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Beltrán Roca Martínez
Date of document 27/01/2014
Surname(s): Roca Martinez
Name: Beltran
Date of birth: 16/11/1979
Sex: Man
Nationality: Spain
Email addresses:
Research interests: trade unionism; NGO; third sector; social movements; social and cultural
anthropology; political anthropology; sociology of work and employment; social policy.
A. Professional status
Positions held
University of Cádiz. Sociology
University Pablo de Olavide.
Anthropology Dept.
Andalusian Agency for
International Cooperation
Visiting Lecturer
Visiting Lecturer
Researcher (external
1/02/2011 - 31/12/2011
Gremio AnimaciónAyuntamiento El Puerto de
Santa María
Escuela Universitaria de
Relaciones Laborales, Turismo
y Trabajo Social. Universidad
de Cádiz
Centre for Cross-Cultural Study
of Sevilla
University of Sevilla.
London School of Economics
and Political Science
Yale University
University of Sevilla.
University of Sevilla.
University of Sevilla.
1/05/2011 - 01/11/2011
15/02/2008 -30/09/2011
Visiting Lecturer
1/05/2008 – 31/12/2008
Visiting scholar
23/10/2007 – 23/12/2007
Visiting fellow
Doctoral Researcher
15/09/2006 – 15/12/2006
1/05/2004 – 14/02/2008
Research fellow
01/01/2004 – 30/04/2004
01/11/2002 – 30/09/2003
B. Training received
1. University education
Doctorate: Social and Cultural Anthropology
University issuing the title: University of Sevilla
City of qualification: Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain
Date of qualification: 2011
Thesis title: La solidaridad organizada. Profesionalización y burocracia en las ONGD en
Andalucía [Organised solidarity. Professionalism and bureaucratisation in Development
NGOs in Andalusia].
Director of thesis: Isidoro Moreno Navarro
Co-director of thesis: Félix Talego Vázquez
Mark : Sobresaliente Cum Laude por Unanimidad
Diplomas and degrees
1 Official University Qualification: Higher degree
Name of qualification: (Licenciado) Bachelor in Social Anthropology
Entity issuing the qualification: University of Seville
Date of qualification: 2003
Average marks: 8,60 / 10
2 Official University Qualification: Associate degree
Name of qualification: Associate degree in Political Sciences and Sociology. Expertise:
Entity issuing the qualification: University of Granada
Date of qualification: 2001
Other postgraduate university training
Postgraduate qualification: University expert in development planning and management
University: Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia/OEI
Date of qualification: 2006
Hours: 200 hours
Marks: Sobresaliente (A)
2. Courses and seminars taken in advanced teacher training, teaching
skills, new technologies, intended to improve teaching skills
1 Title of course/seminar: Quotations indexes/ Impact factor/ and quality indicators of
academic publications in Social Sciences Z0613_1)
Organising body: University of Cádiz
Start date: 29/10/2012 End date: 29/10/2012 (4 hours)
2 Title of course/seminar: RODIN: Institutional repository of the UCA open Access and
publications visibility
Organising body: University of Cádiz
Start date: 01/06/2012 End date: 01/06/2012 (2 hours)
3 Title of course/seminar: Advanced use of e-mail: IMAP
Organising body: University of Cádiz
Start date: 23/05/2012 End date: 23/05/2012 (5 hours)
4 Title of course/seminar: How to improve the educational use of the software WebCT
Organising body: University Pablo de Olavide
Start date: 18/10/2011 End date: 01/12/2011 (21 hours)
5 Title of course/seminar: EVAE – Virtual Environment of Learning and Education: Moodle
Organising body: Escuela Universitaria de Relaciones Laborales de Jerez de la Frontera,
University of Cádiz.
Start date: 26/02/2007 End date: 28/02/2007 (12 hours)
6 Title of course/seminar: Conference University and Civil Society
Organising body: University of Sevilla
Start date: 08/03/2006 End date: 10/03/2006 (36 hours)
3. Language skills
Spanish (native)
English (C1 level)
C. Teaching experience
1. Teaching work
0 Accredited as “Profesor Contratado Doctor” (Tenure track) by the Andalusian Agency
of Knowledge. Field of expertise: Social Sciences.
