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INGLES IV [1] INGLES IV Reglamento…………………………………………………………………………...1 Estudio Independiente……………………………………………………………….2 10 sugerencias para administrar tu tiempo………………………………………...3 El tiempo disponible ejemplo………………………………………………………..4 Plan de estudios……………………………………………………………………...5 Índice BLOQUE 1 SIMPLE PAST TENSES REVIEW ............................................................... 7 MODAL VERBS IN ENGLISH ......................................................................... 9 BLOQUE 2 PRESENT PERFECT TENSES ................................................................. 15 USED TO ................................................................................................... 17 VOCABULARY FOR CLOTHING .................................................................. 19 VOCABULARY FOR FOOD .......................................................................... 21 BLOQUE 3 PAST PROGRESSIVE............................................................................... 23 PROGRESSIVE AND SIMPLE PAST ........................................................ 24 PAST PROGRESSIVE WITH “WHILE” ...................................................... 26 BLOQUE4 OBJECT VS. SUBJECT PRONOUNS ....................................................... 29 PHRASAL VERBS ..................................................................................... 31 IMPERATIVE MOOD ..................................................................................... 34 NEGATIVE IMPERATIVES ....................................................................... 35 INVITATION .................................................................................................. 37 [2] REGLAMENTO 1. El Colegio de Educación Media Superior Abierta tiene reconocimiento de validez oficial de estudios (RVOE) de la Secretaría de Educación del Gobierno del Estado (SEGE). Acuerdo B0170, clave de centro de trabajo 24PBH0125 2. El plan de estudios es de la Dirección General de Bachillerato (DGB) y es válido en todo el país. Consta de tres módulos: Módulo Básico (31 asignaturas), Módulo Propedéutico (8 asignaturas) y Módulo de Formación para el Trabajo (1 especialidad). 3. El estudiante puede presentar exámenes por materia agrupando asignaturas seriadas excepto matemáticas quedando de la siguiente manera: Modulo Básico (20 materias), Módulo Propedéutico (4 materias) y Módulo de Formación para el Trabajo (1 especialidad) 4. Al concluir sus estudios se entrega un certificado de Bachillerato General, válido para cualquier carrera en cualquier Institución de educación superior en todo el país. 5. Se reconocen los estudios parciales realizados en cualquier institución de educación media superior presentando un certificado parcial legalizado de la escuela de procedencia, se tramita una equivalencia de estudios ante Secretaría de Educación y continúa con las asignaturas que le faltan para concluir sus estudios de Bachillerato. 6. La inscripción ante la Secretaría de Educación es Bimestral y se pueden reportar máximo 8 asignaturas por bimestreposterior al bimestre de inscripción. La inscripción y la presentación de exámenes en el Colegio es permanente. 7. Los requisitos para la inscripción en Secretaría de Educación: Certificado de Secundaria, original, Acta de Nacimiento original, copia del CURP y Certificado Parcial legalizado en caso de haber cursado estudios de bachillerato inconclusos. No existe límite de edad para el ingreso. 8. El estudiante puede consultar sus calificaciones y obtener sus libros digitales gratuitos en la página web del Colegio. Puede solicitar Constancias de Estudio (IMSS, Beca Oportunidades o trámites de estudios superiores), Credencial (boletur, descuentos en pasajes foráneos, museos) 9. Por ser un modelo no escolarizado el tiempo de término de estudios del bachillerato depende del ritmo de estudio del alumno, sin embargo se pueden determinar los siguientes periodos: 1 examen por semana 10 meses 1 examen por quincena 20 meses (1 año y medio) 1 examen por mes 40 meses (3 años 4 meses) Estos tiempos pueden disminuir si el alumno tiene estudios parciales previos. 10. El estudiante que no presente examen en tres meses consecutivos será dado de baja en la Secretaría de Educación. Para continuar sus estudios deberá solicitar un certificado parcial de las asignaturas acreditadas e inscribirse nuevamente [3] ESTUDIO INDEPENDIENTE Las características y habilidades para el estudio independiente no se reducen a un contexto exclusivamente escolar. Esto quiere decir que la independencia se conforma a lo largo de la vida, es un proceso donde el individuo se enfrenta a diversas situaciones que tiene que resolver en distintos ámbitos como son el laboral o el familiar e incluso dentro de su comunidad, en los que influyen, por supuesto, factores de carácter social y cultural. Pero es la escuela, la entidad socialmente encargada de dotar de las destrezas o habilidades que le permitan al sujeto, desarrollar de manera consciente métodos de aprendizaje, sobre todo si deseamos que el postulado de la educación permanente, “aprender durante toda la vida”, realmente se cumpla. El estudio independiente puede considerarse como un proceso dirigido hacia el autocontrol y la autoevaluación y entenderse como una actividad orientada hacia la formación de habilidades que permitan