speaker.
Seminar “Financiamiento y crecimiento: las enseñanzas de la situación latinoamericana”
organized by CEIL-PIETTE, Institut des Haute Etudes de L’Amerique Latin, Institut CDC
pour la Recherche and CEFIDAR. Buenos Aires, October 27-29, 2009. Guest speaker.
Primer Congreso de la Asociación de Economía para el Desarrollo de la Argentina
(AEDA). Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, August 24-25, 2009. Guest speaker.
Lecture at the Instituto del Servicio Exterior de la Nación – ISEN. Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, Argentina. Buenos Aires, May 21, 2009. Guest speaker.
International Symposium Challenges of the Global Financial and Economic Crisis –
Towards a “New Economic Multilateraism” organized by the Friedrich Ebert Stifttung (FES)
and the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (SIIS). Shanghai, April 20 -21, 2009.
Guest speaker.
Seminar “Crisis global. La posición argentina en la reunión del G-20” organized by
Friedrich Ebert Foundation and the Plan Fénix, University of Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires,
March 27, 2009. Guest speaker.
14th. Conference of the Unión Industrial Argentina (UIA). Pilar, Provincia de Buenos Aires,
November 24 – 25, 2008. Guest speaker.
8th Economic Conference of the Consejo Profesional de Ciencias Económicas de la
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, November 19 – 21, 2008. Guest
International Seminar “El financiamiento del desarrollo. Una mirada desde América
Latina”, organized by Revista Nueva Sociedad and Dialogue on Globalization, Friedrich
Ebert Foundation. Buenos Aires, November 3 - 4, 2008. Guest speaker.
International Seminar “Globalization and Income Distribution: Problems and Policy
Challenges”, organized by Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social, Argentina, ILO,
ECLAC and UNDP. Buenos Aires, September 22 -23, 2008. Guest speaker.
Keynote Speaker in the UNCTAD 55th Trade and Development Board Sessions. Geneva,
September 17, 2008. Guest speaker.
Money and Banking Conference of the Central Bank of Argentina “Financial Turmoil: Its
Effects on Developed and Emerging Economies”. Buenos Aires, September 1-2, 2008
Guest speaker.
Seminar Argentina-Chile, organizad by the Chilean Embassy in Argentina. Buenos Aires,
September 1, 2008. Guest speaker.
Seminar “La economía argentina de la Convertibilidad y actual” organized by Centro de
Estudios sobre Población, Empleo y Desarrollo (CEPED), Facultad de Ciencias
Económicas de la Universidad de Buernos Aires. Buenos Aires, August 27, 2008. Guest
Seminar “Los retos del desarrollo en América Latina”. Organized by Corporación Andina
de Fomento, Banco Central de la República Argentina and Ministerio de Economía.
Central Bank of Argentina, Buenos Aires, August 26, 2008. Guest speaker.
Speaker in the XXIII Jornadas Anuales de Economía del Banco Central del Uruguay.
Central Bank of Uruguay. Montevideo, August 4, 2008. Guest speaker.
Speaker in the 1er Encuentro Iberoamericano de Jóvenes Empresarios. Organized by the
Secretaría General Iberoamericana. Buenos Aires, July 30, 2008. Guest speaker.
Seminar Encuentros SEGIB (Secretaría General Iberoamericana): Economistas. “Crisis
financieras y escaladas de precios de las materias primas: Impactos sobre las economías
de América Latina”. Santander, Spain, July 10-11, 2008. Guest speaker.
The Initiative of Policy Dialogue Meeting of the Task Force on Financial Markets
Regulation. At the University of Manchester Brooks World Poverty Institute. Manchester,
UK. July 1-2, 2008. Guest speaker.
Seminar “La economía argentina hoy” in the II Congreso Internacional de Economía y
Gestión (ECON2008). School of Economics, University of Buenos Aires. June 5, 2008.
Guest speaker.
Seminar organized by Revista Economía Política de Buenos Aires in the II Congreso
Internacional de Economía y Gestión (ECON2008). School of Economics, University of
Buenos Aires. June 3, 2008. Guest speaker.
Keynote speaker in the I Encontro Internacional de la Asociacao Keynesiana Brasileira.
Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil, April 16 - 18, 2008. Guest speaker.
Seminar at the Economics Seminars Series of Central Bank of the Argentine Republic.
Buenos Aires, April 10, 2008. Guest speaker.
Conference “Reforma del FMI, una perspectiva latinoamericana” organized by Friedrich
Ebert Stitfung and Plan Fénix (University of Buenos Aires). Pilar, October 5, 2007. Guest
Keynote speaker in “Quintas Jornadas Internacionales de Estado y Sociedad” organized
by CEDES, School of Economics, University of Buenos Aires, CONyCET and SECyT.
Buenos Aires, October 4,2007.
First International Congress in Economic Sciences, “ECON 2007”, organized by the
School of Economics of the University of Buenos Aires. May 28 – 30, 2007. Guest
Forum “Colombia hoy”, organized by the Embassy of Colombia in Argentina, the
newspaper La Nación and the Universidad de San Andrés. Buenos Aires, May 23, 2007.
