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ROSSIAN ~TIME REGISTER OF SHIPPINQ No • 41 REPORT ON SURVEY OF THE &HP Name of ship II NCFTEGAZ-57 Identification No PC 870528 Flag 14.ussian Federtnion Place of survey Po4 of Munnaná Date 02,092014 The unclersigned surveyor has carried out Occasional survey of the abone-mentioned ship's undetwater hui' and rudder proponer unit at the request of the Owner (ref. Leiter of OISC "Aziollonorneftegfazruvedica" No 05/260 datod 2.5,08.2014) using the under~er TV system for checking complianee of `it tochnical condition with RWIRS applicable Rules. During the survey the following was found: 1. 'The chip has RS Classifteation with term of valklity till 25.09.2015; last survey of the underwater hull was camed out 04.072013 — the nex ene te be carried out not letra than 25.092015. Last survey of the SB and PS sudder propensa* unit in &a-53041W state was carried out 18.062010 — the noxt one tia be carried out not tater than 18.06,2015. 2 The survey was carried out by the "Rumian Diving Company" LLC recognized by RMRS. Before the survey has boort carried cut mPrognzra No 2014-15 of the ship's undenvater hull and mdder proponer unit inspection", approved by RMRS 02.09.2014, was subtnitted, There is nri crow onboard the ship. No damages and defects weredeciared by the Ownor. 3. Basad en actual readiness of ship's ebjects the following Ítems of the "Program..." were carried out The followMg was fOund during inspection of areas subn~ by the Owner's Rwresentative and in additional local arcas, atter cleaning as per Surveyor's request: no defects were found sn ()uta bottora piste and S13 bilge pan,. SB sido plate, stern post, welding joints of underwater buil, bilgo keels, SB sea ches grating and bottom sea Chest grating with fitting; grating of $13 trust« fru* with fittings, S13 and PS mcider proponer unit elements and clamping locking, S13 and PS frxed nozzles and fittings. The following hasn't been cerned ola: Survey of dio out píate of the PS bilgo part and PS side plato (ship moored PS lo AHTS "Neftegaz-51"); Cheeking ofjurnp elearance of drive shafts and rudder blades, clearance of rudder hearings and rudder Naden; Checking of drive shaft barrirtg faimess and control of oil leakages; Cheekíng of rtzdder biade dolleetion fakrtess. Attachmont: Repon of ship's underwater hull and rudder propeller unit inspection —1 egy oh 5 pa ES GUNA FIE.i. iihiakt A.14. Sernin-- Surveyor RS STAMP, SIGN 6 n toNri Xtilli: :4rIS 1 CAP 0-c , ir" ,GE ELLINO NAV!O PITAN .1 FE 9 POU ".11-4-+"- :17 000 «PyeeKax BOU0311.111142 itOrdilánlif» IIPOTOKOJI Ni 2914 -16 o6equosaKest uoíluoAktoll Kopuyea á »PI< cyAua litt ['Juay «02 » ecura6pa 2014 r. u. Hacrogued1 npomKon cOCT4trryix rrpeAcraawreuu 000 «Pycerai ookanaatuut uea». Ocmon no,u,so,rueurd tiaCTif Kopuyr.3 H BPIC lip0H3BOUE11e1 a lipaCyTCTUME flpeux.