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Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia Licenciatura en lingüística Tipología sintáctica Iván Salgado G. – 2016-1 Predicados de Leipzig VII: GO 1. AINU a) Kuca orta arpaan rusuy. kuca or ta arpa=an rusuy hunting.cabin place LOC go.SG=IND.S DESID ‘I wanted to go to the hunting cabin.’ 1 LOC2 subj[1].V b) Nisatta nepkiepayean kus ne na! nisat-ta nepki-e-paye=an kus ne na dawn-LOC work-APPL.INS-go.PL=IND.S COP FIN1 ‘Let’s go to work tomorrow!’ 2. BALINÉS Anake luh ento luas ke peken. anak=e luh ento luas ke peken person=DEF female that go to market ‘The woman went to the market.’ 1 V ke+2 3. BEZHTA Kid yeⁿƛ'eš biƛoɣa. kid y-eⁿƛ'e-š biƛo-ɣa girl(II).ABS II-go-PRS house-APUD ‘The girl goes home.’ 1-abs LOC2 abs[1].V 4. BORA O péé tahjyávu. o péé tah-jyá-vu 1SG go 1SG-house-ALL ‘I go to my house.’ 1-nom (2-all) V 5. ARMENIO ORIENTAL Tʁan gnacʰ (gjuʁicʰ). tʁa-n gn-acʰ gjuʁ-icʰ boy-DEF go-AOR.3SG village-ABL ‘The boy went (from the village).’ 1-nom (LOC2) V.subj[1] 6. INGLÉS The women went to the market every day. 7. EVEN Kuŋa (d'ula) hörren. kuŋa d'u-la hör-re-n child house-LOC go-AOR-3SG ‘The child went home.’ 1 ‘Final particle’ 1-nom>V.subj[1]>LOC2 1-nom V.subj[1] 1 Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia Licenciatura en lingüística Tipología sintáctica Iván Salgado G. – 2016-1 8. EVENKI Asi unijekittule ŋeneren. asi unijekit-tule ŋene-re-n woman market-LOC go-NONFUT-3SG ‘The woman went to the market.’ 1-nom 2-loc V 9. ALEMÁN Er geht zum Rathaus. er geh-t zu-m Rathaus 3SG.M.NOM go-3SG.PRS to-DEF.DAT town.hall ‘He goes to the town hall.’ 1-nom V.subj[1] LOC2 10. JAPONÉS DE HOKKAIDO Sono syo:nenwa ekini itta. sono syo:nen=wa eki=ni it-ta that boy=TOP station=DAT go-PST ‘That boy went to the station.’ 1-nom 2-dat V 11. HOOCAK Hinųga ciinąkra howaree. Hinų-ga ciinąk=ra first.daughter-PROP village=DEF ‘Hinu is going to town.’ SIN EQUIVALENTE2 howare go.forward 12. ISLANDÉS Konan fór á markaðinn. kona-n fór á markað-inn woman-the.NOM went on market-the.ACC ‘The woman went to the market.’ 13. INDONESIO DE YAKARTA Gue pergi. gue pergi 1sg.FAM go ‘I go.’ 14. JAMINJUNG Ngarrginabiya ngajang gajgany bina. ngarrgina=biya ngajang ga-jga-ny cafe-bina 1SG:POSS=SEQ FaMo/SoCh 3SG.S-go-PST.PFV cafe-ALL ‘My grandson then went to the Cafe.’ 2 “It is difficult to find a direct counterpart to this meaning label. There are 12 deictic motion verbs in Hoocąk with inherently complex semantics, neither of which seems to be suited for the purpose of this study.” 2 Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia Licenciatura en lingüística Tipología sintáctica Iván Salgado G. – 2016-1 15. JAPONÉS ESTÁNDAR Zyosei-ga itiba-ni it-ta. zyosei-ga itiba-ni it-ta woman-NOM market-LOC go-PAST ‘The woman went to the market.’ 16. KET Kʌjdɛŋ sesdiŋa ɔŋɔn. kʌj-dɛŋ ses-diŋa ɔŋ-k-ɔn-den hunting-people river-INAN.ADESS 3ANIM.SBJ-TH-PST-go ‘The hunters went to the river.’ 