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Beltran Roca Martinez
Date of document: 05/02/2014
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Beltran Roca Martinez
Date of birth:
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Roca Martinez
Avda de la Universidad s/n
Jerez de la Fra
Current professional situation
Name of institution: Universidad de Cádiz
Department, service, etc.: Economia General. Área Sociologia, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y
Category/position or post: Profesor Sustituto Interino
Start date: 30/09/2011
Type of contract: Temporary
Type of dedication: Full time
Primary (UNESCO code): 630000 - SOCIOLOGY
Previous posts and activities
Name of institution
Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Agencia Andaluza de Cooperación
Jose Manuel García Pazos
Escuela Universitaria de Relaciones
Laborales, Turismo y Trabajo Social.
Universidad de Cádiz
Center for Cross Cultural Study de Sevilla
Universidad de Sevilla
Universidad de Sevilla
Universidad de Sevilla
Category/position or post
Profesor Asociado
Start date
Investigador social
Profesor Agregado
Profesor visitante
Investigador contratado
Investigador predoctoral
Becario de colaboración
Name of institution: Universidad Pablo de
Category/position or post: Profesor Asociado
Start date: 30/09/2011, 2 years
End date: 14/09/2013
Name of institution: Agencia Andaluza de
Type of institution: Agencia autonómica
Cooperación Internacional
City of job: Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain
Category/position or post: Consultor
Teaching management: No
Start date: 01/02/2011, 11 months
End date: 31/12/2011
Type of contract: Autónomo
Type of dedication: Part time
Type of management activity: Spanish Autonomous Region
Name of institution: Jose Manuel García Pazos Type of institution: Empresa privada
Category/position or post: Investigador social
Teaching management: No
Start date: 01/05/2011, 8 months
End date: 01/11/2011
Type of contract: Temporary employment contract
Professional activity: Investigador para proyecto para el Ayuntamiento de El Puerto de Santa
María. Estudio diagnóstico sobre la población inmigrante en El Puerto de Santa María
Name of institution: Escuela Universitaria de
Type of institution: University Centres and
Relaciones Laborales, Turismo y Trabajo Social. Structures and Associated Bodies
Universidad de Cádiz
Department, service, etc.: Ciencias Sociales
Category/position or post: Profesor Agregado
Teaching management: No
Start date: 15/02/2008, 3 years - 7 months - 15 days
End date: 30/09/2011
Type of contract: Permanent employment contract
Type of dedication: Part time
Primary (UNESCO code): 510000 - Antropology
Secondary (UNESCO code): 630000 - SOCIOLOGY
Name of institution: Center for Cross Cultural
Type of institution: University
Study de Sevilla
Category/position or post: Profesor visitante
Start date: 28/09/2009, 1 year
End date: 06/10/2010
Type of contract: Temporary employment contract
Type of dedication: Part time
Primary (UNESCO code): 510300 - Social anthropology
Appl. in teaching and/or research: Docencia asignaturas de antropología social y cultural para
alumnos de universidades norteamericanas
Name of institution: Universidad de Sevilla
Type of institution: University
Department, service, etc.: Antropología Social, Geografía e Historia
Category/position or post: Investigador contratado
Start date: 01/05/2008, 7 months
End date: 31/12/2008
Type of institution: University
Type of contract: Temporary employment contract
Type of dedication: Part time
Primary (UNESCO code): 510000 - Antropology
Professional activity: Proyecto: Reconversión naval, sindicalismo y protesta popular en los
astilleros de Puerto Real” SI-006/08. Contrato 68/83 de LOU
Name of institution: Universidad de Sevilla
Type of institution: University
Department, service, etc.: Antropología Social, Facultad de Geografía e Historia
City of job: Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain
Category/position or post: Investigador predoctoral
Start date: 01/05/2004
End date: 14/02/2008
Type of contract: Grant-assisted student (pre or post-doctoral, others)
Type of dedication: Full time
Primary (UNESCO code): 510000 - Antropology
Professional activity: Becario dentro del programa de Formación del Profesorado Universitario del
Name of institution: Universidad de Sevilla
Type of institution: University
Department, service, etc.: Antropología Social, facultad de Geografía e Historia
Category/position or post: Becario de colaboración
Start date: 01/11/2002, 11 months
End date: 30/09/2003
Type of contract: Grant-assisted student (pre or post-doctoral, others)
Type of dedication: Part time
Primary (UNESCO code): 510000 - Antropology
Official training received
University education
University degrees, engineering degrees or master's degrees
Official qualification: Higher degree
Name of qualification: Licenciado en Antropología Social
City of qualification: Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain
institution issuing the qualification: Universidad de Type of institution: University
Date of qualification: 2003
Average mark: Good
Official qualification: Middle degree
Name of qualification: Licenciado en Ciencias Políticas y Sociología Sección Sociología Especialidad
institution issuing the qualification: Universidad de Type of institution: University
Date of qualification: 1998
Doctorate programme: Antropología social y cultural
University issuing the qualification: Universidad de Type of institution: University
City of qualification: Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain
Date of qualification: 2011
University where DEA was obtained: Universidad de Sevilla
DEA, date: 2006
European doctorate: No
Thesis title: La solidaridad organizada. Profesionalización y burocracia en las ONGD en Andalucía
Thesis director: Isidoro Moreno Navarro
Thesis co-director: Félix Talego Vázquez
Mark: Sobresaliente cum laude por unanimidad