Guest speaker.
Pannel Discussion on Inflation Targeting and Alternatives in Developing Countries
oganized by the G24 and PERI, University of Massachussets, Amherts. IMF
Headquarters, Washington DC, May 17, 2007. Guest speaker.
Seminar “Alternatives to Inflation Targeting: Thematic Issues and Country Studies”,
organized by PERI, University of Massachussets, Amherts and New Rules for Global
Finance Coalition. Economic Policy Institute, Washington DC, May 18, 2007. Guest
Seminar “Development of Capital Markets and the Financing of the Real Economy”
organized by Comisión Nacional de Valores (CNV) of the Ministerio de Economía y
Producción, Argentina. Buenos Aires, May 3-4, 2007. Guest speaker.
Seminar “Left, Populism and Democracy” organized by Programa de Historia Política,
University of Buenos Aires with the support of the Secretaría de Ciencia y Técnica (Secyt).
Buenos Aires, April 27, 2007. Guest speaker.
Seminar “Inflation Targeting vs. Real Exchange Rate Targeting” given at the Dipartamento
di Economia Política e Metode Quantitativi de la Universita’ degli Studi di Pavia, Italia.
March 20, 2007. Guest speaker.
Seminar on the Argentine Economic and Social Development. Organized by the Instituto
de Desarrollo Económico y Social (IDES). Buenos Aires, November 21- 23, 2006. Guest
Latin American Regional Workshop on Debt Sustainability and Development Strategies,
jointly organized by UNCTAD and the Ministry of Economy and Production of Argentina.
Buenos Aires, October 30 – November 1, 2006. Guest speaker.
Lecturer at the Summer School 2006 “Finance and the Real Economy” organized by the
Departments of Economics of the Venice, Bologna and Trento Universities, the Université
de Genève and the European Association of Banking History. Venice, September 4 – 9,
Seminar “Global Imbalances and the International Financial Architecture” organized by
Ministerio de Economía y Producción de la República Argentina. Buenos Aires, August 23,
2006. Guest commentator.
Guest Lecture at the Advance Graduate Workshop on Poverty, Development and
Globalization. Organized by The Initiatiative of Policy Dialogue (Columbia University) and
The University of Mancheter’s Brooks World Poverty Institute. Manchester, July 28, 2006.
Guest speaker.
Financial Markets Reform Task Force Meeting. The Initiative of Policy Dialogue. At the
University of Manchester’s Brooks World Poverty Institute. Manchester, July 26 – 27,
2006. Guest speaker.
Seminar “Pensando la economía, la Nación y las finanzas para el desarrollo”, organized
by CEFID-AR. Buenos Aires, June 28, 2006. Speaker.
Annual Money and Banking Conference of the Central Bank of Argentina 2006 “Monetary
Theory and Financial Stability: A Ride from Theory to Practice”. Buenos Aires, June 5-6,
2006. Guest speaker.
Seminar at the Dipartamento de Economia de la Universitá Ca’ Foscari di Venezia.
Venezia, Italy, Mayo 8, 2006. Guest speaker.
Workshop “Financial Crises, Macro Performance and Poverty” organaized by the Group of
Research and Analysis on Development (GRADE) of the University of Trento. Trento,
Italy, May 5, 2006. Keynote speaker.
International Seminar “Escenarios de salida de crisis y estrategia de desarrollo para
Agentina”, organized by CEIL-PIETTE and the Secretaría de Investigación y Postgrado de
la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la UBA. Buenos Aires, April 18- 20, 2006. Guest
XXXIII Encontro Nacional de Economía ANPEC (Asociacao Nacional de Pesquisa e
Ensinamento de Economia). Speaker at the ANPEC- SBE (Sociedade Brasileira de
Econometría) Conference. Natal, Brasil, December 6-9, 2005. Keynote speaker.
40th Annual Meeting of the Asociación Argentina de Economía Política (AAEP).
Universidad de La Plata- La Plata, Argentina, November 17-19, 2005. Guest Speaker.
Tenth Annual Meeting of The Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association. Paris,
October 27-29, 2005. Keynote speaker in invited session.
UNCTAD Expert Meeting on Debt Sustainability and Development Strategies. Geneva,
Switzerland, October 26-28, 2005. Guest Speaker.
Seminar “Empleo, pequeñas empresas y estructura productiva: coordinación de políticas”
organized by the Ministry of Labor (Argentina) and ECLAC. Buenos Aires, October 14,
2005. Guest Speaker.
Seminar “Las Pymes y el acceso al crédito bancario” organized by Fogaba (Fondo de
Garantía de la Provincia de Buenos Aires) in its 10th aniversary. Buenos Aires, October
12, 2005. Guest Speaker.
International Conference “Decent Work: The road to development in the Americas. What
options exist for promoting economic growth, employment and equity in the Americas?”,
organized by The Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs and Fundación
Agenda Colombia. Bogotá, September 27-28, 2005. Guest Speaker.
Policy Dialogue “The Buenos Aires Consensus. A New Agenda for Latin America fifteen
years after the Washington Consensus”, organized by The Initiative for Policy Dialogue
and the Universidad de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, August 23, 2005.Guest Speaker.