1 Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/ name of course: Sociology of migrations
Type of subject: Elective
Title: BA in Social Work
Start date: 30/09/2013 End date: 1/06/2014
Number of times: 1
Hours/credits: Credits ECTS Number of hours/credits: 60 hours / 6 credits
Body where project took place: University of Cádiz. Faculty of Social Sciences
2 Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/ name of course: Social Anthropology
Type of subject: Core
Title : BA in Social Work and Social Education
Start date: 30/09/2012
Number of times: 1 Number of hours/credits: 74 hours / 7,4 credits
Body where project took place: University Pablo de Olavide
3 Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/ name of course: Participative methodologies applied to social education
Type of subject: Obligatory
Title: BA in Social Work and Social Education
Number of times: 2 Start date: 30/09/2011 End date: 2012
Number of hours/credits: 74 hours / 7,4 credits
Body where project took place: University Pablo de Olavide Faculty of Social sciences
Assessing body: University Pablo de Olavide Obtained qualification: 3,81 / 5
4 Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/ name of course: Methods and techniques of social research
Type of subject: Obligatory
Title : BA in Public Administration
Start date: 30/09/2012 End date: 1/06/2014
Number of times: 2 Number of hours/credits: 50 hours / 5 credits
Body where project took place: University of Cádiz. Faculty of Social Sciences
5 Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/ name of course: Sociology II
Type of subject: Obligatory
Title: BA in Social Work
Start date: 30/09/2012 End date: 1/06/2014
Number of times: 2
Hours/credits: Credits ECTS Number of hours/credits: 50 hours / 5 credits
Body where project took place: University of Cádiz. Faculty of Social Sciences
6 Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/ name of course: Corporate Social Responsability
Type of subject: Obligatory
Title : BA in Business Administration
Start date: 30/09/2012 End date: 1/06/2014
Number of times: 2 Number of hours/credits: 50 hours / 5 credits
Body where project took place: University of Cádiz. Faculty of Economics and
7 Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/ name of course: Social Anthropology
Type of subject: Core
Title : BA in Political Science and Sociology
Number of times: 1 Start date: 15/02/2012 End date: 30/09/2012
Number of hours/credits: 74 hours / 7,4 credits
Body where project took place: University Pablo de Olavide Faculty of Social Sciences
Assessing body: University Pablo de Olavide Obtained qualification: 4,49 / 5
8 Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/ name of course: Systems of Labour Relations
Type of subject: Obligatory
Title : Grado en Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humanos
Start date: 30/09/2011 End date: 30/09/2012
Number of times: 1 Number of hours/credits: 50 h. / 5 credits
Body where project took place: University of Cádiz. Faculty of Work Sciences
Assessing body: University of Cádiz Assessment type: Survey Obtained qualification:
9 Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/ name of course: Theory of Labour Relations
Type of teaching: In person theory
Type of subject: Obligatory
Title: Grado en Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humanos
Start date: 30/09/2011 End date: 30/09/2012
Number of hours/credits: 15 hours / 1,5 credits
Body where project took place: University of Cádiz
Centre: faculty of Work Sciences.
10 Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/ name of course: Sociology of Work and Leisure
Type of subject: Obligatory
Title: BA in Business Management and Administration
Start date: 30/09/2011 End date: 30/09/2012
Number of times: 1 Number of hours/credits: 70 h. / 7 credits
Body where project took place: University of Cádiz
Centre: Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
Assessing body: University of Cádiz
Assessment type: Survey Obtained qualification: 4 / 5
11 Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/ name of course: Criminal Sociology
Type of teaching: Practical work (classroom-problems)
Type of subject: Obligatory
Title: BA in Criminology and Security
Number of times: 1 Start date: 30/09/2011 End date: 30/09/2012
Number of hours/credits: 40 h. / 4 credits
Body where project took place: Universidad de Cádiz Type of body: University
Centre: Faculty of Law
Assessing body: University of Cádiz Assessment type: Survey
Obtained qualification: 4,2 / 5
12 Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/ name of course: Social Anthropology
Type of subject: Core
Title: BA in Social Work
Number of times: 8 Start date: 18/02/2008 End date: 30/09/2011
Hours/credits: Credits ECTS Number of hours/credits: 60 h. / 6 credits
Body where project took place: School of Social Work, Tourism and Labour Relations.
University of Cádiz
13 Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/ name of course: Methods and techniques of social research
Type of subject: Core
Title: BA in Social Work
Number of times: 3 Start date: 18/02/2008 End date: 30/09/2011
Hours/credits: Credits Number of hours/credits: 90 h. / 9 credits
Body where project took place: School of Social Work, Tourism and Labour Relations.
University of Cádiz
14 Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/ name of course: Sociology
Type of subject: Core
Title : BA in Social Work
Number of times: 5 Start date: 18/02/2008 End date: 30/09/2011
Date of the last time: 2011 Number of hours/credits: 75 hours / 7,5 credits
Body where project took place: School of Social Work, Tourism and Labour Relations.
University of Cádiz
15 Type of programme: Master’s degree
Title: Master in Cooperation for Development and Projects Management
Number of times: 5 Start date: 2007 End date: 2010
Date of the last time: 2010 Hours/credits: Credits Number of hours/credits: 2 h. / 0,2
credits Body where project took place: University of Cádiz
16 Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/ name of course: Contemporary Social Structure
Type of subject: Core
Title: BA in Social Work
Number of times: 1 Start date: 22/09/2008 End date: 30/09/2009
Date of the last time: 2009 Number of hours/credits: 60 h. / 6 credits
Body where project took place: School of Social Work, Tourism and Labour Relations.