Recognition of quality: No
Other postgraduate university training
Postgraduate qualification: Experto Universitario en planificación y gestión de proyectos de desarrollo
University issuing the qualification: Universidad
º: University
Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Date of qualification: 2006
Courses completed and seminars attended in order to improve and innovate teaching skills
Title of course/seminar: Índices de citas/factor de impacto/indicios de calidad en publicaciones
académicas-acreditación de sexenios para CC. Sociales"(Z0613_1)
Organising institution: Universidad de Cádiz
Type of institution: University
Start date: 29/10/2012
End date: 29/10/2012, 4 hours
Title of course/seminar: RODIN: Repositorio Institucional de la UCA acceso abierto y visibilidad de las
Organising institution: Universidad de Cádiz
Type of institution: University
Start date: 01/06/2012
End date: 01/06/2012, 2 hours
Title of course/seminar: Uso avanzado del correo electrónico: IMAP
Organising institution: Universidad de Cádiz
Type of institution: University
Start date: 23/05/2012
End date: 23/05/2012, 5 hours
Title of course/seminar: Como mejorar el uso educativo de la plataforma WebCT
Organising institution: Universidad Pablo de Olavide Type of institution: University
Start date: 18/10/2011
End date: 01/12/2011, 21 hours
Title of course/seminar: EVAE - Entorno Virtual de Aprendizaje y Enseñanza: Moodle
Organising institution: Escuela Universitaria de
Type of institution: University
Relaciones Laborales de Jerez de la Frontera, adscrita a
la Universidad de Cádiz.
Start date: 26/02/2007
End date: 28/02/2007, 12 hours
Title of course/seminar: Congreso Universidad y Sociedad Civil
Aims of course/seminar: Ampliar la mirada social acotada de la universidad y propiciar vías de comunicación y
trabajo con los movimientos sociales
Organising institution: Universidad de Sevilla
Type of institution: University
Start date: 08/03/2006
End date: 10/03/2006, 36 hours
Language skills
Teaching activity
Subjects given
Name of subject/course: Sociología de las migraciones
Qualification: Graduado o Graduada en Trabajo Social
Start date: 30/09/2013
End date: 17/02/2014
Date of the last time: 2014
institution: Universidad de Cádiz
Type of institution: University
Faculty, institute or centre: Facultad de Ciencias del Trabajo
Name of subject/course: Técnicas de Investigación Social
Qualification: Graduado en Gestión y Administración Pública
Start date: 30/09/2012
End date: 30/09/2013
Date of the last time: 2014
institution: Universidad de Cádiz
Type of institution: University
Faculty, institute or centre: Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y de la Comunicación
Name of subject/course: Responsabilidad Social de la Empresa
Qualification: Graduado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas
Start date: 30/09/2012
End date: 30/09/2013
Date of the last time: 2013
institution: Universidad de Cádiz
Type of institution: University
Faculty, institute or centre: Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
Name of subject/course: Sociología II
Qualification: Graduado o Graduada en Trabajo Social
Start date: 30/09/2012
End date: 30/09/2013
Date of the last time: 2013
institution: Universidad de Cádiz
Type of institution: University
Faculty, institute or centre: Facultad de Ciencias del Trabajo
Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/course: Antropología Social
Professional category: Profesor Asociado
Type of teaching: In person theory
Type of subject: Core
Qualification: PCEO Grado en Ciencias Políticas / Grado en Sociología
Number of times: 1
Start date: 15/02/2012
End date: 30/09/2012
Date of the last time: 2012
Type of hours/credits: Credits
Number of hours/credits: 7,4
institution: Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Type of institution: University
Faculty, institute or centre: Facultad de Ciencias Sociales
Assessing institution: Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Type of institution: University
Mark obtained: 4,49
Top mark possible: 5
Subject language: Spanish
Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/course: Sistemas de relaciones laborales
Type of teaching: In person theory
Type of subject: Obligatory
Assessment type: Survey
Qualification: Grado en Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humanos
Start date: 30/09/2011
End date: 30/09/2012
Date of the last time: 2012
Type of hours/credits: Credits
Number of hours/credits: 5
institution: Universidad de Cádiz
Type of institution: University
Faculty, institute or centre: Facultad de Ciencias del Trabajo
Assessing institution: Universidad de Cádiz
Type of institution: University
Assessment type: Survey
Mark obtained: 3,9
Top mark possible: 5
Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/course: Sociología criminal
Type of teaching: Practical work (classroom-problems)
Type of subject: Obligatory
Assessment type: Survey
Qualification: Graduado en Criminología y Seguridad
Number of times: 1
Start date: 30/09/2011
Date of the last time: 2012
Number of hours/credits: 4
institution: Universidad de Cádiz
Faculty, institute or centre: Facultad de Derecho
Assessing institution: Universidad de Cádiz
Assessment type: Survey
Mark obtained: 4,2
End date: 30/09/2012
Type of hours/credits: Credits
Type of institution: University
Type of institution: University
Top mark possible: 5
Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/course: Sociología del Trabajo y del Ocio
Type of teaching: In person theory
Type of subject: Obligatory
Assessment type: Survey
Qualification: Licenciatura en Administración y Dirección de Empresas
Start date: 30/09/2011
End date: 30/09/2012
Date of the last time: 2012
Type of hours/credits: Credits
Number of hours/credits: 7
institution: Universidad de Cádiz
Type of institution: University
Faculty, institute or centre: Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
Assessing institution: Universidad de Cádiz