-raeureno l‘ilypmelleKoro thibuyaza 01-1/ «PueemAcKuil. mopexoft penden cy,AoxogCTfia: enacettepa-nuerierropa Cemelia flpeAcraurre.ux eyzIonua,ac;ihua.: Kaiurntea r/x «HEOTEXA3 - 57» MOCIICUX0 N.A. flpeAcTautrrena aooteecipauxe emaa: Karrentea TIX K1-IEOTErA3 - 57» MOCkieáXO H.A. , riegan:lema 000 uPyrexaR 1.1(Vkarta31-114 Xxyboluilág» upUfLIBC/Ut o6WICZOTJAUBe ROAauXuoA macre Kopuyea H .13PK Tix - 57» tia azaay upe uomouur wat-1110k lbtépbt nuABOMOM nueinfACUU.1. Peri crposacfi Na 870528 TRU eyizea: supply vessel noc-risokKH: 12.1987 Cyauma.aegen; 0A0 «» .1<parKee Texuanecxec xaparrepucTuma; 81,37 145,30 7,20 490 pum nalí6ouhuuta, Ulápállát4UU<Cmaubliaa, M uucura oca,axa, epeutera Al3MUITe": 2 - BP1.11 2 4 aaaoauro Tiiu reuma KOJULL4eCTBO aonacTert Ilonerou: aKaaropei u. Mypmanca Illezamocru x sone: ,ucv 3,00 M :Cm-maltee mopx; 0,50 61.a.,a0B Temrreparypa aoaayxa: 14°C Texiceac: 2,00 hille . Totec • Upe 06CliegOuallitli T. Illaecpc:uvreo: 141K «GOPER» 2. Llaclual Kaleepa uouaozatoro Ten 3. Cne.ayxiaute mepreace pacraanca uapymeo9 o45naunKu. murro-pyncaoro Komunexca. exema paCROXIO*.emast xpercroaaux ~rae__ — o6u.tera pacuouoaccuza; moigIuKtuali eepTex< ppeouro ye-rpo9c-raa; 6aaftepa; uniapert nepe pyusr, AE-D .';;;AP1•17,.:.• iffleMEu; rpeduoro amen; rpe9uoro Rana; cxema pacri0,3101:ekiNg. 6opToauk u auenolá apm 4' VIS!ON iL •-• 4/3:NA5 NAVIV: 1101-0T01314TE,..11b1ILI3 9TAIT 1.1 flpoinue,adu OChlaTp xopayea. peittdrow muteTouipaut lawaxon, upauaneneua pouKa .11011UCTtil rpe6noro "lusra n pa36axatcn xopnyca "la pailouta OCEIMA,M Bl1H2. 1e 1.2 Kopnyc, peru&ncu irifkIrcrormax anulaos I11.01111 & CQVIat0881111014 o6bcMe. Cy4a0 roToao wza libmonuenam « 06.1nuaga IfeT10119parlibtX HaCa.1113. 0, pa6ogero II PABOI lliti 'MAI] 2.1 KOPIIYC 2.1,1 Coetonnne e6paeranue cpeizur.c 6cJ1zIyooM j nonopoennma ;lo 80%, OK- pacoxrumn caoll eesxpanunca ao 90% . • .1 flpolaanu: oxzy "ciclar. CfrCyTeTkly.101: .3 • ByriliffEd; OTCyreTBylOT. .4 l'oti'1114: areyreTayBar. •.5 Tpewallu: oTeyreTtlywr. • .6 ile'belerbi eaapfuze Innen: mal." nuelot ,yekuleausi, ze.4>eteroa ne o6aapyAceao. .7 flpome Rotsernii: ue o6uappiteubl. 2.1.2 Ceo-malle Kuaremain..« gatitIC011: IC11/11"CTOFITILLO pC11101-101 onuerblen noapencizenuit KC fit4CIOT, mermen'« peineroK TIC napymeklbi. 2.1.34opuriehem.: 6e3 neapenwenal, -nomazotink4 exot1 coxpaufwen l'a 90%. 2.1.4 Arreparreueab: 6e3 nonpellyzetimil. 05pacranue 6onanyeam n Bonopoerrnma 100%. . . flbapae.ontli.x11 caca coxpannnest na 90%. 2.1.5 1Copmasoll rtwoop: 603, nanpelmellail. Ilexpaco=aulit eaa1 coxpalinnen 11a 90%. Jipo, Terropuan aaaurra coxpananacu aa 30-40%; t4ir, 2.1.6 Bopronzul o6munla: 603onposc.aeall-g. MD 2.1.7 oi5uniaka: 603 nonpe*Aeurali. 2.1,8 Hell0B01/0111111e flaCAWC$1 (I-1H): t;uPilfl. 1t1:111114t. paelion9)netate nenora H apasono 60pra; uapplataa nuyrpentaan o6u.tuaKa 6e3 noapez,ne,wan; 3ReEs491:Iyypepiielim jr{1-11cIppriyey enap4nnn," emeivitla m-ermei.ii«14,03ftettierroa; - nom turtaf'—nomen--e0"eplinitna11- • 13 '''....... gypra .54tt n0ape • . s'IISiO-EIE,<Ak;', `o'js O DV 1:1 /,...N.I. .-5....;.1„..... .4 1 ,......