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Pantone. The world’s only universally accepted color communication language. Virtually every color-dependent industry (from product design, fashion to software development) employs PANTONE Color product development specifications. Pantone’s unique ability to predict and lead with trends and technology has made us the market leader in color assurance systems. COLOR IDENTIFICATION /controls It’s all about control. Maintaining control over color has been, and continues to be, a primary concern of design and design-related professionals throughout the world. Fortunately, the growing family of PANTONE Color Systems offers a reliable method for achieving consistent color from concept to reproduction. With over 40 years’ experience in the development of color languages, Pantone has become the world leader in electronic color technology, traditional graphics color systems and mediaspecific systems for textiles, coatings and plastics. Thousands of products licensed by Pantone are sold each year in over 65 countries – from paper, ink, textiles, etc., to computer hardware and software. Colors without compromise, quality without fail. The confidence you have in the PANTONE Color Systems would be impossible to uphold without safeguards. There has to be someone you can rely on to maintain the integrity of the PANTONE Color Systems. Someone has to act as the final authority. Someone has to set standards to prevent deviations from any PANTONE-identified Color. That someone can only be Pantone. Before we put a PANTONE Identification on any color, Pantone color specialists check and re-check it to make sure it meets a rigid set of requirements. It is the only way we can be certain of protecting the unequalled color fidelity of PANTONE Color System technology. That is why we cannot allow any unauthorized or unchecked reproduction and distribution of PANTONEidentified Colors. This is done for your protection. How we work. Pantone offers and maintains an extensive licensing program enabling manufacturers to produce their products in PANTONE Colors and to identify the colors by its respective Pantoneapproved color identification. Whether you are preparing a corporate identity manual and packaging, or setting manufacturers’ specifications for colored products (e.g., ceramic tiles, threads, vinyl, printing inks), the use of PANTONE Colors with PANTONE Identifications in any manner, e.g., print, on product, digital displays, requires that specific rules, regulations and procedures be followed. We require that you contact Pantone for these rules, regulations and procedures. A process made simple. Pantone color languages allow people to speak more clearly in a variety of industries. From product manufacturing and corporate identity, to visual merchandising or advertising/editorial development, the process involved in using the PANTONE Color Systems is simple. The first step is to decide what your needs are, and how you would like to use PANTONE Colors. Next, a company representative should contact our Licensing & Trademark Department via phone, fax or E-mail to obtain information regarding the identification and reproduction of PANTONE-identified Colors. Should a licensing arrangement be beneficial to both parties, we will work with you to best determine the most appropriate licensing program for your needs. Once your project is underway, the licensing and trademark team can review materials, as needed, to help make sure everything meets established reproduction and usage requirements. Before proceeding with your project, please call or write: Pantone, Inc. Licensing & Trademark Department 590 Commerce Boulevard Carlstadt, NJ 07072-3098 U.S.A. Telephone: 201-935-5500 Fax: 201-896-0242 E-mail: licensing& Trademark Notice PANTONE, PANTONE Goe, PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM, PANTONE Process Color System, PANTONE Hexachrome, Hexachrome, PANTONE Textile Color System, PANTONE Plastics Color System, PMS, the PANTONE Hexachrome Logo, the PANTONE Chip Logo, the PANTONE Fan Chip Logo and the PANTONE Window Logo are Pantone, Inc.’s check-standard registered trademarks or trademarks for color standards, color data, color reproduction and color reproduction materials, and other color-related products and services, meeting Pantone, Inc.’s specifications, control and quality requirements. Written permission from Pantone, Inc.’s Licensing and Trademark Department is required prior to reproduction or digital display