International Conference “La globalización y el desarrollo nacional. Hacia una mayor
coherencia entre las políticas económicas y laborales”, organized by the ILO Offce in
Argentina. Buenos Aires, August 8- 9, 2005. Guest Paper.
Presentation at the seminar organized by the Research Department of the Central Bank of
Argentina. Buenos Aires, August 4, 2005. Guest Speaker.
“La relación entre la tasa de cambio real y el desempleo”. Presentation in CESAINCOLDA. Colombia, Bogotá, June 24, 2005. Guest Speaker
Annual Money and Banking Conference of the Central Bank of Argentina 2005 “Monetary
Police and Economic Growth” Buenos Aires, May 30-31, 2005. Guest Speaker.
Seminar “Alternatives to Inflation Targeting Monetary Policy for Stable and Egalitarian
Growth in Developing Countries”. Organized by CEDES and PERI - University of
Massachusets at Amherst. CEDES, Buenos Aires, 13 y 14 de mayo de 2005. Organizor
and speaker.
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Development Forum
“Integrating Economic and Social Policies to Achieve the UN Development Agenda”.
United Nations, New York NY. March 14-15, 2005. Guest Speaker.
Seminar organized by ABAPPRA (Asociación de Bancos Públicos y Privados de la
República Argentina) in its 45º aniversary. Buenos Aires, November 10, 2004. Guest
Sovereign Debt Task Force Meeting. Initiative for Policy Dialogue, Columbia University,
New York NY. October 15-16, 2004.
XIX G24 Technical Group Meeting. IMF Headquarters, Washington, DC. Sptember 27-28,
2004. Guest Speaker
Seminar “La discusión actual sobre regímenes cambiarios y monetarios y su relevancia
para la Argentina”, organized by IAE - Universidad Austral. Buenos Aires, August 3, 2004.
Guest Speaker.
Economic Research Seminar, given at The Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, The
Netherlands, June 8, 2004. Guest Speaker.
Novenas Jornadas de Economía Monetaria e Internacional, Universidad Nacional de La
Plata. La Plata, May 6-7, 2004. Guest Speaker.
Seminar “Los nuevos retos a la política exterior de América Latina, Estados Unidos y
Europa” organized by The Paul Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS),
The John Hopkins University and Departamento de Ciencias Políticas y Estudios
Internacionales de la Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Universidad Torcuato di Tella,
Buenos Aires, april 29, 2004. Guest Speaker.
Workshop on Alternatives to Inflation Targeting, organized by the Political Economy
Research Institute (PERI), University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA. April 16-17, 2004.
Guest Speaker.
Conference “Stability, Growth and the Search for a New Development Agenda:
Reconsidering the Washington Consensus” organized by the Forum on Debt and
Development (FONDAD). ECLAC, Santiago de Chile, March 29-30, 2004. Guest
Second International Conference of the Faculty of Economics in Sarajevo “From
Transition to Development: Globalisation and the Political Economy of Development in
Transition Economies”. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, October 9-11, 2003. Keynote
Seminar “Brasil em desenvolvimento. A gestào macroeconómica do desenvolvimento”,
organized by Instituto de Economía, Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro. Rio de
Janeiro, September 9, 2003. Guest speaker.
Seminario internacional: la economía argentina y su crisis (1976-2003). Confrontación de
investigaciones institucionalistas francesas y argentinas. Facultad de Ciencias
Económicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, September 1-2, 2003. Guest
Macroeconomics and Capital Market Liberalization Task Force Meetings. Initiative for
Policy Dialogue, Columbia University. Barcelona, Spain, June 2-3, 2003. Guest speaker.
Seminar “Management of volatility, financial globalization and growth in emergent
economies” organized by ECLAC. Santiago de Chile, April 24-25, 2003. Guest speaker.
Seminar “La nueva política monetaria. Inflation targeting”. Departamento de Posgrado,
Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Económicas, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina
(UCA). Buenos Aires, March 19, 2003. Guest speaker.
Interparliamentary Forum of the Americas. Second Plenary Meeting. Speaker at the
Working Group II, Financial Crises in Latin America. Panama. February 20-21, 2003
Foro “Política macroeconómica y vulnerabilidad social”, organized by ECLAC. Santiago de
Chile, November 26-27, 2002. Guest speaker.
VI Encuentro internacional de Economía Revista BCV “Presente y futuro de la política
monetaria en América Latina”. Banco Central de Venezuela. September 23-24, 2002.
Guest speaker.
Initiative for Policy Dialogue. Macroeconomis and Capital Market Liberalization Task Force
Meetings. Columbia University, New York. Sptember 19-20, 2002. Guest speaker.
International Seminar “¿Argentina en colapso? América debate”, organized by The New
School University, New York, IIED-América Latina the Facultad de Arquitectura y
Urbanismo, Universidad de Buenos Aires. August 7, 2002. Guest speaker.
Conference “Economic Management and Political Collapse in Argentina: Interpreting the
Past to Build for the Future”. The New School Program in International Affairs. New
School University. New York, April 8-9, 2002. Guest speaker.