„.....,,...........,_.....,..."';:sb.' :EL:-iiGA. OREE BELLINO PI DE NAVIO JEFE Eme:. - Kpeáñenme menoaoparaux Eacallox loPPYGY cy uia nc ~ene, eaap yeknealm, nal =cm xpaara 2.1.10 Kpenzema xponurreáfica x 21-11 6a110X 14017111p X xopayey cyma 6e3 3a3op meamy 11011ECTSIMIlrpe6flux afilaos II ii-Orfpeallies41( noi3epxaocrama 06 1• H.11 - paanomepuba. 2.1.12 Kaawratmonm,n1 Holle 1-11-1 6e3 Blymmux noapetecnetrt 1, sama caapnortí „nomfreabault. 513}314n, xoppo3m11 He o6nappacno, 2,1.13 Caapuwe ivast xoprtyca ue napymenbz, no c1 xpaexoá. 2.2 BA.11011POBOA 14 2 BILOKIIT.E.J111,, 2.2.1 Pacnono*enae: nesr K 1110Z8h111 6opr. 2.2.2 jleaulk 6opr: EPIMEItiX tiaCTI rpe6H0r0 - Bina mima, eileAra HaMorKff ue o6Happecenbi; 4 — x 11031OCITIOÉ, peryampyemorD mara; co cbeZ4nbIlL0 .nonacrama; - Juniacni Bkilfra 6e3 noapewcacam4. 3agnelnu 311eMieHTLL ICPCTLYIefiall /ionacrelt Bee- Hanirma, aac-ronopemu npwaapnog upciao.nogok - nporatioTpocoaug xowyx apaaapeu K mopTape 6e3 noapewmeaug.. 2.2.3 Ilpubul 6opT: - Baximaa maerh Ipe6Horo ama: mima, ClieZ1b1 HaMarXH ae 06aaPpice£1.1; - Dan 4 — x xenac-rao/1, perpu-spyemoro untra, co cae ar H monacrama; - .11013.1tellt 1314111111— 6e3 noapcomeaat 3aanenbi 3ttel4CHTS1 nonacre« Be° amarían, uacTonopeum nomiaptiolt nposonoxolt. - nrYaraaorpocoazál Koacyx npaaapea tc moprape 6e3 noupentmenatl. 2.2.4 Crynnum amrrea: 6e3 noape*.neual 2,2.5 OftefOrreflif 6e3 noapexcaeaaA, xpennetme 6e3 nonpebczietrah. 2.3 PYJIEBOE YeTPOÜCTBO 2.3.1 PaCtIOROZeIllie: llei3OLD H apaaoro 6opra. 2.3.2 (»Luxan nepa pyirélt bes .ae(hexTea, o6paerauxe 6ananycom 20%, noxpacommill C1104. COXpani-VIC31 ft.0 100%. 2.3.3 Kpenliefilie nepa pyneil c 6annepahaz He napyineao, 2.3.4 F>aimepw:1314,10-1/4 131 vtrcn 6e3 Roupexzenag, PII FIEL BEL OBIGII 2.3.5 fenbunovroawe Tpy6.11: 1311.41-1Mag qacTu 6e3 noap 2.3.6 rIpoTewroptiaa nepa pynek COXpallIIJItteb- HA 25 155.011CADArly, LUI OE G1 :_y- 44API Plt /13 :aros AN DE ...:-.yjr.) JEFE 2,4 APMATYYA AOH110 - SOPTOBAS1 14.1 COCIDAIlife BH6paToIxati 3x.oruna H .nara bes BILEXibTX 1101.11)0K/lemdt. xPenile elapubie 111BU 11C Hapyincin.r. 06pacTaRne BB6Datopoa 5onsniycou 90%, *4, 2.42 Csaptime Inaul Aotuto-60Froaux lipHtmli0--0-1711140UX oreepmr11 6ea zoppexacuak,í 2-5 1-10APYJIIIBA1011111E YeTPOACTBA 2.5.1 Paeitonoxceime: ktoconoc flaca eypia.. 2.52 0111.0111KH TOHHeneg 6e3 noopmcimit, upoTexropitax aaama coxpaufutarz Na 2030%. Oxpacolnimi1 e..noA coxpatosacsa Ao 65% 2.5.3 Kpeanemde IlY B Tynnene 1-te Hapyweno, &orna irpearietlas aalturrimx peuiCrox iyHmensa ny aacronopetud. 06pactámic Tymeno Ha 90%. BO noapeamewra. 2.5.4 BB11111 4 - x sionactuue, pery.rolpyemon) u" 25.5 JIonacrie rpe6awx munes UY 6c.i noapeamevota, aaaop mexay nonamoda o6111FIBKOR TomeneS1 paaHoMep;fl 2.5.5 E,oirriu xpennewut nonacrell 6r,:3 rtoaprzimon4 x 3acranopein1 rtptimptiok Tamonoxolt. 2.5.7 Orynalibi x o6rexarensi macas IIY 664 nospexaetud1. 2.5.8 3aaop me»cay o6uulaxo11 Tymtena ay a intaacroat paanomepatal.. III 3A101101111TEJIMILM 3TAII licc6XCLAHmOCTb BBIE1011HeILY la1111104;MTC11b001-0 aluna OTCyrcluyer, TaK xar ToTOBHTQUH01,1 yrune RemOirfax palien)/ tailiZCT0111WI a1MIX0D, AelnOliTiat 11 ptocorimx itozcyxoB 1W 11p0}138011,H11CL E GIOIA FIEL DEL OBIGIAL 1Y, f(01q0J111141'EJIblib1E CIIKIXElikIK OB O OrcyrcrayKrr. anasy Kopuyea BPK emna PaSerreu rro º6anejloaamen nozuojulott no.ruteum B riolluom oaeme, r_ipeivemonennom 1161>xiCit n orpaMMo1f N9 2014-15. Hagan° pa6or. « h2D)11- f-k.lcX6pa-1. 