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Applying γ-imaging techniques to nuclear physics experiments César Domingo Pardo GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung Talk for the visit of the Saudi Arabia delegation to GSI GSI, Darmstadt 17.08.2009 Outline • Why position sensitive γ-detectors with radioactive ion beams? • 3D position sensitive HP Ge detectors • Characterization of position sensitive HP Ge detectors In flight/decay γ-ray Spectroscopy production selection 86Kr identification implantation Bρ - ∆E - Bρ spectroscopy 9Be 35m Primary Target Degradador A Bρ e = Q βγ cu x4 − V2 x2 ) Bρ = Bρ 0 (1 − D2 56Zn γ-ray Spectroscopy with 3D-position sensitive HPGe detectors In flight γ-ray spectroscopy HISPEC Advanced GAmma Tracking Array Efficiency: 43% (Mγ =1) 28% (Mγ =30) P/T: 58% (Mγ=1) 49% (Mγ=30) Angular resolution: ~1º FWHM (1 MeV, v/c=50%) ~ 6 keV Decay γ−ray spectroscopy after implantation DESPEC γ-ray Spectroscopy with 3D-position sensitive HPGe detectors In flight γ-ray spectroscopy ∆θ 1− β 2 Eγ = E 1 − β cosθ 0 γ β = 0.5 θ Via tracking it becomes possible to determine the incident angle and preserve the good energy resolution. Decay γ−ray spectroscopy after implantation Cuentas Eγ = 1.3 MeV FWHM = 5 keV FWHM = 12 keV FWHM = 35 keV Energía γ-ray Spectroscopy with 3D-position sensitive HPGe detectors In flight γ-ray spectroscopy θ Mediante tracking es posible determinar el angulo de incidencia y preservar la resolucion energética. Decay γ−ray spectroscopy after implantation Background and P/T can be improved by applying imaging techniques. S. Tashenov, et al. NIMA 586 (2008) 224-228 HPGe detector 7 cm 9 cm HPGe detector HPGe detector: working principle HPGe detector: working principle E = -V V + HV = 4000 Volts HPGe detector: working principle E = -V V γ-ray + HV = 4000 Volts HPGe detector: working principle E = -V V γ-ray + HV = 4000 Volts electrons holes HPGe detector: working principle E = -V V γ-ray + HV = 4000 Volts electrons holes Electric signal HPGe detector: working principle E = -V V γ-ray + HV = 4000 Volts electrons holes Electric signal HPGe detector: working principle E = -V V γ-ray + HV = 4000 Volts electrons holes Electric signal HPGe detector: position sensitivity E = -V V γ-ray + HV = 4000 Volts electrons holes Electric signal HPGe detector: position sensitivity E = -V V γ-ray + HV = 4000 Volts electrons holes Electric signal Method to characterize the pulse shape in HPGe detectors Determine a data-base of pulse shapes S(x,y,z) which allows one to correlate an arbitrarily measured pulse, with an interaction position inside the detector. How to do this? Using PET principle in combination with imaging techniques Method to characterize the pulse shape in HPGe detectors PET approach using a high performance γ-camera Features: • Estimated time 20h HPGe-Detector 2D γ-camara • Precision: 1-2 mm • Imaging Requisites: 511 keV 22Na Data group “A)” 511 keV • Excelent resolution ∆x/x • Large field of view Data group “B)” χ2(Ai,Bi) Method to characterize the pulse shape in HPGe detectors PET approach using a high performance γ-camera Features: • Estimated time 20h HPGe-Detector 2D γ-camara • Precision: 1-2 mm • Imaging Requisites: 511 keV 22Na Data group “A)” 511 keV • Excelent resolution ∆x/x • Large field of view Data group “B)” χ2(Ai,Bi) Method to characterize the pulse shape in HPGe detectors HPGe-Detector 2D γ-camera 511 keV Hamamatsu R2486 511 keV 22Na XA,XB,YC,YD Centroid of the scintillation light distribution Position X,Y RMS Width of the scintillation light distribution Depth of Interaction (DOI) Resolution 2 mm Field of view 7 cm2 Method to characterize the pulse shape in HPGe detectors IMAR (Individual Multi Anode Readout) techique HPGe-Detector 2D γ-camera 511 keV 16 Y 16 X Anodes X Anodes Y 22Na 511 keV Nuevo método experimental para la caracterización de detectores de HPGe Técnica IMAR (Individual Multi Anode Readout) Linealidad Anodos X UFV = 7cm2 20 cm2 Anodos Y Resolución Espacial 2mm 0.945 +/- 0.08 mm Nuevo método experimental para la caracterización de detectores de HPGe Técnica IMAR (Individual Multi Anode Readout) Linealidad Anodos X UFV = 7cm2 20 cm2 Anodos Y