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Escuela Dominical en inglés 11:15am Ministry Team / Equipo Ministerial Elders / Ancianos Staff Ministry Team Ladies - Hosea Led by Yvonne Sanders, Eva Koch & Betsy Vázquez Rm. 1 Paul D. Torres, Pastor Paul D. Torres Mixed Adults - Current Issues, Israel & Messianic Judaism; how they fit in Zaida Cabañas the Bible Prophecy Led by Nita Luttrell Rm. 2 Mixed Adults - R12 Living on the Edge by Chip Ingram Led by Bob Jodrey Rm. 6 Mixed Adults - With All of your Heart - Led by Kelvin Morales Rm. 9 Senior Pastor Bob Jodrey Bebe Soto Irán Rivera Administrator Albert Riddering Yolanda Ramos Gwen Santiago Assistant to the Administrator Maintenance Supervisor Nursery, Children & Youth Classes Class Teachers 6th - 8th graders Verónica O'Neill Sherlyan Cruz Haydée Craig Abimar Cordero Angélica Ortiz Kris Koch Cynthia Montero Alex Montero High School (9th - 11th graders) María Capeles Raquel Mertz 12th grade through College & University Marc Mertz Armando Papo Ríos Nursery (up to 3 yrs.) 4 + 5 years thru 2nd graders 3rd - 5th graders Location Deacons / Diáconos Dick Hann, Children’s Ministry Coordinator Rusty Lamar, Armando Papo Ríos Vice Chairman Frances Pedraza, Bebe M. Soto, Room 11 Chairman Héctor López, Room 12 Kristina Ríos Youth Ministries Coordinator Secretary Treasurer Betty Hann Christian Education Coordinator Head Trustee Oscar Álamo Room 3 Room 4 Pastor Paul Torres Men’s Ministry Coordinator Migdalia Miranda Alex Montero Iván Pérez Mildred Ramos Room 8 Rogelio Pérez Conference Room Mildred Ramos Liza Lugo WEEKLY ACTIVITIES ~ ACTIVIDADES SEMANALES TUESDAY/ MARTES 9:00am - Ladies’ Bible Study 7:00pm - Troop 256 Boy Scouts 7:00pm - Oración en español - Félix Villegas 7:30pm - Music Ministry Rehearsal WEDNESDAY/ MIÉRCOLES 6:30am - Men’s Group - Kmart - Plaza Las Americas Family Connection Night ~ Noche de Conexión Familiar 6-6:30pm - Prayer & Worship - Sanctuary 7-8:30pm - Discipleship Oasis - Room 8 Ladies - Hilson Hall Men - Prayer Room InsideOut & Xrossroads - Room 1 Discipulado en español - Salón 2 Childcare available ~ Cuido de niños disponible FRIDAY/ VIERNES 7:00pm - Celebrate Life @ Rusty & Angie’s Women’s Ministry Coordinator Music Ministry Coordinator Fred Rodríguez Sundays Domingos Prayer Meeting: 9:00am English Service : 9:30 am Sunday School : 11:15 am Oración Matutina: 9:00am Escuela Dominical : 9:45 am Servicio : 11:00 am Offertory Report / Informe de Ofrendas ~ March / marzo 2016 Budgeted Income Average Weekly Amount Weekly Budgeted Need Tithes & Offerings Deacons Fund Building Fund Designated Income Missions Giving New Awning Fund Giving Other Designated Giving Total Giving $ $ $ 6,847 13 $ $ $ $ 1,025 78 952 8,914 $ $ $ 6,200 25 38 Christian Community Church Average Attendance / Asistencia Promedio ~ March / marzo 2016 First Service Second Service Total Children & Youth Sunday School Barrio Último Chance, Calle Venus Final, Guaynabo PO Box 2906 Guaynabo, PR 00970 118 84 202 43 T. (787)720-2595 e-mail: Online: & A pr il ~ a br il 2 0 1 6 From the Pastor’s desk Welcome to Christian Community Church. Thank you for joining us as we seek the presence of the Lord and learn to walk in his ways. We are a community who loves, serves, and fears a God who is worthy to be praised. Those who have placed their trust in the name of Jesus, the Messiah, have been given the gift of becoming children of the living God. What a privileged relationship we have with the creator of the heavens and the earth, who has made us “his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10. I pray your time with us will be a challenge for growth as we learn together of his ways. Del escritorio del Pastor Bienvenido a Christian Community Church. Gracias por acompañarnos en nuestra búsqueda de la presencia del Señor según aprendemos a caminar en sus caminos. Somos una comunidad que ama, sirve y tiene temor de Dios, quien es digno de ser alabado. Aquellos que han puesto su confianza en el nombre de Jesús, el Mesías, han recibido el don de ser llamados hijos del Dios viviente. Qué relación privilegiada tenemos con el creador de los cielos y la tierra, que nos ha creado “en Cristo Jesús para buenas obras, las cuales Dios preparó de antemano para que anduviésemos en ellas.” Efesios 2:10. Ruego que su tiempo con nosotros sea un desafío para su crecimiento mientras aprendemos juntos de sus caminos. ANNOUNCEMENTS ANUNCIOS