Workshop “Management of Volatility and Financial Globalization in Emerging Economies”.
Organized by ECLAC with the support of Ford Foundation. Santiago de Chile, April 4-5,
2002. Guest speaker.
Seminar “La teoría del desarrollo en los albores del siglo XXI. Evento conmemorativo del
centenario del nacimiento de Don Raúl Prebisch”. CEPAL, Santiago de Chile, August 2829, 2001. Guest speaker.
Seminar “Latin America: An agenda for Development Under Globalization”. Organized by
AVINA Group, Andres Bello Chilean Academy of Diplomacy, Interamerican Dialogue y
World Bank. Santiago de Chile, March 15- 16, 2001. Guest speaker.
Seminar “Argentina-Brasil. La visión del otro.” Organized by Fundación Centro de Estudos
Brasileiros (FUNCEB) and Fundación Alexandre de Gusmao (FUNAG). Buenos Aires,
December 5-6, 2000. Guest speaker.
Second Regional Consultation on the Financing of Development. Organized by ECLAC.
Bogotá, November 9-10, 2000. Guest speaker.
Second Regional Conference in Follow-up to the World Summit for Social Development.
ECLAC, Santiago de Chile, May 15-17, 2000. Guest speaker.
Meeting of experts for the discussion of the report to be presented at the 28th ECLAC
sessions period. ECLAC, Santiago de Chile, November 29-30, 1999. Guest speaker.
Seminar "The Global Credit Rating and Developing Countries." Organized by The
Friedrich Ebert Foundation. New York, October 28- 29, 1999. Guest.
Lecture at the Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social (IDES) "Balance of Payments
Liberalization. Effects on Growth, Employment and Income Distribution." Buenos Aires,
October 14, 1999.
Seminar "La cuestión laboral en la Argentina". Organized by Consejo de Rectores de las
Universidades Privadas. Buenos Aires, September 13, 1999. Guest Speaker.
Workshop "Balance of Payments Liberalization: Effects on Employment, Distribution,
Poverty and Growth. Phase II." Organized by UNDP (New York), ECLAC and IDB.
Antigua, Guatemala, August 26 - 28, 1999. Guest Speaker.
Conference "El problema del desempleo". Organized by Universidad Torcuato di Tella.
Buenos Aires, August 10, 1999. Guest Speaker.
The United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean Collective
Planning Meeting. Marbella, Chile, August 4-6, 1999. Guest Speaker.
Seminar Brazil - Argentina. Organized by the International Relations Research Institute
(IPRI). Río de Janeiro, June 10 - 11, 1999. Guest Speaker.
International Conference "Latin American Social Science Research Swedish Support and
Emerging Trends." Organized by the Institute of Latin American Studies, Stockholm
University in cooperation with SAREC. Stockholm, May 10 -11, 1999. Guest Speaker.
"1999 Regional Conference on Human Development." United Nations Development
Programme, Regional Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean. Cartagena, Colombia,
March 10 -11,1999. Guest Speaker.
Seminar "Macroeconomía, Política Social e Pobreza." Organized by Instituto de Estudos
do Trabalho e Sociedade and UNDP. Río de Janeiro, March 1, 1999. Guest Speaker.
Workshop "Balance of Payments Liberalization: Effects on Employment, Distribution,
Poverty and Growth." Organized by UNDP (New York), ECLAC and IDB. Río de Janeiro,
February 24-28, 1999.
Inaugural Speech at the conference "Retos y Perspectivas de la Economía Peruana".
Organized by the Consorcio de Centros de Investigación Económica del Perú. Lima,
November 23, 1998. Guest Speaker.
Seminar "Balance of Payments Liberalization: Effects on Employment, Distribution,
Poverty and Growth." Organized by UNDP (New York), ECLA and IDB. El Salvador,
October 9-11, 1998. Guest Speaker.
"International Capital Markets and the Future of Economic Policy Conference", Queens'
College, Cambridge, April 15-17, 1998. Guest Speaker.
"International Capital Markets and the Future of Economic Policy", organized by Lance
Taylor (New School of Social Research) and John Eatwell (Cambridge University),
sponsored by Ford Foundation. Tarrytown, December 5-7, 1997. Guest Speaker.
II Technical Meeting of the Círculo de Montevideo "Empleo, flexibilidad laboral y
protección social", organized by the Presidency of Uruguay and the United Nations
Development Program (UNDP). Montevideo, December 1-2, 1997. Guest Commentator.
Seminar "Apertura, Competitividad y Empleo", organized by the Latinamerican
Macroeconomics Network, CEDES-IDRC Canada. Buenos Aires, November 24-25, 1997.
Seminar-Workshop "Políticas macroeconómicas y pobreza en América Latina y el Caribe"
organized by UNDP, ECLA and IDB. Bogotá, October 30-31 and November 1, 1997.
Guest Commentator.
Seminar "Future of US-Argentine Relations" sponsored by the Center for Strategic and
International Studies (CSIS) MERCOSUR Congressional Study Group. Capitol Hill,
Washington DC, September 25, 1997. Guest Speaker.