la construcción ininterrumpida de conocimiento y aprendizaje. Existen muchos elementos para justificar la necesidad de fomentar el estudio independiente en los sistemas de educación abierta o a distancia, el principal queremos encontrarlo en el hecho de que a menos que el estudiante participe activamente en la adquisición de sus propios conocimientos estas modalidades educativas como formadoras del estudiante, carecen de sentido. Si los objetivos de estos sistemas no van solamente hacia la acumulación de conceptos, el estudio independiente debe ser una parte indispensable del proceso formativo. El estudio independiente tiene implícita la idea de que el aprendizaje requerido para un proceso formativo puede ser incorporado no sólo en el salón de clases o bajo la tutela del maestro sino que el alumno tiene la responsabilidad de trabajar de manera independiente y trascender lo que ha sido enseñado en el aula, en las diferentes áreas y dimensiones del saber. El estudio independiente lleva consigo la responsabilidad de la propia formación por parte del alumno y esto es importante si consideramos que el sistema educativo ha estado renunciando al proceso formativo y la creación de un aprendizaje colectivo es muy difícil en los sistemas de educación abierta, en donde la posibilidad de interacción está limitada. No estamos hablando acerca de una nueva moda educativa. Estamos hablando de una competencia humana básica, de la capacidad de aprender por uno mismo, que de repente se ha convertido en un requisito previo en este mundo nuevo. Las personas que toman la iniciativa en el auto aprendizaje, tienen más posibilidades de retener lo que aprenden que el estudiante pasivo y esta iniciativa está más en sintonía con nuestros procesos naturales de desarrollo psicológico, pero es importante añadir que la disposición para la autodirección de las personas es variable, lo que exige diversos grados de asistencia por parte de la institución y de los asesores, especialmente durante el desarrollo de las habilidades de estudio independiente. Estamos hablando de un conjunto de acciones porque el estudiante pone en práctica algunas herramientas cognoscitivas que ha venido consolidando a lo largo de su vida académica y otras que experimenta para resolver problemas específicos, las cuales le facilitan y hacen más efectiva o satisfactoria su labor de aprendizaje. Se trata de una labor consciente, y esta conciencia en el acto de estudiar es un elemento fundamental que permite comprender y emprender acciones permanentes de estudio independiente. El estudio independiente necesita rescatar la noción de responsabilidad personal, entendida como el hecho de que un individuo asuma la titularidad de sus pensamientos y acciones. En conclusión el estudio independiente es el sistema de estudio que deposita en el alumno, la mayor responsabilidad de su aprendizaje de acuerdo con sus posibilidades, características, vivencias y necesidades, estimulándolo para que utilice al máximo sus propios recursos conforme lo considere conveniente y oportuno [4] La asesoría o tutoría es el sistema de estudio que se basa en el proceso de auto aprendizaje y el asesor es un programador de experiencias didácticas y un orientador del proceso; esta modalidad de estudio no implica la asistencia a clases. 10 SUGERENCIAS PARA ADMINISTRAR TU TIEMPO 1. ¡Mantente alerta! La mayoría de la pérdida de tiempo ocurre por distracciones. Distracción es cuando tu atención está en otra cosa o en otra parte que no sea lo importante que sucede a tu alrededor. 2. Cambia la rutina. Pregúntate: ¿Qué parte de mi rutina puedo cambiar o modificar para que mi productividad aumente? 3. Mantente en movimiento. Entre más activo estés, más alerta te sentirás. 4. Usa “objetivos espontáneos”. Éstos son ideas dirigidas hacia un resultado deseado que surge espontáneamente. Pregúntate: ¿Cuál es el resultado final de esta actividad? 5. No realices muchas actividades simultáneamente. Trata de trabajar a la vez que requiera concentración. 6. Líbrate del papeleo. Existen solamente tres opciones: basura, archivo o acción. 7. Utiliza tu tiempo libre en algo importante en qué ocuparte (archivar, organizar, adelantar algo, estudiar, capacitarte…) 8. Sé claro y conciso. Cuando expliques algo a alguien, hazlo de manera sencilla, clara, breve y con los datos suficientes. Así no tendrás que estar explicando lo mismo varias veces. 9. Toma un descanso mental. Cuando estés bloqueado y parece que no puedes avanzar, respira hondo varias veces para relajarte, trata de pensar en algo agradable y luego retoma lo que estás haciendo, con la mente fresca. 