17. COREANO a) Ajumeoniga sijangeuro gatta. ajumeoni-ga sijang-euro ga-ss-da madam-NOM market-DIR go-PST-DECL ‘The madam went to the market.’ b) Ajumeoniga sijange gatta. ajumeoni-ga sijang-e ga-ss-da madam-NOM market-LOC go-PST-DECL ‘The madam went to the market (to do something there).’ 18. CHINO MANDARÍN Wǒ qù le Běijīng. wo qu-le Beijing 1SG go-PERF Beijing ‘I went (to Beijing).’ 19. MANDINKA Kewô táata. kew-ô táa-ta man-DEF go-PF.POS ‘The man went away.’ 20. MAPUNDUNGUN Ti pichi wentru amuy waria mew. ti pichi wentru amu-i waria mew ART little man go-IND town PPOS ‘The boy went to the town.’ 21. JAPONÉS DE MITSUKAIDO Jarokko egisa etta. jarokko egi=sa et-ta boy.NOM station=DAT go-PST ‘The boy went to the station.’ 3 Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia Licenciatura en lingüística Tipología sintáctica Iván Salgado G. – 2016-1 22. ÁRABE MODERNO ESTÁNDAR D̠ ahaba lwaladu ʾilâ ssūqi. d̠ ahaba l-walad-u ʾilâ s-sūq-i go.PRF.3SG.M ART-boy.M-NOM to ART-market.M-GEN ‘The boy went to the market.’ 23. NEN Ynd pan qérqér wzerst wngm. ynd pan_qérqér w-zer-s-t w-ng-m 1sgABS savannah 1sgU-AW-be(ND) ‘I'm going to the savannah to burn off.’ 24. OJIBWA Kwe gii-zhaa daawegamgong. akwew gii-izhaa-w woman.AN PAST-go.AI-3SBJ ‘The woman went to the store.’ adaawewigamigw-ing store.IN-LOC 25. RUSO Rabočie idut na fabriku. rabočie idut na fabrik-u workers go.3PL to factory-ACC ‘The workers are going to the factory.’ 26. SLIAMMON huhuɬ =č ʔə= kʷ= tiyskʷat sǰasuɬ. hu-h-uɬ =č ʔə= go-EPEN-PAST =1SG.INDC.SBJ OBL= ‘I went to Powell River yesterday.’ kʷ= tiyskʷat DET= sǰasuɬ yesterday 27. MALAYO DE CEYLÁN a) Derang laayeng nigiri padanang supii. derang laayeng nigiri pada=nang su-pii 3PL other country PL=DAT PAST-go ‘They went to another country.’ b) (See) (ruuma=nang) arà-pii. see ruuma=nang arà-pii 1S house=DAT NONPAST-go ‘I am going home.’ 28. XÂRÂCÙÙ Pa xûûchî fè ti xwârè. pa xûûchî fè ti xwârè COLL child go at river ‘Children are going to the river.’ 4 Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia Licenciatura en lingüística Tipología sintáctica Iván Salgado G. – 2016-1 29. YAQUI U jamut pajkoau siika. u jamut pajkoa-u siika DET woman party-DIR go ‘The woman goes to the party.’ 30. YORÙBÁ Ade lo̩ sí oko. Ade lo̩ sí oko Ade go PREP farm ‘Ade went to the farm.’ 31. MAYA YUCATECO Le xch'úupo' h bin k'íiwik. le xch'úup-o' h bin k'íiwik DEM woman-D2 PRFV go market ‘The woman went to the market.’ 32. CHATINO DE ZENZONTEPEC3 a) Tz-aa to neʔe jį̄. tz-aa to neʔe jiʔį̄ POT-go.NBASE(.3) mouth house RN(.3) ‘He will go to his house.’ b) Kinikwę tyūú jiʔį̄ jwaā tzaa tya kitzę jlyū. ki-nikwę tyūú jiʔį̄ jwaā tz-aa tya POT-tell Pedro RN Juan POT-go.NBASE towards ‘Pedro is going to tell Juan to go to the city.’ kitzę jlyū village large A base is some place culturally important, like one's home village, or a place contextualized as a starting point or important point in a discourse. 3 5