Third Annual World Bank Conference on Development in Latin America and the
Caribbean. Montevideo, June 29-July 1, 1997. Guest Speaker.
Segundas Jornadas de Investigación en Economía. Organized by Facultad de Ciencias
Económicas de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, June 23-24, 1997. Guest
Seminar "Fiscal Sustainability in Latin America". Red de Centros Regionales de
Investigación del BID. IESA, Caracas, June 16-17, 1997. Speaker.
International Conference "Las tendencias económicas para el fin de siglo". Organized by
the Consejo Profesional de Ciencias Económicas de Capital Federal. Buenos Aires, April
23-24, 1997. Guest Speaker.
Seminar "Sin Trabajo. Las características del desempleo y sus efectos en la sociedad
argentina". Organized by UNICEF. Buenos Aires, October 30, 1996. Guest Commentator.
Seminar "Políticas económicas en la Argentina. Opciones para el crecimiento con
equidad". Organized by the School of Economics of the Buenos Aires University. Buenos
Aires, October 29-31, 1996. Guest Speaker.
Seminar "La defensa y los intereses marítimos argentinos en el siglo XXI". Organized by
the Buenos Aires University and the Instituto Universitario de Estudios Navales y
Marítimos de la Armada Argentina. Buenos Aires, September 17, 1996. Guest Speaker.
"Conference on Development Thinking and Practice". Interamerican Development Bank.
Washington D.C., September 3-5, 1996. Guest.
Workshop "Economic Growth and Social Equity: International Experience and Policy".
Interamerican Development Bank and the Ministry of Finance of Chile. Santiago de Chile,
July 12-13, 1996. Guest.
International Workshop on Financial Liberalization in Developing Countries. Bilkent
University. Ankara, Turkey, June 19-21, 1996. Guest Speaker.
International Conference "Globalization. What it is and its Implications". Organized to
celebrate the 50th. anniversary of the School of Economics and Business Administration
(FEA) at the University of Sao Paulo. Sao Paulo, Brazil, May 23-24, 1996. Guest Speaker.
Conference "After Neoliberalism in Latin America: Now What?". Sponsored by the New
School for Social Research and the Office of Development Studies/UNDP. The New
School, New York, May 2, 1996. Guest Speaker.
Cuarto Congreso Tributario del Consejo Profesional de Ciencias Económicas de la Capital
Federal. Mendoza, April 10-13, 1996. Guest Speaker.
OECD Development Centre/ECLAC Workshop on Capital Flows and Investment
Performance in Latin America. ECLAC, Santiago de Chile, March 20-21, 1996. Guest
Seminar "Argentina Brasil: Mercosur - Nuevos problemas y desafíos." Organized by
Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires,
November 8, 1995. Guest Speaker.
Seminar "Primeras Jornadas de Investigación en Economía." organized by Facultad de
Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, November 6-7,
1995. Guest Speaker.
International Seminar "The Structural Reforms Experience in Latin America and the Socioeconomic Stabilization Problems in Russia", organized by ECLAC and the Latin America
Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow, September 11-13, 1995. Guest
Lecture at the Instituto de Economía de la Universidad Argentina de la Empresa. Buenos
Aires, August 23, 1995.
Meeting on Socially-oriented Structural Adjustment, organized by the Office of
Development Studies (ODS), United Nations Development Programme. New York, June
29, 1995. Guest speaker.
Seminar "O Cambio e o Real em Questao", organized by Internews. Sao Paulo, Brazil,
June 26, 1995. Guest speaker.
Workshop "Financial Liberalization in Developing Countries",
organized by IDRC
(Canada) and CEDES. Buenos Aires, May 22 - June 3, 1995. Speaker.
Workshop "Conjuntura Económica e Política Cambial" organized by FEDERASUL. Porto
Alegre, Brazil, April 11, 1995. Guest speaker.
Seminar "Central Bank - 30 years" organized by the Brazilian Central Bank. Brasilia,
March 28-29, 1995. Guest speaker.
Seminar "International Finance: From Globalization to crisis?" organized by UNCTAD.
Geneva, February 9, 1995. Panellist.
Seminar "O Brasil e as Tendéncias Económicas e Políticas Contemporáneas" organized
by the Brazilian elected President Fernando Henrique Cardoso. Brasilia, December 2-3,
1994. Main speaker in the block "Stabilization, Growth and Industrial Policy in Latin
Seminar "Reforma de las Políticas Públicas". ECLA, Santiago de Chile, November 21-23,
1994. Guest speaker.
XXIX Annual Meeting of the Asociación Argentina de Economía Política. Universidad
Nacional de La Plata, La Plata, October 12-14, 1994. Speaker and Commentator.
International Conference "Economic Growth and Long-Term Development: Performance
and New Thinking Toward the XXI Century", organized by Universidad Complutense and
The World Bank with the collaboration of UNCTAD and ECLAC. El Escorial, Spain, July
11-13, 1994. Guest Commentator.
Seminar "Global Development 50 Years After Bretton Woods", organized by The NorthSouth Institute. Ottawa, Canada, June 22-24, 1994. Guest Speaker.