10. Sé puntual y organiza tus actividades. Una manera casi infalible de llegar a tiempo es planear llegar más temprano. La mejor forma de optimizar el tiempo es planear todas nuestras actividades. [5] EL TIEMPO DISPONIBLE EJEMPLO ACTIVIDADES LUNES MARTES MIÉRCOLES DORMIR DESAYUNO COMIDA CENA TRABAJO TRANSPORTE FAMILIA DEPORTE TELEVISIÓN ASEO PERSONAL ESTUDIO INDIVIDUAL ASESORÍAS TOTAL TIEMPO [6] JUEVES VIERNES SÁBADO DOMINGO DISPONIBLE [7] PLAN DE ESTUDIOS PRIMER SEMESTRE: SEGUNDO SEMESTRE: TERCER SEMESTRE: ALG001 Matemáticas I TRI002 Matemáticas II GAN003 Matemáticas III QUI001 Química I QUI002 Química II GEO003 Geografía EYV001 Ética y Valores I EYV002 Ética y Valores II FIS-003 Física I ISC001 Introducción a las Ciencias Soc. HDM002 Historia de México I HDM003 LYR001 Taller de Lectura y Redacción I LYR002 Taller de Lectura y Redacción II LIT-003 Literatura I ING001 Lengua adicional al español I ING002 Lengua adicional al español II ING003 INF001 Informática I INF002 Informática II CUARTO SEMESTRE: QUINTO SEMESTRE: Historia de México II Lengua adicional al español III SEXTO SEMESTRE: FUN004 Matemática IV BIO005 Biología II FIL-006 Filosofía BIO004 Biología I HUC005 Historia Universal Contemporánea EYM006 Ecología y Medio Ambiente FIS004 Física II MDI006 Metodología de la Investigación ESM- Estructura 004 Socioeconómica de México LITLiteratura II 004 ING004 Lengua adicional al español IV FORMACION PARA EL TRABAJO:_______________________ [8] BLOQUE 1 MAINGOAL: BY THE END OF THIS BLOCK, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO TALK ABOUT IMAGINARY SITUATIONS AND DISCUSS VARIOUS HYPOTHESES. KNOWLEDGE ACQUIRED SIMPLE PAST TENSES REVIEW. MODAL VERBS IN ENGLISH ATTITUDES AND VALUES EMPHASIZED TOLERANCE OF CULTURAL DIFFERENCE SKILLS ACQUIRED IDENTIFICATION OF CAUSE – EFFECTS ELEMENTS IN A SENTENCE. DISCERNMENT OF MAIN IDEAS IN A TEXT DESCRIBING IMAGINARY SITUATIONS. [9] LESSON 1 SECTION 1. MODAL VERBS IN ENGLISH. SO FAR, YOU HAVE LEARNED SOME GRAMMATICAL ISSUES IN THE PREVIOUS COURSES. BEFORE STARTING THIS FOURTH ONE LET’S DO A REVIEW OF WHAT HAS BEEN COVERED UP TO NOW. REVIEW. CHANGE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE INTO THE INDICATED TENSES. “SARA MANAGED TO REACH HER ACADEMIC GOALS AT THE END OF THE TERM.” 1. SIMPLE PRESENT. _________________________________________________________ 2. SIMPLE FUTURE. _________________________________________________________ 3. PRESENT PROGRESSIVE. _________________________________________________________ 4. PAST PROGRESSIVE. _________________________________________________________ 5. IDIOMATIC FUTURE (GOING TO). _________________________________________________________ [10] SECTION 2 Exercise 1 FROM THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH THERE ARE 10 MISTAKES IN THE TENSES. PLEASE IDENTIFY THEM UP AND WRITE THE CORRECT ANSWER. BOB MARLEY EARLY LIFE BOB MARLEY WAS BORNED ROBERT NESTA MARLEY ON FEBRUARY 6, 1945. BOB WAS BORN TO CEDELLA MARLEY WHEN SHE HAD BEEN 18. BOB'S EARLY LIFE WAS SPENT IN RURAL COMMUNITY OF NINE MILES, NESTLED IN THE MOUNTAINOUS TERRAIN OF THE PARISH OF ST. ANN. RESIDENTS OF NINE MILES HAVE PRESERVING MANY CUSTOMS DERIVES FROM THEIR AFRICAN ANCESTRY ESPECIALLY THE ART OF STORYTELLING AS A MEANS OF SHARING THE PAST AND TIME-TESTED TRADITIONS THAT ARE OFTENTIMES OVERLOOKED IN OFFICIAL HISTORICAL SOURCES. THE PROVERBS, FABLES AND VARIOUS CHORES ASSOCIATE WITH RURAL LIFE THAT WERE INHERENT TO BOB'S CHILDHOOD WOULD PROVIDE A DEEPER CULTURAL CONTEXT AND AN AURA OF MYSTICISM TO HIS ADULT SONGWRITING. NORVAL AND CEDELLA MARRY IN 1945 BUT CAPTAIN MARLEY'S FAMILY STRONGLY DISAPPROVING OF THEIR UNION; ALTHOUGH THE ELDER MARLEY PROVIDED FINANCIAL SUPPORT, THE LAST TIME BOB MARLEY SEE HIS FATHER WAS WHEN HE WAS FIVE YEARS OLD; AT THAT TIME, NORVAL TOOKED HIS SON TO KINGSTON TO LIVE WITH HIS NEPHEW, A BUSINESSMAN, AND TO ATTEND SCHOOL. EIGHTEEN MONTHS LATER CEDELLA LEARNED THAT BOB WASN'T GOING TO SCHOOL AND WAS LIVING WITH AN ELDERLY COUPLE. ALARMED, SHE WENT TO KINGSTON, FOUND BOB AND BRINGED HIM HOME TO NINE MILES. [11] [12] Exercise 2 SURF THE WEB AND ACCESS WIKIPEDIA. LOOK FOR BOB MARLEY’S BIOGRAPHY AND ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. HOW OLD WAS BOB WHEN HIS FATHER PASSED AWAY? _________________________________________ 2. WHO DID TEACH BOB TO PLAY THE GUITAR? _________________________________________ 3. IN WHAT YEAR DID BOB RECORD HIS FIRST SONGS? _________________________________________ 4. IN WHAT YEAR DID THE WAILERS SPLIT UP? _________________________________________ 5. WHEN WAS HIS HIT “NO WOMAN NO CRY” RELEASE? _________________________________________ Exercise 3 COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING CHART WITH THE PAST TENSE OF THE VERBS GIVEN AND ITS CORRESPONDING PAST PARTICIPLE. ARISE BEND BLOW CATCH FLY HIDE LEND PROVE QUIT SHAKE VERB PAST _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ [13] PAST PARTICIPLE _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ Exercise 4 WRITE COMPLETE SENTENCES IN PAST USING THE INFORMATION PROVIDED; ONE IS DONE FOR YOU AS AN EXAMPLE. 0. (MIKE, GO, MIAMI, 1998) MIKE WENT TO MIAMI IN 1998. 1. (ALICE, FLY, PARIS, LAST YEAR) ________________________________________________ 2. (MARK, LEND, BOO, HIS COUSIN) ________________________________________________ 3. (ANTON, HIDE, THE CHART, UNDER BED) ________________________________________________ 4. (KIM, BLOW, BALLOON, HIS NIECE) ________________________________________________ 5. (FRANK, QUIT, JOB, FIND NEW) ________________________________________________ [14] SECTION 3 MODAL VERBS LOS VERBOS MODALES SON UNA CATEGORÍA DE VERBOS AUXILIARES. A LOS VERBOS MODALES TAMBIÉN SE LLAMAN MODALES AUXILIARES O SIMPLEMENTE MODALES. HAY DIEZ VERBOS MODALES EN INGLÉS: CAN COULD MAY MIGHT SHALL SHOULD WILL WOULD MUST OUGHT TO LOS MODALES EXPRESAN EL MODO DE UN VERBO: LA CAPACIDAD, LA POSIBILIDAD, LA NECESIDAD U UNA OTRA CONDICIÓN DEL VERBO PRINCIPAL. ESTOS VERBOS SE USAN CON VERBOS PRINCIPALES PARA FORMAR AFIRMACIONES O PREGUNTAS. LOS MODALES NO TIENEN CONJUGACIONES NI TIEMPO Y NO SE PUEDEN USAR SIN VERBO