Download • One tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis (Tdap) • Second dose of Varicella

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Rick Scott
r0 protect promote ' improve the health
of an people in Florida through integrated
stale, rounty &community efforts.
.John H. Armstrong, MD, FACS
State Surgeon General & Secretary
Vision: To be the Healthiest State in the Nation
February 81h, 2016
Dear Parent,
The Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade County's Immunization Program would like to
inform you that most children are due for their booster vaccine by the time they are eleven years of age.·
111ey will not be permitted into school in seventh (71h) grade without it.
Parents who wait until the summer to take their children for the Back-to-School vaccine
requirements will have difficulty scheduling an appointment with their pediatrician. During those
months, many private healthcare providers' offices, as well as our own health department clinics, arc
overcrowded with back-to-school rush for immunizations. This is especially important for the mandatory
requirement for 71h grade entrv which includes:
One tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis (Tdap)
Second dose of Varicella (VZV) if previously not received
There are other vaccines recommended for your child which include: meningococcal, human
papillomavirus and hepatitis A. Therefore, we are asking you to take your 61h grade child to schedule a
visit with his/her private healthcare provider or one of the health department clinics as early as possible
so that he/she will be prepared before the next school year begins. If your child does not have a
pediatrician, the Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade County offers free immunizations to all
children less than 19 years of age. To schedule an appointment call: 786-845-0550. Thank you so much
for your support and for keeping Miami-Dade County healthy.
~Please remember, if you have another child entering school for the first time the schools will also
require his or her immunizatiqn records to be current and placed on the proper school forms.
Florida Department of Healtfr
Miami-Dade County
Epidemiology, Disease Control, and Immunizations Services
8600 NW 1]1!.1 Slre&L Suite 200 Miami,.floMa 3'3'126
PHONE: 305!470·5660 ·FAX 3051470-5533
YOUTUBE: lldoh
Rick Scott
To protect. promote & improve the health
of an people in Florida through Integrated
state, county & community effons.
John H. Armstrong, MD, FACS
Slate Surgeon General & Secretary
Vision: To be the Healthiest State in the Nation
Enero 23, 2014
Estimado padre,
El programa de lnmunizacion del Florida Departamento de Salud en cl Condado de Miami-Dade dcsca
informarle que a Ia edad de once afios, Ia mayoria de los nifios necesitan recibir el refuerzo de sus vacunas. Los
alumnos de septimo (7°) grado no seran admitidos en Ia escuela si no han recibido las vacunas requeridas.
Los padres que esperen hasta el verano para llevar a sus hijos a recibir las vacunas requeridas para el regreso a Ia
escuela, podran encontrar mucha dificultad para obtener una cita con su pediatra debido a que durante esos
meses, tanto las oficinas de los medicos privados, como las clfnicas del Departamento de Salud, estan1n muy
concuiTidas atendiendo Ia demanda de vacunaci6n para el regreso a Ia cscucla.
Es de gran importancia cumplir con los requisites obligatorios para entrar al septimo (7°) grado, lo cual incluye:
• una vacuna de Tetano-Difteria y Tosferina (Tdap)
• Ia segunda vacuna de Varicela (VZV) sino Ia recibi6 antes
Existen otras vacunas recomendadas para sus hijos, tales como: meningococo, virus del
papiloma humanoy Ia hepatitis A. Ademas, le pedimos que a su hijo que csta en sexto (6°) grado le haga una cita
con su medico privado, o en una clinica del Departamento de Salud, lo mas pronto posible, con el fin de que estc
preparado antes de comenz11r el proximo curso escolar. Si su hijo no tiene un pediatra, el Florida Departamento
de Salud en el Condado de Miami- Dade ofrece vacunas gratis para todos los menores de 19 afios de edad. Para
hacer una cita o recibir informacion, puede llamar al 786-845~0550.
Recuerde que si usted ticne otro hijo que entrara por primera vez a Ia escuela, el tambien necesitani tener sus
vacunas al dla, las cuales deberan aparecer debidamente indicadas en Ia forma azul re<.Juerida por la escuela.
Mttchas gracias por su colaboraci6n y por contribuir a mantener Ia salud de nuestro condado.
Florida Department ot 'Real\\\
Miami-Dade County
EpidemiolOgy, DiSease Con!tol, and .ImmunizatiOns ServiCes
8600 NW 17111 Street. Suite 200 Miami, Florida 33126
PHONE: 305147().566() • FAX 3051470·5533
YOUTUBE: fldoll
Rick Scott
To protect, promote & improve the health
of all people in Florida through integrated
state, county & community efforts.
.John H. Armstrong, MD, FACS
State Surgeon General &Secretary
Vision: To be the Healthiest State ln !he Nation
8 Fevriye 2016
Paran yo ki tann jis peryod etc a pou mennen timoun yo vaksinen nan moman tout timoun ap
retounen lekol pwal gen difikilte pou jwenn yon randevou avek pedyat timoun yo. Pandan epok sa yo,
anpil klinik prive ki bay sevis sante, ansanm ak pwop klinik depatman lasante a, pwal gcn yon machc
pwese ak ampil paran ki pwal menncn timoun yo vaksinen pou rantre lekol. Sa a cspesyalman enpotan
pou w kapab respekte kondisyon obligatwa pou antre nan 7yem klas ki gen ladann:
Yon rapel vaksen tetanos-difteri-koklicb (Tdap) oswa tetanos-difteri (Td)
nezyem doz Varisel oswa laroujol (VZV) si timoun nan pot ko pran n
Gen tou lot vaksen ki rekomande pou pi tit ou ki gen ladann: Menengokok, Papilomaviris imen ak Epatit
A. Sepoutet sa, nap mande w pou mennen timoun ou ki nan 6ycm klas pou pran randevou pou yon vizit
nan klinik prive pedyat li oswa nan youn nan klinik depatman sante yo le pli vit ke posib, konsa li ap
deja prepare depi anvan pwochen ane eskole a komanse. Si pitit ou a pa gcn pcdyat, Depatman Sante
nan Miami-Dade Konti ofri vaksen gratis pou tout timoun ki gen mwens ke 19van. Pou pran yon
randevou. rele nan: 786-845-0550. Mesi anpil pou sipo w ak asistans ou pou kenbe Miami-Dade Konti
an sante.
• Tanpri pa bliye, si w gen yon lot pitit kap antre lekol pou premye fwa lckol, yo pwal bezwen pou
kane vaksinasyon li ajou e po~ yo ranpli tout fom lekol ki nesese yo ak enfomasyon osije vaksinasyon
Florida Department of Health
Miami·Dade County
Epidemiology, Disease Cofll(ol, and ,tnu¥untzations Services
8600 NW 17th Street. Suite 200 Miami, Florida 33126
PHONE: 3()51470-5600 • FAX 3()51470.5533
YOUTUBE: fldoh