1r..L201:41r. 01101111111111C • 1. 1DAD- RC-:E BELLINO DE NAVIO EFE lipc-rcarakut ccr cToporna cyAollnuAcutala 06ertcAuntuilac, ~Tarar="••11°' B flpOnieCCC OCBMACTe.31~atuot ripomaa,Awiatn. IsmAcoaarmeL. Konalt 04{4C0,121X DePC41114. cyAcanuesaay x Mypmaticxomy thinmany tbAY PC. Pa6on4 lip01131314CW4 n cooracianam c Tpc6onaunilnl llp c r Poccniacxoro PO Peritc-rpa CY,40x, aCIMACTe11147110 o Tipnlin~) NY 12.01405.150 Ack no go 28 cenut6po 2017 r. p90 1(1)131(» ICiaird6catailhal 11,41WCIIC B.M. • .7:19., & V: 5 I CfN mik94,1: .4,k ~ Do J U RGEÉl ELLINO CAPiTAI DE NAvio EFE ussian Diviag Company" ,LLC REPORT No 2014-16 Of ship'a undenvater buil aad nacider preponer naif laspectIon September 2rtd, 2014 Ibis Report has been made by Representatives of the "Rumian Diving Company' The survey ofunctenvatcr hull and rudder propeller tmit was carricd out in the presence a SO Representativo of Munnansk Bnincb of the Federal State Enterprise "Russian Marine Regis ‘r•Tin Shipping"-- A.M. Semita, Surveyor RS Representative of the Owners: I.A. Mosit.n ‘ ko,Captain of ship 'NE17EGA.i.-57" Representative of ship's statf: LA. Mosienko, Captain of ship "NEFTEGAZ-57" "Russian Diving Company" LLC Technicians earried out inspection of the ship 'NEFFEGAZ57" underwaUx hull and rudder proponer unít usingundenvater TV color camera. Regisicred nurnber 870528 Typo: supply vesset Date of build: 121987 Owner 0.1SC "Arktikrnomeftegazrazvedka" Technical specification: Length oyeran, m Brcadth oyeran, m Depth, m Draught, average Thntster: 1\/P0 Propellet Number of hiedes 81237 16,30 7,20 4,90 2 CPP 2 4 of each Site: arca of Murmansk pon Visibility in water: up lo 3,00 ni Sea force: 0,50 Air temperature: 14°C During inspection the fellowing was usett 1. Watercraft: BOREI 2. Underwater TV color cantera 3. Drawings as followa: Shell ptating expansien Rudder propeller unit Sea chest layout General arrangernent Steering general drawing Stock Rudder bledo spindlcs Norzles Propel ler Drive shaft Bottom and outboard fittings layout ORG._ r: NAVIO I PREPARATORY STAGE 1.1 Inspection of the hull, sea ctest gratino was perfortned. Propeller blades and buil amis for hispectt wenn markerl. 12 Huil, sea Chest &ratings and fixed nozzle platas wat cienned as Tha ship is ready for a Working stage. WORIUNG STAGE BULL .14 Plaths state; marine fouling— up to 80%, paint <wat lo 90%. Boles TIMO. 2.ifollowsz norte. 3.Gambeta: none. 4.Compilan: nona, 5.Cracks: none. 6.»oteas. of weldingjoints: weld reinforceme.nts, no, defecto were found. 7.Other defecto: not round. 2.1.2 Sea chest hule: sea Chest gratings are den, without defecto; grating fittings are not damaged. 2,1.3 Sten' post: not darnaged, paint coat up to 90%. 2.1.4 Tail post: not darnaged. Marine fouling up to 100%. Paiiit coat-2.1,5 Fantail: not darnaged. Paint coat up to 90%. Galvanie protectio 2.1,6 Sida shell: not darnaged. 