University of Cádiz
17 Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/ name of course: Political Anthropology
Type of teaching: Practical work (classroom-problems)
Type of subject: Obligatory
Title: BA in Social and Cultural Anthropology
Number of times: 1 Start date: 30/09/2007 End date: 14/02/2008
Number of hours/credits: 10 h. / 1 credit
Body where project took place: University of Sevilla
Centre: Faculty of History and Geography Department: Social Anthropology
18 Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/ name of course: Social Anthropology
Type of programme: Bachelor’s degree
Type of subject: Obligatory
Title: BA in Geography and History (Cultural Anthropology Section)
Number of times: 1 Start date: 30/09/2007 End date: 14/02/2008
Number of hours/credits: 5 h / 0,5 credits
Body where project took place: University of Sevilla
Centre: Faculty of History and Geography Department: Social Anthropology
19 Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/ name of course: Regional Ethnology of Andalusia
Type of teaching: Practical work (classroom-problems)
Type of subject: Obligatory
Title: BA in Social and Cultural Anthropology
Number of times: 1 Start date: 30/09/2006 End date: 30/09/2007
Number of hours/credits: 7,5 h. / 0,75 credits
Body where project took place: University of Sevilla
Centre: Faculty of History and Geography Department: Social Anthropology
20 Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/ name of course: Political Anthropology
Type of teaching: Practical work (classroom-problems)
Type of subject: Obligatory
Title: BA in Social and Cultural Anthropology
Number of times: 1
Start date: 30/09/2006 End date: 30/09/2007
Date of the last time: 2007 Number of hours/credits: 7,5 h. / 0,75 credits
Body where project took place: University of Sevilla
Centre: Faculty of History and Geography Department: Social Anthropology
2. Academic tuition
1 Program: Internships Program of the University of Cádiz
Body where project took place: University of Cádiz
Number of tutored students: 12
2 Title of the program: Bachelor thesis: Project of action-research. Double BA in Social
Work and Social Education.
Type of project: senior project
University: University Pablo de Olavide
Number of students: 4 Date of reading: 2012
3 Title of the program: Bachelor thesis. “Social research and collective action”. BA in Social
Work/BA in Public Management and Administration
University: University of Cádiz
Number of students: 3 Dates: 2013/2014.
4. Tuition of PhD dissertation: Title: Las Rentas Mínimas de Inserción. Una aproximación
sociológica al “Programa de Solidaridad de los andaluces” en la provincia de Cádiz. PhD
student: Francisco Estepa Maestre. Started in 2013. University of Cádiz.
3. Projects for innovation in teaching (plans and research teams related to
the EEES)
1 Name of the project: Training tools on social research for the course “Social Research
Techniques” of the BA in Public Management and Administration.
Name of the head researcher (HR): Beltrán Roca Martínez
Funding body: University of Cádiz
Start date: 15/10/2013 End date: 30/06/2014
Total amount: 1.100€
2 Name of the project: Team work and new technologies in tutored academic activities of
the courses “Techniques of Social research”, “Systems of Labour relations” of the BA in
Labour Relations and Human Resources.
Name of the head researcher (HR): Marcela Iglesias Onofrio
Funding body: University of Cádiz
Start date: 17/02/2012 End date: 30/07/2012
Total amount: 2.500€
D. Experience in Science and Technology
1. Participation in research, development or innovation groups / teams
Name: Grupo para el Estudio de las Identidades Socioculturales en Andalucía
Name of the head researcher of the group (HR): Isidoro Moreno Navarro
Number of group members: 33
Code: SEJ-149 Andalusian Research Plan Body the group belongs to: University of
Start date: 2004-today
2. Participation in R&D&I projects funded in competitive tenders by public
or private bodies
1 Name of the project: Sindicalismo y nuevos movimientos sociales en la construcción de la
democracia: España, 1976-2012 [Trade unionism and new social movements in democracy
building: Spain, 1976-2012]
Your role in the project: Researcher
Body where project took place: University of Cádiz Type of body: University
Head(s) researcher(s): Julio Perez Serrano
Number of participating researchers: 5
Funding body or bodies: Ministry of Economy (Spain) Type of body: Public administration
Start date: 01/02/2013 End date: 31/01/2016
Total amount: 18.000€
2 Name of the project: Reconversión naval, sindicalismo y protesta popular en los astilleros
de Puerto Real SI-006/08 [Shipbuilding restructuring, trade unionism and popular protest in
the shipyard of Puerto Real]
Your role in the project: Researcher
Body where project took place: University of Sevilla Type of body: University
Head(s) researcher(s): David Florido del Corral
Number of participating researchers: 3
Funding body or bodies: Centro de Estudios Andaluces Type of body: Public Foundation
Start date: 01/02/2008 End date: 31/12/2008
Total amount: 30.000€
3 Name of the project: Program University Professor Training: An anthropological approach
to Development NGOs in Andalusia
Body where project took place: University of Sevilla Type of body: University
Head(s) researcher(s): Beltrán Roca Martínez
Number of participating researchers: 1
Funding body or bodies: Ministry of Education, Innovation and Science Type of body:
State administration
Start date: 01/06/2004 End date: 14/02/2008
Total amount: 45.000€
4 Name of the project: Estudio de las asociaciones de familiares y drogodependientes en la
provincia de Sevilla: actividades, planteamientos y relaciones con las instituciones PC2004002 [Study on drug addicts and relatives’ associations in the province of Seville: activities,
perceptions and institutional relationships].
