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J. R. Parsons June 2010 CURRICULUM VITAE NAME: Jeffrey R. Parsons PERMANENT ADDRESS: Ruthven Museums Building, 1109 Geddes Ave. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1079 U.S.A. UNIVERSITY ADDRESS: Museum of Anthropological Archaeology University Museums Building University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Telephone: 734-764-757 FAX: 734-763-7783 e-mail: EDUCATION: BS, Geology and Mineralogy, The Pennsylvania State University, 1961 MA, Anthropology, The University of Michigan,1963 PhD, Anthropology, The University of Michigan,1966 TEACHING AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE 2006-present -- Emeritus Professor of Anthropology & Emeritus Curator of Latin American Archaeology, University of Michigan. 1976-2006 -- Professor of Anthropology/Curator of Latin American Archaeology. University of Michigan. 2001-2002 – Interim Director, Program in Latin American and Caribbean Studies, University of Michigan. 1999 -- Profesor Invitado, Universidad Mayor de San Andres, La Paz, Bolivia, May 1999. 1996 -- Profesor Invitado, Universidad Nacional de Catamarca, Catamarca, Argentina, May 1996. 1996 -- Profesor Invitado, Universidad Nacional de Tucuman, Tucuman, Argentina, June 1996. 1994 -- Profesor Invitado, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Buenos Aires, May 1994. 1991-1992 -- Acting Director, Program in Latin American and Caribbean Studies, University of Michigan. 1990-1991 -- Associate Director, University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology 1987 -- Profesor Visitante, Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Mexico City, May-Sept. 1987. 1983-1986 -- Director, Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan. 1971-1976 -- Associate Professor of Anthropology/Curator of Latin American Archaeology. University of Michigan. 1966-1971 -- Assistant Professor of Anthropology/Curator of Latin American Archaeology. University of Michigan. 2 MAJOR RESEARCH INTERESTS The Prehistory of Mesoamerica and Andean South America The Evolution of Preindustrial Complex Society Regional Approaches to the Study of Prehistory Archaeological Ethnography RESEARCH FIELDWORK EXPERIENCE Project Director, Archaeological Survey of Lake Texcoco, Mexico. Sponsored by the University of Michigan and the National Geographic Society. May-August 2003. Participant, Regional Pathways to Complexity Project, Sibaritide, Calabria, Italy, directed by Peter Attema, Gronigen University, The Netherlands. Sept. 2002. Participant, Eigin Gol Archaeological Survey, lower Eigin Gol Valley, northern Mongolia, directed by William Honeychurch, doctoral candidate, University of Michigan. July 2000. Participant, New South Wales Archaeological Project, Fowler’s Gap, New South Wales, Australia. Directed by Simon Holdaway, University of Aukland, New Zealand, and Patricia Fanning, Macquarie University, Sydney Australia. June 2000. Participant, Abydos Middle Cemetery Project, Abydos, Egypt. Directed by Janet Richards, Dept. of Near Eastern Studies, University of Michigan. November 1999. Project Director, Prehispanic Settlement Patterns in the Puna de Jujuy, Argentina: Pilot Stage. Sponsored by the University of Michigan, May-June 1995. Project Director, an Ethno-Archaeological Study of Traditional Insect Collection at Chimalhuacan, Mexico. Sponsored by the University of Michigan, July-August 1992. Project Director, An Ethno-archaeological Study of Salt Making at Nexquipayac, Mexico. Sponsored by the University of Michigan and the National Geographic Society, JulyAugust 1988. Project Director, An Ethno-archaeological Study of Maguey Utilization, Eastern Mezquital, Mexico. Sponsored by the University of Michigan and the National Geographic Society, July-August 1986. Participant, Archaeological Survey of the Eyjafjordur District, Iceland. Funded by the National Museum of Iceland. Directed by Gudmundur Olafsson. July and August 1985. Project Director, An Ethno-archaeological Study of Otomi Maguey Utilization, Northeastern Mezquital, Mexico. Funded by the National Geographic Society and the University of Michigan. July and August 1984. 