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Tiger Talk Harmony Science Academy ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS: Read books in the summer and you could win a PIZZA & DANCE PARTY! 1. Find a good book at home, at the public library, at a book store or at our HSA library. The HSA library will be open every Friday from June 4th – June 25th Harmony Science Academy May 11th, 2016 Our next Rundberg Educational Advancement District Day is Tuesday, May 17th. 12pm-3pm Wear your READ shirts and jeans. 2. Read the book. 3. Fill out a book review. Your teacher will give you copies of the book review form. 4. Turn in your book reviews to the front office during the summer or to your teacher next year. Each book review will count as a raffle ticket. Three tickets will be picked from each grade. The more books you read the more chances to win! 2015-2016 Admin Team Principal: Kyle Borel Assistant Principal Academics K-4th: Ayse Karabay Assistant Principal Academics 5th-8th: Yasin Ozkilic Assistant Principal Discipline : Dana Ramos Inside this issue: May is National Armed Forces Month. Show your support for our military by wearing RED, WHITE and BLUE or anything patriotic and jeans for $1 on Thursdays for the month of May. Summer Reading 3rd-5th Grade Luau Summer Camps Wear RED, WHITE, and BLUE VIP Island RSVP Character Corner Successful Smiles 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 Page 2 Character Corner Harmony Science Academy is developing a Character Education Program to help build our future leaders. We encourage parents to practice using our ‘WORD OF THE MONTH’ at home as we practice the skill at school. Harmony’s word of the month for May is ENDURANCE ENDURANCE: Endurance is defined as the act of working very hard without stopping, even in the face of difficult situations. Leadership Camp at Texas State University Texas State University is organizing a Summer Leadership Camp for our middle school students. When: June 1st thru June 5th Where: Texas State University Who: 6 thru 8 grades Camp activities include: Scuba Diving, Caving, River rafting, Water quality testing, Invertebrate collection, Rock wall climbing, Glass bottom boat tour, Labs and activities for learning; geology, biology, chemistry, ecology, and hydrology Cost: $200 Please contact the Campus Engagement and Support Coordinator, Mr. Tice ( Space is limited. Location: APPOINTMENTS AND QUESTIONS Phone#: 512-270-9773 (English) 469-844-7758 (Spanish) 3100 S Congress Ave, #1 F Austin, TX 78704 Correspondence Address: 2541 S IH 35, STE 200-140 Round Rock, TX 78664 Email: I _______________________________________give permission for my child to participate in the Onsite Mobile Dental aspect Print Full Name Of the Successful Smiles of Texas Oral Health Program. This consent is for preventative care which includes an exams, x-rays, cleaning, sealants, and fluoride. By signing below I acknowledge that I have read the Notice of Privacy Practices on this flyer and understand my rights as stated. I understand that Successful Smiles will bill my insurance or Medicaid at no cost to me, and my child’s Medicaid Provider will be updated prior to the visit. OPT-OUT OF PROGRAM: My Child______________________________________ will not participate in the Onsite Mobile Dental Oral Health Program. Parent/Guardian Signature___________________________________________________________ Date___________________________ Signature STUDENT INFORMATION: _____ MALE _____FEMALE Name: ___________________________________________________ (first, m, last) Child’s School: __________________________________________ Teacher: _____________________________________Grade: _____ Date of Birth :_____________________________________________ PARENT ACCOMPANIMENT (For Students Under 15 Years Of Age) Child’s SS#:_______________________________________________ Parent’s Name (first, last):____________________________________ Appointments: Check the day and time you can be there. Address: _________________________________________________ The best day of the week for me to accompany my child is: City/State/Zip:_____________________________________________ ___ Monday ___ Tuesday ___Wednesday ___Thursday ___Friday Home Phone #: ____________________________________________ ___ Anytime OR Indicate Preferred Time ________________. Cell or Work #:____________________________________________ If I am NOT able to accompany my child to the dental visit, I give Harmony Public School my consent to allow my child to participate as allowed under the Family Code guideline 32.001(a). Check one of the following: ___My child has no insurance ___My child has regular insurance ___My child has Medicaid: Ch eck wh ich k ind of Me d ica id . ____Chip ____Superior ____MCNA ____DentaQuest _______________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian nt/Guardian Signature PARENTS WITH REGULAR DENTAL INSURANCE Please fill out the information below: Other _______________________________________________ Child’s Medicaid #: ________________________________________ Medical/Dental Information: Does your child have a specific dental problem? Y / N If so, explain. _________________________________________________________ Primary Insured’s name:__________________________________ Relationship to Child:______________________________________ Primary Insured’s Birth date: ________________ ______ _________ Month Date Year Is your child under a Physician’s Care now? Y / N If so, why? _________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________ Is your child taking medication now? Y / N What kind? _________________________________________________________ Home Phone #:___________________________________________ Is your child allergic to any medications or substances? Y / N If so, what?