Project type: Basic research Project area: Regional
Your role in the project: Researcher
Body where project took place: University of Sevilla
Head(s) researcher(s): Félix Talego Vázquez; David Florido del Corral
Number of participating researchers: 5 Number of people / year: 5
Funding body or bodies: Consejería de Igualdad y Bienestar Social. Junta de Andalucía
Type of body: Regional administration
Start date: 01/01/2004 End date: 31/05/2004
Total amount: 20.000€
5 Name of the project: Grant for Research Group Consolidation. SEJ-149(Grupos PAI)
Project area: Regional
Your role in the project: Researcher
Body where project took place: University of Sevilla
Head(s) researcher(s): Isidoro Moreno Navarro
Number of participating researchers: 33 Funding body or bodies: Consejería de
Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa. Junta de Andalucía
Type of body: Regional administration
Start date: 2004 End date: today
Total amount: 2004: 12.434,21€ / 2005: 9.365,97€ / 2006: 10.386,66€ / 2007: 11.098,41€ /
2008: 11.739,97€ / 2009: 22.740,77€
3. Participation in R&D&I contracts, agreements or projects, not the result
of competitive bidding, with companies (or internally in them) and/or
1 Name of the project: Estudio diagnóstico de la población inmigrante de El Puerto de
Santa María
Your role in the project: Scientific co-ordinator Number of participating researchers: 2
Funding body: Ayuntamiento de El Puerto de Santa María Type of body: Administración
Start date: 01/04/2011 (9 months) Total amount: 10.000€
2 Name of the project: Consultoría técnica para la realización del Análisis de experiencias y
capacidades de los agentes andaluces en materia de Educación para el Desarrollo en
procesos educativos y promoción de la Cultura de Paz
Your role in the project: Scientific co-ordinator Number of participating researchers: 2
Funding body: Agencia Andaluza de Cooperación Internacional Type of body: Agencia de
la Junta de Andalucía
Start date: 01/02/2011 (1 year) Total amount: 15.000€
E. Scientific activities and general techniques
1. Scientific production
Publications, Scientific and Technical Documents and any other
1 (2013) Contrapoder sindical. Etnografía, crítica e investigación aplicada en las
organizaciones sindicales [Trade union counterpower. Ethnography, critique and applied
research in labour organisations]. Madrid: Fundación Anselmo Lorenzo. ISBN: 978-8486864-40-8
2 (2012) Investigación-acción participativa en un sindicato asambleario. Memoria
2011.[Participatory Action-Research in an assambleist union. Report 2011] El Puerto de
Santa María: El Boletín. ISBN: 978-84-938945-8-0.
3 (2011) La solidaridad organizada. Profesionalización y burocracia en las ONGD en
Andalucía.[Organised solidarity. Professionalism and bureaucracy in DNGOs in Andalusia]
Sevilla: Fondo digital de tesis doctorales de la Universidad de Sevilla.
ISBN: 978-84-695-0131-3.
4 (2009) Roca Martínez, Beltrán y varios autores. 102 razones para recordar a
Salvochea.[102 Reasons for Remembering Fermin Salvochea]. Cádiz: Asociación de
amigos de Fermín Salvochea. ISBN: 978-84-613-4638-7
5 (2009) Florido del Corral, David, José Luis Gutiérrez Molina y Beltrán Roca Martínez. El
pueblo en la calle. Reconversión naval, sindicalismo y protesta popular en el astillero
de Puerto Real [People in the streets. Shuipbuiding restructuring, trade unionism and
popular protest in the shipyard of Puerto Real]. Sevilla: Fundación Centro de Estudios
Andaluces. ISBN: 978-84-612-1521-8
6 (2008) Roca Martínez, Beltrán (coord.) Anarquismo y antropología. Relaciones e
influencias mutuas entre el pensamiento libertario y la antropología social. [Anarchism
and Anthropology. Mutual relations and influences between libertarian thinking and social
anthropology]. Madrid: LaMalatesta Editorial. ISBN: 978-84-934-7623-6 (2 edition in 2009).