3 Project Director, Late Prehispanic Chinampa Agriculture on Lake Chalco-Xochimilco, Mexico. Funded by NSF grant received in 1980. May - Dec. 1981. Participant, University of Michigan Moundville Archaeological Project, Moundville, Alabama. Directed by C.S. Peebles. July 1978. Participant, University of Michigan Cloudsplitter Rockshelter Project, Stanton, Kentucky, Directed by R.I. Ford. June 1978. Participant, University of Michigan Garnsey Bison Kill Project, Roswell, New Mexico. Directed by J. Speth. June 1977. Project Director, Prehispanic Settlement Patterns in the Upper Mantaro, Peru. Sponsored by the National Science Foundation, La Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Lima, Peru), and the University of Michigan. May 1975 -- Dec. 1976. Project Director, Prehispanic Settlement Patterns in the Valley of Mexico (Chalco, Xochimilco and Zumpango Regions). Sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the University of Michigan. Jan. 1972 - Dec. 1973. Project Director, Prehispanic Sunken Field Agriculture on the Peruvian Coast. Sponsored by the National Science Foundation, Ford Foundation, and the University of Michigan. Oct. 1969 - Dec. 1970. Project Director, Prehispanic Settlement Patterns in the Valley of Mexico (Chalco Region). Sponsored by the Ford Foundation and the University of Michigan. May - Sept. 1969 Project Director, Prehispanic Settlement Patterns in the Valley of Mexico, (Texcoco Region). Sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the University of Michigan. May - Dec. 1967. Field Assistant, Tikal Sustaining Area Project, Guatemala. University of Pennsylvania. June- August 1966. Field Assistant, Teotihuacan Valley Project, Mexico. Sponsored by the Pennsylvania State University and the National Science Foundation. June - August 1962, 1963, 1964. Student participant, Teotihuacan Valley Project, Mexico. Sponsored by the Pennsylvania State University. June - August 1961. Student participant, Geological survey of the Beaverhead Range, SW Montana and Eastern Idaho. Sponsored by the Pennsylvania State University. August 1960. RESEARCH GRANTS RECEIVED 2003 Archaeological Survey of Lake Texcoco, Mexico. $15,810, National Geographic Society, Grant No. 7567-03. 4 1996 Monitoring the Aztec Salt Trade through High Precision Trace-Element Characterization of Ceramic Salt Ware. $4950, Faculty Research Grant from the University of Michigan, Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Project. (In collaboration with Leah D. Minc). 1995 Prehispanic Settlement Patterns in Jujuy Province, Argentina: Pilot Stage. $6600 from the University of Michigan International Institute and Office of the Vice President for Research. 1994 Ethnogenesis of the Island Carib: An Archaeological Investigation of Politics and Identity in the Early Colonial Lesser Antilles. Dissertation improvement grant for Starr Farr, University of Michigan graduate student in anthropology. NSF Grant No. SBR-9411207, $2950. 1993 The Dynamics of Prehistoric Social Transformation in Southwest Korea. NSF doctoral dissertation improvement grant for Kim Seung-Og, University of Michigan graduate student in Anthropology. NSF Grant No. SBR-9307480, $11,207. 1993 Feasibility Study for Future Archaeological Field Research in Argentina. Rackham Faculty International Travel Fund ($1500) and OVPR Discretionary Funds ($1610). 1992 High-Precision Trace-Element Characterization of the Huitzila Obsidian Source, Zacatecas, Mexico. Faculty Research Grant from The University of Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Project. $4995. Supervision of field research conducted by Andrew Darling, Univ. of Michigan graduate student in Anthropology. 1991 The Tumilaca Drainage in the Late Intermediate Period: Agricultural Growth and Decline in a Small-Scale Andean Polity. NSF doctoral dissertation improvement grant for Marco A. Ribiero, University of Michigan graduate student in anthropology. NSF Grant No. BNS- 916360, $9500. 1989 Lambayeque under Inca Rule: Imperial Consolidation of the North Coast of Peru. NSF doctoral dissertation improvement grant, for Frances Hayashida, University of Michigan graduate student in anthropology. NSF Grant No. BNS-8913466, $7070. 1988 An Archaeological Ethnography of Salt Making at Nexquipayac, Mexico. National Geographic Society Grant No. 3794-88, $4,108. 1987 Processing, Storage and Risk in Andean Production: Ecological and Ethnoarchaeological Models. NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant, for Carol Goland, University of Michigan graduate student in anthropology. NSF grant No. BNS-8616706, $7,121. 1986 Otomi Maguey Utilization, An Ethno-archaeological Perspective, Pt. 2. National Geographic Society Grant No. 3288-86, $4315. 1984 Otomi Maguey Utilization, An Etho-Archaeological Perspective. National Geographic Society Grant 2896-84, $4544. 1983 Analysis of Archaeological Materials from 1981 Excavations on Lake ChalcoXochimilco, Mexico. National Science Foundation Grant BNS-8317579, $16,904. 5 1980 Late Prehispanic Chinampa Agriculture on Lake Chalco-Xochimilco, Mexico. National Science Foundation Grant BNS-8004697, $49,710. 1980 Publication of a Monograph Entitled 'Prehispanic Settlement Patterns in the Southern Valley of Mexico: The Chalco-Xochimilco Region.' National Science Foundation Grant, BNS-800213, $6500. 