Download Title of Webinar: Eficacia, efectividad y factores de confusion

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Title of Webinar: Eficacia, efectividad y factores de confusion
Efficiency, effectiveness and confounding factors
Date: October 9, 2014, 11am EDT
Abstract Description: Las diferencias entre investigación de “eficacia” e investigación de “efectividad”
no son siempre evidentes. Es de suma utilidad reconocer las fortalezas y debilidades de ambos diseños
antes de comenzar un proyecto de investigación. Especialmente para la investigación de efectividad,
resulta transcendental reconocer factores de confusión y desarrollar técnicas estadísticas para
The differences between the study of efficacy and the study of effectiveness are not always evident. It is
of the highest utility that we recognize the strengths and weaknesses of the two designs before
beginning a research project. Especially in effectiveness studies, it becomes of utmost importance to
recognize confounding factors and to deploy statistical methodology to reduce their impact.
Learning Objectives:
1. Reconocer las características de investigación de “eficacia” vs investigación de “efectividad”
Recognize the characteristics of research efficiency vs. research effectiveness.
2. Describir técnicas estadísticas para mitigar los efectos de los factores de confusion
Describe statistical techniques to mitigate the effects of confounding factors.
List of Speaker(s): Rene Soria-Saucedo
Language: Spanish
Target Audience: Professionals in Latin America and other Spanish speaking countries interested in
Target Geographic Region: Latin America
Register: Click here to join the webinar on October 9th.