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Jorge Andrés Perdomo Calvo Email.,, Mobile. (+57) 315-7650414 Phone. (+571) 300 0117 Address. Carrera 50 # 100-62, Office 403 Web site. Bogotá D.C. – Colombia Education 2006 M.Sc. University of the Andes (Colombia) – Uni. of Maryland (US), Degree: Environmental Economics and Natural Resources 2003 B.Sc. University Jorge Tadeo Lozano Degree: B.Sc. Economics Main fields Econometrics, Microeconometrics, Welfare Economics and Applied Economics (Transportation, Impact Evaluation, Environmental, Natural Resources and Agriculture). Computer skills Basics: Microsoft Office. Statistical and Econometrics: EVIEWS, STATA, LIMDEP, SAS, SPSS, GAUSS, GEODA, RATS, R. Mathematicians: DERIVE, MATLAB, FRONTIER. Current Position Professor of Intermediate Econometrics, Principles of Mathematics and Transportation Economics at the University of the Andes (Department of Economics), since May 2, 2004. General Director and Deputy of Quantitative Analysis at Teknidata Consultants, since February 15, 2011. Professor of applied microeconomics to projects at Del Rosario University, since 2010. Major Awards Lincoln Institute of Land Policy (LILP), Research Grant: Effect on Value of the Residential and Commercial Properties due to its Proximity to a Station or Terminals of the Integrated Mass Transport System in Colombia, 2011-2013. Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), Development Bank of Latin America (CAF) and University of the Andes, scholarship program, 2004 – 2006. Book Manuscripts (publications in Spanish) 2013 “Fundamentos de econometría intermedia: teoría y aplicaciones (Intermediate Econometrics: Theory and Applications)” (joint with Ramón Rosales, Carlos Morales and Jaime Urrego), University of the Andes, Department of Economics, Ediciones Uniandes. ublicaciones/libros_y_otras_publicaciones_del_cede/2013/Fundamentos_de _Econometria_intermedia_teoria_y_aplicaciones 2008 “Fundamentos de economía del transporte: teoría, metodología y análisis de política (Transportation Economics: Theory, Methodology 1 and Policy)” (joint with Juan Carlos Mendieta) University of the Andes, Department of Economics, Ediciones Uniandes. Publications in Refereed Journals 2015 “An Economics Approach to Fixing the Fare of the Parking Lot Service in Bogotá Using Price Cap Regulation”, Journal of Cost Analysis and Parametrics, 8 (1), 23-33. DOI: 10.1080/1941658X.2015.1016586. 2011 “A methodological proposal to estimate changes of residential property value: case study developed in Bogotá”, Journal Applied Economics Letters, 18 (16), 1577-1581. Publications in Refereed Journals (in Spanish) 2015 Perdomo Calvo, Jorge Andrés and Maria Cristina Arzuza Picon “Beneficios económicos de Transmetro sobre la reducción de la accidentalidad vial en el área metropolitana de Barranquilla, Colombia” Journal Lecturas de Economía, 82, pp. 219-245. 2012 “Beneficios económicos del implante coclear para la hipoacusia sensorineural profunda” (joint with Augusto Peñaranda, Juan Carlos Mendieta, María Leonor Aparicio, Lina Marcela Marín, Juan Manuel García and Clemencia Barón. Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública (Pan American Journal of Public Health), vol. 31, núm. 4, pp. 325-331. 2012 “Regulación económica para la tarifa de parqueaderos en Bogotá mediante precios máximos” (joint with Mariana Rubio). Journal Revista Cuadernos de Economía, Departamento de Economía, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, vol 31, num 58, pp. 287-302. 2012 “Análisis económico sobre el tamaño óptimo del mercado y ubicación de estaciones de transferencia para el manejo de residuos sólidos en Colombia” (joint with Juan Andrés Ramírez). Journal Lecturas de Economía, núm. 75, pp. 143-162. 2011 “Funciones de producción, análisis de economías a escala y eficiencia técnica en el eje cafetero colombiano: una aproximación con frontera estocástica” (joint with Darrell Hueth). Journal Revista Colombiana de Estadística, Departamento de Estadística, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 34 (2), 377402. . 