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Estudio de asociación genética en la leucemia linfocítica crónica Angel Carracedo Fundación Gallega de Medicina Genómica (SERGAS) CeGen-ISCIII Universidad de Santiago XXXV REUNION DE LA ASOCIACION GALLEGA DE HEMATOLOGIA Y HEMOTERAPIA. FERROL, MARZO 2011 Biological Complex Systems • Why is it so complicated? • Can we make sense of this complexity? • Can we convey our understanding of this complexity? Systems biology Genotype Environment Geness Phenotype microRNA Enviroment Epigenetics Proteome Transcriptome Better understanding of mendelian and complex disease Genes 40% Environment 60% Better classification of diseases Risk stratification Pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics CONTENT - How to look for the genetic component of a disease -An example with CLL How to look for low penetrance genes? Allelic heterogeneity Locus heterogeneity Phenocopy Phenotypic variability Trait heterogeneity Gene-gene interactions Gene-environment interactions Genetic Strategies Traditional (from the 1980s or earlier) – Linkage analysis on pedigrees – Allele-sharing methods: candidate genes, genome screen – Association studies: candidate genes – Animal models: identifying candidate genes Newer (from the 1990s) – Focus on special populations Haplotype-sharing (Jesus M. Hernández-Fam. Gam.) – Congenic/consomic lines in mice (new for complex traits)Animal models – Single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs)-Whole genome scans (Association studies) – Admixture mapping – Functional analyses: finding candidate genes Linkage analysis or association studies ? •linkage analysis is usually more robust in the identification of mendelian traits • association studies have more power to detect genes with small effects (Risch & Merikangas, Science 1996) magnitude of effect Linkage analysis of families obtainable sample size association studies in populations frequency of trait in the population Human Genetic Association Study Design Phenotype A Phenotype B Allele 1 Allele 2 SNP A: Allele 1 = Allele 2 = SNP A is associated with Phenotype SNP: SINGLE NUCLEOTIDE POLYMORPHISM ATCGGCGTACCTGATTCCGAATCCGTATCG ATCGGCGTACCTGAATCCGAATCCGTATCG • 1,000,000 SNPs 1000 PERSONAS -1,000,000 SNPS = 1,000 MILLONES DE ANÁLISIS Y DE DATOS Characteristics of SNP Variation • Clustering is observed on all the autosomes: Haplotype blocks: Blocks with little evidence of recombination • Some clusters appear functional : MHC on chromosome 6 (with extensive replication) Gabriel et al. Science, 296,2002 LD blocks (little or no recombination) 1Mb windows cM Mb recombination hotspots HapMap (2002) • Catalogue of variation at Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) genome-wide in different populations • Touted for disease gene identification via linkage disequilibrium mapping • ‘Tag’ SNPs can cover whole genome • Reduction of SNPs required to examine the entire genome for association with a phenotype from 20 million to 1,000,000 tagSNPs SNP: SINGLE NUCLEOTIDE POLYMORPHISM ATCGGCGTACCTGATTCCGAATCCGTATCG ATCGGCGTACCTGAATCCGAATCCGTATCG • 1,000,000 SNPs 1000 PERSONAS -1,000,000 SNPS = 1,000 MILLONES DE ANÁLISIS Y DE DATOS Spanish National Genotyping Center GeGen-ISCIII Scientific International Committee Ethical International Committeel Coordination NODE 1 Barcelona (CRG) NODE 2 Santiago de Compostela (USC) NODE 3 Madrid (CNIO) Illumina Sequenom / Illumina Affymetrix ASSOCIATION STUDIES CARRIED OUT IN CEGEN 30 CANCER PSYCHIATRY NEUROLOGY ENDOC-METAB RHEUMATOL OPHTAL CARDIOVAS OTHERS 25 20 15 10 5 0 2005: 55 PROJECTS 2006: 75 PROJECTS 2007: 114 PROJECTS 2008: 135 PROJECTS 2009: 4 GWAs 2010: 15 GWAS Association studies Candidate gene approach -Causative hypothesis or candidate genes Genome wide analysis (GWAs) -No need of gene selection -Lack of bias towards specific genes Both approaches are