Primer Simposio "La sociedad y los medicamentos, una visión desde los economistas",
organized by Confederación Farmacéutica Argentina. Buenos Aires, June 14-15, 1994.
Guest Speaker.
Segundo Seminario sobre Organización Industrial, Sistema Innovativo y competitividad
Internacional. ECLA/ International Development Research Center. Termas del Corazón,
Chile. June
5-9, 1994. Guest Speaker.
United Nations University/WIDER Conference on Medium Term Development Strategies,
Phase II. Helsinki, April 15-17, 1994. Guest Speaker.
Seminar "Macroeconomic, Structural and Social Policies for Growth", sponsored by Banco
Central do Brasil, Pontificia Universidade Católica de Rio de Janeiro and International
Monetary Fund. Mangaratiba, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, March 16-19, 1994. Guest.
Conference on "Economic Integration in the Americas", jointly sponsored by FOCAL (The
Canada-Latin America Forum), ECLAC (Economic Comission for Latin America and the
Caribbean) and CIS (Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto). Santiago de
Chile, October 8-9, 1993. Guest Speaker.
Lecture at the Instituto de Economia, Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Campinas,
Sao Paulo, Brazil, September 14, 1993.
Seminario sobre Organización Industrial, Sistema Innovativo y Competitividad. Organized
by ECLA. Termas de Cauquenes, Chile, July 14-16, 1993. Guest Speaker.
Seminario de Difusión de la Segunda Ronda de Estudios de la Red de Centros de
Investigación Económica Aplicada. Interamerican Development Bank, Washington D.C.,
July 1-2, 1993. Speaker.
Meeting of Authors of the OECD Developmente Centre/IDRC/CEPAL Project on Systemic
Competitiveness. OECD Developent Centre, Paris, June 17-19, 1993. Guest Speaker.
Seminar Crisis y Reforma Constitucional. Organized by the Fundación Banco de la
Ciudad. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires,
June 8-10, 1993. Guest Speaker.
Conference on Institutional Design and Democratization in a Context of Economic Crisis.
Organized by the Center for Iberian and Latin American Studies, University of California,
San Diego. La Jolla, May 13-15, 1993. Guest Speaker.
Lecture at the Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social. Buenos Aires, April 21, 1993.
Workshop on Governance and the Changing Role of the State. Organized by the
International Development Research Centre. Ottawa, Canada, March 30, 1993.
Lecture at the International Development Research Centre, Social Sciences Division.
Ottawa, Canada, March 29, 1993.
Symposium on Economic Reform in the Developing Countries: Issues for the 1990's.
Organised jointly by United Nations University/WIDER, the UNCTAD G-24 Project, and
the World Bank. Washington, D.C., February 6, 1993. Guest speaker.
Stabilization, Economic Reform and Growth Conference. National Bureau of Economic
Research and Inter-American Development Bank. Washington D.C., December 17-18,
Lecture at the Helen Kellog Institute for International Studies, University of Notre Dame.
Indiana USA, November 19, 1992.
International Forum on Latin American Perspectives. Inter-American Development Bank
and OECD Development Centre. Paris, November 4-6, 1992.
Joint OECD Development Centre-International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
Workshop "Designing a Country Review Process Based on a Systematic Approach to
Competitiveness". OECD. Paris, November 2-3, 1992. Lead speaker.
Informal Exchange on Reforming Public Enterprises. 39th Session of the Trade and
Development Board. UNCTAD. Geneva, October 7, 1992. Guest speaker.
Seminario Regional sobre Reformas de Política Pública. Organized by ECLA. Santiago de
Chile, August 3-5, 1992. Speaker.
International Conference "Reforma Económica: Experiencias Recientes en Economías de
Mercado y Economías Socialistas". Organized by the World Bank and Pensamiento
Iberoamericano. El Escorial, Spain, July 6-8, 1992. Commentator.
Red Latinoamericana de Macroeconomía. VIII Meeting. "Políticas de Estabilización y
Reforma del Estado". Washington D.C., April 22-24, 1992. Speaker.
Diffusion Seminar of the "Red de Centros de Investigación Aplicada". Inter-American
Development Bank, Washington D.C., April 20-21, 1992.
Lecture at The Center for Iberian and Latin American Studies and The UCSD Working
Group on Comparative Democratization. University of California, San Diego, February 18,
Workshop of the "Red de Centros de Investigación Aplicada". Inter-American
Development Bank, Washington D.C., January 30-31, 1992. Speaker.
Workshop of the "Red de Centros de Investigación Aplicada". Inter-American
Development Bank, Santiago de Chile, December 11-13, 1991. Speaker.
Lecture at the Colegio de México, on receipt of the Daniel Cosío Villegas prize for the best
essay on Latin American Economics published in "El Trimestre Económico" in 1989-1990.
México D.F., November 13, 1991.
Lecture at CIDE (México) on "Situación Económica Argentina". México D.F., November
12, 1991.
Seminar "Hacia la Reforma del Sector Financiero", Panel "Condiciones macroeconómicas
necesarias para el éxito de una Reforma Financiera", Inter-American Development Bank
(IDB). Washington D.C., November 8, 1991. Guest speaker.