PRINCIPAL. EN INGLÉS, EL VERBO PRINCIPAL SIEMPRE QUEDA EN FORMA INFINITIVA SIN TO, EXCEPTO EL MODAL OUGHT. EN UNA AFIRMACIÓN, EL ORDEN DE LAS PALABRAS ES SUJETO + MODAL + VERBO PRINCIPAL. SUJETO MODAL VERBO PRINCIPAL THEY ELLOS CAN COME. PUEDEN VENIR. MIKE MIKE SHOULD WALK. DEBE CAMINAR. EN LAS PREGUNTAS, EL ORDEN DE PALABRAS ES MODAL + SUJETO + VERBO PRINCIPAL. PREGUNTAS DE SÍ O NO (YES-NO QUESTIONS) [15] MODAL SUJETO VERBO PRINCIPAL CAN ¿PUEDEN THEY COME? VENIR? SHOULD ¿DEBERÍA MIKE MIKE DRIVE? MANEJAR? PREGUNTAS INFORMATIVAS (WH- QUESTIONS) WH- WORD MODAL SUJETO VERBO PRINCIPAL WHEN ¿CUÁNDO CAN PUEDEN THEY COME? VENIR? HOW ¿CÓMO COULD PODRÍA HE KNOW? SABER? WOULD WOULD IS AN AUXILIARY VERB, A MODAL AUXILIARY VERB. WE USE WOULD MAINLY TO: • • • TALK ABOUT THE PAST TALK ABOUT THE FUTURE IN THE PAST EXPRESS THE CONDITIONAL MOOD WE ALSO USE WOULD FOR OTHER FUNCTIONS, SUCH AS: • EXPRESSING DESIRE, POLITE REQUESTS AND QUESTIONS, OPINION OR HOPE, WISH AND REGRET... STRUCTURE OF WOULD SUBJECT + WOULD + MAIN VERB THE MAIN VERB IS ALWAYS THE BARE INFINITIVE (INFINITIVE WITHOUT "TO"). SUBJECT AUXILIARY VERB MAIN VERB WOULD + SHE LIKE TEA. LIKE WHISKY. 'D - SHE WOULD NOT [16] WOULDN'T ? WOULD SHE LIKE COFFEE? USAGE OF WOULD I. WOULD TO TALK ABOUT THE PAST WE OFTEN USE WOULD AS A KIND OF PAST TENSE OF WILL OR GOING TO: • • II. EVEN AS A BOY, HE KNEW THAT HE WOULD SUCCEED IN LIFE. I THOUGHT IT WOULD RAIN SO I BROUGHT MY UMBRELLA. Would en Español se traduce como “ria”. Es decir I wouldgo = Yo iría. You would play = tújugarías. WOULD TO TALK ABOUT THE FUTURE IN THE PAST WHEN TALKING ABOUT THE PAST WE CAN USE WOULD TO EXPRESS SOMETHING THAT HAS NOT HAPPENED AT THE TIME WE ARE TALKING ABOUT: • • III. IN LONDON SHE MET THE MAN THAT SHE WOULD ONE DAY MARRY. HE LEFT 5 MINUTES LATE, UNAWARE THAT THE DELAY WOULD SAVE HIS LI WOULD TO EXPRESS THE CONDITIONAL MOOD WE OFTEN USE WOULD TO EXPRESS THE SO-CALLED SECOND AND THIRD CONDITIONALS: • • IV. • • • V. • • IF HE LOST HIS JOB HE WOULD HAVE NO MONEY. IFI HAD WON THE LOTTERYI WOULD HAVE BOUGHT A CAR. WOULD FOR EXPRESSING DESIRE. I'D LOVE TO LIVE HERE. WOULD YOU LIKE SOME COFFEE? WHAT I'D REALLY LIKE IS SOME TEA. WOULD TO MAKE POLITE REQUESTS AND QUESTIONS WOULD YOU OPEN THE DOOR, PLEASE? (MORE POLITE THAN: OPEN THE DOOR, PLEASE.) WOULD YOU GO WITH ME? (MORE POLITE THAN: WILL YOU GO WITH ME?) [17] • • VI. • • • • • VII. • • WOULD YOU KNOW THE ANSWER? (MORE POLITE THAN: DO YOU KNOW THE ANSWER?) WHAT WOULD THE CAPITAL OF NIGERIA BE? (MORE POLITE THAN: WHAT IS THE CAPITAL OF NIGERIA?) WOULD FOR GIVING OPINION OR HOPE I WOULD IMAGINE THAT THEY'LL BUY A NEW ONE. I SUPPOSE SOME PEOPLE WOULD CALL IT TORTURE. I WOULD HAVE TO AGREE. I WOULD EXPECT HIM TO COME. SINCE YOU ASK ME I'D SAY THE BLUE ONE IS BEST. WOULD FOR WISHING AND EXPRESSING REGRETS I WISH YOU WOULD STAY. (I REALLY WANT YOU TO STAY. I HOPE YOU WILL STAY.) THEY DON'T LIKE ME. I'M SURE THEY WISH I'D RESIGN. Exercise 1 USE THE INFORMATION IN THE BOX TO COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING EXERCISE. (NOTE: THERE ARE 2 EXTRA) SHE WOULD I’D LIKE HE’D WOULDN’T IT WOULD BE SHE’D HE WOULD PLAY WOULD SEEM 1 I KNEW HE WOULD ___________ FAMOUS ONE DAY. 2 HE SAID THAT ___________ HELP ME. 3 I ASKED HIM TO WALK FASTER BUT HE ___________. 4 AS CHILDREN WE WOULD ___________ TOGETHER EVERY DAY. 5 NOBODY KNEW THAT ONE DAY HE ___________ BE RICH. 6 IF YOU ASKED ME ___________ SAY YOU WERE CRAZY. 7 WOULD YOU ___________ TO GO? 8 DO YOU THINK HE'D HELP? | I'M SURE ___________. 9 HE WOULD ___________ TO BE IMPROVING. 10 WE WANT TO PLAY TENNIS. I WISH ___________ STOP RAINING. [18] Exercise 2 REWRITE THESE SENTENCES IN THE PAST. EXAMPLE: I WILL BE ON TIME. I WOULD BE ON TIME. 1. THERE WILL BE A THUNDERSTORM TOMORROW. __________________________________________________________ 2. MY FOOTBALL TEAM WILL WIN THE PREMIERSHIP. __________________________________________________________ 3. GERMANY WON'T WIN THE WORLD CUP FOOTBALL. __________________________________________________________ 4. I WON'T BE HOME UNTIL 11 O'CLOCK. __________________________________________________________ 5. WE'LL GET MARRIED IN SPRING. __________________________________________________________ Exercise 3 DETERMINING MEANING WHAT IS THE MEANING OF WOULD IN EACH SENTENCE?SELECT THE RESPONSE FROM THE LIST THAT BEST COMPLETES THE SENTENCE. 1. WOULD YOU MIND OPENING THE DOOR FOR ME? A) Preference B) Request C) Past habit D) Excuse 2. I WOULD GO TO THE MOVIES ALL WEEKENDS. A. Preference [19] B. Request C. Past habit D. Excuse 3. EVERY MORNING I WOULD JOG WITH MY DOG WHEN I WAS IN HIGH SCHOOL a. Preference b. Request c. Past habit d. Excuse 4. I WOULDN’T HAVE TIME TO FINISH IT. a. Preference b. Request c. Past habit d. Excuse 5. I WOULD HAVE THE YELLOW ONE PLEASE a. Preference b. Request c. Past habit d. Excuse [20] BLOQUE 2 MAINGOAL: BY THE END OF THIS BLOCK, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO TALK ABOUT THE PAST AND CONSIDER ITS EFFECTS INTO THE PRESENT. KNOWLEDGE ACQUIRED PRESENT PERFECT TENSES. PAST PARTICIPLE REVIEW. SIMPLE PAST VS. PRESENT PERFECT. PREPOSITIONS “FOR” AND “SINCE”. ADVERBS “YET”, “ALREADY”, “NEVER” AND “EVER” ATTITUDES AND VALUES EMPHASIZED TOLERANCE OF CULTURAL DIFFERENCE. SKILLS ACQUIRED ASKING AND ANSWERING QUESTIONS ABOUT THE PAST USING THE PERFECT TENSE. IDENTIFICATION AND COMPREHENSION OF