complementary OXALIPLATIN Previous case-control (association) studies to identify common, low-penetrance cancer genes • Many small-scale studies in past, candidate genes • Many positive reports • A priori p(false+) >>> p(true+) • Publication bias, failure to match cases and controls/population stratification, lack of correction for multiple comparisons, lack of replication Correction for multple comparisons P> 10-7 required TYPE I ERRORS: Population stratification EPICOLON GWAS PCA analysis on genotypes: checked genotyping dates, geographical origin, Nsp-Sty and collection hospital 0.05 Meixoeiro N=366 Donosti N=167 N=944 Type I errors: random Corrections for multiple comparisons (p= 0.01 1 false positive every 100 comparisons) • Bonferroni method Pcor = 1-(1-Pnoncor)n new signif = alfa/n. comparisons -Very conservative-Assumption of independence • Permutations (the most commonly used methodcomputational intensive!) • Other methods: -False discovery rate (FDR) -Sum Statistics -Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Spectral Decomposition -Others T. Manolio/ N Engl J Med 2010;363:166-76 Whole-genome association analysis 1 million Genome-wide association study (GWAS) to identify low-penetrance genes • Require many (>1000) cases and controls (but not always)-Consortia • Can improve power by selecting cases (early-onset, familial) and controls (cancer-free) • Search for alleles or genotypes overrepresented in cases • Verify in other sample sets Chronic lymphocytic leukemia Chronic lymphocytic leukemia accounts for ~25% of all leukemia and is the most common form of lymphoid malignancy in Western countries. Despite a strong familial basis to CLL, with risks in firstdegree relatives of cases being increased ~8-fold, to date the inherited genetic basis of the disease is largely unknown. . All association studies with candidate genes inconsistent CLL 299,983 tagging SNPs Stage 1: 505 cases and 1,438 controls (UK/Spain) Stage 2: 180 SNPs in 540 UK cases Stage 3: 19 SNPs UK replication series 2 (660 cases, 809 controls) Spanish replication series (424 cases, 450 controls). Stage 4, 10 SNPs with the strongest association from a combined analysis of stages 1–3 in a Swedish replication series (395 cases, 397 controls) T. Manolio/ N Engl J Med 2010;363:166-76 D. Crowther-Swanepoel D, Ana Vega, K.. Smedby, C. Ruiz-Ponte, J. Jurlander, E. Campo, A. Carracedo, R. Houlston, British Journal of Haematology, 2010 Cumulative impact of 10 common genetic variants on colorectal cancer risk in 42,333 individuals from eight populations (Lancet, in press) This study demonstrates that population subgroups can be identified with a predicted absolute CRC risk sufficiently high as to merit surveillance/intervention, although individualized CRC risk profiling is not currently feasible. Nonetheless, the findings provide the first tangible evidence of public health relevance for data from genome-wide studies in CRC Spanish data GWAS Birdsuite uses two different approaches for CNV detection: - Canary: 1500 probes directed to CN Polymorphisms (as described in the Human Variation Database browser) -Birdseye: CNV detection These data were also analysed with CNVAssoc Preliminary results pending on stratification correction From tagSNP to causal variation ….. Why is this important? • • • • Population portability Targeted interventions Learn more about how cancer develops Plan: Resequencing • Check information from WGS Nature last week: Identified the first CLL genetic mutations through NGS NGS: SOLiD 4 System Throughput: Up to 100 Gb/run Fragment length: Fragment: 50 bp Mate-pair: 2 x 50 bp Paired-end: 50 x 25 bp Multiplexing: 96 DNA barcodes 48 RNA barcodes Panels o All Exon Kit (50 Mb Exome) oAll Exon Kit (38 o Mb Exome) (tiling 1x) o All Exon Plus Kit (38 Mb Exome + 3,3 Mb custom) Targeted resequencing Custom Exome sequencing o < 200 Kb o 200 -500 Kb