_____________________________________________________ Cell or Work #:____________________________________________ Does your child have a mental or physical disability? Y / N (describe)__________________________________________________ Has your child ever had any of the following? (circle all that apply) ADD/ADHD, Bleeding Disorder, Hepatitis, Learning Disorders, Diabetes, Latex Allergy, Asthma, Epilepsy/Seizures, Psychiatric Care, Autism Spectrum, Heart Problems, Tuberculosis, Rheumatic Fever, Other: ____________________________________________________ Home City/State/Zip Code SS# (not child’s):__________________________________________ Employer: _______________________________________________ Dental Ins Company Name:_________________________________ Insurance Company Phone #:________________________________ Subscriber #:_____________________________________________ HIPPA-NOTICE OF PRIVACY Practices THIS NOTICE DESCRIBES HOW MEDICAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOU MAY BE USED AND DISCLOSED, AND HOW YOU CAN GET ACCESS TO THIS INFORMATION PLEASE REVIEW IT CAREFULLY. YOUR HEALTH INFORMATION-This notice applies to the information and records we have about you, your health, health status, and the services that you receive from Successful Smiles Program. Your health information may be in the form of written or electronic records or spoken words, and may include information about your health history, symptoms, examinations, diagnoses, procedures, prescriptions, and related billing activity. We are required by law to give you this notice. It will tell you about the ways in which we may use and disclose health information about you and describes your rights and our obligations regarding the use and disclosure of that information. HOW WE MAY USE AND DISCLOSE HEALTH INFORMATION ABOUT YOU-We may use and disclose health information for the following purposes: • For Treatment-We may use health information about you to provide you with medical treatment or services. We may disclose health information about you to doctors, nurses, technicians, staff or other personnel who are involved in taking care of you and your health. • For Payment-We may use and disclose health information about you so that the treatment and services you receive with Successful Smiles Program may be billed and payment may be collected from an insurance company or a third party. For example, we may need to give your health plan information about a service you received here so your health plan will pay us or reimburse you for the service. SPECIAL SITUATIONS-We may use or disclose health information about you for the following purposes, subject to all applicable legal requirements and limitations: • To Avert a Serious Threat to Health or Safety. • Required By Law. We will disclose health information about you when required to do so by federal, state or local law. • Health Oversight Activities-We may disclose health information to a health oversight agency for audits, investigations, inspections, or licensing purposes. YOUR RIGHTS REGARDING HEALTH INFORMATION ABOUT YOU-You have the following rights regarding health information we maintain about you: • Right to Inspect and Copy. You must submit a written request to our office in order to inspect and/or copy records of your health information. If you request a copy of the information, we may charge a fee for the costs of copying, mailing or other associated supplies. • Right to Amend. If you believe health information we have about you is incorrect or incomplete, you may ask us to amend the information. • Right to an Accounting of Disclosures. • Right to Request Restrictions. • Right to Request Confidential Communications. • Right to a Paper Copy of This Notice. If you believe your privacy rights have been violated, you may file a complaint COMPLAINTS: You will not be penalized for filing a complaint. with our office or with the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services at: Office for Civil Rights U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 1301 Young Street, Suite 1169 Dallas, TX 75202 Phone: (800) 368-1019 To file a complaint with Successful Smiles, call 512-270-9773. Oficina: PARA CITAS Y PREGUNTAS: Número: 512-270-9773 (Ingles) 469-844-7758 (Español) 3100 S Congress Ave, #1 F Austin, TX 78704 Correo Electrónico: 2541 S IH 35, STE 200-140 Round Rock, TX 78664 Correo: Yo _______________________________________doy permiso para que mi hijo /a que participe en el aspecto del programa Escriba Su Nombre Completo En Letra de Molde Successful Smiles de Texas que también incluye exámenes, radiografías, limpiezas, selladores dentales y de enviar la factura a mi Seguro o Medicaid. Al firmar abajo yo reconozco que he leído el Aviso de Prácticas de Privacidad en este folleto y entiendo mis derechos. Autorizo a Successful Smiles que cambie mi proveedor de servicios dentales a Medicaid solamente para esta visita. OPTAR POR NO Mi Hijo (a) ___________________________________ no participará en el programa de Successful Smiles de Texas. Firma de Padre o Guardián ____________________________________________________________ Fecha______________ INFORMACION DEL ESTUDIANTE _____NIÑO _____NIÑA Escuela:__________________________________________ Nombre Completo: _________________________________________ Maestra:__________________________ Año Escolar:_____ Fecha de Nacimiento: _______________________________________ Seguro Social: __________ _______ ___________________________ ACOMPAÑAMIENTO DE LOS PADRES (Para Estudiantes Menor de 15 Años) Nombre de la Madre o Padre:__________________________________ CITAS: Marque el día y la hora que más le conviene. Dirección:_________________________________________________ Cuidad: _____________________Estado/Código: _________________ Teléfono (Casa):____________________________________________ Celular o Trabajo:___________________________________________ Marque uno de los siguiente: ___ Mi hijo/a no tiene Seguro ___ Mi hijo/a tiene Seguro regular ____Superior ____MCNA ___ A cualquier hora O note la hora Preferible ______________. En el caso que no puedo acompañar a mi hijo/a a la visita dental, le doy a la Escuela Pública Harmony mi consentimiento para que participe mi hijo de acuerdo con la Directriz Código de Familia 32.001a). __________________________________________________ Firma de Padres: Padres: ___ Medicaid: Marq ue el S egu ro q ue s e ap liq ue . ____Chip El mejor día de la semana para acompañar mi hijo/a es: ____ Lunes _____Martes ____Miércoles ____ Jueves ___ Viernes INFORMACION DE PADRES CON SEGURO DENTAL ____DentaQuest Por Favor Llene Lo Siguiente: Otro: _____________________________________ Nombre del Asegurado Primario:_________________________ Numero de Medicaid del niño/a:______________________________ Información Medico/Dental: Relación al Niño/a:______________________________________ Fecha de Nacimiento del Primario:__________________________ ¿Tiene su hijo/a un problema dental especifico? No Si (explique) _________________________________________________________ Mes Día Año Dirección:_____________________________________________ Número de la casa Si su hijo/a está bajo el cuidado de un medico, explique la razón? _________________________________________________________ Cuidad/Estado/Código Numero Telefónico de Casa:_______________________________ ¿Está su hijo/a tomando medicamentos? ¿Que tipo? _________________________________________________________ Celular o Trabajo:_______________________________________ ¿Está su hijo/a alérgico/a algún medicamento? No Si Que tipo? _________________________________________________________ # Seguro Social (del primario):_____________________________ ¿Tiene su hijo tiene una discapacidad mental o física? No Si (describe)_________________________________________________ Ha tenido su hijo/a cualquiera de los siguientes? (circule los que aplican) TDA/TDAH, Enfermedad hemorrágica, Hepatitis, Trastornos de aprendizaje, Diabetes, Alergia al látex, Asma, Epilepsia/convulsiones, Cuidado psiquiátrico, Espectro de autismo, Tuberculosis, Problemas del corazón, Fiebre reumática, Otra_________________________________ Empleado Por:__________________________________________ Nombre de la Seguranza:__________________________________ # Telefónico de la Seguranza:______________________________ # del Suscriptor:_________________________________________ # del Grupo_____________________________________________ HIPPA-NOTICE OF PRIVACY Practices ESTE AVISO DESCRIBE CÓMO LA INFORMACIÓN MÉDICA SOBRE USTED PUEDE SER USADA Y REVELADA Y COMO USTED PUEDE TENER ACCESO A ESTA INFORMACIÓN. POR FAVOR LEA CUIDADOSAMENTE SU INFORMACIÓN MÉDICA - Este aviso se aplica a la información y los registros que tenemos de usted, su salud, estado de salud, y los servicios que usted recibe de Successful Smiles Program. Su información de salud puede estar en la forma de registros escritos o electrónicos o palabras habladas, y puede incluir información sobre su historial de salud, síntomas, exámenes, diagnósticos, y procedimientos. Estamos obligados por ley a darle este aviso. Se le informará acerca de las maneras en que podemos usar y revelar información médica acerca de usted y describe sus derechos y nuestras obligaciones con respecto al uso y divulgación de dicha información. COMO PODEMOS USAR Y REVELAR INFORMACIÓN SOBRE SU SALUD - Podemos usar y divulgar su información médica para los siguientes propósitos: • Para Tratamiento - Podemos usar información médica sobre usted para proporcionarle tratamiento o servicios médicos. Podemos revelar información médica acerca de usted a médicos, enfermeras, técnicos, personal u otro personal que esté involucrado en el cuidado de usted y su salud. • Para el Pago - Podemos usar y revelar información médica acerca de usted para que el tratamiento y los servicios que usted recibe del Programa Successful Smiles puedan ser facturados y el pago puede ser obtenido de una compañía de seguros o un tercero. Por ejemplo, es posible que necesitemos darle a su plan de salud acerca de un servicio que usted recibió aquí, así que su estado de salud plan nos pague o le reembolse a usted por el servicio. SITUACIONES ESPECIALES - Podemos usar o divulgar información sobre su salud para los siguientes propósitos, sujeto a todos los requisitos legales aplicable. • Para evitar una amenaza seria para la salud o la seguridad • Requerido por la ley - Vamos a revelar información sobre su salud cuando sea requerido por la ley federal, estatal o local. • Las actividades de supervisión de la salud - Podemos revelar información médica a una agencia de supervisión de salud para auditorías, investigaciones, inspecciones, licencias o propósitos. Sus DERECHOS CON RESPECTO A LA INFORMACIÓN SOBRE SU SALUD-Usted tiene los siguientes derechos sobre la información médica que mantenemos sobre usted: • Derecho a inspeccionar y copiar. • Derecho a enmendar • Derecho a una Contabilidad de Revelaciones. • Derecho a solicitar restricciones • Derecho a solicitar Comunicaciones Confidenciales. • Derecho a una copia impresa de este aviso QUEJAS - Usted no será penalizado por presentar una queja. Si usted cree que sus derechos han sido violados, puede presentar una queja con nuestra oficina o con el Secretario del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos a la: Para presentar una queja con Successful Smiles, llamen al 469-844-7758. Office for Civil Rights U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 1301 Young Street, Suite 1169 Dallas, TX 75202 Teléfono (800) 368-1019