Type of institution: University
Assessment type: Survey
Mark obtained: 4
Top mark possible: 5
Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/course: Teoría de las relaciones laborales
Type of teaching: In person theory
Type of subject: Obligatory
Qualification: Grado en Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humanos
Start date: 30/09/2011
End date: 30/09/2012
Date of the last time: 2012
Type of hours/credits: Credits
Number of hours/credits: 1,5
institution: Universidad de Cádiz
Type of institution: University
Faculty, institute or centre: Facultad de Ciencias del Trabajo
Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/course: Antropología Social
Professional category: Profesor Agregado
Type of programme: Diploma
Type of teaching: In person theory
Type of subject: Core
Qualification: Diplomado en Trabajo Social
Course given: mañana y tarde
Number of times: 8
Start date: 18/02/2008
End date: 30/09/2011
Date of the last time: 2011
Type of hours/credits: Credits
Number of hours/credits: 6
institution: Escuela Adscrita de Relaciones Laborales, Type of institution: University
Turismo y Trabajo Social de Jerez. Universidad de Cádiz
Department: Ciencias Sociales
City: Jerez, Andalusia, Spain
Subject language: Spanish
Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/course: Métodos y técnicas de investigación social
Professional category: Profesor Agregado
Type of programme: Diploma
Type of teaching: In person theory
Type of subject: Core
Qualification: Diplomado en Trabajo Social
Course given: mañana y tarde
Number of times: 3
Start date: 18/02/2008
End date: 30/09/2011
Date of the last time: 2011
Type of hours/credits: Credits
Number of hours/credits: 9
institution: Escuela Adscrita de Relaciones Laborales, Type of institution: University
Turismo y Trabajo Social de Jerez. Universidad de Cádiz
Department: Ciencias Sociales
City: Jerez, Andalusia, Spain
Subject language: Spanish
Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/course: Sociología
Professional category: Profesor Agregado
Type of programme: Diploma
Type of teaching: In person theory
Type of subject: Core
Qualification: Diplomado en Trabajo Social
Course given: mañana y tarde
Number of times: 5
Start date: 18/02/2008
End date: 30/09/2011
Date of the last time: 2011
Type of hours/credits: Credits
Number of hours/credits: 7,5
institution: Escuela Adscrita de Relaciones Laborales, Type of institution: University
Turismo y Trabajo Social de Jerez. Universidad de Cádiz
Department: Ciencias Sociales
City: Jerez, Andalusia, Spain
Subject language: Spanish
Type of programme: Master’s degree
Type of teaching: In person theory
Qualification: Master en Cooperación al Desarrollo y Gestión de Proyectos
Number of times: 5
Start date: 2007
End date: 2010
Date of the last time: 2010
Type of hours/credits: Credits
Number of hours/credits: 0,2
institution: Universidad de Cádiz
Type of institution: University
Faculty, institute or centre: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/course: Estructura Social Contemporánea
Professional category: Profesor Agregado
Type of programme: Diploma
Type of teaching: In person theory
Type of subject: Core
Qualification: Diplomado en Trabajo Social
Course given: tarde
Number of times: 1
Start date: 22/09/2008
End date: 30/09/2009
Date of the last time: 2009
Type of hours/credits: Credits
Number of hours/credits: 6
institution: Escuela Adscrita de Relaciones Laborales, Type of institution: University
Turismo y Trabajo Social de Jerez. Universidad de Cádiz
Department: Ciencias Sociales
City: Jerez, Andalusia, Spain
Subject language: Spanish
Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/course: Antropología Política
Type of programme: Bachelor’s degree
Type of teaching: Practical work (classroom-problems)
Type of subject: Obligatory
Qualification: Licenciado en Antropología Social y Cultural
Number of times: 1
Start date: 30/09/2007
End date: 14/02/2008
Date of the last time: 2008
Type of hours/credits: Credits
Number of hours/credits: 1
institution: Universidad de Sevilla
Type of institution: University
Faculty, institute or centre: Facultad de Geografía e Historia
Department: Antropología Social
Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/course: Antropología Social
Type of programme: Bachelor’s degree
Type of teaching: In person theory
Type of subject: Obligatory
Qualification: Licenciado en Geografía e Historia Sección Antropología Cultural
Number of times: 1
Start date: 30/09/2007
End date: 14/02/2008
Date of the last time: 2008
Type of hours/credits: Credits
Number of hours/credits: 0,5
institution: Universidad de Sevilla
Type of institution: University
Faculty, institute or centre: Facultad de Geografía e Historia
Department: Antropología Social
Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/course: Antropología Política
Type of programme: Bachelor’s degree
Type of teaching: Practical work (classroom-problems)
Type of subject: Obligatory
Qualification: Licenciado en Antropología Social y Cultural
Number of times: 1
Start date: 30/09/2006
End date: 30/09/2007
Date of the last time: 2007
Type of hours/credits: Credits
Number of hours/credits: 0,75
institution: Universidad de Sevilla
Type of institution: University
Faculty, institute or centre: Facultad de Geografía e Historia
Department: Antropología Social
Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/course: Etnología Regional de Andalucía
Type of programme: Bachelor’s degree
Type of teaching: Practical work (classroom-problems)
Type of subject: Obligatory
Qualification: Licenciado en Antropología Social y Cultural
Number of times: 1
Start date: 30/09/2006
End date: 30/09/2007
Date of the last time: 2007
Type of hours/credits: Credits
Number of hours/credits: 0,75
institution: Universidad de Sevilla
Type of institution: University
Faculty, institute or centre: Facultad de Geografía e Historia
Department: Antropología Social
Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/course: Antropología Social
Professional category: Profesor Asociado
Type of teaching: In person theory
Type of subject: Core
Qualification: Doble Grado en Trabajo Social y Educación Social
Number of times: 1
Start date: 30/09/2012
Date of the last time: 2012
Type of hours/credits: Credits
Number of hours/credits: 7,4
institution: Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Type of institution: University
Faculty, institute or centre: Facultad de Ciencias Sociales
Subject language: Spanish
Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of subject/course: Metodologías participativas de investigación aplicadas a la educación social
Professional category: Profesor Asociado
Type of teaching: In person theory
Type of subject: Obligatory
Qualification: Doble Grado en Trabajo Social y Educación Social
Number of times: 2
Start date: 30/09/2011
Date of the last time: 2012
Type of hours/credits: Credits
Number of hours/credits: 7,4
institution: Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Type of institution: University
Faculty, institute or centre: Facultad de Ciencias Sociales
Assessing institution: Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Type of institution: University
Mark obtained: 3,81
Top mark possible: 5
Subject language: Spanish
Supervision of dissertations and/or final projects
Project title: Proyecto de investigación-intervención. Doble Grado en Trabajo Social y Educación Social
Type of project: End of course project
University issuing the qualification: Universidad Pablo Type of institution: University
de Olavide
Doctorate student: Jovanka Reyes Diaz
Date of reading: 2012
Project title: Proyecto de investigación-intervención. Doble Grado en Trabajo Social y Educación Social
Type of project: End of course project
University issuing the qualification: Universidad Pablo Type of institution: University
de Olavide
Doctorate student: Salud Pérez Alcántara
Date of reading: 2012
Project title: Proyecto de investigación-intervención. Doble Grado en Trabajo Social y Educación Social
Type of project: End of course project
University issuing the qualification: Universidad Pablo Type of institution: University
de Olavide
Doctorate student: Sara Muñoz Quintana
Date of reading: 2012
Project title: Proyecto de investigación-intervención. Doble Grado en Trabajo Social y Educación Social
Type of project: End of course project
University issuing the qualification: Universidad Pablo Type of institution: University
de Olavide
Doctorate student: Sara Priego Aquilino
Date of reading: 2012
Academic tuition of students
Programme: Programa de Prácticas de Empresa de la UCA
institution: Universidad de Cádiz
Type of institution: University
Frequency of the activity: 4
Number of tutored students: 4
Programme: Programa de Prácticas de Empresa de la UCA
institution: Universidad de Cádiz
Type of institution: University
Frequency of the activity: 4
Number of tutored students: 4
Participation in teaching innovation projects
Type of participation: Coordinator
Funding institution: Universidad de Cádiz
Type of institution: University
Start date: 15/09/2013
Participation end date: 30/06/2014, 9 months
Project title: Trabajo en equipo y nuevas tecnologías en las actividades académicamente dirigidas de las
asignaturas Técnicas de Investigación Social” y Sistemas de Relaciones Laborales” del Grado en Relaciones
Laborales y Recursos Humanos
Type of participation: Collaborator
Type of duration: For a limited time
Funding institution: Universidad de Cádiz
Type of institution: University
Start date: 17/02/2012
Participation end date: 30/07/2012
Experience in the healthcare field
Other activities/achievements not included above
Other relevant activities: Evaluador para Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences
City: Canada
Experience end date: 2012
Other relevant activities: Premio a la mejor tesis doctoral en cooperación para el desarrollo. curso 2010/2011
Institution where project took place: Universidad de Type of institution: University
Experience end date: 2011
Other relevant activities: Evaluador para Revista Historia Actual Online
Institution where project took place: Universidad de Type of institution: University
Experience end date: 2009
Other relevant activities: Evaluador para revista REDES. revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales
Institution where project took place: Universitat
Type of institution: University
Autònoma de Barcelona
Experience end date: 2007
Other relevant activities: Acreditación como Profesor Contratado Doctor
Institution where project took place: Agencia
Type of institution: Agencia autonómica
Andaluza del Conocimiento. Junta de Andalucía
Conferral date: 12/12/2011
Experience in science and technology
Participation in research, development or innovation groups/teams
Name of the group: Grupo para el Estudio de las Identidades Socioculturales en Andalucía
Name of the group's manager: Isidoro Moreno Navarro Number of members: 33
Standardised code: SEJ-149 del PAI
Type of collaboration: Co-authorship of projects and
their development
Institution the group belongs to: Universidad de
Type of institution: University
Start date: 2004
Scientific or technological activity
Participation in R&D&I projects funded in competitive calls by public or private bodies
Name of the project: Sindicalismo y nuevos movimientos sociales en la construcción de la democracia:
España, 1976-2012
Institution where project took place: Universidad Type of institution: University
de Cádiz
Head(s) researcher(s): Julio Pérez Serrano
Number of researchers: 6
Funding institution or bodies:
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Investigación
Type of institution: Public
City: Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Start date: 01/01/2013
End date: 01/01/2016
Total amount: 20.000
Name of the project: Reconversión naval, sindicalismo y protesta popular en los astilleros de Puerto Real.