PRESENT PERFECT. DIFFERENTIATION BETWEEN “FOR” AND “SINCE”. ABILITY TO RECOGNIZE SIMPLE PAST AND PRESENT PERFECT USE. [21] LESSON 2 SECTION 1 PRESENT PERFECT AND SIMPLE PAST SIMPLE PAST WE HAVE ALREADY CHECKED THE SIMPLE PAST IN ENGLISH. THIS IS A REVIEW ABOUT IT: WE KNOW THE VERB IS IN PAST BECAUSE OF IT’S FROM IN PAST. WHEN THE VERB ENDS IN “ED” WE SAY IT IS REGULAR. IF THE PAST OF THE VERB CHANGES IN ITS FORM, WE CALL IT IRREGULAR. EXAMPLES OF FORM REGULAR VERBS VERB + ED • • • YOU CALLED DEBBIE. DID YOU CALL DEBBIE? YOU DID NOT CALL DEBBIE. IRREGULAR VERBS • • • YOU WENT TO THE PARTY DID YOU GO TO THE PARTY? YOU DID NOT GO TO THE PARTY. [22] PRESENT PERFECT Notice: "Last year" and "in the last year" are very different in meaning. "Last year" means the year before now, and it is considered a specific time which requires Simple Past. "In the last year" means from 365 days ago until now. It is not considered a specific time, so it requires Present Perfect. WE USE THE PRESENT PERFECT TO SAY THAT AN ACTION HAPPENED AT AN UNSPECIFIED TIME BEFORE NOW. THE EXACT TIME IS NOT IMPORTANT. YOU CANNOT USE THE PRESENT PERFECT WITH SPECIFIC TIME EXPRESSIONS SUCH AS: YESTERDAY, ONE YEAR AGO, LAST WEEK, WHEN I WAS A CHILD, WHEN I LIVED IN JAPAN, AT THAT MOMENT, THAT DAY, ONE DAY, ETC. WE CAN USE THE PRESENT PERFECT WITH UNSPECIFIC EXPRESSIONS SUCH AS: EVER, NEVER, ONCE, MANY TIMES, SEVERAL TIMES, BEFORE, SO FAR, ALREADY, YET, ETC. FORM HAS/HAVE + PAST PARTICIPLE (CHECK A LIST OF IRREGULAR VERBS ON THE ATTACHED FILE) EXAMPLES: • • • YOU HAVE SEEN THAT MOVIE MANY TIMES. HAVE YOU SEEN THAT MOVIE MANY TIMES? YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THAT MOVIE MANY TIMES. EXAMPLES: • • • • • • • • I HAVE SEEN THAT MOVIE TWENTY TIMES. I THINK I HAVE MET HIM ONCE BEFORE. THERE HAVE BEEN MANY EARTHQUAKES IN CALIFORNIA. PEOPLE HAVE TRAVELED TO THE MOON. PEOPLE HAVE NOT TRAVELED TO MARS. HAVE YOU READ THE BOOK YET? NOBODY HAS EVER CLIMBED THAT MOUNTAIN. A: HAS THERE EVER BEEN A WAR IN THE UNITED STATES? B: YES, THERE HAS BEEN A WAR IN THE UNITED STATES. [23] Exercise 1 COMPLETE CORRECTLY THE MISSING FORM OF THE VERBS IN THE FOLLOWING CHART. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 VERB IN BASE FROM AWAKE BE BECOME BLOW BUILD CHOOSE DRAW FLY HOLD READ VERB IN PAST AWOKE WAS/WERE BECAME BLEW BUILT CHOSE DREW FLEW HELD READ VERB IN PAST PARTICIPLE _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ Exercise 2 COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES WITH THE CORRECT FORM OF THE VERB. 1. I _______ ANSWERED THE QUESTION. 2. SHE _______ OPENED THE WINDOW. 3. THEY _______ CALLED US. 4. YOU _______ CARRIED A BOX. 5. IT _______ RAINED A LOT. 6. WE _______ WASHED THE CAR. 7. HE _______ CLOSED THE WINDOW. 8. JENNY _______ LOCKED THE DOOR. 9. THE GIRLS _______ VISITED THE MUSEUM. 10. JOHN AND SOPHIE _______ HELPED IN THE GARDEN. “FOR” AND “SINCE”. THE PRESENT PERFECT IS NORMALLY USED WITH “FOR” AND “SINCE”. WE USE FOR WITH A PERIOD OF TIME, FOR EXAMPLE: A FEW DAYS, HALF AN HOUR, TWO YEARS. WE USE SINCE WITH THE TIME WHEN THE ACTION STARTED, FOR EXAMPLE: LAST YEAR, JUNE 8, I MET YOU. [24] Exercise 3 DECIDE IF YOU NEED FOR OR SINCE WITH THESE TIME EXPRESSIONS. 1 _____________ LAST WEEKEND 2 _____________ TEN SECONDS 3 _____________ CHRISTMAS EVE 4 _____________ A DECADE 5 _____________ I FINISHED SCHOOL 6 _____________ A COUPLE OF DAYS 7 _____________ MY BIRTHDAY 8 _____________ A LONG TIME 9 _____________ TEN CENTURIES 10 _____________ THE 70S 11 _____________ I WAS A BOY 12 _____________ AUGUST 13 _____________ THE LAST MONTH 14 _____________ FIFTEEN YEARS 15 _____________ THE ACCIDENT 16 _____________ THEN 17 _____________ WE BOUGHT THIS HOUSE 18 _____________ LAST MONTH 19 _____________ A MILLENNIUM 20 _____________ I MET YOU [25] Exercise 4 COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES WITH THE CORRECT WORD 1) I HAVEN'T BEEN TO ERIKA'S HOUSE ________ MAY. 2) LUCAS HAS WORKED IN THE BANK ________ FIVE YEARS. 3) I HAVE KNOWN HIM ________ I WAS SIX. 4) IT HAS RAINED ________ MORE THAN THREE DAYS. 5) THEY HAVE BEEN MARRIED ________ 1999. SECTION 2 EVER, NEVER, ALREADY & YET THE PERFECT TENSE IS ALSO ACCOMPANIED BY THESE ADVERBS. CHECK THE INFORMATION BELOW AND GET FAMILIAR WITH ITS USAGE. 'EVER' IS USED • IN QUESTIONS. E.G. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO ENGLAND? HAS SHE EVER MET THE PRIME MINISTER? • IN NEGATIVE QUESTIONS E.G. HAVEN'T THEY EVER BEEN TO EUROPE? HAVEN'T YOU EVER EATEN CHINESE FOOD? • AND IN NEGATIVE STATEMENTS USING NOTHING.......EVER, NOBODY.......EVER E.G. 'EVER' AND 'NEVER' ARE ALWAYS PLACED BEFORE THE MAIN VERB (PAST PARTICIPLE). THE PATTERN NOBODY HAS EVER SAID THAT TO ME BEFORE. NOTHING LIKE THIS HAS EVER HAPPENED TO US. [26] • 'EVER' IS ALSO USED WITH 'THE FIRST TIME... E.G. IT'S THE FIRST TIME (THAT) I'VE EVER EATEN SNAILS. THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I'VE EVER BEEN TO ENGLAND. 