2010 “Una propuesta metodológica para estimar los cambios sobre el valor de la propiedad: estudio de caso para Bogotá aplicando Propensity Score Matching y Precios Hedónicos Espaciales”. Journal Lecturas de Economía, Facultad de Economía, Universidad de Antioquia, 73, 49-65. 2007 “Factores que Afectan la Eficiencia Técnica y Asignativa en el Sector Cafetero Colombiano: una Aplicación con Análisis Envolvente de Datos” (joint with Juan Carlos Mendieta). Journal Desarrollo y Sociedad, Universidad de los AndesCEDE (Centro de Estudios Sobre Desarrollo Económico), 60, 1-46. . 2 Forthcoming Publications Perdomo Calvo, Jorge Andrés “The Effect of the Bus Rapid Transit Infrastructure on the Properties Values in Colombia”. Travel Behaviour and Society - Journal – Elsevier (Under Review). 2016 Second edition book, Intermediate Econometrics: Theory and Applications (joint with Ramón Rosales, Carlos Morales and Jaime Urrego), University of the Andes, Department of Economics, Ediciones Uniandes. Publications in Non-Refereed Journals 2007 “Analysis of the Impact of the Transmilenio Mass Transportation Project on Real Estate Property Values in Bogotá, Colombia” (joint with Camilo Mendoza, Juan Carlos Mendieta and Andres Baquero), published by Lincoln Institute of Land Policy (LILP). Publications in Non-Refereed Journals (in Spanish) 2010 “Estrategia sobre ubicación y funcionamiento de estaciones de transferencia para el manejo de residuos sólidos en Colombia” (joint with Juan Andrés Ramírez) in the Documento CEDE (Centro de Estudios Sobre Desarrollo Económico), Facultad de Economía, Universidad de los Andes, 31, 3-16. Publicaciones/documentos_cede/2010/Estrategia_sobre_ubicacion_y_fun cionamiento_de_estaciones_de_transferencia_para_el_manejo_de_resid uos_solidos_en_Colombia 2010 “Una propuesta metodológica para estimar los cambios sobre el valor de la propiedad: estudio de caso para Bogotá aplicando Propensity Score Matching y Precios Hedónicos Espaciales”, in the Documento CEDE (Centro de Estudios Sobre Desarrollo Económico), Facultad de Economía, Universidad de los Andes, 24, 3-12. Publicaciones/documentos_cede/2010/Una_propuesta_metodologica_par a_estimar_los_cambios_sobre_el_valor_de_la_propiedad_estudio_de_ca so_para_bogota_aplicando_propensity_score_matching_y_precios_hedo nicos_espaciales 2010 “Funciones de producción y eficiencia técnica en el eje cafetero colombiano: una aproximación con frontera estocástica” (joint with Darrell Hueth) in the Documento CEDE (Centro de Estudios Sobre Desarrollo Económico), Facultad de Economía, Universidad de los Andes, 21, 3-35. Publicaciones/documentos_cede/2010/Funciones_de_produccion_y_efici encia_tecnica_en_el_eje_cafetero_colombiano_una_aproximacion_con_f rontera_estocastica 2010 “Evaluación de impacto del sistema de transporte masivo TransMilenio sobre el tiempo total de desplazamiento de los usuarios del transporte público tradicional” (joint with Hasbleidy Castañeda and Juan Carlos Mendieta) in the Documento CEDE (Centro de Estudios Sobre Desarrollo Económico), Facultad de Economía, Universidad de los Andes, 11, 3-30. 3 2010 “Estimación de la senda óptima de extracción para un recurso natural no renovable: caso de estudio para la actividad carbonífera a cielo abierto en el centro del Cesar-Colombia” (joint with Ana María Jaramillo and Juan Carlos Mendieta) in the Documento CEDE (Centro de Estudios Sobre Desarrollo Económico), Facultad de Economía, Universidad de los Andes, 9, 3-24. 