Whole genome sequencing o 500 Kb – 1,5 Mb o 1,5 – 3 Mb Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine (PGMTM) Throughput: Up to 10/100 Mb/run 2012 - 1 Gb/run 2 hours/run Fragment length: Fragment: 100-150 bp Unidirectional sequencing Bidirectional sequencing Multiplexing: 2011 - 96 DNA barcodes SINGLE DNA MOLECULE SEQUENCING Genetic variegation of clonal architecture and propagating cells in leukaemia, Anderson et al. Nature 2010 Isidro Sánchez-GarcÍa. U. Salamanca GWAS in pharmacogenetics-Differences with common diseases Sample size: For ADRs the number of cases and controls can be much lower than for common diseases. However a number of published GWAs on pharmacogenomics have failed to show a large enough effect for genome-wide signifcance; the main reason for this is probably the small sample size with insufficient power to detect small or moderate effects. Reasons: Phenotypic characterization- Some pharmacogenomics effects tend to be larger and involve fewer genes than in studies on common complex diseases. Obtaining adequate number of cases for pharmacogenomics GWAs is more challenging than for common diseases. In many case serious ADRs often only affect on in every 10,000 to 100,000 patients treated. Manhattan plot of −log P-value against chromosomal position of each marker from a study on simvastatininduced muscle toxicity on 85 cases and 90 drug-exposed controls (A. Daly, 2009). GWAS for pharmacogenomics SNPs (chromosomal locations) shown previously to be associated with CRC risk are: rs6983267 (chr 8q24), rs4779584 (chr 15q23), rs4939827 (chr 18q21), rs3802842(chr 11q23), rs10795668 (chr 10p14), rs16892766 (chr 8q23), rs4444235(chr 14q22), rs9929218 (chr 16q22), rs10411210 (chr 19q13), rs961253 (chr 20p12). EPICOLON GWAS TOXICITY 5FU, oxaliplatino e irinotecan Eficacia: RECIST Toxicidad: CTC Strong: Al menos un “grado 3-4” entre todos los efectos secundarios. Weak: Al menos un “grado 3-4” entre diarrea y náuseas, o al menos un “grado 1-2” en el resto de efectos secundarios (que se consideran más graves que diarrea o náuseas). Digestive: Al menos un “grado 3-4” entre diarrea y náuseas, o al menos un “grado 1-2” en mucositis. Circulatory: Al menos un “grado 1-2” entre leucopenia, trombopenia, anemia, y neutropenia. Others: Al menos un “grado 1-2” entre neuropatía y síndrome mano/pie. EPICOLON GWAS (300 cases) 9 SNPs (p< 10-10) being replicated OXFORD GWAS (620 cases, Capecitabine (5FU) and then randomised to oxaliplatin or no oxaliplatin, phenotypes by syntoms (i.e.Diarrhoea and Handfoot syndrome) 11 SNPs being replicated Methotrexate consolidation treatment according to pharmacogenetics of MTHFR ameliorates event-free survival in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia Running Title Methotrexate pharmacogenetics in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia Salazar et al. 2011 (Pharmacogenomics Journal ,submitted) We investigated the usefulness of the MTHFR genotype to increase the methotrexate dosage in the consolidation phase in 141 childhood ALL patients enrolled in the ALL/SHOP-2005 protocol. Patients with a favourable MTHFR genotype (normal enzymatic activity) treated with methotrexate doses of 5 g/m2 had a significantly lower-risk of suffering an event than patients with an unfavourable MTHFR genotype (reduced enzymatic activity) that were treated with the classical methotrexate dose of 3 g/m2 (p=0.012). Our results indicate that analysis of the MTHFR genotype is a useful tool to optimize methotrexate therapy in childhood patients with ALL. Fenotipo Genotipo Cuanto mejor definido es el fenotipo más fácil es encontrar el gen del que depende. Cuanto más complejo es el sistema más difícil es de definir su fenotipo En todo aquello que tiene variación y esta es relevante clínicamente se puede buscar el gen causal y así empezar a entender el fenotipo y en consecuencia la enfermedad.