1979 Prehistoric Vertical Economy in the Eastern Andes: the Tarama of Central Peru. NSF Dissertation Improvement Grant for Charles M. Hastings, University of Michigan graduate student in anthropology. NSF Grant, BNS-7920055, $4988. 1976 Production and Distribution of Ceramics. NSF Dissertation Improvement Grant for Judy Nowack, University of Michigan graduate student in anthropoogy. NSF Grant No. BNS-14336, $3384. 1975 Prehispanic Settlement Patterns in the Upper Mantaro, Peru. National Science Foundation Grant SOC-7508758, $70,400. 1973 Patterns of Economic and Social Differentiation in the Late Postclassic Community of Huexotla, Valley of Mexico. NSF Dissertation Improvement Grant for Elizabeth M. Brumfiel, University of Michigan graduate student in anthropology. National Science Foundation Grant GS-38470, $4114. 1972 Prehispanic Settlement Patterns in the Valley of Mexico. National Foundation Grant GS-31911, $46,500. 1969 Prehispanic Water Control on the Peruvian Coast, Phase I: Pilot Study of Mahamaes Agriculture. National Science Foundation Grant GS-2693, $28,900. 1969 Prehispanic Settlement Patterns in the Ixtapalapa Region, Mexico. Dissertation Improvement Grant for Richard E. Blanton, University of Michigan graduate student in anthropology. National Science Foundation Grant GS-2383, $3200. 1967 Prehispanic Settlement Patterns in the Texcoco Region, Mexico. National Science Foundation Grant GS-1617, $19,700. PROFESSIONAL AWARDS 1998 – Alfred V. Kidder Award, American Anthropological Association, for lifetime achievement in Mesoamerican archaeology. Awarded Dec. 1998. 2002 – University of Michigan Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award, for contributions in scholarship, teaching, mentorship, and service at the University of Michigan. Awarded Oct. 2002. MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Society for American Archaeology 6 American Anthropological Association (Fellow) American Association for the Advancement of Science (Fellow) Sociedad Mexicana de Antropología Institute of Andean Research Institute of Andean Studies Sociedad Argentina de Antropología PROFESSIONAL SERVICE (Non University) National Research Council, NSF Graduate Fellowship Evaluation Panel in Behavioral and Social Sciences (B), 1978-1980. Served as Chairman in 1980. NSF Advisory Panel for Behavioral and Neural Sciences, Anthropology sub-panel. 1981-1983. Nominating committee, American Association for the Advancement of Science. Elected 1981 for 3-year term, 1982-1985. Served as Chairman in 1985. Advisory Panel for Archaeology, Council for the International Exchange of Scholars, Fulbright Commission. 1985-1988. Nominating committee, American Anthropological Association, Archaeology Section, 19901993. Chairman in 1992, 1993. Committee for the Americas, Society for American Archaeology, 1997-2000, 2005-2010. Advisor, Committee for the Americas, Society for American Archaeology, 2001-2002, 2004-07. NEH Panel XIII: Anthropology and Archaeology, Nov.-Dec. 2003. A.V. Kidder Award selection committee, Am. Anthropological Association, 2003-2004 Reviewer of manuscripts and grant proposals for: American Antiquity, American Anthropologist, Anthropological Quarterly, Antiquity, Current Anthropology, Annals of the Assoc. of American Geographers, Ancient Mesoamerica, Human Ecology, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, Journal of Anthropological Research, , Journal of Archaeological Science, Journal of Archaeological Research,Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, Latin American Antiquity, Revista del Instituto Nacional de Antropología (Argentina), Shincal (Universidad Nacional de Catamarca, Argentina), Cuadernos (Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Nacional de Jujuy, Argentina), Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, National Science Foundation, Canada Council, Heinz Foundation, University of New Mexico Press, University of Texas Press, University of Iowa Press, University of Oklahoma Press, Westview Press, Dumbarton Oaks, National Geographic Society, Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (Mexico), Australian National University, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Smithsonian Institution Press, University of Utah Press. 