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REPORTED SPEECH Si referimos a alguien lo que otra persona ha dicho, normalmente no usamos las palabras exactas del hablante, sino que realizamos algunos cambios La estructura es ligeramente diferente si referimos una oración enunciativa (statement) o una pregunta. Statements Cuando transformamos oraciones enunciativas los cambios afectan a: Pronombres personales, posesivos y adjetivos posesivos. Expresiones de tiempo y lugar. Tiempos verbales TIEMPOS VERBALES Direct Speech Reported Speech Simple Present Simple Past Present Progressive Past Progressive Simple Past Present Perfect Simple Past Perfect Simple Past Perfect Simple Past Progressive Past Progressive Future (going to) was / were going to Future (will) Conditional (would) Conditional (would) Los verbos could, should, would, might, must, needn’t, ought to, used to no cambian. Example: He said, “She might be right.” – He said that she might be right. EXPRESIONES DE TIEMPO Y LUGAR Direct Speech Reported Speech today that day now then yesterday the day before … days ago … days before last week the week before next year the following year tomorrow the next day / the following day here there this that these those Exercises on reported speech Questions Cuando transformamos preguntas, los cambios afectan a: Pronombres personales, posesivos y adjetivos posesivos. Expresiones de tiempo y lugar. Tiempos verbales También tenemos que: Transformar la pregunta en una pregunta indirecta, es decir, NO HAY AUXILIAR y el orden de los elementos es: SUJETO + VERBO + COMPLEMENTO. Usar la partícula if en las preguntas sin pronombre interrogativo (wh questions) No usamos that en las preguntas sin pronombre interrogativo (yes/no questions) Type wh questions yes/no questions Example direct speech “Why don’t you speak English?” reported speech He asked me why I didn’t speak English. direct speech “Do you speak English?” reported speech He asked me whether / if I spoke English. Type Direct Speech Reported speech statement He said: “She lives in London.“ He said that she lived in London wh questions He asked:“Where does she live?“ He asked where she lived. yes/no questions He asked: “Does she live in London?“ Exercises on reported speech He asked if she lived in London.