'NEVER' MEANS AT NO TIME BEFORE NOW, AND IS THE SAME AS NOT ..... EVER: I HAVE NEVER VISITED BERLIN BE CAREFUL! YOU MUST NOT USE NEVER AND NOT TOGETHER: I HAVEN'T NEVER BEEN TO ITALY. I HAVE NEVER BEEN TO ITALY. ALREADY & JUST • REFER TO AN ACTION THAT HAS HAPPENED AT AN UNSPECIFIED TIME BEFORE NOW. IT SUGGESTS THAT THERE IS NO NEED FOR REPETITION, E.G. I'VE ALREADY DRUNK THREE COFFEES THIS MORNING. (AND YOU'RE OFFERING ME ANOTHER ONE!) DON'T WRITE TO JOHN, I'VE ALREADY DONE IT. • IT IS ALSO USED IN QUESTIONS: HAVE YOU ALREADY WRITTEN TO JOHN? HAS SHE FINISHED HER HOMEWORK ALREADY? [27] • ALREADY CAN BE PLACED BEFORE THE MAIN VERB (PAST PARTICIPLE) OR AT THE END OF THE SENTENCE: I HAVE ALREADY BEEN TO TOKYO. I HAVE BEEN TO TOKYO ALREADY. • USE JUST TO EXPRESS ACTIONS THAT HAVE HAPPENED RECENTLY. JUST GOES AFTER THE AUXILIARY HAVE/HAS AND BEFORE THE PAST PARTICIPLE MARIA HAS JUST FINISHED HER HOMEWORK. (NOT SO LONG AGO) THEY HAVE JUST COME FROM THE SUPERMARKET. IT HAS JUST STARTED RAINING. YET • IT IS USED IN NEGATIVE STATEMENTS AND QUESTIONS, TO MEAN (NOT) IN THE PERIOD OF TIME BETWEEN BEFORE NOW AND NOW, (NOT) UP TO AND INCLUDING THE PRESENT. E.G. HAVE YOU MET JUDY YET? I HAVEN'T VISITED THE TATE GALLERY YET. HAS HE ARRIVEDYET? THEY HAVEN'T EATEN YET. YET IS USUALLY PLACED AT THE END OF THE SENTENCE. [28] Exercise 1 COMPLETE THE SENTENCES WITH THE CORRECT FORM. 1) I ____________ A NEW MOBILE PHONE. (JUST/BUY) 2) ____________ A CAT WITHOUT A TAIL? (YOU/EVER/SEE) 3)MY SISTER ____________ SUSHI. (NEVER/ EAT) 4)WE ____________ YOUR NEW TAPE YET. (HEAR) 5)HOW MANY WORDS ____________ FOR YOUR LANGUAGE PROJECT? (YOU/WRITE) 6)SHEILA ____________ HER BREAKFAST YET. (HAVE) 7)WHAT ____________ TO THE COMPUTER? (THEY/ DO) 8)JOHN AND ALEX ____________ IN FRANCE FOR 20 YEARS.(LIVE) 9)WHERE ____________MY KEYS? (I /LEAVE) 10)SIMON ____________ PAT'S PARENTS YET.(MEET) 11) WE ____________ HER AN E-MAIL. (JUST/ SEND) 12) WHERE IS YOUR MOTHER? SHE ____________ TO THE SUPERMARKET.(GO) 13) SIMON ____________ TO SOUTH AFRICA ONCE. HE WANTS TO GO THERE AGAIN. (GO) [29] Exercise 2 PUT THE VERBS INTO THE CORRECT TENSE (SIMPLE PAST OR PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE). 1) MOTHER: I WANT TO PREPARE DINNER. (YOU / WASH) _________ THE DISHES YET? 2) DAUGHTER: I (WASH) _________ THE DISHES YESTERDAY, BUT I (HAVE / NOT) _________ THE TIME YET TO DO IT TODAY. 3) MOTHER: (YOU / DO / ALREADY) _________ YOUR HOMEWORK? 4) DAUGHTER: NO, I (COME / JUST) _________ HOME FROM SCHOOL. 5) MOTHER: YOU (COME) _________ HOME FROM SCHOOL TWO HOURS AGO! 6) DAUGHTER: WELL, BUT MY FRIEND LUCY (CALL) _________ WHEN I (ARRIVE) _________ AND I (FINISH / JUST) _________ THE PHONE CALL. 7) MOTHER: (YOU / SEE / NOT) _________ LUCY AT SCHOOL IN THE MORNING? 8) DAUGHTER: YES, BUT WE (HAVE / NOT) _________ TIME TO TALK THEN. [30] BLOQUE 3 MAIN GOAL: BY THE END OF THIS BLOCK, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO TALK ABOUT RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES. KNOWLEDGE ACQUIRED Like / Love / Hate / Prefer. Modal “would rather”. Verbs that take infinitives. Verbs that take gerunds. ATTITUDES AND VALUES EMPHASIZED Tolerance of cultural difference. SKILLS ACQUIRED Expressing likes and dislikes. Expressing preferences. [31] LESSON 3 SECTION 1. LIKE / LOVE / HATE / PREFER • "Love" se utiliza para indicar que algo nos encanta. We love cooking Nosencantacocinar. • "Like" se utiliza para indicar que algo nos gusta. She likes swimming. Le gustanadar. • "Hate" & “Prefer” se utilizan para señalar que algo nos desagrada o es de nuestra preferencia. I hate washing dishes. Odiolavar los platos. • Los verbos "love", "like" y "hate" pueden ir seguidos del verbo en forma ing o con "to" + infinitivo. VERBO + INFINITIVO CON "TO" • Los verbos que indican gusto, preferencia u odio como "like", "love", "dislike", "hate" o "prefer" van seguidos de un verbo en infinitivo con "to" cuando hablamos de acciones que nos gustan o no nos gustan hacer en ese momento determinado. I would like to dance. Me gustaría bailar (ahora o en un momento determinado) I hate to tell you that you are wrong. Odio decirte que estás equivocado. [32] VERBO + VERBO EN FORMA -ING • Los verbos que expresan gusto, preferencia u odio van seguidos del verbo en forma -ing cuando hablamos de una acción que nos gusta o que no nos gusta hacer habitualmente. Shelikesdancing. Le gusta bailar (habitualmente) We prefer walking to climbing. Exercise 1 Preferimos andar a escalar. WRITE THE FOLLOWING VERBS IN THE ING FORM: 1. Paint _______________________ 2. Write _______________________ 3. Love _______________________ 4. Read _______________________ 5. Listen _______________________ 6. Play _______________________ 7. Sit _______________________ 8. Stop _______________________ 9. Hit _______________________ 10. Keep _______________________ 11. Cook _______________________ 12. Make _______________________ 13. Type _______________________ 14. Drink _______________________ 15. Try _______________________ 16. Dig _______________________ 17. Watch _______________________ 18. See _______________________ 19. Spy _______________________ [33] Un gerundio en inglés tiene siempre la terminación “ing”. Mucha gente se equivoca al traducir pues se dice que es ando -iendo en Español. Esto no es cierto para que sea ando, iendo es necesario que tenga el verbo To Be antes. El gerundio en inglés se traduce como si fuera infinitivo es decir comprar, beber, correr etc. La diferencia es que el “ing” no tiene intención y es impersonal por eso se usa mucho. Ejemplo. I like playing. I like to play. Se traducen ambas igual como Me gusta jugar. La diferencia es que en la primera se habla de generalidad y en la segunda se remarca que es jugar y no caminar o bailar lo que gusta por ejemplo. 