Download Manual Steps for SAP note 1698525
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Manual Steps for SAP note 1698525 Manual Post Implementation Steps 1. Create search help “HRPADES_METOD_GEN”: 1.1. Go to the transaction SE11. 1.2. Select the option “Ayuda p. búsqueda“ and type “HRPADES_METOD” in the corresponding field 1.3. Click on button “Copiar” 1.4. Fill the second field with value “HRPADES_METOD_GEN” 1.5. Click on button “Continuar” 1.6. Update “HRPADES_METOD_GEN” clicking on “Modificar” button 1.7. To the field “Exit Ayuda p.búsq”, change the value for “HR_ES_SHLP_HRPADES_METOD” Copyright/Trademark 1.8. On table “Parámetro” add the fields “FERED” and “DMET2” as image below: 1.9. Save and activate. 2. Change search help in the structure “PS0061” 2.1. Go to the transaction SE11 2.2. Select “Tabla base datos” option and fill the corresponding field wich value “PS0061“ 2.3. Click on button “Modificar“ 2.4. Go to tab “Ayuda p./Verif.entr.” Copyright/Trademark 2.5. Select the field “METOD” and click on button “Ay.búsq” 2.6. Update the field “Ayuda búsqueda” with the value “HRPADES_METOD_GEN” and click on button “Crear propuesta” 2.7. On table “Asignación de campos” update the fields as image below: 2.8. Click on button “Tomar” 2.9. Repeat the instruction 3.5 and 3.6 for the field “METO2” Copyright/Trademark 2.10. On table “Asignación de campos” update the fields as image below: 2.11. 2.12. 2.13. Click on button “Tomar” Repeat the instruction 3.5 and 3.6 for the field “METO3” On table “Asignación de campos” update the fields as image below: 2.14. 2.15. Click on button “Tomar” Repeat the instruction 3.5 and 3.6 for the field “METO4” Copyright/Trademark 2.16. On table “Asignación de campos” update the fields as image below: 2.17. 2.18. Click on button “Tomar” Save and activate Copyright/Trademark 3. Change search help in the structure “P0061” 3.1. Go to the transaction SE11 3.2. Select “Tabla base datos” option and fill the corresponding field wich value “P0061“ 3.3. Click on button “Modificar“ 3.4. Go to tab “Ayuda p./Verif.entr.” 3.5. Select the field “METOD” and click on button “Ay.búsq” 3.6. Mark the check box “heredado del include” 3.7. Click on button “Toma” 3.8. Repeat the instructions 4.5 and 4.6 for the fields “METO2”, “METO3” and “METO4” 3.9. Save and activate. Copyright/Trademark © 2012 by SAP AG. All rights reserved. SAP and the SAP logo are registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and other countries. Business Objects and the Business Objects logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Business Objects Software Ltd. Business Objects is an SAP company. Sybase and the Sybase logo are registered trademarks of Sybase Inc. Sybase is an SAP company. Copyright/Trademark