2,1.7 Botina! plating: not darnaged. 2.1,8 Fixed nozzles (FM): Location--PS and 513; - Outer and Ineer plating— net thimaged; Fiel fittings to the hall not damaged; Fittings welding joints without defects; - Paint coat up to 80%, 2,1.9 Fixed nozzle clampingto the bull is not damaged; welding joints are reinforced under paint coat. 2,1,10 Defects of clampingof brackets and stern boss bearna to the buil not found. 2.IJ I Cleartince between propeller Wad:dala, inter plating surface of fixed nozzies is equal. 2.1.12 No visible defects of fixed nozzle cavitation plating; wetd bead is positiva. Pitting and ce not found. 21.13 Hull welding joints are not datnaged imder 2.2 ~LINE AND THRUSTER 22,1 Location: PS and SB __ 22.2 PS: - Visible para of tsil shaft is otean, without win PO' Di iON 14 I ♦ GAP *N es f (144. - 4- bledos zontrollable pitch propeller with detac.hable Propelle.r blades not damaged and silted, Ah bledo clamps ut lelnilip^íítr iwelded vare Protection cover against ropo winding is welded to the bolo darna&ed. 2,2.3 S13; - Visible part of tail shaft is cíen without winding; 1 - 4- blades controllable pitch propeller with detachable bladm - Proponer blades not darniaged_and siltedA11 bladeolamps ar9 anila le and looked by welded ware. j Pmtection cover against' ropo winding is waided tothe bolo and opt Nled 2.2,4 Propeller hubs: notamaged. ' . 2.2.5 rairwater caps: not ilatnaged;elaninsare.notdrunaged,.„,,...—„, O. ,N JEFE. F3,z, _{:.1.1 tics _af.r 7,4111-11~- -411111:--.12111k ..,411~~ .. ,!SZSTIVF: Z3 STEERING GEAR 2,3.1 Location: PS and S13. 23.2 Rudder blade plating: no defeca, marine fouling up to 20%, paint coal up o 100%. 2,33 Clarnps bersveen ruddcr blades and stocks: not &amagad. 2.3.4 Stocks: visible part without defeca. 23.5 Rudder tubos: visible part svithout defeets, 2.3.6 Rudder bledo galvanic protention úp to 25 — 30%. 2.4 BOTTOM AND OUTBOARD FITTINGS 2.4.1 No visible detecta of echa soundor and log vibrator; chulapa and weidingjoints not darnagexi. Malí"' fouling up to 90%. 2,42 Welding joints of bottonn and outboarcl inlets and outlets are not darnaged. 2.5 THRUSTERS 2.5,1 Location: afore. 2.5.2 Trunk plating not dantag,ed; galvanle protection up to 20 — 30%. Paint coat trp to 65%. 23.3 Dumper clamp.% in trunk not darnaged, protective grating bold' of trust« &más are 1044 Trunk fouling up to 90%. No detecta. 2.5.44- bladcs controllable pitar propellem 2.5.5 Thrustcr propeller bladcs are not danurged; elearance between propeller hiedes and innerplating surface of fored nozzles is equal. 23,6 Propeller Mudes not daniaged and iocked by welded wins. 2.5.7 Thruster propelIer buba and fairwater capa are not darnaged. 2.5.8 Clearance betwecn thruster tunk piadas!