2007 “Especificación y estimación de un modelo de precios hedónico espacial para evaluar el impacto de Transmilenio sobre el valor de la propiedad en Bogotá” (joint with Juan Carlos Mendieta) in the Documento CEDE (Centro de Estudios Sobre Desarrollo Económico), Facultad de Economía, Universidad de los Andes, 22, 1-44. e/publicaciones/documentos_cede/(grupo)/2007 2007 “Factores que Afectan la Eficiencia Técnica en el Sector Cafetero Colombiano: una Aplicación con Análisis Envolvente de Datos” (joint with Darrell Hueth and Juan Carlos Mendieta) in Ensayos sobre Economía Cafetera, Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia, Organización Internacional del Café, 22, 121-140. ciat%C3%A9cnicaSectorcafeterocolombiano.pdf Class Notes (Publication in Spanish) 2010 “Fundamentos de econometría intermedia: teoría y aplicaciones” (joint with Ramón Rosales, Carlos Morales and Jaime Urrego), in the Apuntes de Clase, CEDE (Centro de Estudios Sobre Desarrollo Económico), Facultad de Economía, Universidad de los Andes, Working Paper, 1, Enero de 2010. Previous Position 2011– Present General Director and Deputy Director of Quantitative Analysis Teknidata Consultants. Lead the quantitative methodology (statistical and econometrics methods) of the research projects and consulting opportunities on applied economics (environmental, impact evaluation, natural resources, urban economics, risk, finance and transportation). 2014 Referee – Journal of Cost Analysis and Parametrics (Taylor & Francis Group). 2014 Referee – Journal Desarrollo y Sociedad (Department of Economics, University of the Andes, Bogotá, Colombia). 2012 Referee – Journal Ensayos de sobre Política Económica (Banco de la República-Colombia, Central Bank of Colombia). 2012 Referee – Journal Sociedad y Economía (Department of Economics, University of the Valle, Cali, Colombia). 2011 Referee – Journal Cuadernos de Economía (Department of Economics of the National University of Colombia). 4 2010 Referee – Journal Lecturas de Economía (Department of Economics, Medellin, University of Antioquia). 2008 Referee – Fruits Journal, EDP Science (Montpellier-France, article Technical efficiency in fresh fruits and vegetables sector: a compared study of Italian and Spanish firms). 2008 2007 Referee – Journal Desarrollo y Sociedad (Department of Economics, University of the Andes, Bogotá, Colombia). Expert in mass communication media and quantitative analysis. I was analyzing news, interviews and statements about the market of the type I gray cement in massive media between June 2005 and August 2006 in Colombia. This analysis led to determine the effect of communications on economic expectations in the markets, mainly on the prices evolution of the type I gray cement (Superintendence of Industry and Commerce in Colombia). 2000 – 2004 Economist, Portafolio Newspaper. 1999 – 2000 2002 – 2010 Economist, El Espectador Newspaper. Time series and analysis of regression and financial (Department of Economics, Specialized Graduate Programs in Finance, Capitals Market and Projects Evaluation, Del Rosario University, Bogotá, Colombia). 2003 – 2004 Applied econometrics (Department of Economics, undergraduate, Jorge Tadeo Lozano University, Bogotá, Colombia). Research and Consultancy 2015-2016 International Consultant, World Bank (Global Practice for Social, Urban, Rural and Resilience –GSURR–). Lead expert for econometric and statistical methods for the “legalization of the Colombian National Fund for Disaster Risk Management”. July (2015)–February (2016). 2015-2016 Project Director and lead expert for econometric for the estimation of the social indicators (capability approach and multidimensional poverty, quality of life, socio-economic segregation, errors of exclusion and inclusion). Consortium PROES-Teknidata (the District of Bogota's Planning Secretary) July (2015)–March (2016). 2014 International Consultant, Inter-American Development Bank (The Capital Markets and Financial Institutions Division -IFD/CMF-). Expert in econometrics, impact evaluation (IE), economic evaluation (cost benefit analysis) and Demand Analyses. “Develop and implement innovative CB-CE analyses, IE plans, and Demand Analyses, with particular attention to the nature of each project provided by IFD/CMF”. Sep.