7 PAPERS PRESENTED AT PROFESSIONAL CONFERENCES Society for American Archaeology, Annual Meeting: 1967 (Ann Arbor), 1968 (Santa Fe), 1969 (Milwaukee), 1971 (Norman), 1973 (San Francisco), 1981 (San Diego), 1985 (Denver), 1986 (Pittsburgh), 1989 (Washington, D.C.), 1991 (New Orleans), 1994 (Los Angeles), 1995 (Minneapolis), 1996 (New Orleans), 1997 (Nashville), 1998 (Seattle), 2000 (Philadelphia), 2001 (New Orleans), 2002 (Denver), 2004 (Montreal), 2005 (Salt Lake City), 2007 (Austin), 2008 (Vancouver), 2009 (Atlanta). American Anthropological Association, Annual Meeting: 1990 (New Orleans) International Congress of Americanists: 1970(Lima, Peru), 1982 (Manchester, U.K.), 1985 (Bogota, Colombia), 1988 (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 1991 (New Orleans, La.), 1997 (Quito, Ecuador), 2006 (Seville, Spain). Midwest Conference on Andean and Amazonian Archaeology and Ethnohistory, Annual Meeting: 1976 (Ann Arbor), 1977 (Bloomington), 1986 (Madison), 1995 (Chicago), 1996 (Beloit). Midwest Conference on Mesoamerican Archaeology and Ethnohistory, Annual Meeting: 1982 (Urbana), 1983 (Milwaukee), 1984 (Chicago), 1985 (Madison), 1986 (Iowa City), 1987 (Urbana), 1988 (Lexington), 1989 (Ann Arbor), 1993 (Urbana), 1998 (E. Lansing), 2002 (Madison), 2004 (Lexington), 2008 (West Lafayette). Northeastern Conference on Mesoamerican Archaeology and Ethnohistory, Annual Meeting: 1989 (Buffalo). American Association for the Advancement of Science, Annual Meeting: 1969 (Boston) American Society for Ethnohistory, Annual Meeting: 1993 (Salt Lake City). Sociedad Mexicana de Antropología, Mesa Redonda: 1977 (Guanajuato); 1989 (Merida, Yucatan); 1996 (Tepic, Nayarit); 2001 (Zacatecas, Zacatecas). School of American Research, Advanced Research Seminar, Santa Fe, N. M. 1972 International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences: 1993 (Mexico City). Congreso Nacional de Arqueología Argentina: 1994 (San Rafael, Mendoza, Argentina) Primer Coloquio sobre Otopames. 1995 (Queretaro, Mexico; one of four keynote lectures) Septimo Congreso Latinoamericano de Botánica. 1998 (Mexico City). Congress of the International Union of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences. 2001 (Liege, Belgium). Coloquio, Lo Sagrado en el Paisaje en la América Indígena 2002 (University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy). Jornadas académicas en homenaje a Eduardo Matos Moctezuma, Oct. 20-24, 2003, Mexico 8 City. Primer Seminario-Taller sobre Problemáticas Regionales: El Fenómeno Coyotlatelco en el Centro de México: Tiempo, Espacio, y Significado, Museo Nacional de las Culturas, Mexico City, Aug. 23-26, 2004. Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting. 2006, Chicago. Assessing Current Understanding and Charting Future Research in Basin of Mexico Archaeology. Internacional conference held at Ometusco, Edo. De Mexico, Mexico, Sept. 3-7, 2007. Mesoamérica, Debates y Perspectivas. XXIX Coloquio de Antropología e História Regionales. El Colegio de Michoacán, Zamora, Michoacán, México, Oct. 24-26, 2007. Homenaje a William T. Sanders, Escuela Nacional de Antropología e História, Mexico, D.F., July 27-29, 2009. Graduate Colloquium, Center for Latin American Studies, University of Northern Illinois, Dekalb, Illinois. Nov. 9-10, 2009. PUBLICATIONS Books/Monographs 1971 Prehispanic Settlement Patterns in the Texcoco Region, Mexico. Memoir No. 3, University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology. 390 pp. 1979 The Basin of Mexico: Ecological Processes in the Evolution of a Civilization. New York: Academic Press. 561 pp. (With W.T. Sanders and R.S. Santley). 1982 Prehispanic Settlement Patterns in the Southern Valley of Mexico: The ChalcoXochimilco Regions. UMMA Memoir No. 14, 504 pp. (With E. Brumfiel, M. Parsons, and D. Wilson). 1983 Archaeological Settlement Pattern Data for the Chalco, Xochimilco, Ixtapalapa, Texcoco, and Zumpango Regions, Mexico. University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology Technical Paper No. 14. (With K. Kintigh and S. Gregg). 1990 Maguey Utilization in Highland Central Mexico: An Archaeological Ethnography. University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology, Anthropological Paper No. 82, 503 pp. (With Mary H. Parsons). 2000 Prehispanic Settlement Patterns in the Upper Mantaro and Tarma Drainages, Junín, Peru: Vol. 1, The Tarama-Chinchaycocha Region. University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology, Memoir No. 34. Ann Arbor. (With Charles Hastings and Ramiro Matos). 2001 The Last Saltmakers of Nexquipayac, Mexico: An Archaeological Ethnography. 9 University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology, Anthropological Papers No. 92, 340 pp. Ann Arbor. 2006 The Last Pescadores of Chimalhuacan, Mexico: An Archaeological Ethnography. University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology, Anthropological Papers No. 96. Ann Arbor. 2008 Patrones de Asentamientos Prehispanicos en la Region de Texcoco, Mexico. Museo Nacional de Agricultura, Universidad Autonoma de Chapingo, Mexico. Spanish translation of Parsons, 1971. 2008 Prehispanic Settlement Patterns in the Northwestern Valley of Mexico: The Zumpango Region. Memoir 45, Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Edited or Co-Edited Books/Monographs 1996 Arqueología Mesoamericana: Homenaje a William T. Sanders. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e História, Mexico City. (Co-edited with Guadalupe Mastache, Robert Santley, and Mari Carmen Serra). 2009 Life on the Farm and in the Village, South Paris, Maine, 1910-1925, by Merton S. Parsons, Macy Clifford Colley, and John T. Parsons. Privately published, Ann Arbor. Articles and Book Chapters 1967 Prehispanic Obsidian Mines in Southern Hidalgo. American Antiquity, 32:542-43. (With Michael Spence). 1968 The Archaeological Significance of Mahamaes Cultivation on the Coast of Peru. American Antiquity, 33:80-85. 1968 An Estimate of Size and Population for Middle Horizon Tiahuanaco, Bolivia. American Antiquity, 33:243-245 1968 Teotihuacan, Mexico, and its Impact on Regional Demography. Science, 162:872877. 1969 Patrones de Asentamiento Prehispánico en la Región Texcocana. Boletín del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e História, 35: 31-37. Mexico D.F. 1970 An Archaeological Evaluation of the Codice Xolotl. American Antiquity, 35:431-440. 1972 Archaeological Settlement Patterns. Annual Review of Anthropology, 1:127-150. 10 1972 Prehispanic Exploitation of Obsidian in Central Mexico. University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology, Anthropological Papers, No. 45, pp. 1-43. (With Michael Spence). 1974 The Development of a Prehistoric Complex Society: A Regional Perspective from the Valley of Mexico. Journal of Field Archaeology, 1:81-108. 1974 Agricultura de chacras hundidas en el antiguo Perú, Revista del Museo Nacional, 40:31-54. Lima, Peru. (With Norbert Psuty). 1975 Sunken Fields and Prehispanic Subsistence on the Peruvian Coast. American Antiquity, 40:259-282. (With Norbert Psuty). 1976 The Role of Chinampa Agriculture in the Food Supply of Aztec Tenochtitlán. In C. Cleland (editor), Cultural Change and Continuity, pp. 233-257. Academic Press, New York. 1976 Settlement and Population History of the Basin of Mexico. Chapter 6 in E.R. Wolf (editor), The Valley of Mexico: Studies in Prehispanic Ecology and Society, pp. 69-100. University of New Mexico Press. 1976 Summary and Conclusions. Chapter in E.R. Wolf (editor) The Valley of Mexico: Studies in Prehispanic Ecology and Society, pp. 161-180. University of New Mexico Press. (With W.T. Sanders and M. Logan). 1977 (Review article): Urbanization at Teotihuacán, Mexico, Vol. 1, Pts. 1 and 2. R. Millon, B. Drewitt, and G. Cowgill. Latin American Historical Review, 12:192-202. 1977 Asentamientos prehispánicos en el Mantaro, Perú. In R. Matos, ed., El Hombre y la Cultura Andina, Vol. 2, pp. 540-557. Lima, Peru. (With Ramiro Matos). 1977 El Complejo Hidráulico de Tunanmarca: Canales, Acueductos y Reservorios. In R. Matos, ed., El Hombre y la Cultura Andina, Vol. 2, pp. 557-566. Lima, Peru. 1979 Poblamiento Prehispánico en la Cuenca del Mantaro. In. R. Matos, editor, Arqueología Peruana, pp. 157-172. Lima, Peru (With Ramiro Matos). 1980 Comment on E. Brumfiel, Specialization, Market Exchange, and the Aztec State: A View from Huexotla. Current Anthropology, 21:4: 471-472. 1981 La Dinámica del Asentamiento Prehispánico en la Región Chalco-Xochimilco. Cuicuilco, Año II, No. 3, pp. 17-23. Mexico, D.F.: Escuela Nacional de Antropología e História. 1981 (Reprint of 1975 article). Chacras Hundidas y Subsistencia Prehispánica en la Costa del Perú. In H. Lechtman and A.M. Soldi (eds.), La Tecnología en el Mundo Andino, pp. 51-89. Mexico, D.F.: Univ. Nac. Aut. de México. (With Norbert Psuty). 1985 Chinampa Agriculture and Aztec Urbanization in the Valley of Mexico. In I. Farrington, editor, Prehistoric Intensive Agriculture in the Tropics, pp. 49-96. 11 British Archaeological Reports No. S232, Oxford, England. (With M. Parsons, V. Popper, and M. Taft). 1986 Foreword, in Primitive Polluters: Semang Impact on the Malaysian Tropical Rain Forest Ecosystem. by A.T. Rambo, pp. ix-xii. Anthropological Papers No. 76, University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology. 1987 Comment on Terracing and Irrigation in the Peruvian Highlands, by D. Guillet. Current Anthropology, 28:4:423-34. 1987 El área central de Teotihuacán. In J. Mountjoy and D. Brockington, eds., El Auge y la Caída del Clásico en el México Central. Mexico, D.F.: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas. [Published in 1990]. 1988 The Late Intermediate Period. In R. Keatinge, ed., An Overview of Peruvian Prehistory, pp. 190-229. Cambridge University Press. (with Chas. M. Hastings). 1989 Foreword. Multidisciplinary Studies in Andean Anthropology, Michigan Discussions in Anthropology, Vol. 8, pp. ix-x. 1989 Regional Archaeology in Iceland: Prospects and Problems. In P. Durrenburger and G. Palsson, eds., Anthropology in Iceland, pp. 179-202. Iowa City: Univ. of Iowa Press. (With Kevin Smith). 1990 Critical Reflections on a Decade of Full-Coverage Regional Survey in the Valley of Mexico. In S. Fish and S. Kowalewski, eds., The Archaeology of Regions: A Case for Full Coverage Survey, pp. 7-31. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press. 1991 Political Implications of Prehispanic Chinampa Agriculture in the Valley of Mexico. In H. Harvey, ed., Land and Politics in the Valley of Mexico: A Two Thousand Year Perspective, pp. 17-42. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. 1991 Arqueología Regional en la Cuenca de México: Una Estrategía para la Investigación Futura. Anales, 27:157-257. Mexico: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. 1991 Una Etnografía Arqueológica de la Producción Tradicional de Sal en Nexquipayac, Edo. de México. Arqueología, n.s., 2:69-80. Mexico: INAH. 1992 Foreword, Wari Imperialism in Middle Horizon Peru, by K. J. Schreiber, pp. xiii-xvii. University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology, Anthropological Paper No. 87. Ann Arbor. 1992 Los Mexica. In El Poblamiento de México: Una Visión Histórico-Demográfica, Vol. 1, pp. 216-239. Mexico City: Consejo Nacional de Población. 1992 El papel de la agricultura chinampera en el abasto aliméntico de Tenochtitlán. In G. González, coordinator, Chinampas Prehispanicas, pp. 209-244. Antologias, Serie Arqueología, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e História, México, D.F. [Translation of 1976 article]. 12 1994 Late Postclassic Salt Production and Consumption in the Basin of Mexico: Some Insights from Nexquipayac. In M. Hodge and M. Smith, eds., Economies and Polities in the Aztec Realm, pp. 257-290. Institute for Mesoamerican Studies, State University of New York at Albany. 1996 Introducción. In Arqueología Mesoamericana: Homenaje a William T. Sanders, edited by Guadalupe Mastache, Jeffrey Parsons, Robert Santley, and Mari Carmen Serra, pp. 15-24. Mexico: INAH. (With Guadalupe Mastache, Robert Santley, and Mari Carmen Serra). 1996 Tequesquite and Ahuauhtle: Rethinking the Productivity of Lake Texcoco-XaltocanZumpango. In Arqueología Mesoamericana: Homenaje a William T. Sanders, pp. 439-460, edited by Guadalupe Mastache, Jeffrey Parsons, Robert Santley, and Mari Carmen Serra. Mexico: INAH. 1996 Developmental Implications of Earlier Dates for Early Aztec in the Basin of Mexico. Ancient Mesoamerica, 7:2:217-230. With Elizabeth Brumfiel and Mary Hodge. 1996 Excavations at Maquixco (TC-5). In The Teotihuacan Valley Project, Final Report, Vol. 3: The Teotihuacan Period Occupation of the Valley, Part 4: Special Analyses, Miscellaneous Appendices, and Volume Bibliography, edited by W. T. Sanders, pp. 879-884. Occasional Papers in Anthropology No. 24, Matson Museum of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park. (With W. T. Sanders). 1997 Rebuilding the State in Highland Peru: Herder-Cultivator Interaction during the Late Intermediate Period in the Tarama-Chinchaycocha Region. Latin American Antiquity 8:4:317-341. (With Charles Hastings and Ramiro Matos). 1997 Reflexiones sobre la conservación de colecciones arqueológicas. Arqueología, segunda época, 17:21-34. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e História, México, D.F. 1997 Geoarchaeology of an Aztec Dispersed Village on the Texcoco Piedmont of Central Mexico. Geoarchaeology 12:3:177-210. (With Carlos Córdova). 1998 El norte de México como zona de transición entre Mesoamérica y la Gran Chichimeca desde el Formativo hasta el Posclásico. In L. Vargas, N. Quezada, and Y. Lastra, coordinators, Estudios de Cultura Otopame, pp. 53-60. Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México, D.F. 1998 Desarrollo cultural prehispánico en la Cuenca de México. In Y. Sugiura, Coordinadora, História General del Estado de México, Vol. 1: Geografía y Arqueología, pp. 5794. Gobierno del Estado de México, and El Colegio Mexiquense, México, D.F. 1998 A Regional Perspective on the Inka Impact in the Sierra Central, Perú. Tawantinsuyu 5:153-160. (Appeared in 1999). 2000 The Teotihuacan Valley Project: Aztec Period Site Descriptions. In S. T. Evans and W. T. Sanders, editors, The Teotihuacan Valley Project Final Report. Volume 5: The Aztec Period Occupation of the Valley. Part 1: Natural Environment, 20th 13 Century Occupation, Survey Methodology, and Site Descriptions, pp. 85-499. Occasional Papers in Anthropology No. 25, Dept. of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park. (With S. Evans and W. Sanders). 2000 The Role of Maguey in the Mesoamerican Tierra Fría: Ethnographic, Historic and Archaeological Perspectives. In G. Barker and D. Gilbertson, eds., The Archaeology of Drylands: Living at the Margin, pp. 288-314. Routledge Press, London and New York. (With J. A. Darling). 2000 Maguey (Agave sp.) Utilization in Mesoamerican Civilization: A Case for Precolumbian ‘Pastoralism.’ Boletín de la Sociedad Botánica de México, 66:81-92. (With J. A. Darling). 