Role: Researcher
Institution where project took place: Universidad Type of institution: University
de Sevilla
Head(s) researcher(s): David Florido del Corral
Number of researchers: 3
Funding institution or bodies:
Centro de Estudios Andaluces
Type of institution: Foundation
City: Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain
Start date: 01/02/2008
End date: 31/12/2008
Total amount: 30.000
Name of the project: Programa de Formación del Profesorado Universitario: Una aproximación
antropológica a las ONGD en Andalucía.
Institution where project took place: Universidad Type of institution: University
de Sevilla
Head(s) researcher(s): Beltrán Roca Martínez
Number of researchers: 1
Funding institution or bodies:
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Investigación
Type of institution: Administración estatal
City: Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Start date: 01/06/2004
End date: 14/02/2008
Total amount: 45.000
Name of the project: Estudio de las asociaciones de familiares y drogodependientes en la provincia de
Sevilla: actividades, planteamientos y relaciones con las instituciones PC2004-002
Project type: Basic research (including
Project area: Regional
archaeological digs, etc)
Role: Researcher
Institution where project took place: Universidad Type of institution: University
de Sevilla
Head(s) researcher(s): Félix Talego Vázquez; David Florido del Corral
Number of researchers: 5
Number of people/year: 5
Funding institution or bodies:
Consejería de Igualdad y Bienestar Social. Junta de Type of institution: Administración autonómica
City: Andalusia, Spain
Type of participation: Collaborator
Start date: 01/01/2004, 1 year
End date: 31/05/2004
Total amount: 20.000
Participation in R&D&I non-competitive projects, contracts or agreements with administrations
or public or private bodies
Name of the project: Estudio diagnóstico de la población inmigrante de El Puerto de Santa María
Role: Scientific coordinator
Number of researchers: 2
Funding institution or bodies:
Ayuntamiento de El Puerto de Santa María
Type of institution: Administración local
City: El Puerto de Santa María, Andalusia, Spain
Start date: 01/04/2011, 9 months
Total amount: 10.000
Name of the project: Consultoría técnica para la realización del Análisis de experiencias y capacidades de
los agentes andaluces en materia de Educación para el Desarrollo en procesos educativos y promoción de
la Cultura de Paz
Role: Researcher
Number of researchers: 1
Funding institution or bodies:
Agencia Andaluza de Cooperación Internacional
Type of institution: Agencia de la Junta de
City: Andalusia, Spain
Start date: 01/02/2011, 1 year
Total amount: 15.000
Scientific and technological activities
Scientific production
Publications, scientific and technical documents
La solidaridad organizada. Profesionalización y burocracia en las ONGD en Andalucía. pp. 1 - 497.
SevillaUniversidad de Sevilla, 2011. Available online at: <>. ISBN 978-84-695-0131-3
Type of production: Book
Format: Book
Acting as: Author or co-author of entire book
Relevant publication: Yes
Introducción a la vida y obra de Pierre Clastres. La sociedad contra el Estado.
pp. 5 - 14. Barcelona, Andalusia(Spain): Virus, 2010. Available online at:
<>. ISBN 978-84-92559-17-6
Type of production: Chapters of books
Acting as: Author or co-author of chapter in book
Source of quotes: Google scholar
Quotes: 713
Relevant publication: Yes
Beltrán Roca Martínez. La financiación de las ONGD desde la perspectiva de redes. Nómadas. Revista Crítica
de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas. 23 - 3, pp. 145 - 159. Madrid, Community of Madrid(Spain): Universidad
Complutense de Madrid, 2009. ISSN 1578-6730
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: IN-RECS
Impact index: 0,060
Position: 16
Category: Sociology
Journal in the top 25%: No
No. of journals in the cat.: 70
Source of quotes: Google Scholar
Quotes: 1
Relevant publication: Yes
Beltrán Roca Martínez. La financiación pública de las ONGD. Tendencias, redes y discursos. Revista Española de
Tercer Sector. 12, pp. 193 - 198. (Spain): Fundación Luis Vives, 2009. ISSN 1886-0419
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: IN-RECS
Impact index: 0,162
Position: 7
Category: Sociology
Journal in the top 25%: Yes
No. of journals in the cat.: 70
Relevant publication: Yes
Beltrán Roca Martinez. Structure, power, and discourses of development in Spanish NGOs. Nonprofit
Management and Leadership. 20 - 2, pp. 203 - 218. Cleveland(United States of America): Wiley Subscription
Services, Inc., A Wiley Company, 2009. ISSN 1048-6682
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Impact source: ISI
Impact index: 0,58
Position: 27
Category: Public Administration
Journal in the top 25%: No
No. of journals in the cat.: 45
Relevant publication: Yes
Beltrán Roca Martínez; José Luis Gutierrez Molina; David Florido del corral. El pueblo en la calle. Reconversión
naval, sindicalismo y protesta popular en el astillero de Puerto Real. Colección Antropología. pp. 1 - 211. Sevilla,
Andalusia(Spain): Centro de Estudios Andaluces, 2009. ISBN 978-84-612-1521-8
Collection: Antropología
Type of production: Book
Format: Book
Acting as: Author or co-author of entire book
Relevant publication: Yes
Beltrán Roca Martínez. Acción directa y sindicalismo. Una etnografía de combate. Nómadas. Revista Crítica de
Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas. 17, pp. 325 - 338. Madrid, Community of Madrid(Spain): Universidad Complutense
de Madrid, 2008. ISSN 1578-6730
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: IN-RECS
Impact index: 0,044
Position: 28
Category: Sociology
Journal in the top 25%: No
No. of journals in the cat.: 74
Source of quotes: Google Scholar
Quotes: 1
Relevant publication: Yes
Beltrán Roca Martínez. Organizations in Movement. An Ethnographer in the Spanish Campaign Poverty Zero.
n Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations. 18 - 2, pp. 116 - 134. Springer
Netherlands, 2007. ISSN 1573-7888
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: SCOPUS
Impact index: 0,31
Position: 166
Category: Geography, Planning and Development
Journal in the top 25%: No
No. of journals in the cat.: 424
Impact source: German Association for Business
Impact index: A
Position: 1
Category: Public and Nonprofit Management
Journal in the top 25%: Yes
No. of journals in the cat.: 16
Relevant publication: Yes
Conflicto y cambio en el tercer sector. Papers: Revista de Sociología. 99 - 1, pp. 97 - 118. UAB, 2014.
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Beltrán Roca; Luis Baños. Cultura sindical y movimiento obrero en Andalucía. Movimientos sociales, participación
y ciudadanía en Andalucía. pp. 81 - 116. Aconcagua, 2013.
Type of production: Chapters of books
Format: Book
Lluis Rodriguez; Beltrán Roca. El poder laboral. Una propuesta teórica para analizar las relaciones de poder en la
empresa y las estrategias de los actores. Sindicalismo en la empresa y el territorio. Confederación Nacional del
Trabajo, 2013.
Type of production: Chapters of books
Format: Book
Beltrán Roca; Iban Diaz Parra. De la tierra a los supermercados: el SAT como ejemplo de particularismo militante
y de renovación sindical. Anuario del Conflicto Social 2012. pp. 855 - 876. UB, 2013.
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
David Florido; Beltrán Roca; José Luis Gutiérrez. Tightening the screws. Autonomy, collective action and violence
in Puerto Real during the second shipbuilding restructuring. Anthropological Quarterly. 86 - 3, pp. 891 - 921. 2013.
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Contrapoder sindical. pp. 1 - 113. Fundación Anselmo Lorenzo, 2013.
Type of production: Book
Format: Book
Beltrán Roca Martínez; Emilio Roca Martínez. . Estudio diagnóstico de la población inmigrante extranjera en El
Puerto de Santa María. pp. 1 - 150. Gremio Animación/Ayto. El Puerto de Santa María, 2012.
Type of production: Scientific and technical document Format: Scientific and technical document or report
or report
Acting as: Author or co-author of reserved scientific or technical document
Representatividad y poder sindical. Elementos para el debate. Estudios. 2 - 2, pp. 8 - 18. 2012.
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Investigación Acción Participativa en un sindicato asambleario. pp. 1 - 90. El Puerto de Santa María(Spain):
Editorial El Boletin, 2012. ISBN 978-84-938945-8-0
Type of production: Book
Format: Book
Acting as: Author or co-author of entire book
Beltrán Roca Martínez. James C. Scott (2009) The art of not being governed: An anarchist history of upland
southeast Asia. New haven, Yale Univ. Press, 464 p.Revista Andaluza de Antropología. 1, pp. 126 - 129.
Asociación Andaluza de Antropología, 2011. Available online at: <
index.php/14-recensiones/15-scott-james-c-2009-the-art-of-not-being-governed-an-anarchist-history-of-uplandsoutheast-asia-new-haven-yale-university-press-464-pp.html>. ISSN 2174-6796
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Acting as: Author or co-author of published critical note or commentary
Impact source: Dialnet
Category: Ciencias Sociales: Antropología, Etnología
Beltrán Roca Martínez. 1978 Se celebran las primeras elecciones sindicales. Cien imágenes para un centenario.
pp. 200 - 200. (Spain): Fundación Anselmo Lorenzo, 2010. ISBN 978-84-86864-78-1
Type of production: Chapters of books
Format: Book
Beltrán Roca Martínez. Una visión antropológica del poder. A propósito de La Sociedad contra el Estado de Pierre
Clastres. Libre pensamiento. 66, pp. 60 - 67. Confederación General del Trabajo, 2010. ISSN 1138-1124
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Impact source: Dialnet
Category: Ciencias Sociales
Actuar como si fueramos libres. Sindicalismo en la Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Participar participando.
