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Faculty Curriculum Vitae ************************************************************************ NAME: Rebecca Storey POSITION/TITLE: Associate Professor of Anthropology OFFICE ADDRESS: 258C McElhinney Building OFFICE TELEPHONE: 713-743-3786 WORK EMAIL: ************************************************************************ EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND/TRAINING A.B., Anthropology, Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts, May 1972 M.A., Department of Anthropology, Columbia University, New York, New York, May 1976 Ph.D., Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, May 1983. Title of Dissertation: "The Paleodemography of Tlajinga 33: An Apartment Compound of the Pre-Columbian City of Teotihuacan." RELEVANT TEACHING EXPERIENCE Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, September 1991-present. Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, September 1984-1991. ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIP/RESEARCH/CREATIVE ENDEAVORS Grants Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant from the National Science Foundation (BNS 80-05825) for proposal entitled "The Paleodemography of a Teotihuacan-Period Apartment Compound," September 1980-August 1981. Co-Investigator on grant received from the National Science Foundation (BNS 82-04862) for project entitled "Laboratory Analysis of Archaeological Collections from Tlajinga 33, Teotihuacan, Mexico. U.S. Fulbright Grant for Research, Academic Year 1986-87, to the Instituto Hondureno de Antropologia e Historia, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Central America. Page 1 of 3 Faculty Curriculum Vitae Selected Recent Publications Total Publications, 38 with 2 currently in press. Book 1992 Life and Death in the Ancient City of Teotihuacan: A Modern Paleodemographic Synthesis. The University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa. Recent Articles on the Maya and Teotihuacan 2004 The Ancestors: The Bioarchaeology of the Human Remains of K’axob. In K’axob: Ritual, Work, and Family in an Ancient Maya Village, edited by Patricia McAnany. Pp. 109-138. Monumenta Archaeologica 22. The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, University of California, Los Angeles 2006 Children of K’axob: Premature Death in a Formative Maya Village. With Patricia A. McAnany. In The Social Experience of Childhood in Ancient Mesoamerica, edited by Traci Ardren and Scott Hutson, pp.53-72. University Press of Colorado, Boulder. 2006 Mortality Through Time in an Impoverished Residence of the Precolumbian City of Teotihuacan: A Paleodemographic View. In Urbanism in the Preindustrial World: Cross-Cultural Approaches, edited by Glenn R. Storey, pp. 277-294. University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa. 2007 An Elusive Paleodemography? A Comparison of Two Methods for Estimating the Adult Age Distribution of Deaths at Late Classic, Copan, Honduras. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 132:40-47. 2007 From Early Village to Regional Center in Mesoamerica: An Investigation of Lifestyles and Health. With Lourdes Márquez Morfín. In Ancient Health, edited by MN Cohen and G. Crane-Kramer. Chapter 6. The University Press of Florida, Gainesville. 2008 “Los hombres y las mujeres mayas en el mundo prehispánico” In Tendencias actuales de la Bioarqueología en México, edited by P. O Hernandez, Lourdes Márquez and E. González Licón, pp. 235-261. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historía, Mexico City. 2009 “Heterogeneidad individual, fragilidad y la paradoja osteológica.” In Paradigmas retos de la Bioarqueología mexicana, edited by Ernesto Gonzalez L.and Lourdes Marquez Morfín, pp. 65-76. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historía, Mexico City. Professional Service Taught special graduate-level course on “Salud y Perfiles Demograficos” at the Escuela Nacional de Anthropología e Historía, Mexico City, by Invitation of Coordinators of the Program in Physical Anthropology October 28 to November 1, 2002. Page 2 of 3 Faculty Curriculum Vitae Biological Seat, Nominations Committee of the American Anthropological Association, 2006-2008. Member-at-large of the Executive Committee for the Biological Anthropology Section of the American Anthropological Association, 2000-2002. Secretary/Treasurer of the Biological Anthropology Section of the American Anthropological Association, 2003-2004. Editorial Board, Ancient Mesoamerica, Peer reviewed journal published by Cambridge University Press. Editorial Board, Cuicuilco Revista de la Escuela Nacional De Antropología e Historía, México. Page 3 of 3