~ blades is equal. CONCLUDING STAGE Concluding stage was not roquired since the preparatory Stage didn't include disinantling of sea Chest gratings and protcction novio against rapa winding IV ADDITIONAL DETAILS REGARDING INSPECTION OBJECTS ES COPIA FIE. UEI OR None. Inspection works of the ship's underwater hall and acope províded by Program No 201445, 90181,11514,Yc Work corarneneement: September 2.2014 Esnd of works: Septernber 2, 2014 The Owner doesn't have clairna regarding inapection. During the survey a video record was rnade. Video record copies ~re subrnitted to the Owner and the Murrnansk Brunch of Federal State Enterprise "Russian Marine Regiater of Shipping". -141 c2N RGE BELLINO DE NAV/0 JEFE Works have buen oarried out in acoordance with Requirementa «the Rulos of Russian Shipping. Acceptanee Certificar.* No 12.01405.150 is valid GU September 28.201-7. "Rumian Diving Company" LLC Representativo— Marine Engine« . V.M. STAMP Surveyor of Murrnansk Branch RS Semin STAMP JEFE rp PlIghlirligi MIMO no tYLROAC1111 RUSSIAS MARINE 113LITER QF SHIPPIE AKT OCBMETETIbeTRORAMISI CIARA REPORT ON suRvey O1 THE SIDP. nneamic cyxitn Name. 134-41isti ItAttami4utg,annuitukni REIPTEEM,61 Rupc Cdcr,J.44ian. Met-ro o.c.htrzeinuraWnunor rbol mouly 883068 (Dar PI:JAI/az:3w* 454ratpant4g u. Attranzott-pc 141:ItiMiliittultutumCm lunicur..p04- ittlatenT9binprlaC41410 Tiir unAix;p4:43urveytn ttsIlzrrit-ht a44i ryautt uu nalloy rt0-3/i2tIKC 000 "f011.1)0CTP1151", eneozAiramponmaum Bogozásitoe IIPAZOTPROTIIE,,13 C6X31,1 c ananupyemaa cyhoolaacal44t,ta peattusausteg tylla. Tipa 3num yonattototcata 1. Kim« cylla cauta 111.012013 e. Z flpou3ocacto aceualme.~sirsosaaue noboauoa wactou uopnyca u BPX c npumeactmou tfaiunuara naheollaca tataeauaellu.11. P46oatta obinoneutá eneumunionow 000 10.11114)CTPKAr4 amor, vztorcoaufficte BOA0/1"A3110£17,411111$27113 (CCII »1130126•190). pely,zrunraine soacaasaozo ocmonipa araseaexa. . pyaedea yclapaacaulo xettozo u t'p000to d'opima - ppm nazylazgasettp11WO un anyx uct~ ol'OumbLe ItooPe1eacliva ite 0Wasacao altonteklnaputut3auonta t opuctanukaasoashou untocom ao2044.3azdoPoi npacalla ae npodoaugucb, Musrumou: nciazo tropma OUHM 73P11.1 4 x. Rattacaiaail o Henosopotauaü naralle. Ilonactnu 6t3 hiiatiAnsa 1100p011901lia, 6rpotrld .8 uoirailua II-pe/mema npusaptoguu CMOnopnbiAtu rtuansamu. ,MILIKurnr.ttb twoaaza 6aptaia-ausanBP11.14x aonacznaaa o ucnoaapantsod t'acalle. 1 Ilottactutt amccla cuan ata otaxale ts..t oalzuoil P1 /411a. LKU pamepahat 100x15004m. 00m:tabulad mamona 6e:1 ituatottakx nosspr-waeuutI, 607tutul s Hairszquu30XpeJvreill..1 nplidapkIXAM alianoptintalu tatatt.~«. Qtariewanicau u ctnyauum tlea autlumusx cachad tuutpexhoutut Koptlyc iXea 01/ptionax44,4, Cica m'atooa-cacha naapezolcusia. Sopapo-rae /Mg 43 /acacia miope-m*4mo, KiinecnIon tiwe pclactawa un mectnaz 17pametostoptaxa 4a1uuma C.1(Mict-11.1(4,7~11MOCOM do 2W* 70Koxpar-wo <MI naKpoo bautuceozal4 60ptaoptax noacoo o xoporaeycocmognuu 6ea aualtisugx OfethOd pa3pywont y u Ommeziyumountr.a. Ihrázoxyartmititmal ~pm lopmenutz noicano oco6t,yup ypodeub tzstailuaalms moceara pa3p,vutexur da yitimau iklynmaa u m'empava. illentamt 64, znyo-omixplchoe waposum, • Hoccoar-noi)pyauaatlitiíee yonpailonso Iez EU.43umts.r noopeuramua izetupaug vacan«, Mas ocbaaamozo ocupa:pa on: 