2001 Basin of Mexico. In S. T. Evans and D. L. Webster, editors, Archaeology of Ancient Mexico and Central America, pp. 72-79. Garland Publishing Co., New York. 2001 Agave. In S. T. Evans and D. L. Webster, editors, Archaeology of Ancient Mexico and Central America, pp. 4-7. Garland Publishing Co., New York. 2001 The Importance of Archaeological Curation in the Basin of Mexico. In R. D. Drennan and S. Mora, editors, Archaeological Research and Heritage Preservation in the Americas, pp. 99-106. Society for American Archaeology, Washington, D.C. 2001 Foreword. In T. N. D’Altroy, C. Hastorf, and Associates, Empire and Domestic Economy, pp. vii-xi. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York. (With Ramiro Matos). 2002 Ingeniería Hidráulica Prehispánica en Acolhuacan. Arqueología Mexicana Vol. X, No. 58, pp. 54-59. Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, México City. 2003 La conservación arqueológica y la curaduría en el Valle de México. In Investigación Arqueológica y Preservación del Patrimonio en las Américas, edited by R. D. Drennan and Santiago Mora, pp. 183-196. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e História, México, D.F. 2004 Recursos acuáticos en la subsistencia azteca: Cazadores, pescadores, y recolectores. Arqueología Mexicana, 12:8:38-43. (With Luis Morett). 2005 The Aquatic Component of Aztec Subsistence: Hunters, Fishers, and Collectors in an Urbanized Society. Michigan Discussions in Anthropology 15:49-89. 2005 La economía aquática en el Valle de México: Perspectivas arqueológicas, históricas, y etnográficas. Etnoarqueología: El Contexto Dinámica de la Cultural Material a Través del Tiempo, edited by E. Williams, pp. 127-164. El Colegio de Michoacán, Zamora, Michoacán, Mexico. (With Luis Morett). 2006 A regional perspectiva on Coyotlatelco in the Basin of Mexico: Some new thoughts about old data. In El Fenómeno Coyotlatelco en el Centro de México: Tiempo, Espacio, y Significado, edited by L. Solar, pp. 83-96. Memoria del Primer SeminarioTaller sobre Problemáticas Regionales, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e História, México, D.F. 14 2007 The Aqualtic Component of Aztec Subsistence: Hunters, Fisherds, and Collectors in an Urbanized Society. In Arqueología e História del Centro de México: Homenaje a Eduardo Matos Moctezuma, L. Lopez, D. Carrasco, y L. Cué, coordinadores, pp. 241-256. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e História, Mexico, D.F. 2007 Posclásico Temprano y Medio (900-1350 d. C.). Arqueología Mexicana 15:86:54-57. 2008 Beyond Santley and Rose (1979): The Role of Aquatic Resources in the Prehispanic Economy of the Basin of Mexico. Journal of Anthropological Research 64:351-366. 2008 Chapter Two: Environment and Rural Economy. In The Aztec World, edited by E. Brumfiel and G. Feinman, pp. 22-52. Abrams, New York. 2008 Los últimos salineros de Nexquipayac, Estado de México: El encuentro de un arqueólogo con los vínculos vivos de un pasado prehispánico. In Sal y Salinas: Un Gusto Ancestral, Blas Castellón, coordinador, pp. 69-79. Diario de Campo, Suplemento No. 51, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e História, México, D.F. 2009 Reflections on my life in archaeology. Ancient Mesoamerica 20:3-13. 2010 The Pastoral Niche in Prehispanic Mesoamerica. In Pre-Columbian Foodways: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Food, Culture, and Markets in Ancient Mesoamerica, edited by J. Staller and M. Carrasco, pp. 109-137. Springer Press , New York. 2010 Dennis Puleston and the Brechero Saga: Tikal 1966, The Codex, 18:3:21-36. University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Reviews 1969 Una Visión del México Prehispánico, by R. Piña Chan. The Americas, 25:325-326. 1971 La Casa en el Agua, by R. Piña Chan. American Anthropologist, 73:422-423. 1972 Kaminaljuyú Project - 1968 Season, Pt. 1., by W.T. Sanders and J. Michels. American Antiquity, 37:460-461. 1973 Man, Settlement and Urbanism. Edited by P. Ucko, R. Tringham, and G. Dimbleby. Science, 181:646-647. 1975 Desarrollo urbana de México - Tenochtitlán según las fuentes históricas, by Sona Lombardo de Ruiz. Hispanic American Historical Review, May 1975. 1978 An Ancient World Preserved: Relics and Records of Prehistory in the Andes, by F.A. Engel. American Antiquity, 43:538-539. 1979 The Rural Foundation for Urbanism: Economic and Stylistic Interaction between Rural and Urban Communities in Eighth Century Peru, by W.H. Isbell. American 15 Anthropologist, 81:395-396. 1983 Ancient Mesoamerica, by R.E. Blanton, et al., American Antiquity, 48:3:61-603. 1984 Tula: The Toltec Capital of Ancient Mexico, by Richard A. Diehl. In Hispanic American Historical Review, Nov. 1984, pp. 788-789. 