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Nursery, Children’s and Youth Classes Escuela Dominical en inglés 11:15am Ladies Bible Study - War Room Led by Betsy Vázquez & Eva Koch Room #1 Mixed Adult Group - Current Issues, Israel & Messianic Judaism; how they fit in the Bible Prophecy Led by Nita Luttrell Room #2 Class Teachers Location Nursery (up to 3 yrs.) Verónica O'Neill Sherlyan Cruz Room 12 4 + 5 years thru 2nd graders Haydée Craig Abimar Cordero Angélica Ortiz Room 11 3rd - 5th Graders Kris Koch Cynthia Montero Room 3 6th - 8th Graders Alex Montero Room 4 High School (9th - 12th Graders) María Capeles Conference Room College University Youth Office Armando Papo Ríos Mixed Adult Group - R12 Living on the Nursery Care is available thru age 3 - The nursery is Edge by Chip Ingram Led by Bob Jodrey located downstairs. Ask an usher or greeter to take you there. Room #6 Cuido de Niños Disponible - Para niños hasta los 3 años Mixed Adult Group - War Room - en un ambiente limpio y seguro lleno del amor del Señor. Los ujieres le pueden indicar dónde está ubicado el salón. Led by Kelvin Morales Rm. #9 *Cell phones must be turned off upon entering the sanc- Children’s Church Ages 4-10 - Children participate in worship in the sanctuary through the offertory. After that, an tuary. Thank you. excellent children’s service with games, stories, and more is provided for them. (Room # 8) *Tienen que apagar los teléfonos celulares antes de Escuelita de Niños Edades de 4-10 - Los niños participan de la adoración en el santuario hasta el ofertorio. Desentrar al santuario. pués hay una escuelita de niños excelente con juegos, histoGracias. rias y mucho más. (Salón # 1) ANNOUNCEMENTS ANUNCIOS WEEKLY ACTIVITIES ACTIVIDADES SEMANALES TUESDAY/ MARTES 9:00am 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm - Ladies’ Bible Study Troop 256 Boy Scouts Oración en español - Félix Villegas Music Ministry Rehearsal WEDNESDAY/ MIÉRCOLES Giving & Attendance Ofrendas & Asistencia Weekly Attendance Report for last week: First service: 84 Second Service: 90 Total: 174 Children & Youth Sunday School: 6-6:30pm - Prayer & Worship - Sanctuary 7-8:30pm - Discipleship Oasis - Room 8 Ladies’ Bible Study - Hilson Hall Men’s Bible Study - Prayer Room InsideOut & Xrossroads - Room 1 Discipulado en español - Salón de Conferencias Childcare available ~ Cuido de niños disponible FRIDAY/ VIERNES 7:00pm - Celebrate Life @ Rusty & Angie’s 33 Weekly Stewardship Report for last week: 6:30am - Men’s Group - Kmart-Plaza Las Americas Family Night ~ Noche Familiar Actual Tithes & Offerings Deacons Fund Building Fund Sanctuary Fans Fund Missions Other Total Giving Budget 2016 $5,627.03 $0 $0 $37.75 $345.00 $252.00 $6,261.78 6,200.00 62.00 39.00 Physical: Bo. Último Chance, Calle Venus Final, Guaynabo Mailing: PO Box 2906, Guaynabo, PR 00970 CALL US (787) 720-2595 (787) 790-4818 (FAX) @: Sundays Enjoy coffee and cookies Christian Community Church Ministry Team downstairs Elders / Ancianos Staff Ministry Team Prayer Meeting: 9:00am Paul D. Torres, Pastor Zaida Cabañas Bob Jodrey Irán Rivera Albert Riddering Gwen Santiago Paul D. Torres English Service : 9:30 am Deacons / Diáconos Armando Papo Ríos Senior Pastor Dick Hann, Chairman Héctor López, Vice Chairman Frances Pedraza, Secretary Bebe M. Soto, Treasurer Rusty Lamar, Head Trustee Oscar Álamo Migdalia Miranda Alex Montero Iván Pérez Rogelio Pérez Mildred Ramos Fred Rodríguez Sunday School : 11:15 am Kristina Ríos Children’s Ministry Coordinator Youth Ministries Coordinator VISIT US Christian Community Church Domingos Disfrute de café y galletas Betty Hann abajo Christian Education Coordinator Men’s Ministry Coordinator The waste-land and the dry land will be glad. The desert will be full of joy and become like a rose. Many flowers will grow in it, and it will be filled with joy and singing. The greatness of Lebanon will be given to it, and the beauty of Carmel and Sharon. They will see the shining-greatness of the Lord, the wonderful power of our God. ~ Isaiah 35:1-2 ~ Oración Matutina: 9:00am Escuela Dominical : 9:45 am Servicio : 11:00 am Mildred Ramos Women’s Ministry Coordinator Liza Lugo Music Ministry Coordinator Welcome ~ Bienvenido February ~ 7 ~ febrero, 2016 Se alegrarán el desierto y la soledad; el yermo se gozará y florecerá como la rosa. Florecerá profusamente, y también se alegrará y cantará con júbilo; la gloria del Líbano le será dada, la hermosura del Carmelo y de Sarón. Ellos verán la gloria de Jehová, la hermosura del Dios nuestro. ~ Isaías 35:1-2 ~