Book chapters
1 2013. Beltrán Roca and Luis Baños “Cultura sindical y movimiento obrero en
Andalucía”[Trade union culture and workers mevement in Andalusia]. In Javier Escalera and
Agustin Coca (eds.) Movimientos sociales, participación y ciudadanía en Andalucía. pp. 81116. Sevilla: Aconcagua Libros/Asociación Andaluza de Antropología/Centro de Estudios
Andaluces. ISBN: 978-84-96178-72-4
2 2013 Lluis Rodríguez Algans; Beltrán Roca Martínez. “El poder laboral. Una propuesta
teórica para analizar las relaciones de poder en la empresa y las estrategias de los actores”
[Labour power. A theoretical proposal to analyse power relations in the firm and actors
strategies]. In several authors. “Sindicalismo en la empresa y el territorio”. Madrid: Secretaria
de Formación CNT.
3 2010 Beltrán Roca Martínez “Introducción a la vida y obra de Pierre Clastres” [Introduction
to the life and work of Pierre Clastres]. In: La sociedad contra el Estado. pp. 5 - 14.Barcelona
(Spain): Virus,2010. ISBN 978-84-92559-17-6
Acting as: Author of book introduction
Source: Google scholar Quotations: 713.
4 2010 Beltrán Roca Martínez.1978 “Se celebran las primeras elecciones sindicales”. VVAA.
Cien imágenes para un centenario. pp. 200-200. Madrid: Fundación Anselmo
Lorenzo,2010.ISBN 978-84-86864-78-1
5 2009 Fernando Ventura Calderón; and Beltrán Roca Martínez.“Damocle’s Sword:
Democratic Governmentality and State Trade Unionism in Spain. Contemporary Studies in
Ethnography. New York (United States of America): Nova Science Publishers,2009.ISBN
6 2009 Beltrán Roca Martínez “Actuar como si fuéramos libres. Sindicalismo en la
Universidad Pablo de Olavide”. Participar participando. Estrategias participativas y educación
de personas adultas. pp. 35-38.Instituto Paolo Freire, 2009.ISBN 978-84-936913-4-9
Articles in scientific journals
0 Several articles under evaluation: “The role of social networks in trade union recruitment:
the case study of an alternative union in Spain” (Transfer); “Adversaries of trade unionism.
Analysis of the anti-trade union discourse in the Spanish conservative press” (Revista de
Estudios Sociales). “Repolitising ‘development’? Development NGOs and collective action in
Spain” (Convergencia).
1 accepted, forthcoming in 2014 Beltrán Roca. “Izquierda radical, sindicalismo y acción
colectiva en Andalucía (1976-2013)” Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales.
Impact measuring agency: IN-RECS Category: Sociology
Index measuring impact: 0,114 Position: 12 / 75 Q2
2 accepted, forthcoming in 2014 Beltrán Roca and Lluis Rodriguez. “Unionism and employer
power strategies in Spain: ethnography of a labor struggle in an iron and steel firm”.
Anthropology of Work Review.
Impact measuring agency: SCOPUS Category: Social Anthropology
Index measuring impact: 0,165 Position: Q3
3 accepted, forthcoming in 2014 Beltrán Roca Martínez. “Renovación sindical y etnografía
del sindicalismo: un nuevo campo de aplicación de la antropología en España”. Anthropos.
Anthropos Institute (Germany).
Impact measuring agency: ISI JCR Category: Social Anthropology
Index measuring impact: 0,113
4 2014 Beltrán Roca Martínez. “Conflicto y cambio en el tercer sector. Carisma, control
externo y heterogeneidad en las ONGD”. Papers. Revista de Sociología 99(1): 97-118.
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.
Impact measuring agency: SCOPUS Category: Sociology and Political Science
Index measuring impact: 0,101 Position: Q4
Impact measuring agency: IN-RECS Category: Sociology
Index measuring impact: 0,119 Position: 12/ 75 Q2
5 2013 Florido, David, Beltrán Roca and José Luis Gutiérrez Molina. “Tightening the screws.
Autonomy, collective action and violence in Puerto Real during the second shipbuilding
restructuring”. Anthropological Quarterly. 86(3): 891-921. Institute for Ethnographic
Research. The George Washington University (USA).
Impact measuring agency: ISI JCR Category: Social Anthropology
Index measuring impact: 0,73 Position: 39 / 83 Q2
Impact measuring agency: SCOPUS Category: Social Anthropology
Index measuring impact: 0,415Position: Q1
6 2013. Beltrán Roca Martínez e Iban Diaz Parra. “De la tierra a los supermercados: el SAT
como ejemplo de particularismo militante y de renovación sindical”. Anuario del Conflicto
Social 2012. Observatorio del Conflicto Social. Universidad de Barcelona. ISSN: 2014-6760.
7 2012 Beltrán Roca Martínez. “Representatividad y poder sindical. Elementos para el
debate”. Estudios. Revista de pensamiento libertario 2(2), 2012, pp.8-18. ISSN: 2254-1632.
8 2012 Beltrán Roca Martínez. “La antropología anarquista que se está empezando a
fraguar”. Libre pensamiento nº 68. ISSN: 1138-1124.