05,09,2014 z. aputrazacinart, lioporiu1100 ES COPIA FIEL DEL ORIMAL 1. k, O .30 CAPITAN .1 FE 271 1_,1?'1G NMTIO ,nak-Elz22 r. Dz Name ofship Neftegaz-6 Identification No RS/PC 883068 Place of survey Port of Arkhangelsk Date 05.092014 Flag Russian Moralice The undersigned surveyor has earried out survey of the abevo-numtioned chip al the request of the SPEC1ALIZED DIVINO COMPANY °GOLFSTREAM" LLC due te the planntsd sale of the chip by the Owner. The following was fetinch 1. The ship's Chtssification was withdrawn 18.08.2011 2. The survey of the shipss underwater hall and rudder prepoller unit was carried out using the underwater color TV system. Works-." ware performed by the SPECIALIZED DIVINO COMPANY "GOLFSTREAM» LLC <Act No 11.70126.19131 During the diving Mspectiost the followIng vas found out • PS and SB steering gest — partially balancea nidders in two bruces, no visible, defecto, and an estimated wear of galvanie protection is up to 20°A. No rneasurements of wear down ware mode. PS thmster 4-blade eontrollable pítch proponer, fixed nozzle. No visible deferas of !árales, holt* aro available, fueed by retainetu. SB thrustcr 4-blade controllable pitch prepara', fetal nozzle. 1 blade has a chip on entering edge 100x15Ornm. Other blades are net damaged, bolis are available, no retajaras, • No visible defects of fairwater cap and hub. Hutt is witheut fouling, no visible defeets. No damage of sido keols. Sea ellen grating are available. The maximum wear of galvanic protection up lo 20%. Paint con of bettom and nide strakc ín arcas of eleaníng is in gond medirlo; witheut taints and flaking-off paha coot of sido snakes especially in ateas of wetting, is ruptured up lo prime met and metal. No beavy eorrosion of metal. Bow thruster is not damaged, gratings are dem. Report en diving inspection datad 05,091014 is attached. STAMP 1-1 L tR ARDO CAP rr 3ORGE.7.,FILINO C11~14314POBAIMOE BOAphit3fIOE apear-m.451.rue 000 flroivinverpum- i64500, APxatl~tolotl»., ar,Cje8epagatifick. YA- fibPkohas4. mo8.; 9 920'875 84, 13, 8 94195 25 35 -rna nilolziilorrtekín IiA BbTIIOJI VIII lE BOAOJIA311 Wg PABOT11I «5» ocifrfflpx 20I 4r ahlICAL «acr.° Ruma unr ros-Non:os npe~trygnitYlouwwgrenti; Boduitrunda on¿quaitticto .1749mamat 1i H.. S feanY¿'nnaf M-1"; nolo ras 5 pays& CAT/7101,11,A -,80€~ Pa3PRózt O 1.1)11. '51» tia ocitottakEut jozmtopa tycKywaq Nº 12 or20 aaryc:ra 2014r, 11 nepe 04 c 1.09.2014r. no 549.2014]. klatuzinnetteu abunt lithit1W1Helibl aoaolvaltuut 1460-rbt: Bommtiomy crutuipy 01=0 06411eq¿ki/14 llri «fropterin -61» Mecro riporke,lemist pa6crr: r, il:ISZakirencx CP3 176 iLKpautait tty3tiautt» Patxma biaLloitturnact, a yenoaktax: Raltietilid y mecinu pu5ottitd: O- 5azz Tiyá ua. .S,ianrplrw. CX0pOr»lb MCVOnoi <50 0.5 Ttwurteparrt vpa sudo 6 zp., llper.901$100111. fffivibl 1-1.5 mempo, Tc.3411CpUlliy"&kidy,ra do I d :p. Kowrpolil Katicc-ma pbultynotembix pa6vr ocy~an: Kanurait ripirnii mekaionc Kvabhoul ftocpcuarBom twy"MOZO 9911IIIM brtrnttkílig9";kieku9~~~,nanIter_r_41212. LES LUPIA O CR11311111 r ~ rúa CAP} io