Resolución Espacial 2mm 0.945 +/- 0.08 mm Nuevo método experimental para la caracterización de detectores de HPGe Tecnica IMAR (Individual Multi Anode Readout) 2D γ-camara Paper accepted by IEEE-Transactions on Medical Imaging HPGe-Detector Position calibration • Determine: Xr(xm,ym), Yr(xm,ym) Gamma-ray scattering technique 00 position Grid raw image when it is parallel to PSD surface (0deg) Position calibration (xm,ym) =(4.31,4.30) M f'(xm,ym) = ∑C j =1 f j' ( x m , y m ) j N g'(xm, ym) = ∑D g (x j =1 j ' j m , ym ) Calibration made from all data taken at multiple planes Position calibration 400 position DSG x r cos(θ ) x = DSG − x r sin(θ ) ' r y = ' r DSG y r DSG − x r sin(θ ) Position calibration 400 position Detector Scan (Test Measurement) Front view (0 deg): Side view (90 deg): Detector Scan (Test Measurement) Front view (0 deg): Side view (90 deg): Detector Scan: Data Analysis Experimental Validation of the method Summary & Outlook • We have developed a γ-camera with spatial resolution, linearity and field of view substantially improved with respect to similar existing devices • Our system uses conventional NIM and VME electronics, which makes it not optimal for medical applications. However, this problem could be overcomed by means of a new acquisition system based on ASIC, FPGA, etc technologies. • Applications with thicker scintillation crystals (1 cm) may become possible, without compromising its good performance, thanks to the more accurate measurement of the DOI. (Tests are in progress). 6 cm Summary & Outlook • We have developed a γ-camera with spatial resolution, linearity and field of view substantially improved with respect to similar existing devices • Our system uses conventional NIM and VME electronics, which makes it not optimal for medical applications. However, this problem could be overcomed by means of a new acquisition system based on ASIC, FPGA, etc technologies. • Applications with thicker scintillation crystals (1 cm) may become possible, without compromising its good performance, thanks to the more accurate measurement of the DOI. (Tests are in progress). ? M. Ritzert et al., Heidelberg University Summary & Outlook • We have developed a γ-camera with spatial resolution, linearity and field of view substantially improved with respect to similar existing devices • Our system uses conventional NIM and VME electronics, which makes it not optimal for medical applications. However, this problem could be overcomed by means of a new acquisition system based on ASIC, FPGA, etc technologies. • Applications with thicker scintillation crystals (1 cm) may become possible, without compromising its good performance, thanks to the more accurate measurement of the DOI. (Tests are in progress). APV25 chip (from CERN CMS experiment) 128-channel analogue pipeline chip ? M.J. French et al., NIMA 466 (2001) 359-365 Thank you for your attention! Summary & Outlook • We have developed a γ-camera with spatial resolution, linearity and field of view substantially improved with respect to similar existing devices • Our system uses conventional NIM and VME electronics, which makes it not optimal for medical applications. However, this problem could be overcomed by means of a new acquisition system based on ASIC, FPGA, etc technologies. • Applications with thicker scintillation crystals (1 cm) may become possible, without compromising its good performance, thanks to the more accurate measurement of the DOI. (Tests are in progress). 6 cm Germanium detector Energy resolution conduction band electrons p 0.7 eV n 3 eV holes valance band signal + HV Number of e-h pairs for 1 MeV, N = 106 / 3 = 3 ×105 Energy resolution = N N = 0.0018 → 1.8 keV × E γ Nuevo método experimental para la caracterización de detectores de HPGe Método convencional BGO • Duración aprox. 3 meses z y x Nuevo método experimental para la caracterización de detectores de HPGe Nuevo principio a) BGO a) z F. Crespi, et al. NIMA (2008) Nuevo método experimental para la caracterización de detectores de HPGe Nuevo principio b) a) BGO Criterio χ2(a,b) a) z b) Punto geométrico de intersección: x,y,z Pulso común a ambos grupos de datos F. Crespi, et al. NIMA (2008)