Estrategias participativas y educación de personas adultas. pp. 35 - 38. Instituto Paolo Freire, 2009. ISBN
Type of production: Chapters of books
Format: Book
Fernando Ventura Calderón; Beltrán Roca Martínez. Damocle’s Sword: Democratic Governmentality and State
Trade Unionism in Spain. Contemporary Studies in Ethnography. New York(United States of America): Nova
Science Publishers, 2009. ISBN 978-1-60692-377-1
Type of production: Chapters of books
Format: Book
Acting as: Author or co-author of chapter in book
Francisco Madrid (ed.): Anselmo Lorenzo, un militante proletario en el ojo del huracán (Virus, Barcelona 2008).
317 páginas. Germinal. Revista de estudios libertarios. 8, pp. 91 - 93. 2009. ISSN 1886-3019
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Impact source: Dialnet
Beltrán Roca Martínez. Anarquismo y antropología. Relaciones e influencias mutuas entre el pensamiento
libertario y la antropología social. pp. 1 - 267. Madrid, Community of Madrid(Spain): LaMalatesta Editorial, 2008.
ISBN 978-84-934-7623-6
Type of production: Book
Format: Book
Acting as: Editor or co-editor
Relevant results: Segunda edición en 2010.
Reviews in journals: 1
Entre la competencia y la cooperación: la construcción de redes entre las ONGD. Redes: Revista hispana para
el análisis de redes sociales. 11, pp. 1 - 25. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, 2006. Available online at:
<>. ISSN 1579-0185
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with external admissions assessment committee
Impact source: IN-RECS
Impact index: 0,027
Position: 20
Category: Sociology
Journal in the top 25%: No
No. of journals in the cat.: 79
Source of quotes: Google Scholar
Quotes: 8
Movilizando a los precarios. Nómadas-Revista crítica de ciencias sociales y jurídicas. 13 - 1, pp. 309 - 318.
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2006. ISSN 1578-6730
Type of production: Article
Impact source: IN-RECS
Impact index: 0,065
Position: 16
Category: Sociology
Journal in the top 25%: No
No. of journals in the cat.: 16
The shadows of the enlightenment: Some foucaultian perspectives on the French law and the veil. Anarchist
Studies. 14 - 1, Lawrence and Wishart, 2006. ISSN 0967-3393
Type of production: Article
Format: Journal
Acting as: Author or co-author of article in journal with external admissions assessment committee
Work presented in conferences at the national or international level
Title: Radical left, social movements and trade union revitalization in Andalusia.
Name of the conference: XIII International Conference “Nuestro Patrimonio Comín
City: Cádiz, Spain
Date: 20/05/2013
End date: 22/05/2013
Organising institution: Asociación Historia Actual
Title: Co-optación y contrapoder. La investigación antropológica en el ámbito del sindicalismo
Name of the conference: Workshop: Antropología política de las organizaciones socials no-estatales.
City: Alicante, Spain
Date: 13/12/2012
End date: 15/12/2012
Organising institution: Universitat d’Alacant
Title: Redes sociales y antropologíaName of the conference: XI Congreso de la FAAEE
Field of the conference: National
Type of participation: Speaker
City: San Sebastián, Basque Country, Spain
Date: 13/09/2008
Organising institution: Ankulegi y Federación de
Type of institution: Associations and Groups
Asociaciones de Antropología del Estado Esp
J.L. Molina; Silvia Gómez; Beltrán Roca Martínez. pp. 21 - 26. ISBN 978-84-691-4965-2
Title: La financiación pública a las ONG. Un análisis reticular
Name of the conference: XI Congreso de la FAAEE
Type of event: Conference
Field of the conference: National
Type of participation: Speaker
Reasons for participation: Review before
City: San Sebastian, Basque Country, Spain
Date: 10/09/2008
End date: 13/09/2008
Publication in conference proceedings: Yes
Type: Chapters of books
"Actas del XI Congreso de Antropologia de la FAAEE". 13, 2008. ISBN 978-84-691-4965-2
Title: Contestando el desarrollo”. Iglesias, nuevos movimientos religiosos y ONGName of the conference: II Jornada de Sociología. El Fenómeno Religioso. Presencia de la Religión y la
Religiosidad en las Sociedades Avanzadas
Field of the conference: National
Type of participation: Speaker
Reasons for participation: Review before
City: Sevilla,
Date: 13/06/2007
End date: 14/06/2007
Organising institution: Centro de Estudios Andaluces
Beltrán Roca Martínez-. pp. 1 - 15.
Title: La participación en las ONGD y el problema de los incentivos
Name of the conference: Cidadania(s) – Congresso Internacional sobre Discursos e Práticas
Type of event: Conference
Field of the conference: Non EU International
Type of participation: Speaker
Reasons for participation: Review before
City: Oporto, Portugal
Date: 29/06/2006
End date: 01/07/2006
Organising institution: Universidad Fernando
Type of institution: University
Publication in conference proceedings: Yes
Type: Chapters of books
En: Cidadania(s): Discursos e Práticas / Citizenship(s): Discourses and Practices. pp. 211 - 252. (Portugal):
Edições Universidade Fernendo Pessoa, 2006. ISBN 978-972-8830-98-4
Title: Etnografía en las Organizaciones No Lucrativas. Primeras experiencias y pasos metodológicos
Name of the conference: XIII Congreso Internacional de Estudiantes de Antropología. Cultura y
compromiso. Aportaciones de la Antropología a los problemas sociales contemporáneosType of event: Conference
Field of the conference: National
Type of participation: Speaker
Reasons for participation: Review before
City: Granada,
Date: 01/12/2005
End date: 03/12/2005
Organising institution: Universidad de Granada
Beltrán Roca Martínez.