20. Be _______________________ Exercise 2 COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES BY CHOOSING THE CORRECT OPTION IN brackets. 1. I would love (coming / to come) and visit you in Australia. 2. I (like / would like) driving along the new highway. 3. I prefer him (studying / to study) in France. 4. I would like (inviting / to invite) you to my house next Tuesday. 5. I hate (talking / to talk) to people I do not know very well. 6. She would hate (talking / to talk) to someone she does not know. 7. He (prefers / would prefer) to stay at home and watch TV this evening. 8. They (love / would love) to go to the seaside on Sundays. 9. My father would like you (coming / to come) and stay with us on Sunday. 10. I (prefer / would prefer) jogging to swimming. [34] Exercise 3 ORDER THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES: 1. classical My likes mother to music. listening ____________________________________________________________ 2. his dad car. Ana's washing hates ____________________________________________________________ 3. travelling friend by loves My plane. father's ____________________________________________________________ 4. emails. writing I long hate ____________________________________________________________ 5. watching dislikes films horror She TV. on ____________________________________________________________ 6. in Tommy dancing the loves disco. ____________________________________________________________ 7. English. My speaking math’s loves teacher ____________________________________________________________ 8. doesn't early.friend's sister My like getting up ____________________________________________________________ 9. the I getting dressed mornings. like in ____________________________________________________________ 10. a at bath aunt having nights. loves James' ____________________________________________________________ [35] SECTION 2. En Inglés existen varios verbos que expresas emociones cuyas características demandan, en caso de tener un verbo después de ellos, que se usen formas definidas en gerundio “ing” y en infinitivo “To” o ambas. A continuación tienes 3 listados con los verbos más comunes de cada grupo. Verbs that are normally followed by gerunds. Verbs Followed by a Gerund Ej: They enjoyed working on the boat. admit advise appreciate avoid can't help complete consider delay deny detest dislike enjoy escape excuse finish forbid get through have imagine mind miss permit postpone practice quit recall report resent resist resume risk spend (time) suggest tolerate waste (time) Verbs that are normally followed by infinitives. Verbs Followed by an Infinitive Ej: She agreed to speak before the game. agree aim appear arrange ask attempt be able beg begin care choose condescend consent continue dare decide deserve detest dislike expect fail forget get happen have hesitate hope hurry intend leap leave like long love mean neglect [36] offer ought plan prefer prepare proceed promise propose refuse remember say shoot start stop strive swear threaten try use wait want wish Verbs that are followed by gerunds and infinitives. Example: It started to rain. / It started raining. begin can’t bear can’t stand start quit continue hate like try regret love prefer propose stop remember Exercise 1 PUT IN THE VERBS IN BRACKETS IN THE GERUND OR THE TO-INFINITIVE FORM. 1) I can't imagine Peter ______________ (go) by bike. 2) He agreed ______________ (buy) a new car. 3) The question is easy ______________ (answer). 4) The man asked me how ______________ (get) to the airport. 5) I look forward to ______________ (see) you at the weekend. 6) Are you thinking of ______________ (visit) London? 7) We decided ______________ (run) through the forest. 8) The teacher expected Sarah ______________ (study) hard. 9) She doesn't mind ______________ (work) the night shift. 10) I learned ______________ (ride) the bike at the age of 5. Exercise 2 DECIDE IF THE VERBS ARE FOLLOWED BY A VERB IN THE GERUND OR IN THE INFINITIVE FORM. 1) Finish A) Gerund B) to + infinitive C) Both possibilities are correct. [37] 2) Like A) Gerund B) to + infinitive C) Both possibilities are correct. 3) Hope A) Gerund B) to + infinitive C) Both possibilities are correct. 4) Feellike A) Gerund B) to + infinitive C) Both possibilities are correct. 5) Seem A) Gerund B) to + infinitive C) Both possibilities are correct. 6) Forget A) Gerund B) to + infinitive C) Both possibilities are correct. 7) Start A) Gerund B) to + infinitive C) Both possibilities are correct. 8) Manage A) Gerund B) to + infinitive C) Both possibilities are correct. 9) Agree A) Gerund [38] B) to + infinitive C) Both possibilities are correct. 