Impact measuring agency: Dialnet Category: Social Sciences
Index measuring impact: D
9 2011 Beltrán Roca Martínez. “Una visión antropológica del poder. A propósito de La
Sociedad contra el Estado de Pierre Clastres”. Libre pensamiento nº 66. ISSN: 1138-1124.
Impact measuring agency: Dialnet Category: Social Sciences
Index measuring impact: D
10 2010 Beltrán Roca Martínez; Gutiérrez Molina, José Luís y Juan Ceballos Reyes.
“Presentación del dossier. Anarquismo y movimientos sociales: entre la tradición y el
cambio”. Historia Actual Online., nº 21. ISSN: 1696-2060.
Impact measuring agency: DICE Category: Contemporary History
Index measuring impact: A
11 2009 Beltrán Roca Martinez.”Structure, power, and discourses of development in Spanish
NGOs”.Nonprofit Management and Leadership.20 - 2,pp. 203 - 218.Cleveland(United States
of America): Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company,2009.ISSN 1048-6682
Impact measuring agency: ISI-JCR Category: Public Administration
Index measuring impact: 0,58 Position: 27 / 45
12 2009 Beltrán Roca Martínez.”La financiación pública de las ONGD. Tendencias, redes y
discursos”. Revista Española de Tercer Sector.12,pp. 193 - 198.(Spain): Fundación Luis
Vives,2009.ISSN 1886-0419
Impact measuring agency: IN-RECS Category: Sociology
Index measuring impact: 0,162 Position: 7/70 Q1
13 2009 Beltrán Roca Martínez. “La financiación de las ONGD desde la perspectiva de
redes”. Nómadas. Revista Crítica de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas.23 - 3,pp. 145 159.Madrid, Community of Madrid (Spain): Universidad Complutense de Madrid,2009.ISSN
Impact measuring agency: IN-RECS Category: Sociology
Index measuring impact: 0,060 Position: 16/70
Source: Google Scholar Quotations: 1
14 2008 Beltrán Roca Martínez. “Acción directa y sindicalismo. Una etnografía de combate”.
Nómadas. Revista Crítica de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas.17,pp. 325 - 338.Madrid,
Community of Madrid(Spain): Universidad Complutense de Madrid,2008.ISSN 1578-6730
Impact measuring agency: IN-RECS Category: Sociology
Index measuring impact: 0,132 Position: 8/75 Q1
Source: Google Scholar Quotations: 1
15 2007 Beltrán Roca Martínez.“Organizations in Movement. An Ethnographer in the
Spanish Campaign Poverty Zero. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit
Organizations.18(2), pp. 116 - 134. Springer Netherlands,2007.ISSN 1573-7888
Impact measuring agency: ISI-JCR Category: Social Issues
Index measuring impact: 0,88 Position: 20/39 Q3
Impact measuring agency: German Association for Business Category: Public and
Nonprofit Management Index measuring impact: A Position: 1/16
Impact measuring agency: SCOPUS Category: Geography, Planning and Development
Index measuring impact: 0,31 Position: 166/424
16 2006 Beltrán Roca Martínez. “Entre la competencia y la cooperación: la construcción de
redes entre las ONGD”.Redes: Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales.11,pp. 1 25.Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona,2006.
Available in: <>. ISSN 1579-0185
Impact measuring agency: IN-RECS Category: Sociology
Index measuring impact: 0,132 Position: 8/75 Q1
Fuente: Google Scholar Citas: 8
17 2006 Beltrán Roca Martínez “Movilizando a los precarios” .Nómadas-Revista crítica de
ciencias sociales y jurídicas.13(1), pp. 309 - 318.Universidad Complutense de
Madrid,2006.ISSN 1578-6730
Impact measuring agency: IN-RECS Category: Sociology
Index measuring impact: 0,065 Position: 16/16
18 2006 Beltrán Roca Martínez. “The shadows of the enlightenment: Some foucaultian
perspectives on the French law and the veil”. Anarchist Studies.14 (1),Lawrence and
Wishart,2006.ISSN 0967-3393
19 2006 Beltrán Roca Martínez “Anarchism, Anthropology and Andalucia: An analysis of the
CNT and the ‘new capitalism’”, en Anarchist Studies, vol. 14, 2006, nº 2. ISSN: 0967-3393.
Book reviews
1 2011 Beltrán Roca Martínez. “James C. Scott (2009) The art of not being governed: An
anarchist history of upland southeast Asia. New haven, Yale Univ. Press, 464 p.”. Revista
Andaluza de Antropología nº1, julio 2011, ISSN: 2174-6796.
2 2009 Beltrán Roca Martínez “Francisco Madrid (ed.): Anselmo Lorenzo, un militante
proletario en el ojo del huracán (Virus, Barcelona 2008). 317 páginas”, en Germinal. Revista
de Estudios Libertarios, pp.91-93. ISSN: 1886-3019.