Title: La irrupción de las ONGD (Organizaciones No Gubernamentales para el Desarrollo) en la esfera
política. Una aproximación a la campaña Pobreza Cero en Andalucía
Name of the conference: I Jornada de Sociología de Sevilla. El Cambio Social en España. Visiones y
Retos de Futuro
Type of event: Workshop
Field of the conference: National
Type of participation: Speaker
Reasons for participation: Review before
City: Sevilla,
Date: 15/06/2005
End date: 16/06/2005
Organising institution: Centro de Estudios Andaluces
Beltrán Roca Martínez.
Experience in R&D&I management and participation in scientific committees
Scientific advisory committees, scientific societies
Committee title: Consejo de Redacción
Area of the activity: Non EU International
Primary (UNESCO code): 630000 - SOCIOLOGY
Secondary (UNESCO code): 510000 - Antropology
Tertiary (UNESCO code): 611400 - Social psychology
Institution which it depends on: Redes. Revista
Type of institution: revista científica
hispana para el análisis de redes sociales
Start date: 2007 - 2012
Committee title: Junta Directiva
Area of the activity: Regional
Primary (UNESCO code): 510300 - Social anthropology
Institution which it depends on: Asociación Andaluza de Antropología
City: Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain
Start date: 01/01/2006 - 01/03/2009
Committee title: Comité Asesor
Primary (UNESCO code): 590000 - Political Science
Secondary (UNESCO code): 510000 - Antropology
Tertiary (UNESCO code): 630000 - SOCIOLOGY
Institution which it depends on: Estudios. Revista Type of institution: Revista
de pensamiento libertario
City: Spain
Start date: 2011
Committee title: Consejo de Redacción
Primary (UNESCO code): 510000 - Antropology
Institution which it depends on: Revista Andaluza de Antropología
City: Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain
Start date: 2009
Experience organising R&D&I activities
Title: VI Congreso Andaluz de Sociología
Type of activity: Congreso científico
City: Cádiz, Andalusia, Spain
Convening institution: Asociación andaluza de
City: Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain
Type of participation: Organiser
Number of attendees: 300
Start date: 29/11/2012, 3 days
End date: 01/12/2012
Area of the activity: Regional
Type of institution: Associations and Groups
Title: Seminario Internacional Nuestro Patrimonio Común: Ideas libertarias y emancipatorias: pasado,
Presente y Futuro
Type of activity: Seminario
Area of the activity: Non EU International
City: Cádiz, Andalusia, Spain
Convening institution: Universidad de Cádiz
Type of institution: University
Type of participation: Organiser
Number of attendees: 300
Start date: 05/11/2007, 5 days
End date: 09/11/2007
Other achievements
Stays in public or private R&D&I centres
institution: Aix-Marseille Université
City: Aix, France
Start date: 18/03/2013, 7 days
End date: 24/03/2013
Aims of the stay: Guest
Provable tasks: Teaching
institution: London School of Economics and
Type of institution: University
Political Science
Faculty, institute or centre: Center for Study of Civil Society
City: London, United Kingdom
Start date: 23/10/2007, 2 months
End date: 23/12/2007
Aims of the stay: Guest
Provable tasks: Análisis bibliográfico, estudio de casos
institution: Yale University
Type of institution: University
Faculty, institute or centre: Program in Agrarian Studies
City: New Haven, United States of America
Start date: 15/09/2006, 3 months
End date: 15/12/2006
Aims of the stay: Guest
Provable tasks: Análisis bibliográfico, estudio de casos
Type of institution: University
Grants and scholarships obtained
Name of the grant: Beca de Formación del Profesorado Universitario
Aims: Pre-doctoral
Conferring institution: Ministerio de Educación,
Type of institution: State agency
Política Social y Deporte
Conferral date: 01/06/2004
End date: 15/01/2008
Name of institution: Universidad de Sevilla
Name of the grant: Beca de investigación
Aims: Beca con cargo a proyecto
Conferring institution: Universidad de Sevilla
Conferral date: 01/01/2004
End date: 30/04/2004
Name of institution: Universidad de Sevilla
Type of institution: University
Duration of the grant: 4 months
Name of the grant: Beca de colaboración
Aims: Pre-doctoral
Conferring institution: Ministerio de Ciencia e
Innovación. Investigación
Conferral date: 01/11/2002
End date: 31/07/2003
Name of institution: Universidad de Sevilla
Type of institution: Administración estatal
Duration of the grant: 9 months
Recognitions, distinctions and awards received throughout the career
Description: Premio a la mejor tesis doctoral sobre cooperación internacional
Conferring institution: Universidad de Sevilla
Type of institution: University
Conferral date: 2011