10) Avoid D) Gerund E) to + infinitive F) Both possibilities are correct. [39] BLOQUE 4 MAIN GOAL: BY THE END OF THIS BLOCK, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO UNDERSTANDAND CREATE DETAILED DESCRIPTIONS. KNOWLEDGE ACQUIRED Relative Pronouns. Relative clauses. ATTITUDES AND VALUES EMPHASIZED Tolerance of cultural difference. SKILLS ACQUIRED Mastery of simple sentences. Recognition of relative clauses. Appropriate usage of relative pronouns. [40] [41] LESSON 4 SECTION 1. RELATIVE PRONOUNS Los pronombres relativos del inglés introducen una proposición adjetiva. Pueden ser demostrativos o compuestos. Entre ellos: that, who, thosewho, whom, that of. Aquí encontrarás ejemplos traducidos al español. who(ju) - quien, quienes, que -se usa sólo para personas- •The girl who was dancing at the party is my sister. La chica que estaba bailando en la fiesta es mi hermana. •Do you know the person who sold me the car? ¿Conoces a la persona que me vendió el coche? that(dat) - que -se usa para cosas y personas- •It was an earthquake that caused great destruction. Fue un terremoto que causó gran destrucción. •The animals that live here are adapted to extreme conditions. Los animales que viven aquí están adaptados a condiciones extremas. which(juích) - que, el/la cual, los/las cuales, lo que -se usa para cosas- •The jewels which she bought are from India. Las joyas que ella compró son de India. •The waiter brought the knives, none of which were clean. El camarero trajo los cuchillos, ninguno de los cuales estaba limpio. whom(jum) - a quien, a quienes, al que •That is the girl whom I sent the flowers. Ésa es la chica a quien le envié las flores. •She was a woman whom I loved very much. Ella era una mujer a quien yo amaba mucho. whose(jus) - cuyo/a, cuyos/as, de quien, de quienes •He is a man whose honesty is above all suspicion. El es un hombre cuya honestidad está por encima de toda sospecha. •A country whose citizens know their rights and duties. Un país cuyos ciudadanos conocen sus derechos y obligaciones. [42] what(uát) - lo que •I couldn't understand what she tried to say. No pude entender lo que ella trataba de decir. •I know what I want, but I don't know how to get it. Sé lo que quiero, pero no sé cómo conseguirlo. Exercise 1 COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES WITH THE RELATIVE PRONOUNS WHO, WHICH OR WHOSE. 1) I talked to the girl _____________ car had broken down in front of the shop. 2) Mr. Richards, _____________ is a taxi driver, lives on the corner. 3) We often visit our aunt in Norwich _____________ is in East Anglia. 4) This is the girl _____________ comes from Spain. 5) That's Peter, the boy _____________ has just arrived at the airport. 6) Thank you very much for your e-mail _____________ was very interesting. 7) The man, _____________ father is a professor, forgot his umbrella. 8) The children, _____________ shouted in the street, are not from our school. 9) The car, _____________ driver is a young man, is from Ireland. 10) What did you do with the money _____________ your mother lent you? Exercise 2 DECIDE WHETHER THE RELATIVE PRONOUN IS A SUBJECT PRONOUN OR AN OBJECT PRONOUN. 1. Do you know the girl who I danced with? ______________ 2. Do you know the girl who danced with me? ______________ 3. The apples that are lying on the table are bad. ______________ 4. The apples that we bought in the shop are bad. ______________ 5. We will stay at a hotel which is not far from the beach. ______________ 6. We will stay at a hotel which my friend has recommended to us. ______________ [43] 7. That is a museum which I like very much. ______________ 8. That is a museum which lies in the heart of the town. ______________ 9. This is the man who Barbara visited in Scotland. ______________ 10. This is the man who lives in Scotland. ______________ Exercise 3 COMPLETE THE SENTENCES USING RELATIVE CLAUSES. USE WHO AND WHICH. 1. A Scot is a person (live in Scotland) ___________________________ 2. Nessie is a monster (live in Loch Ness) ___________________________ 3. A fridge is a thing (keep food cool) ___________________________ 4. A DJ is someone (play music in a disco) _________________________ 5. A bee is an insect (make honey) ___________________________ 6. A lemon is a fruit (be yellow and sour) ___________________________ 7. A watch is a thing (tell the time) ___________________________ 8. A ferry is a ship (carry people across the water) ___________________ 9. A shop assistant is someone (work in a shop) _____________________ 10. A key is a thing (can open and lock doors) ______________________ [44] Exercise 4 READ THE TEXT AGAIN AND COMPLETE THE SENTENCES ACCORDING TO THE TEXT SAN FRANCISCO The area had long been inhabited by Native Americans, the Ohlone (meaning “people of the west”) before the first Spanish immigrants came to settle in this part of the country. After the Mexican-American War, the small town became American territory, and when the California gold rush started in 1848, the population increased enormously. Nowadays San Francisco is famous especially for its cable car and the Golden Gate Bridge. Golden Gate Bridge The Golden Gate Bridge connects the city of San Francisco and San Francisco Peninsula. It spans the Golden Gate, a strait between the Pacific Ocean and the San Francisco Bay–that’s where the name Golden Gate Bridge comes from. Construction on the bridge began in 1933 and was completed in 1937. The bridge rises 230 m above the water. With its total length of 1970 meters it was the longest suspension bridge in the world until 1964. The bridge is part of the United States Highway 101, has six lanes and a footpath on each side. 1. San Francisco was inhabited by the Ohlone ____________________________. [45] 2. In the 19th century there were many people in San Francisco ______________. 3. There is a bridge _______________________________________________. 4. The bridge is used by people ________________________________________. 5. There is a strait called Golden Gate _________________________________. [46]