Download Agents and Multi-Agent Systems Carles Sierra
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AAMAS Tutorial. Course. Carles Sierra. Lecture 12: Evolutionary computing and agents 1 IIIA-CSIC IIIA-CSIC AAMAS Tutorial. Course. Carles Sierra. Lecture plan Autonomous robots and evolution Evolution and negotiation Evolution in agent societies 2 AAMAS Tutorial. Course. Carles Sierra. AUTONOMOUS ROBOTS AND EVOLUTION 3 IIIA-CSIC IIIA-CSIC AAMAS Tutorial. Course. Carles Sierra. Evolutive design. The Golem Project • Population = candidate robots. • Made of basic blocks: bars, actuators and neurons. • Initialy: empty robots. • Key: eleccion of blocks and operators. • With greater simplicity in the blocks, lower inductive bias. • Co-evolution of structure and control. • The evolution of control leads to complex neuronal structures. 4 IIIA-CSIC AAMAS Tutorial. Course. Carles Sierra. Typical evolutionary process Initialy: 200 robots. Fitness: locomotion. 300-600 generations. Co-evolution of morphology and control. • Many generations before getting any movement. (A minimal neural net must be in place.) • • • • 5 Para ver esta pel’cula, debe disponer de QuickTimeª y de un descompresor . IIIA-CSIC AAMAS Tutorial. Course. Carles Sierra. Evolutive patterns • Convergence – fitness proportional selection • Divergence • Especiation • Massive extintion 6 AAMAS Tutorial. Course. Carles Sierra. IIIA-CSIC Evolution example (I) 7 AAMAS Tutorial. Course. Carles Sierra. IIIA-CSIC Evolution example (II) 8 IIIA-CSIC AAMAS Tutorial. Course. Carles Sierra. Fitness evolution • ‘jumpy’ progress • Progress decreces when fitness increases. 9 IIIA-CSIC AAMAS Tutorial. Course. Carles Sierra. The Golem Project Para ver esta pel’cula, debe disponer de QuickTimeª y de un descompresor Cinepak. 10 IIIA-CSIC AAMAS Tutorial. Course. Carles Sierra. Evolution of a Lego crane • 1/2 kg weight • The rotating based was an input modeled as a set of constraints. • The program generates a contruction map. Para ver esta pel’cula, debe disponer de QuickTimeª y de un descompresor . 11 IIIA-CSIC AAMAS Tutorial. Course. Carles Sierra. Evolution of a bridge Para ver esta pel’cula, debe disponer de QuickTimeª y de un descompresor GIF. 12 13 AAMAS Tutorial. Course. Carles Sierra. IIIA-CSIC AAMAS Tutorial. Course. Carles Sierra. NEGOTIATION AND EVOLUTION 14 IIIA-CSIC AAMAS Tutorial. Course. Carles Sierra. IIIA-CSIC Negotiation scenario 15 IIIA-CSIC AAMAS Tutorial. Course. Carles Sierra. Objectives • To study negotiation techniques in multiagent systems. • To analize the negotiation dynamics in agent populations through an evolutionary approximation. Recall the negotiation model introduced before ... 16 IIIA-CSIC AAMAS Tutorial. Course. Carles Sierra. Negotiating genes Issues’ genes 17 Strategic genes Tactic genes IIIA-CSIC AAMAS Tutorial. Course. Carles Sierra. Fitness function • We consider the average of the following function over the results of negotiation rounds with other agents in the population. • Where 18 AAMAS Tutorial. Course. Carles Sierra. IIIA-CSIC Method 19 IIIA-CSIC AAMAS Tutorial. Course. Carles Sierra. Experiments • Parameters – Crossover probability: 1/2 – Crossover points: 6 – Mutation probability: 0.02 – Populations: |S| = |B| = 100 – Number of experiments: 100 • Scenarios – Homogeneous strategies: Agents use a single tactic – Flexible strategies: Agents combine 20 tactics IIIA-CSIC AAMAS Tutorial. Course. Carles Sierra. Results (I) Successive generations of agents adapt to the negotiation environment. For instance, when concessive agents negotiate with boulware agents, the value of the beta parameter decreases: 21 IIIA-CSIC AAMAS Tutorial. Course. Carles Sierra. Results (II) • Homogeneous strategies – The amount of time is relevant. – Tactics based on resources are very succesful for short times, with longer times concessive tactics improve. – When time is larger the imitative tactics also improve. • Flexible strategies – No clearly dominant strategies. – Flexible strategies are more robust. 22 AAMAS Tutorial. Course. Carles Sierra. IIIA-CSIC Agent architectures 23 AAMAS Tutorial. Course. Carles Sierra. IIIA-CSIC CBR negotiating agent 24 AAMAS Tutorial. Course. Carles Sierra. IIIA-CSIC Fuzzy agents 25 AAMAS Tutorial. Course. Carles Sierra. IIIA-CSIC Populations 26 AAMAS Tutorial. Course. Carles Sierra. EVOLUTION IN AGENT SOCIETIES 27 IIIA-CSIC IIIA-CSIC AAMAS Tutorial. Course. Carles Sierra. SADDE Methodology SIMILE (simulator and graphic editor) EBM (SIMILE) EIM (ISLANDER-) ISLANDER (verifier and ghaphic editor) EIM (ISLANDER) MABLE (simulator) AM (MABLE) AGEN T GENERATOR AM (PROLOG) PROMELA TRANSLATOR AM (Promela) MAS Synthesizer Multiagent system (PROLOG) Promela (Model checker) Model Checking Results JADE+PROLOG (Laboratory) MILORD (editor and simulator) Experiment results Design rules (MILORD) Development complete 28 To be implemented Under development IIIA-CSIC AAMAS Tutorial. Course. Carles Sierra. (from MAS Synthesizer) Multiagent System (PROLOG) JADE+PROLOG (Laboratory) MILORD (editor and Simulator) Experiment results We don’t know how to start! We need a mechanism that guides our initial movements in the right (or potentially right) direction. 29 Design Rules (MILORD) ? IIIA-CSIC AAMAS Tutorial. Course. Carles Sierra. (from MAS Synthesizer) Multiagent System (PROLOG) JADE+PROLOG (Laboratory) Genetic Algorithm Experiment results Conclusions from GA analysis 30 IIIA-CSIC AAMAS Tutorial. Course. Carles Sierra. (from MAS Synthesizer) Multiagent System (PROLOG) Experiment results JADE+PROLOG (Laboratory) Conclusions from GA analysis 31 MILORD (editor and Simulator) Design Rules (MILORD) IIIA-CSIC AAMAS Tutorial. Course. Carles Sierra. Genetic algorithm cycle The individuals are generated •Each individual is a complete multi-agent system. producers Population 32 manufact. consumers IIIA-CSIC AAMAS Tutorial. Course. Carles Sierra. Genetic algorithm cycle The individuals are generated •One gen in a chromosoma represents one agent in the multi-agent system. ... ... ... gen Chromosoma producers 33 manufact. consumers AAMAS Tutorial. Course. Carles Sierra. IIIA-CSIC Supply chain EBM 34 AAMAS Tutorial. Course. Carles Sierra. IIIA-CSIC EBM Cash prediction 35 AAMAS Tutorial. Course. Carles Sierra. IIIA-CSIC EBM Cash prediction 36
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