of a PANTONE Color with trademark and/or copyright identification or use of Pantone, Inc.’s trademarks for any color-related products or services. Copyright Notice Published materials of Pantone, Inc. are protected by copyrights and include, for example, graphic presentations, color references, PANTONE Colors, PANTONE Names, numbers, formulas and software, and the foregoing should not be copied or published without the written permission of Pantone, Inc. An unauthorized claim by third parties that any referenced color or color system is the same as, or equivalent to, a color standard or color system of Pantone, Inc., may be a violation of Pantone, Inc.’s proprietary rights and as such, is strictly prohibited. Similarly, any cross-referencing, in whole or in part, to any PANTONE Color System including, but not limited to, the PANTONE Numbers and PANTONE Colors, by third parties, may be a violation of Pantone, Inc.’s proprietary rights and, as such, is strictly prohibited. Pantone, Inc. World Headquarters 590 Commerce Boulevard Carlstadt, New Jersey 07072-3098 U.S.A. Tel: 201-935-5500 Fax: 201-896-0242 E-mail: Pantone, Inc. is an ISO 9001:2000 registered company. Pantone, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of X-Rite, Incorporated. Printed in U.S.A. by Pantone, Inc. © Pantone, Inc., 2006. All rights reserved. MARQUES DE FABRIQUE kopiert oder veröffentlicht werden. Unberechtigte Behauptungen, dass Farben reparto marchi di Pantone, Inc. prima di potere riprodurre o realizzare una PANTONE, PANTONE Goe, PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM, PANTONE Process oder Farbsysteme, die als Referenz genutzt wurden, mit den Farbstandards oder rappresentazione digitale di un colore PANTONE, con identificazione del marchio Color System, PANTONE Hexachrome, Hexachrome, PANTONE Textile Color Farbsystemen von Pantone identisch seien oder ihnen genau entsprechen, stellen o del copyright, oppure prima di potere utilizzare i marchi di Pantone, Inc. per un System, PANTONE Plastics Color System, PMS, le logo PANTONE Hexachrome, möglicherweise eine Verletzung der Eigentumsrechte von Pantone, Inc., dar und qualsiasi prodotto o servizio relativo ai colori. le logo PANTONE Chip, le logo PANTONE Fan Chip Logo et le logo PANTONE sind daher untersagt. Ebenso stellen Verweise, ganz oder teilweise, auf PANTONE- Window sont des marques déposées de Pantone, Inc. pour les standards de Farbsysteme, einschließlich der (aber nicht beschränkt auf) PANTONE-Nummern INFORMAZIONI SUL COPYRIGHT couleurs, les données de couleurs, la reproduction des couleurs et les matériaux de und die PANTONE-Farben, durch Dritte möglicherweise eine Verletzung der I materiali pubblicati di Pantone, Inc. sono protetti dal copyright e includono, ad reproduction des couleurs, ainsi que pour d’autres produits et services liés à la Eigentumsrechte von Pantone, Inc., dar und sind daher untersagt. esempio, presentazioni grafiche, riferimenti dei colori, Colori PANTONE, Nomi PANTONE, numeri, formule e software; pertanto quanto sopra riportato non può couleur conformes aux exigences de contrôle et de qualité de Pantone, Inc. essere copiato o pubblicato senza l’autorizzazione scritta di Pantone, Inc. Una L’autorisation écrite du Licensing Trademark Department de Pantone, Inc. est requise avant toute reproduction ou tout affichage numérique d’une couleur PANTONE NOTIFICACIÓN DE MARCA COMERCIAL rivendicazione non autorizzata di terze parti nella quale si dichiara che un qualsiasi portant le symbole de la marque et/ou du copyright, ou toute utilisation des PANTONE, PANTONE Goe, PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM, PANTONE Process colore o sistema di colore citato è lo stesso di, o equivalente a, uno standard di marques Pantone, Inc. pour tout produit ou service liés à la couleur. Color System, PANTONE Hexachrome, Hexachrome, PANTONE Textile Color colore o un sistema di colore di Pantone, Inc., rappresenta una violazione dei diritti System, PANTONE Plastics Color System, PMS, el logotipo de PANTONE di proprietà di Pantone, Inc. ed è severamente vietata. Analogamente, qualsiasi COPYRIGHT Hexachrome, el logotipo de tiras PANTONE, el logotipo de abanico PANTONE y el riferimento incrociato, in tutto o in parte, a qualsiasi PANTONE Color System Les publications de Pantone, Inc., dont les présentations graphiques, les logotipo de ventana PANTONE son marcas registradas o comerciales del estándar compresi ma non limitati a, Numeri PANTONE e Colori PANTONE, utilizzato da références de