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El papel de la anatomía patológica en oncología: presente y futuro The role of pathological anatomy in oncology: present and future Federico Rojo Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Madrid All patients with same diagnosis: Potential role for biomarker-based diagnostics The genetic basis for cancer treatment decisions Garraway, LA. J Clin Oncol 2012 Evolution of NSCLC subtyping Li, T et al. J Clin Oncol 2013 Sparing cost for the health insurance Example of gefitinib treatment in lung cancer € 1.7M 15 000 patients (gefinitib treatment: 8 weeks DFS; Mok 2009) € 69M Spared cost of gefitinib treatment EGFR testing for lung cancer patients 1 724 patients + (gefinitib treatment: 38 weeks DFS; Mok 2009) € 35M Cost of gefitinib treatment Sources of variability in molecular testing Allred, DC. Mod Pathol 2010 Delay to formalin fixation (cold ischemia) modifies DNA quality • The longer duration of fixation adversely affects the quality of tissue DNA • The size of DNA extracted from FFPE decreases with increasing fixation time • Tissues fixed in buffered formalin for 3 to 6 hours yield greater amounts of high-molecular weight DNA 1h A B 2h C A B 6h C A B 12h C A B 24h C A B C Sample Preservation of DNA in FFPE archieved tissue samples • Buffered 4% Formaldehyde / 10% Formalin – minimal prefixation time lag, 2 hours – duration of fixation (3 to 6 hours) – absolutely avoid low pH • No Bouin, No Acid Formaline, No B5, No AZF, No decalcified samples (bone biopsies) Lab A Lab B Lab C Lab E Lab D Rojo, F. SPMM 2011 DNA sequence alterations due to formalin fixation in archival specimens FFPE tissues exhibit a high frequency of nonreproducible sequence alteration because of cross-linking cytosine nucleotides on DNA strands. Taq-DNA polymerase fails to recognize the cytosine and incorporates an adenine in the place of a guanosine, creating an artificial C-T or G-A mutation. Error rate is ~12%. Williams, C et al. Am J Pathol 1999 Hofreiter, M et al. Nucleic Acids Res 2001 Akbari, M et al. J Mol Diag 2005 Lamy, A et al. Mod Pathol 2011 Recommendations for mutation testing Su, KY. Et al. J Clin Oncol 2012 Querings, S. et al. PLOS One 2011 RAS mutations by pyrosequencing KRAS WT Codon 12 (GG T) NRAS WT Codon 13 (GG T) Codon12 (GG Codon13 T) (GG T) KRAS MUT (GG T) (GA T) NRAS MUT (G A T) KRAS WT Codon 146 (G C A) NRAS MUT 34 (T KRAS MUT (G C T) G T) (G A T) Importance of selection of tissue sample for molecular diagnosis Adenocarcinoma Normal tissue Liver Necrosis Heterogeneidad en cáncer: distinta enfermedad en distintos pacientes, en distintas localizaciones y variabilidad intratumoral Heterogeneidad en cáncer de mama: distinta enfermedad en distintas mujeres Heterogeneidad en cáncer de mama: distinta enfermedad en distintas mujeres Reis-Filho, JS. AACR 2012 Weigelt, B. et al. Breast Can Res 2010 Lee, JK. et al. Clin Cancer Res 2010 Heterogeneidad en cáncer de mama: distinta enfermedad en distintas localizaciones Tumor primario Falk, AK. 2013 Martinez de Dueñas, E. 2013 (ConvertHER) Metástasis ganglionar Metástasis visceral (lab. central) Luminal A (%) Luminal B (%) HER2 (%) TN (%) Luminal A 85 0 9 0 Luminal B 11 100 91 0 HER2 0 0 0 8 TN 4 0 0 92 Luminal 74 (90) 21 (0) 22 (18) HER2 16 (3) 76 (100) 7 (6) TN 10 (7) 3 (0) 71 (76) Falck, AK et al. BMC Cancer 2013 Martinez de Dueñas, E et al. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2013 Heterogeneidad en cáncer de mama: distinta enfermedad en distintas localizaciones Niikura, N. et al. J Clin Oncol 2012 Heterogeneity of mutations in colorectal cancer WT in both samples MUT in both samples WT in primary, MUT in mx Baldus, SE. et al. Clin Cancer Res 2010 Voutsina, A et al. Mod Pathol 2013 MUT in primary, WT in mx Intratumor heterogeneity: impact on biomarker detection Gerlinger, M. et al. NEJM 2012 Heterogeneity of mutations in cancer: Clonal dynamics and resistance Heterogeneidad en cáncer de mama: variabilidad intratumoral Heterogeneidad en cáncer de mama: variabilidad intratumoral Navin, N et al. Genome Res 2010 Heterogeneidad en cáncer de mama: variabilidad intratumoral Mosoyan, G et al. PLOS One 2013 Heterogeneidad en cáncer de mama: variabilidad intratumoral Mosoyan, G et al. PLOS One 2013 Heterogeneidad en cáncer de mama: variabilidad intratumoral Heterogeneous distribution of PIK3CA mutations in breast primary vs metastasis in 030% Jensen, JD et al. Clin Can Res 2011 Gonzalez-Angulo, AM et al. Mol Cancer Ther 2011 Cancer genome: Routine diagnostic in next years Cancer genome: Routine diagnostic in next years Cancer genome: Dynamic modulation of genetic background Cancer genome: Dynamic modulation of genetic background Mensajes finales • Estandarización en los procesos de laboratorio: fase preanalítica y ensayos • Elección del ensayo más apropiado a las características de nuestro centro • Inversión en tecnología y formación específica y continua de los especialistas • Alta complejidad de la enfermedad