International Seminar CERES-CLACSO "Desarrollo Rural: El Nuevo Escenario". Lima,
October 28-30, 1991. Guest speaker.
Workshop "State, Markets and Democracies", Instituto de Estudos Avançados.
Universidade de Sao Paulo. Sao Paulo, July 29-31, 1991. Guest commentator.
First Seminar-Workshop of the Regional Project on Policy Reform in Latin America,
organized by ECLA. Santiago de Chile, May 1991. Speaker.
Latin-American Network for Macroeconomic Research. VII Meeting. Cartagena, April
1991. Speaker.
Seminar on "The stabilization program and economics perspectives of Peru". Organized
by the Consorcio de Investigación Económica (Lima). Lima, November 1990. Guest
Seminar "The Market and the State in Economic Development in the 1990's". Organized
by the University of Sao Paulo and the Inter-American Development Bank. Sao Paulo,
October 1990. Guest speaker.
XII Meeting in Monetary Economics and External Sector. Argentine Central Bank. Buenos
Aires, September 1990. Speaker.
Senior Policy Seminar "Latin America: Facing the Challenges of Adjustment and Growth",
EDI/World Bank. Caracas, July 1990. Guest speaker.
Latin-American Network for Macroeconomic Research. VI Meeting. Rio de Janeiro, June
1990. Speaker.
Research Conference on the Medium Term Development Strategy Porject. WIDERSAREC. Stockholm, April 1990. Speaker.
Seminar on Savings and Investment in Asia and Latin-America, INTAL-IDB. Buenos Aires,
December 1989. Coordinator and speaker.
International Symposium on the work of Hirschman and a new strategy of development in
Latin America. IDB-Instituto Di Tella. Buenos Aires, November 1989. Guest commentator.
Lecture at the Department of Economics, University of Barcelona, October 1989.
"Conference on Medium-Term Development Strategy". Organized by the World Institute
for Development Economics Research (WIDER). Oslo, Norway, October 1989. Guest
Seminar on "Adjustment Policies for Economic Growth in Latin America". Organized by the
Argentine Central Bank and CEMLA (Center for Latin-American Monetary Studies).
Buenos Aires, April 1989. Guest speaker.
"Informal Group on Interdependence", Advisory Meeting to the Secretary General of
UNCTAD. Geneva, September 1989. Guest speaker.
XLV Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance. Buenos Aires, August 1989.
Seminar "Inflation and Stabilization Policies in Chronically Inflationary Economies".
Economics Institute, University of Campinas. Campinas, August 1989. Guest speaker.
IX Meeting of the Latin-American Econometric Society. Santiago de Chile, August 1989.
Guest speaker.
Seminar "Europe and Latin America in the '90s, toward a new relationship?". Organized by
the Aspen Institute Italia and The Institute of European Latin-American Relations.
Madrid, June 1989. Guest speaker.
Seminar on Adjustment Policies for Economic Growth in Latin America. Organized by the
Argentine Central Bank and The Center for Latin-American Monetary Studies. Buenos
Aires, April 1989. Speaker.
Latin-American Network for Macroeconomic Research. V Meeting. Santiago de Chile,
April 1989. Speaker.
Seminar "Beyond the Debt Crisis: Latin-American Growth Strategies". Caracas, June
1988. Coordinator and speaker.
Latin-American Network for Macroeconomic Research. IV Meeting. Buenos Aires, May
Seminar on The Labor Market. Organized by PREALC and CINVE. Montevideo,
September 1987. Guest speaker.
Seminar on The Impact of Research in the Making of Economic Policies in Latin America.
FIPE/ECIEL. Sao Paulo, August 1987. Guest speaker.
International Management Congress. INCOLDA, Bogota, June 1987. Guest speaker.
Seminar on Stabilization, the External Debt, International Commerce and Growth. The
Catholic University of Buenos Aires. School of Social Sciences and Economics. Buenos
Aires, June 1987. Guest speaker.
VII Meeting of the Latin-American Econometric Society. Sao Paulo, 1987. Guest speaker.
Latin America in the World Economy. SELA, Caracas, May 1987. Speaker.
Latin-American Network for Macroeconomic Research. III Meeting. Bogota, January 1987.
IV Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Business Planning. SPE "Scenarios 87". Sao
Paulo, December 1986. Guest speaker.
External Crisis and Economic Policy. University of Campinas. Campinas, October 1986.
Guest speaker.
Seminar on the Economic Situation in Latin America. CEPAL, Montevideo, October 1986.
Guest speaker.
Stabilization and Adjustment Policies and Programmes. World Institute for Development
Economics Research (WIDER). Second Meeting. Helsinki, August 1986.
Latin America in the World Economy. SELA. Caracas, June 1986. Speaker.
Argentine-Brazilian Relations. External and Internal Determinants. Organized by FLACSO.
Buenos Aires Program. Area of International Relations. Buenos Aires, March 1986. Guest
VI Latin-American Meeting of the Econometric Society. Cordoba, Argentina, 1986. Guest
VIII Meeting in Monetary Economics and the External Sector. Argentine Central Bank.