-Dec. 2014 Consultant of the project “Support the Implementation of the InterSectorial Prevention Policy Recruitment, Use and Sexual Violence Children and Adolescents by groups outside of the law and Organized Criminal Groups” (United Nations Children’s Fund-UNICEF-). Sep.Dec. 5 2014 Consultant of the project Economic Valuation of the “Metro de Bogotá” (Urban of Develop Institute –UDI–). Feb-Dec. 2014 Project Director for the impact evaluation of the project reducing vulnerability to disasters in Bogotá (the District of Bogota's Planning of Finance, SDH-World Bank). Consortium VEA-Teknidata, February – June 2014. 2013-2014 Project Director of the assessment of nutritional recovery strategy ICBF in two categories “Nutritional Recovery Centers and Nutritional Recovery Community Approach” (Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar, ICBF). Consortium PROES-Teknidata, November – December 2013. 2013-2014 Consultant of the project to support the general maritime direction to increase the usability of databases by structuring and implementing a dashboard of indicators of interest to the sector (Dirección General Marítima de Colombia –DIMAR–). Teknidata Consultants, November 2013– May 2014. 2013 Project Director of the Forecast (a Time Series application) of passenger quantity at the Coffee Airport (Caldas-Colombia) between 2018 and 2027 (Aeropuerto del Café). Teknidata Consultants, November – December 2013. 2013 Project Director of the Economic Regulation for the Parking Fare of the establishments of City Parking Company at Bogota (City Parking S.A.S). 1 to 31 March 2013. 2003-2014 Associate consultant, Expert in econometrics, environmental economic valuation, and economic evaluation (cost benefit analysis). Health Security and Environment LTD. 2011 – 2013 Project Director of the Effect on Value of the Residential and Commercial Properties due to its Proximity to a Station or Terminals of the Integrated Mass Transport System in Colombia (Lincoln Institute of Land Policy). Teknidata Consultants, September 2011 – March 2013. 2012 Project Director of the Stakeholders Needs and the Formulation of the First Maritime Informative Bulletin in Colombia (Dirección General Marítima de Colombia –DIMAR–), Teknidata Consultants, October 25 2012 – December 15 2012. 2012 Consultant of the Formulation of the Methodological of Impact Evaluation of the Social Innovation Project in Chia –Colombia– for Children of 7 to 12 years old (One Laptop per Child, OLPC), Teknidata Consultants, 17 September 2012 – 21 December 2012. 2012 Consultant of the Economic Valuation of the Bus Rapid Transit System (Transmetro infrastructure) in Barranquilla –Colombia–. Quantitative analysis and Benefits and Costs of Transmetro System (National Department of Planning, NDP). Consortium PROESTeknidata, December 22/2011-May 30/2012. 6 2009 Consultant - (Comisión de Regulación de Agua Potable y Saneamiento Básico, CRA). Provided guidance and helped with the development of a model of collection and solid waste transportation, under the tariff framework of the solid waste management services. This contributed the solid waste handling through transfer station in Colombia. Thus, optimal localization of a transfer station was 34.51 Km. 2009 Researcher (Joint project between Ministry for the Environmental and Department of Economics, Centro de Estudios Sobre Desarrollo Económico -CEDE-, Universidad de Los Andes). Advised on how to strengthen the impact environmental studies for the so called mega projects in Colombia, using environmental economics evaluation and environmental economics valuation. 2009 Researcher (Joint project between Ministry for the Environmental and Department of Economics, Centro de Estudios Sobre Desarrollo Económico -CEDE-, Universidad de Los Andes). Environmental economic valuation on environmental impacts of the opencast coal exploitation in the Cesar-Colombia (Becerril, Agustín Codazzi, Chiriguaná, El Paso and La Jagua de Ibirico). 