3 2005 Beltrán Roca Martínez “Ventura Calderón, Fernando: Democracia y Sindicalismo de
Estado. Elecciones Sindicales en el Área Sanitaria de Sevilla. Un estudio antropológico.
Madrid, FAL, 2004”. En Gazeta de Antropología, nº 21, 2005. ISSN 0214-7564
Available in:
Non-published research documents
1 (2012) Documento técnico: Análisis de experiencias y capacidades de los agentes
andaluces en materia de Educación para el Desarrollo en procesos educativos y promoción
de la Cultura de Paz. Sevilla. Agencia Andaluza de Cooperación Internacional para el
Desarrollo-Consejería de la Presidencia, Junta de Andalucía. 120 pages.
2 (2011) Estudio diagnóstico de la población inmigrante extranjera en El Puerto de
Santa María. [Study on the immigrant population in El Puerto de Santa María]. El Puerto de
Santa María: Gremio Animación/Ayto. de El Puerto de Santa María. 130 pages.
Work presented in conferences at the national or international level
1 Title: Radical left, social movements and trade union revitalization in Andalusia.
Name of the conference: XIII International Conference “Nuestro Patrimonio Comín”
Field of the conference: International Your role: Speaker
City of the publishing body: Cádiz, Spain
Date of the event: 20/05/2013 - 22/05/2013 Organising body: Grupo Historia Actual,
University of Cádiz.
2 Title: Cooptation and counterpower. Anthropological research in the field of trade unionism
[Co-optación y contrapoder. La investigación antropológica en el ámbito del sindicalismo].
Name of the conference: Workshop: Antropología política de las organizaciones socials noestatales.
Field of the conference: International Your role: Speaker
City of the publishing body: Alacant, Valencia, Spain
Date of the event: 13/12/2012- 15-12-2012 Organising body: Universitat d’Alacant.
3 Title: Social Networks and Anthropology [Redes sociales y antropología]
Name of the conference: XI Congreso de la FAAEE
Field of the conference: National Your role: Speaker
City of the publishing body: San Sebastián, Basque Country, Spain
Date of the event: 13/09/2008 Type of body: Associations and Groups
Organising body: Ankulegi y Federación de Asociaciones de Antropología del Estado Esp
J.L. Molina; Silvia Gómez; Beltrán Roca Martínez.pp. 21 - 26.ISBN 978-84-691-4965-2
4 Title: The public funding of NGOs. A network analysis [La financiación pública a las ONG.
Un análisis reticular]
Name of the conference: XI Congreso de la FAAEE
Type of event: Conference Field of the conference: National
Your role: Speaker Appearance as: Review before acceptance
City of the publishing body: San Sebastian, Basque Country, Spain
Date of the event: 10/09/2008 End date: 13/09/2008
Publication in conference minutes: Si
Type: Chapters of books "Actas del XI Congreso de Antropologia de la FAAEE".13,
2008.ISBN 978-84-691-4965-2
5 Title: Contesting “development”. Churches, new religious movements and NGOs
[Contestando el “desarrollo”. Iglesias, nuevos movimientos religiosos y ONG]
Name of the conference: II Jornada de Sociología. El Fenómeno Religioso. Presencia de la
Religión y la Religiosidad en las Sociedades Avanzadas
Field of the conference: National
Your role: Speaker Appearance as: Review before acceptance
City of the publishing body: Sevilla,
Date of the event: 13/06/2007 End date: 14/06/2007
Organising body: Centro de Estudios Andaluces
Beltrán Roca Martínez- .pp. 1 - 15.
6 Title: Participation in DNGOs and the problem of the incentives. [La participación en las
ONGD y el problema de los incentivos]
Name of the conference: Cidadania(s) – Congresso Internacional sobre Discursos e
Type of event: Conference Field of the conference: International
Your role: Speaker Appearance as: Review before acceptance
City of the publishing body: Porto, Portugal
Date of the event: 29/06/2006 End date: 01/07/2006
Organising body: Universidad Fernando Pessoa
Publication in conference minutes: Yes
Type: Chapters of books En: Cidadania(s): Discursos e Práticas / Citizenship(s): Discourses
and Practices. pp. 211 - 252.(Portugal): Edições Universidade Fernendo Pessoa, 2006.ISBN
7 Title: Ethnography in Non-profit Organisations. First experiences and methodological steps
[Etnografía en las Organizaciones No Lucrativas. Primeras experiencias y pasos
Name of the conference: XIII Congreso Internacional de Estudiantes de Antropología.
Cultura y compromiso. Aportaciones de la Antropología a los problemas sociales
contemporáneosType of event: Conference Field of the conference: National
Your role: Speaker Appearance as: Review before acceptance
City of the publishing body: Granada,
Date of the event: 01/12/2005 End date: 03/12/2005
Organising body: Universidad de Granada
Beltrán Roca Martínez.