Buenos Aires, November 1985.
Recent Stabilization Policies in Latin America. Santiago de Chile, CEPAL, November
1985. Guest speaker.
Stabilization and Adjustment Policies and Programmes. World Institute for Development
Economic Research (WIDER). First Meeting, Helsinki, 1985.
III Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Business Planning: How to plan 1986. Sao Paulo,
November 1985. Guest Speaker.
The Return to Democracy in South America. Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars.
Washington D.C., October 1985. Guest Speaker.
External Indebtedness and Adjustment Policies. CEPAL/University of Campinas, October
1985. Guest speaker.
The IMF, the World Bank and the Latin-American Crisis. SELA. Caracas, 1985. Guest
Seminar of the Institute for Social and Economic Development (IDES), "Perspectives of
the Argentine Economy". Buenos Aires, November 1984. Speaker.
Latin-American Seminar on Saving, Investments and the Financial System. CEDES,
Buenos Aires. Speaker.
XXXIV ECIEL Seminar. Washington D.C., May 1984. Speaker.
VII Meeting in Monetary Economics and the External Sector, Argentine Central Bank.
Buenos Aires, October, 1983. Speaker.
Seminar "Latin America in the Context of an International Crisis". Organized by IRIPUC/RJ and CIDE-Mexico. Rio de Janeiro, October 17-19, 1983. Guest speaker.
XI National Economics Meeting AMPEC, Belem, Brazil. December 5-7, 1983. Guest
XXXIII ECIEL Seminar, Economic Policies, Employment and Income Distribution in Latin
America. Buenos Aires, August 2-5, 1983. Speaker.
Seminar-Workshop "Wages, Prices and Competition", PREALC-ILO, Santiago de Chile,
June 21-24, 1983.
Initial Seminar on the BID-ECIEL Project "Economic Policies, Employment and Income
Distribution". Rio de Janeiro, April 14-16, 1982.
International Congress "External Financial Relations and Its Impact on Latin-American
Economies". Santiago de Chile, March 18-21, 1981. Speaker.
Seminar on "Economic Development Styles and Policy Regimes in Latin America".
Organized by IFTA-CEBRAP-CEDEC. Sao Paulo, January 1981. Guest speaker.
III Meeting of the Workshop on International Economics. Rio de Janeiro, January 1981.
International Seminar on "New Problems and Conditionings in International Relations in
Latin America". Organized by IRI of the PUC/RJ. Rio de Janeiro, September 1980. Guest
Meeting of the joint CEDES-CEBRAP-CIEPLAN Project, "Contemporary normalization
economic policies in Brazil, Chile and Argentina". Buenos Aires, June 1980.
I Meeting of the Workshop on International Economics. Rio de Janeiro, March 1980.
Seminar on Financial Capital and Dependence in the Transnational Phase. Organized by
CEESTEM and ILET. Mexico, March 1980. Guest speaker.
Seminar on Stabilization Policies in Latin America, the Woodrow Wilson International
Center for Scholars. Washington D.C., 1979. Guest speaker.
Seminar on "Social and economic aspects of the agricultural sector in Argentina",
Undersecretary of Agricultural Economics of the Ministry of Economics. Buenos Aires,
September 1978. Guest speaker.
Meeting of the joint CEDES-CIEPLAN-CEBRAP Project, "Contemporary normalization
economic policies in Brazil, Chile and Argentina". Sao Paulo, December 1977.
VI Annual Meeting of the Argentine Association of Agricultural Economics. Resistencia,
November 1975. Guest speaker.
International seminar on Political System and Urbanization organized by EURE magazine
and CIDU of the University of Chile. Santiago de Chile, July 1971. Guest speaker.
International Seminar organized by the Institute for Urban and Regional Planning of the
University of Chile. Santiago de Chile, March 1971. Guest speaker.
Seminar on Long-Term Projections organized by CEPAL. Santiago de Chile, November
1968. Guest speaker.
Congress of the Venezuelan Association for the Advancement of the Sciences. Caracas,
May 1968. Speaker.
Congress of the International Management Science Association (TIMS). Mexico, August
1967. Speaker.
I Meeting of the Argentine Centers for Economic Research. Mendoza, December 1965.
1996 Konex Award in Humanities. Excellence Diploma in Development Economics.
First prize in the International Competition "Daniel Cosío Villegas". Awarded by El
Trimestre Económico (México) to the best article on Latin American Economics published
by El Trimestre in 1989-1990.
James H. Street Latin American Scholar for 2013. Awarded in 2012 by The Association of
Evolutionary Economics.
Award Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad de Buenos Aires a la
Trayectoria Destacada en Economía 2012.
In Argentina
1998. Doctor Honoris Causa, Palermo University.
2012. Honorary Professor of the Buenos Aires University.
1964-1966 Economics, Econometrics and Mathematical Economics, the Calculus Institute,
University of Buenos Aires.
1961-1966 Mathematics, School of Mathematics, University of Buenos Aires.
1967-1969 Economics and Sociology of Development, The Center for Development Studies,
Central University of Venezuela.