2008 – 2009 Researcher (Fundación Santa Fe, Centro de Estudios e Investigación en Salud-CEIS-, Centro de estudios Sobre Desarrollo Económico CEDE-, Department of Economics, University of Los Andes). Cost-benefit analysis, cost-utility and cost-effectiveness of the Cochlear Implant on prelingual children with profound hearing loss. 2008 Researcher, (Cenasel, centro educativo nacional de asesorías socioeconómicas y Laborales - UDI). Impact evaluation on urban develop, occasioned by the urban infrastructure projects in Bogotá, by the Urban of Develop Institute (UDI). 2008 Consultant (Carrefour - Colombia). Estimation of the price elasticity to the aggregated demand of gasoline in Colombia. 2008 Researcher (Joint project between Ministry for the Environmental and Faculty Environmental Engineering of the University of Los Andes). Designed of the Environmental Policy for the management the Environmental Liabilities in Colombia. 2007 – 2008 Researcher (District Department of Environmental and Faculty Environmental Engineering). Defined the concentrations amount of sewage of the industrial sector and domestic for the sewer system and waters in Bogotá-Colombia. 2007 – 2008 Researcher (Joint project between Ministry for the Environmental and Faculty Environmental Engineering of the University of Los Andes). Designed of the Environmental Policy to the management of the hazardous waste in Colombia. 7 2007 Researcher (District Department of Finance, DDF - World Bank). Analyzed the environmental impacts of the program second of the Bogota Urban Service Project (BUSP II). 2007 Researcher (Valor Corporativo - United Nations Development Program (UNDP-Colombia)). Forecasted (a Time Series application) on the passengers quantity and load at the Palestina Airport (Caldas-Colombia) between 2008 and 2048. 2006 Consultant (Carcafe Ltda. CI ED & MAN). Diagnostic on production and marketing of African Palm, Biodiesel, Ethanol, Sugar and Cocoa in Colombia. 2006 Researcher (Administrative Department of District Planning, ADDP). Impact of the TransMilenio System on the Prices of the Land and Economics Dynamics at the properties and sectors bordering to its Infrastructure. 2006 Researcher Assistant (Joint project between the Departments of Economics and Industrial Engineering of the University of Los Andes). Forecasted the Vehicles and road accidents in Colombia for the periods 2006-2015. 2005 Researcher Assistant (Joint project between the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics of the University of Maryland and Departments of Economics of the University of Los Andes).Activities: Review of academic literature about topic Production Economics, handled and analyze large datasets to estimate production models, descriptive statistical analysis of the variables, correlations analysis and estimation of the models production (Stochastic Frontier Model), Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA); finally, I wrote final document. 2004 Researcher (Asoriesgo, Bogotá, Colombia). Forecasted the different modalities of saving in cooperatives, for implementation of an income stream, GAP. Seminar Presentations 2013 Fundamentos de Econometría Intermedia, National Department of Planning (May 16). 2012 Effect on Value of the Residential and Commercial Properties due to its Proximity to a Station or Terminals of the Integrated Mass Transport System in Colombia, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy (September 12 in AntiguaGuatemala). 2012 Beneficios económicos del implante coclear para la hipoacusia sensorineural profunda, National Department of Planning (June 28). 2012 Análisis económico sobre el tamaño óptimo del mercado y ubicación de estaciones de transferencia para el manejo de residuos, National Department of Planning (May 31). 8 2011 Funciones de producción en el eje cafetero colombiano, National Department of Planning (September 8). 2011 Una propuesta metodológica para estimar los cambios sobre el valor de la propiedad Estudio de caso para Bogotá aplicando Propensity Score Matching y Precios Hedónicos Espaciales, National Department of Planning (June 16). 9