8 Title: La irrupción de las ONGD (Organizaciones No Gubernamentales para el Desarrollo)
en la esfera política. Una aproximación a la campaña Pobreza Cero en Andalucía
Name of the conference: I Jornada de Sociología de Sevilla. El Cambio Social en España.
Visiones y Retos de Futuro
Type of event: Workshop Field of the conference: National
Your role: Speaker Appearance as: Review before acceptance
City of the publishing body: Sevilla,
Date of the event: 15/06/2005 End date: 16/06/2005
Organising body: Centro de Estudios Andaluces
2. Experiences transferred
Membership in scientific committees and organizations
1 Asociación Andaluza de Antropología [Andalusian Anthropology Association]
Start date: 2006-today
President: Isidoro Moreno Navarro
From 2006 to 2009 I have been member of the Steering Committee
2 REDES. Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales.
Editorial Board Dates: 2008-2013 ISSN: 1579-0185
3 Revista Andaluza de Antropología.
Editorial Board Dates: 2009-today ISSN: 2174-6796
Referee for academic journals
1 Canadian Journal of Administrative Science (2012)
Institution: Administrative Sciences Association of Canada ISSN:1936-4490
Impact Factor: 0.562 ISI JCR Ranking: 2011: 91/113 (Business); 133/168 (Management)
2 Revista Andaluza de Antropología (2012)
Institution: Asociación Andaluza de Antropología (Spain). ISSN: 2174-6796
3 Revista Ingeniería Social (2012)
Institution: Universidad del Bio-Bio (Chile) ISSN (print) 0717-9103 ISSN (online) 0718-8307
4 Revista Historia Actual On-line (2009)
Institution: Asociación Historia Actual (Spain) ISSN: 1696-2060
5 Redes: Revista Hispana para el Análisis de Redes Sociales (2007)
Institution: Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (Spain) ISSN: 1579-0185
Experience organising R&D activities
1 Title: VI Congreso Andaluz de Sociología [VI Andalusian Sociology Conference]
Type of activity: Academic conference Area of the activity: Regional
Convening body: Asociación Andaluza de Sociología Type of body: Associations and
City: Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain
Your role: Organiser
Number of attendees: 300
Start date: 29/11/2012 (3 days) Fecha de finalización: 01/12/2012
2 Title: Seminario Internacional Nuestro Patrimonio Común: “Ideas libertarias y
emancipatorias: pasado, Presente y Futuro [International Workshop Our Common Heritage:
Libertarian and emancipatory ideas. Past, present and future].
Type of activity: Workshop Area of the activity: International
Convening body: Universidad de Cádiz Type of body: University
Your role: Organiser
Number of attendees: 300
Start date: 05/11/2007 (5 days) End date: 09/11/2007
Interviews in mass media
“No sólo ‘otro mundo es posible’ sino que ‘otros mundos existen’”. Diagonal, 22/04/2011.
Sergio de Castro Sánchez.
Available in:
3. Other credits
Residencies in R&D&I centres or companies in your own country or
1 Body where project took place: Université Aix-Marseille
Type of body: University
City: Marseille, France
Start date: 18/03/2013 (7 days) End date: 24/03/2013
Provable tasks: Lecture, teaching (5 hours), and research network building.
2 Body where project took place: London School of Economics and Political Science
Type of body: University
Centre: Centre for Study of Civil Society
Tutor: Prof. David Lewis
City: London, United Kingdom
Start date: 23/10/2007 (2 months) End date: 23/12/2007
Provable tasks: Bibliography analysis, case studies
3 Body where project took place: Yale University Type of body: University
Centre: Program in Agrarian Studies
Tutor: Prof. James C. Scott
City: New Haven, United States of America
Start date: 15/09/2006 (3 months) End date: 15/12/2006
Provable tasks: Bibliography analysis, case studies
Grants and scholarships obtained
1 Name of the scholarship: Award for the best PhD thesis on International Cooperation.
Academic year 2010/2011
Purpose : Award to the best PhD dissertation on cooperation for development
Issuing body: University of Sevilla. International Cooperation Office
Date of credit: 2011
2 Name of the scholarship: Scholarship for University Professorship Training
Purpose : Pre-doctoral scholarship.
Issuing body: Ministry of Education, Social Policy and Sports.
Type of body: State agency
Date of credit: 01/06/2004 End date: 15/02/2008
Name of the entity: University of Sevilla
3 Name of the scholarship: Research scholarship
Purpose: Scholarship related to a research project.
Issuing body: University of Sevilla
Date of credit: 01/01/2004 Duration: 4 months
End date: 30/04/2004
4 Name of the scholarship: Research collaboration scholarship
Purpose: Scholarship for students’ initiation in research activities
Issuing body: Ministry of Science and Innovation
Type of body: State Administration
Date of credit: 01/11/2002 Duration: 9 months End date: 31/09/2003
Name of the entity: University of Sevilla
Nombre de archivo: I. CV Roca feb 2014
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31/07/2013 12:53:00
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