1984 Time and the Highland Maya, by Barbara Tedlock. In Third World Quarterly, 6:2:502-503 1986 Exploration in Ethnohistory: Indians of Central Mexico in the 16th Century, ed. by H. Harvey and H. Prem. American Antiquity, 51:1:21-02. 1988 Historia de Iberoamérica, Tomo I: Prehistória e história antigua, coord. by Manuel Lucena S., et al. Hispanic American Historical Review, 68:4:818-20. 1990 The Cities of Ancient Mexico: Reconstructing a Lost World, by J. A. Sabloff. American Scientist, 78:572. 1990 The Aztec Kings: The Construction of Rulership in Mexican History, by S. D. Gillespie. Hispanic American Historical Review, Nov. 1990, p. 687. 1998 The Archaeology of the Donner Party, by D., Hardesty, with contributions by M. Brodhead, D. Grayson, S. Lindström, and G. Miller. American Antiquity 63:3:507-508. 1998 Archaeological Survey in the Juli-Desaguadero Region of Lake Titicaca Basin, Southern Peru, by C. Stanish et al. Latin American Antiquity 9:3:278-279. 2000 Settlement Pattern Studies in the Americas: Fifty Years since Virú. Edited by Brian Billman and Gary Feinman. American Antiquity 65:3:579-581. 2003 Salt: White Gold of the Ancient Maya. By Heather McKillop. Antiquity 77:296:425426. 2003 Cultivated Landscapes of Middle America on the Eve of Conquest. By Thomas Whitmore and B. L. Turner II. Journal of Anthropological Research 59:259-260. 2004 Reprinted edition of “Mexican Highland Cultures: Archaeological Researches at Teotihuacan, Calpulalpan, and Chalchicomula in 1934-35.” University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa. Journal of Anthropological Research 60:119-121. 2008 Breaking through Mexico’s Past: Digging the Aztecs with Eduardo Matos Moctezuma, edited by L. Lopez and D. Carrasco. Journal of Anthropological Research 64:111-112. Miscellaneous Publications 1997 A Memory of James B. Griffin. In D. Brose, et al., Tribute to James B. Griffin (19051997). Midcontinent Journal of Archaeology 22:2:147-148. 16 1997 In Memoriam: Mary G. Hodge: 1946-1996. Ancient Mesoamerica 8:2:161-164. (With Deborah L. Nichols). 2002 Geological Mapping with Rob Scholten in the Beaverhead Range, SW Montana and Adjacent Idaho, Summer 1960. Penn State Dept. of Geosciences Newsletter 1:4:4, 6, 9-11. University Park, PA. 2009 Obituary, William T. Sanders, 1926-2008. American Anthropologist 111:3:401-403. In-Press Monographs, Articles and Book Reviews “The Toltec World as Reflected by Changing Settlement Patterns in the Basin of Mexico.” Chapter in Tula and the Toltec World: Inter-regional Interaction during the Early Postclassic, edited by Guadalupe Mastache and Robert Cobean. The volume has been accepted for publication by Westview Press. “Why is Aztec II Black/Orange Pottery so Scarce in the Zumpango Region?: A Regional Perspective from the Basin of Mexico on Tula’s Collapse and its Aftermath” (with Larry J. Gorenflo). To be published by the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e História, Mexico Homenaje a Guadalupe Mastache, edited by Robert Cobean. “Regional Surveys in the Basin of Mexico, 1960-1975, and Beyond: Scope,. Methodology, Strengths and Weaknesses, Past Uses of Data, Future Prospects, and Miscellaneous Thoughts.” Presented at a seminar, “Assessing Current Understanding and Charting Future Research in Basin of Mexico Archaeology,” organized by I. Robertson and L. Gorenflo, Ometusco, Edo. de Mexico, Sept. 4-7, 2007. To be published in Ancient Mesoamerica in 2010. Unpublished Research Reports 1982 Late Prehispanic Chinampa Agriculture on Lake Chalco- Xochimilco, Mexico: Preliminary Report. 224 pp. Submitted to National Science Foundation and Instituto Nacional de Antropología e História. (With E. Brumfiel, M. Parsons, V. Popper, and M. Taft). In Progress (Listed in approximate order of completeness) A) Prehispanic Settlement Patterns in the Upper Mantaro Valley, Junin, Peru: Volume Two The Wanka Region. Monograph based on my 1975-76 fieldwork in highland Peru. (Coauthored with Charles Hastings, Ramiro Matos, Terence D’Altroy, and Timothy Earle.) B) Prehispanic Chinampa Agriculture in the Southern Valley of Mexico. Monograph based on my 1981 fieldwork in the southern Valley of Mexico. (Co-authored with Mary H. Parsons, Virginia Popper, Leah Minc, Patricia Wattenmaker, and Mary Taft). 17 C) The Aztec Ceramic Sequence in the Teotihuacan Valley, Mexico. Revision for publication of 1966 doctoral dissertation. To be published by the Pennsylvania State University, Dept. of Anthropology, in their Occasional Papers in Anthropology series. D) Sunken Field Agriculture along the Peruvian Coast. Monograph based on my 19691970 fieldwork on the Peruvian coast. (Co-authored with Mary Parsons, Norbert Psuty, and Richard Smith). E) The Aquatic Component of Prehispanic Subsistence the Valley of Mexico: Off-Site Survey on Lake Texcoco. (co-authored with Luis Morett and Mary H. Parsons).