couleurs, les couleurs PANTONE, les noms, numéros, formules et de comprobación de Pantone, Inc. para estándares de colores, datos de color, terze parti, rappresenta una violazione dei diritti di proprietà di Pantone, Inc. ed è logiciels PANTONE, ainsi que la présente publication, sont protégés par les lois reproducción de color y materiales de reproducción de color y otros productos y severamente vietato. sur le copyright qui interdisent leur copie ou publication sans l’autorisation écrite servicios relacionados con el color que cumplen las especificaciones y requisitos de de Pantone, Inc. Toute déclaration non autorisée effectuée par un tiers quant à la calidad y control de Pantone. La reproducción o muestra digital de un color similitude ou l’équivalence entre une couleur ou un système de couleurs référencés PANTONE con identificación de marca comercial o de copyright así como el uso de et un standard de couleur ou un système de couleurs de Pantone, Inc. est las marcas comerciales de Pantone, Inc. para cualquier tipo de productos o servicios susceptible de représenter une violation des marques déposées de Pantone, Inc. relacionados con el color requieren la previa autorización por escrito por parte et est par conséquent strictement interdite. Toute référence ou correspondance, del Departamento de licencias y marcas comerciales de Pantone, Inc. partielle ou intégrale, établie par un tiers à PANTONE Color System dans son intégralité incluant, sans s’y limiter, les numéros et les couleurs PANTONE, est NOTIFICACIÓN DE COPYRIGHT également susceptible de représenter une violation des marques déposées de Los materiales publicados de Pantone, Inc. están protegidos por las leyes de Pantone, Inc. et est strictement interdite. copyright y, entre ellos, se incluyen presentaciones de gráficos, referencias de color, colores PANTONE, nombres PANTONE, números, fórmulas y software y no pueden copiarse o publicarse sin el permiso por escrito de Pantone, Inc. Se HINWEIS ZU WARENZEICHEN prohíben terminantemente las afirmaciones sin autorización de terceros de que PANTONE, PANTONE Goe, PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM, PANTONE Process cualquier referencia de color o sistema de color sea igual o equivalente a un Color System, PANTONE Hexachrome, Hexachrome, PANTONE Textile Color estándar de color o sistema de color de Pantone, Inc. ya que ello puede resultar System, PANTONE Plastics Color System, PMS, das PANTONE Hexachrome-Logo, en la infracción de los derechos de propiedad de Pantone, Inc. Asimismo, se das PANTONE Chip-Logo und das PANTONE Fan Chip-Logo sind Standard- prohíbe terminantemente la reproducción, total o parcial, de las referencias Warenzeichen von Pantone, Inc., für Farbstandards, Farbdaten, für den Farbdruck cruzadas de cualquier sistema de color PANTONE, incluidos los números und die dafür erforderlichen Materialien sowie für andere Produkte und PANTONE y los colores PANTONE, pero sin limitarse sólo a ellos, ya que podría Dienstleistungen, die den Spezifikationen, der Kontrolle und den Anforderungen infringir los derechos de propiedad de Pantone, Inc. von Pantone, Inc., entsprechen. Zum Reproduzieren oder zur digitalen Wiedergabe einer durch ein Warenzeichen bzw. durch Copyright geschützten PANTONE-Farbe und zur Nutzung der Warenzeichen von PANTONE, Inc. für Produkte oder INFORMAZIONI SUI MARCHI DI FABBRICA Dienstleistungen, für die Farben benötigt werden, ist eine schriftliche Genehmigung PANTONE, PANTONE Goe, PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM, PANTONE Process von der Abteilung für Lizenzen und Warenzeichen von Pantone, Inc. erforderlich. Color System, PANTONE Hexachrome, Hexachrome, PANTONE Textile Color System, PANTONE Plastics Color System, PMS, il logo PANTONE Hexachrome, il COPYRIGHT-VERMERK logo PANTONE Chip, il logo PANTONE Fan Chip e il logo Window PANTONE sono Die von Pantone, Inc., veröffentlichten Materialien sind durch das Copyright marchi garantiti da Pantone, Inc. per gli standard dei colori, i dati dei colori, la geschützt. Dazu gehören unter anderem Grafikdarstellungen, Farbreferenzen, riproduzione dei colori, i materiali per la riproduzione dei colori, nonché altri prodotti PANTONE-Farben, PANTONE-Namen, Nummern, Formeln und Software. Die hier e servizi relativi ai colori che soddisfano i requisiti di qualità e controllo unitamente genannten Materialien dürfen nur mit schriftlicher Genehmigung von Pantone, Inc. alle specifiche di Pantone, Inc. È necessario ottenere l’autorizzazione scritta dal